"Русские проблемы в английской речи" - читать интересную книгу автора (Виссон Линн)


1. Translate into English:

1) Привет, Джим. Меня зовут Иван. 2) Девушка, где находится кинотеатр «Линкольн»? 3) Ребята, пойдемте сегодня в театр! 4) Будьте добры, вы не скажете, как пройти к музею Метрополитен? Now give directions in English as to how to go there (never mind if you don’t know where it is, just make something up!) 5) He надо помогать, я все сделаю сам. 6) Мы с Анной вчера обедали вместе. 7) Вас интересует эта работа в Филадельфии? — Нет, ни в коем случае! 8) Я виноват перед вами. — Не велика беда! 9) Если ты не придешь завтра на день рождения Ильи, он обидится. 10) Олег очень симпатичный человек. Очень жаль, что у него сейчас такие неприятности — я ему очень сочувствую. 11) Надо сегодня дописать реферат. 12) Не жалейте его — он умный парень, не пропадет! (He’ll be ОК. / all right / fine.) 13) Очень жаль, что Даня не смог вчера приехать на наш вечер — такой приятный человек, душа общества

2. Answer the following questions:

1) When would you use “Sir”, and “Miss” as forms of address in English? Give examples. 2) What kind of group of people would you address as “Guys”? 3) When would you say “Mr. Peter” or “Miss Helen”? 4) How would you address an older woman? 5) In what kind of situation would you say, “Lady”? 6) What is the most common answer to the question “How are you”? Give three possible answers to that question, assuming that you are feeling fine. How would you answer the question if you’ve been sick with the flu for the last two weeks? Give two answers. 7) What kinds of illnesses do Americans tend to talk about with their friends? What kinds of illnesses are not generally discussed? 8) What do you say to someone when he’s just recovered from an illness? 9) What do you say if someone compliments you on a pretty dress or an elegant jacket? 10) What kinds of questions are commonly asked at cocktail parties? What subjects should be avoided? 11) How do you answer the question, “How do you like America”? 12) How do you say in English, «Тысячу лет не виделись!» 13) How do you say in English when you meet someone, «Очень приятно», «Мы уже знакомы»? 14) What do you say if someone other than the person you wish to speak to answers the phone? 15) If someone’s secretary says, “He’s away from his desk”, do you have any chance of reaching him that day? 16) What do you say if you haven’t understood what someone has said to you in English? 17) How would you say in English «Вам сейчас удобно говорить»? What does “I’ll get back to you” mean, both literally and in terms of the intentions of the person making this statement? 18) What should you say when you’ve arrived late for an appointment? 19) How do you say «Раздевайтесь» when someone comes into your house or office? 20) Give four ways of saying “Good-bye” in English. 21) How do you ask someone to «передать сердечный привет вашему мужу»? 22) Why are these sentences impolite in English? “Take off your coat”. “Can you type this letter”? “Give me that book”. 23) How do you say «По газону не ходить»? 24) Give an affirmative and a negative answer to the question, “Would you like some more tea”? 25) What is the difference in how Americans and Russians seek advice? 26) What do you do if you see someone on the street in New York wearing a summer dress and no coat in freezing weather? 27) How would you express sincere gratitude to someone? How do you translate «He за что?» Give two possibilities. 28) You’ve stepped on someone’s foot on the bus. What do you say? 29) You’re in a restaurant. What do you ask the waiter if you want to «мыть руки»? What do you say if you’re in someone’s house? 30) Why does an American get angry if during a discussion someone says to him, “You’re wrong”? What do Americans say when they disagree with someone’s point of view? Give three possible ways of politely saying in English «Вы не правы.» 31) Write a short discussion in English between an American and a Russian on the comparative difficulties of learning English and Russian. Each person thinks that his language is harder to learn. Include several statements in which the two parties disagree, and in which each says that he thinks that his arguments are right and his opponent’s are wrong. Do this in a way that would not offend either individual. 32) What is a major difference between Russian and American ways of discussing issues and of their conversational styles?