"Thanks For The Memories" - читать интересную книгу автора (Taylor Brice)ACKNOWLEDGMENTSTO MY CHILDREN COLLECTIVELY — Mountains of love are still held in reserve for each of you as I take this necessary step toward insuring your ultimate freedom. Please forgive me for divulging and making public the persons and events that should have remained private to your lives. However, the magnitude of the problem we face requires that I do as God guides me. I know that in a 'normal' healthy family I would have been able to discuss this all with you so we could have decided how to do this together. But, that was not possible. Forgive me for taking any liberties that may effect your lives in ways I could not have anticipated. I have put my decisions before the Lord and trust in His infinite wisdom to lead us all to sweet peace and freedom. The mother-child bond we share has very powerfully been the wind beneath my wings. KEVIN — My child who was also my friend. Thanks for always being so helpful, capable, thoughtful of others, kind and cheerful. I am proud of you and pray for your release so that you can take the many talents and gifts you possess and use them in ways you and you alone choose. I love you Kev. KELLY — A promise is a promise! And I will keep mine to you. I will never let go, and I will never stop exposing this and seeking help, no matter what. Thank you for always being so kind and loving. Your gentle nature and the immense love you are shines through even the mind control you are under, in ways everyone can feel. I pray for your release from the programmed state that keeps you shut away from yourself and the world. I miss you and know that God is working powerfully in and through you to bring healing to you and others. I love's ya. DANNY — My child who walks to the beat of a different drummer. I wait in great anticipation to see what you do with the many individual gifts and talents that are yours, yet not yet yours. I grieve for the necessary separation that caused you to have to grow up without a mom at a very early age. I pray that God will restore those years in divine ways. I love you more than you could ever know! TO THE BABY SON TAKEN FROM MY ARMS AT BIRTH — My soul longs for you. I still grieve the immense loss of your physical presence. I've missed you over the years and look forward to our reunion if it is God's will! God has promised restoration of family and I look forward to meeting you again, only this time as a big strong man! MY PARENTS — Thank you for allowing me passage into the genetic and spiritual structures that would insure the success of my mission here on earth. I love you for birthing me and for allowing me to have the necessary experiences my soul required to learn and make my contribution. Dad, your ability to be ahead of your time and Mom, your ability to unconditionally love, even under mind control, helped me find my way, ultimately. I know now that you were both caught in the same dark web that I found myself in. I love and forgive you both. CRAIG — We never had a chance, but we did love each other through it. Thank you for your gentle nature and for supporting me in the ways that you were able toward my recovery. I forgive you. Do you forgive me? MY BROTHERS — Like Pop told us: "May the Truth Set Us All Free!" CATHERINE GOULD, PHD — What would I have done without you? Thank you for so many things, the first of which saved my life …the clever safety letter attached to my memory packets that I believe kept me alive. Your continued support and helpful listening ear proved to give me that extra leg up that I needed to trust myself in order to go forward with this manuscript. MARGIE PAUL, PhD — Thank you for helping me connect to my innate spirituality and my inner child (children) and for holding and loving those little one's within me as I healed. Thanks for your willingness to go into the fearsome darkness with me and for your dedication to love, stretching beyond professional rules to serve in the ways I needed. I love you! TED GUNDERSON — Thank you for helping me begin to stay safe with security measures and bodyguards and for kneeling before the Lord while the Holy Spirit worked within us, so that together we could work toward exposing the horrors that have been a part of so many victims' lives, in order that those planning the New World Order would fail. Thank you for being there over the years to remind me when I became discouraged, "Remember who wins in the end!" May God's larger plan set the captives free at last! WALTER BOWART — May God bless you abundantly for holding the space of truth for victims of all ages starting way back in 1978 when your first edition of Operation Mind Control hit the bookstores. You have stayed in the battle for truth and justice and I thank you for continuing to hold onto the reality which most were faint of heart and not strong enough to endure. Thank you for being there! JOE — Thanks for encouraging me to continue and for teaching me the place mat method. LAUREN STRATFORD — Thank you for being courageous enough to heed the call of the Lord when you walked out in front of us all to pioneer a healing path for those who wanted to be healed. Thank you for your encouragement in times of trouble and may God bless you for your continued support of survivors all over the world. I love you. LYNN MOSS-SHARMON — Who had the spiritual courage, fortitude and determination to found Stone Angels to support mind control victims in Canada, and then ACHES-MC (ADVOCACY COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION SURVIVORS-MIND CONTROL). Your work is crucial, as you've documented the reality of mind control experimentation through the chronicling of countless victims' testimony. May the Great Spirit richly reward you for your beautiful spiritual purity and faith …and your work here! BOBBI GAGNE — May the love and compassion you have shown for countless survivors return to you multiplied. Thank you for educating many in the field of law enforcement so they may now help victims who are still suffering. Thank you for doing what Christ would do! I love you! ALICE MILLER — The example you showed me through your books was priceless. Through them I was to learn that by trusting my own experience, especially those that I had as a child, that I might transcend what is currently known in order to more fully advocate for children. STUART PERLMAN, PHD — Thanks for telling me the truth was within, when others told me to forget the past and live in the present. You were right! Thank you for listening for hours to the horror of my past. I know it was very difficult for you to hear. God Bless You! CLAIRE REEVES — President, Mothers Against Sexual Abuse (MASA)-Thank you for holding the shield of protection for children and for being there for and with me, even in court, when I began exposing my affluent abusers back in 1992! I know it has been difficult at times and that you have had to withstand much opposition, but just know that many have been helped because of the work you have done! God Bless You. MARGARET — My sister in Christ. Thank you for being my trusted secretary, best friend, and support team through the rough times. I thank Jesus for guiding you into my life so that together we could fulfill His plan for freeing His children, large and small! May God bless and keep you all the days of your life. You are so precious to me. MARY LEWIS — For constantly doing what Jesus would do. Without funds, outward direction, or much support you have single-handedly done a miraculous job in helping endless victims of mind control break free and heal. May God bless and keep you safe as you continue His work! LOWELL LEWIS — For bringing humor and love to your work in supporting Mary and the many victims that the two of you have worked with and loved over the years. Thanks for sharing your Bible with me. STUART MERLOT — Thank you for your continued support of me (especially with the editing) and your awesome devotion toward exposing and ending the inner workings of the New World Order and of the mind control that fuels it. Thank you for not stopping, even when it seemed hopeless. May your selflessness and dedication be richly rewarded by God. JUDITH — Thanks for your loving support and help in the initial typesetting. DORIS — My loving prayer partner. Thank you for your continued prayers for my family's release. I love you. TERRY — Thank you for your loving support through the intense birthing of this book. LAURENCE — Thank you for teaching me how to rest and for being my friend. ELIZABETH — Thank you for being the beautiful light of compassion and love, and for crying when you first heard me speak about my life. Thanks for being with Kelly while I studied the brainwave technology that enabled me to help her at home and for encouraging me to keep learning, when I felt I couldn't do it! Your constant prayers have been an incredible upliftment! God Bless You. CHIP TATUM — Thank you for heroically sharing your first hand witness of CIA mind control, even validating it on video with me! I'm sorry you had to go to prison for telling the truth, but I'm so grateful that now you are free! God Bless you and your wife in your new life. ALL THOSE THAT WENT BEFORE — I want to thank all those courageous souls who gave their lives in the service of ending this abuse. JESUS — The love of my life, my Lord and Savior. Thank You for Your leading. Thank you for bringing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me through the danger to make this contribution. It is because of You that I survived through this life and healed in order to bring the truth to light. Continue to work in me to create my mind to be more like Yours! A NOTE TO RITUAL ABUSE SURVIVORS AND/OR THOSE UNDER MIND CONTROL, WHETHER CONSCIOUS AND IN RECOVERY OR STILL UNCONSCIOUS AND UNAWARE Certain material contained within these pages may illustrate the precepts of mind control. Nothing in this book should create any problems in the internal structure of those who have Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder), or those currently under mind control; however, some survivors report difficulty in reading anything which relates to their current perception of their victimization. Readers who know or suspect they are incest, ritual abuse, or mind control survivors and are in therapy would do well to consult with God before reading this book. The mention of an office, service, or organization in this book does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the author, and should not be relied upon as such, but is provided for information purposes only. The author, editor, or publisher can in no way be held liable for the use or misuse of the information in this book. |