"Русские проблемы в английской речи" - читать интересную книгу автора (Виссон Линн)


1. Answer the following questions:

1) What is “the power of positive thinking”? 2) Who was Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and what did he write? What kinds of people are considered as “survivors” in the US? 3) How does the heroine of the novel Gone with the Wind engage in “positive thinking”? Who is the author of this novel? 4) How do Russian and American attitudes towards “positive thinking” differ? What is the attitude of most of your friends? Of your parents?

2. Translate into Russian:

1) Everything’s going to be all right. 2) Tomorrow is another day. 3) You can do it! I know you’ll do very well on the math exam. Go for the gold! 4) Don’t be so upset about not getting that job at the bank. Look at the bright side — you’ll probably get a much more interesting position somewhere else. The bank job could have been a dead end. 5) Thanks for shopping at our store and have a nice day! 6) “Here you go”, — said the waiter to Fred as he put down a dish of trout with asparagus. “Enjoy!” 7) Do be careful. It’s Saturday night and there are a lot of drunk drivers on the road. Drive safely! 8) Jane is a really nice person. I’m sure she’ll do everything possible to help you. 9) Andrew hasn’t told his mother that he’s gay because he’s afraid she might be upset. 10) “Sorry”, said the guard as Jim knocked on the door, “but the bank closes at 2:00. OK?” 11) Tom is a good person to know because he’s got a huge network of contacts and can be very useful in your job search. 12) When I saw the old lady slip and fall on the ice I asked her if she was all right.

3. Translate into English:

1) Олег — умный человек, но такой неудачник, ему постоянно не везет в делах. 2) Анна считает свою долгую болезнь и процесс выздоровления жизнеутверждающими испытаниями. 3) Джон хороший работник, но его вчера уволили. У него на работе происходит сокращение штатов. 4) Не падай духом (попробуйте перевести как Don’t give up / Chin up). Что бы ни случилось, улыбайся! 5) Ночью я плохо спала и сегодня весь день не в форме. 6) Ваня очень добрый, а жена у него страшно злая. 7) — Не понимаю, что он за человек. Такой тихий и говорит мало. — А он ничего! Хороший парень! 8) Давай пригласим Женю в гости, он такой веселый и знает массу анекдотов. 9) Я не против помочь Вадиму, но он тяжелый человек. Вечно к чему-то придирается и ни с чем не согласен. 10) Маша приехала 26-го — вру, 25-го. 11) Дашь мне списать контрольную по-испанскому? Не забудь шпаргалку! Что ты говоришь? Не дашь мне списать? Ты всерьез? Ну, ладно (ОК)…

4. Answer the following questions:

1) What does “politically correct” mean? 2) How should a Russian refer to his country when speaking to an American? 3) How does an American refer to his country in English? 4) In what context do Americans use the word “homeland”? 5) What kinds of polite questions can you ask someone in English to find out what is his «национальность»? Write three short English dialogues on this subject, having two people use at least three different questions to find out where the interlocutor and his family are from.

5. Match each of the politically incorrect terms in the left column with the politically correct term in the right column.

a) mentally retarded person 1) disabled 6) Negro 2) sex worker в) invalid 3) substance abuser r) old people 4) Madam Chairperson д) anti-abortion 5) birthmother e) natives 6) mentally challenged individual ж) fag 7) pro-choice з) stewardess 8) seniors и) prostitute 9) indigenous peoples к) drug addict 10) pro-life л) real mother 11) African-American м) Madam Chairman 12) gay н) pro-abortion 13) flight attendant