"Русские проблемы в английской речи" - читать интересную книгу автора (Виссон Линн)


1. Answer in English:

1) What is a “meal”? 2) What is a “power breakfast”? 3) What is the function of a business lunch or dinner? 4) What is “brunch”? 5) What should you expect if an American invites you for “a cup of coffee”? 6) When should a guest at an American dinner party begin eating? 7) What kinds of drinks are offered at cocktail parties? How would you ask for a non-alcoholic drink? 8) What is “lemonade”? 9) What do you say to introduce yourself to people at cocktail parties? How long do you talk to any individual? How do you move away from a person to go on to talk to someone else? 10) What is the American attitude to someone who gets drunk at a dinner party? 11) What kinds of conversation are common at American dinner parties? How does this differ from conversational style in Russia? 12) How do American birthday parties differ from Russian ones? 13) You are in a restaurant with an American. Write a dialogue including: — Getting the menu; — Ordering an appetizer, entree, dessert and tea.

2. Answer the following questions:

1) How do you say in English, «Получите с нас»? 2) What is “buttermilk”? 3) What does “salad dressing” mean? 4) How do you say in English «рюмка», «бокал» and «стакан»? 5) Give two English meanings for the word «рецепт». 6) What does the waiter mean when he asks you “On what”? after you’ve said, “I’ll have a roast beef sandwich”.

3. Translate into English:

Я сейчас пойду, мне нужно больную бабушку кормить.