"A mother_s lust" - читать интересную книгу автора (Cox Marvin)


The morning light brought guilt and shame for Bernice, and it was with the greatest difficulty that she could even function. Breakfast had been a nightmare. While Brian, Gary and Tammy chatted easily, as they did on a Saturday morning, Mike seemed intent on making everything into a sexual comment, to have a double meaning. She was afraid even to look at him.

She almost crowed with relief when Tammy went to see a girl friend and Gary and Mike went to play ping pong at the recreation center, two blacks away. That left her with only Brian, the eighteen-year-old. It was his day to mow the grass, and he was now in the backyard dressed only in cut-offs, behind the mower, his firm body glistening in the late morning sun.

She watched from the back window, again reliving each moment of the night before, her guilt intensifying. She simply had to talk to someone. Anyone! Even Brian, perhaps. He had a head on his shoulders. Well, that's not all he had, she thought, looking at his body with a careful glance as be moved the mower closer. He looked like a Greek God, all blond and tanned, his thick muscles forming hard angles on his six-foot frame.

It's thoughts like that that got me where I am! She warned herself.

Still, he certainly looked good.

"Boy, it's hot out there," he said, coming in a few moments later. "Anything to drink?" As he talked, he fumbled in the refrigerator and took out the milk carton. He almost drained the contents in one gulp. Some of the milky fluid dripped from the corners of his mouth. "Whew! That sure hits the spot," he said, replacing the carton.

"Can I talk to you, Brian?" Bernice began, now afraid to look at his body, choosing to gaze into his dark-blue eyes. "It's something that has me worried."

"Shoot," the boy said, sitting down opposite her. "I'd rather stay in here where it's cool anyway."

Bernice took a deep breath, then looked down at her coffee cup. She began explaining what had happened the night before, saying the words almost in a sing-song fashion. As she heard herself speak, she hardly recognized her own voice. And the story, itself, seemed oddly disjointed.

"OK, I'll bite," Brian said, grinning. "What's the punch line?" Her and Mike fucking? Ridiculous! "Well?"

"It's true," she said. "And I feel terrible!"

"Wow, you mean… you and that little fart really…"

"Yes," she said, then burst into tears. "Oh God, what am I going to do?"

"Hey, Mom, it's OK," the older boy said. He stood and walked around the table. He touched her shoulders, then pulled her into his arms, embracing her warmly. "It'll work out," he cooed in her ear. "Nothing's so bad it can't be fixed."

Another flash of guilt hit her. Had she told him, then cried, just to get near him like this? His body was firm, sweaty, deliciously heady, engulfing her like a muscular blanket. His crotch was thick, pushing into hers.

"I'm terrible!" she cried out.

"Now tell me, why are you terrible?" Brian said, kissing her cheek. "You're my mom and you're terrific." He squeezed his arms around her a little harder. "Now tell me. Why do you really think you're so terrible?"

"I'm terrible, because… because, I'd like to do the same thing to you," she spluttered, wondering where she'd gotten the courage to utter those words.

"Same thing to me?" Brian repeated, as if by rote, like her words were foreign. "You… you and me?" he said finally, pulling back.

"I told you I was terrible!" she cried. "Oh God, what's wrong with me!"

"There's nothing wrong with you," Brian said. "You're just a horny lady, that's all." He kissed her again, his act tender, loving. "And as soon as you get yourself a steady man…"

"I don't want a steady man," she said. "I want…"

"Well, until you do get that steady man, and believe me, you will, we'll take care of you," the boy said. "But be sure and get rid of that guilt."

"How can I?" she asked, her voice desperate. "When I want my own sons!"

"Well, have you ever thought that your own sons might want you?" he said, a strange look in his eye. "Like I said," he added with a chuckle, "I'll do anything to keep from mowing that lawn."

Before she knew what was happening, he lifted her in his sweaty arms and carried her through the double doors that led to the bedrooms. He then entered her bedroom and lowered her down on the bed. Without saying a word, he shucked out of his shorts, then stood before her.

"Still want me?" he asked. "Or should I shower first?"

Bernice couldn't believe this was happening! She honestly wanted to think that she confessed to him so he could help her. He was now adding to her guilt! And he stood there, almost mocking, arrogant. Calling her bluff!

"Yes – I want you," she said, her words spasms of pain. "God, yes, I want you!"

As he lowered himself down on her, she felt her heart skip a beat. At that moment, she had never seen a more handsome man in her life. Not only was he muscular, God-like, but his angular face was perfect, not a flaw anywhere. His blue eyes were piercing, eager. His sculptured chest was hairless, almost like golden-brown marble. His cock, however, was the most beautiful thing about him. It was thick and long, longer even than Mike's – richly veined, the large, oval-shaped head glistening.

"Oh Brian, help me!" she pleaded, making one last effort for sanity. "Please!"

"I'll help you get that little pussy to throbbing," her son said, lowering his mouth down on hers. He thrust his tongue between her lips, then bit her lower lip. "Mmmmmm, and I'll bet it throbs to beat sixty," he murmured, his hands pulling at her clothes.

When she was fully naked, he began kissing her, his passion mounting. He had always thought his mother was damned attractive, but until now, he hadn't realized just how much. Her body was firm and ripe, soft to his touch, and those tits God, a girl of eighteen should have them! They were full, pointed, burning against his chest, like stabbing knives. Her smoldering cunt, fringed with corn-colored hair was damp, hotter than anything he'd imagined. He knew his father was pretty much of an idiot, but to leave her? God, he was a dope!

"So my little brother was the first to dip into this little pussy?" he said, sliding his mouth over her chin to the hollow of her throat. "Lucky little bastard."

"We… we can stop," Bernice said, her voice pained. "If we stop now, we can…"

"We can't stop, you know that," Brian said, his voice husky with pleasure. "I don't want to, and neither do you. You want my cock, don't you, Mom? Say it. You want my cock."

"Yessss!" she hissed, clawing at his back, feeling her mind almost snap with ecstasy. "Oh… God… I want your cock!"

"And I want this little cunt to fuck," Brian said, moving his hands down her sides. When he touched her oozing mound, he lowered his face to her tits, taking the rubbery nipples between his teeth. "Mmmmm, I want your pussy… and I want to eat your tits," he gurgled.

"Fuck me! Suck me!" she begged, squirming beneath him, grabbing for his ass. "Oh, sweet Christ… do it! Do it to me… now, you bastard!"

She pressed her fingers into the taut flesh of his ass cheeks, then stabbed into the crack. When her nails raked over the greasy bud of his shitter, she heaved her body upward, feeling her pussy lips kiss the underside of his prick. The mere touch was enough to cause her to jerk with anguish and hot desire.

"Jesus!" the boy gasped. "Looks like it might take Mike and me both to keep you satisfied. You're a hot little bitch in heat, you know that?"

"I… I know I want you to fuck me," Bernice groaned. "God, I want it so bad I can taste it!"

"Don't worry, sweetheart," Brian pinned. "When I finish reaming out your little cunt, you're gonna do exactly that. Gonna taste every fucking drop."

As he said the last word, he lifted his ass, then grasped his cock with his right hand. Carefully, he aimed the tip of it into the steaming mound of cunt, piercing the delicate rim. Gently, he eased inside, stretching the fluttering walls apart.

"Ahhh… so tight!" he grunted. "Why didn't you tell me your pussy was this good? I'd have been fucking it long before now."

As he penetrated her fully, Bernice's mind swept over the past. Here was her own flesh and blood, her own son, thrusting his meat inside her. God, she had changed his diapers, taught him to walk, saw him through all kinds of childhood disasters. Never in a million years, when she had sat holding him, reading him bedtime stories, had she dreamed he'd be fucking her! Those same feet that were now rubbing her ankles had once kicked inside her swollen belly!

"Oh… Brian!" she cried, feeling the room spin. Just how depraved could she get? Was there no limit? "Fuck me!" she screamed, clawing harder at his ass. "Fuck your mother, you mother fucker!"

"I will, baby," her son said, moving his mouth back and forth over her tits. "Mmmmm, gonna fuck and suck you all day long."

He began plunging in and out rhythmically, his body tightening. Each stroke filled them both with greater passion, greater urgency. Soon, when he could stand the horrible aches in his balls no longer, he started slamming into her hole with his full strength.

"Take it, bitch!" he growled. "Goddamn you, take my cock and eat it up to your brains! Gonna fuck you… unhhhh!"

Bernice worked with him as he reached full momentum, his ass slapping up and down in a blur. She pumped her hips, and thrust her fingertips into his shitter.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!" she panted, her face contorting with anguish. She lowered her head and pulled the blond strands of hair between her teeth. Her orgasm was just a few seconds away.

"Give it to me… now!" she screamed.

When the thundering spasms drilled up and down her cunt, she froze for a second, then began threshing wildly beneath him. She couldn't seem to get enough, and every time she felt his cock slam into her cunt, the itch only grew more horrible. Finally, she was quivering all over, her excitement peaking, growing savage.

"Oh… shit!" Brian gasped, now feeling her pussy suck on his meat furiously. He couldn't have held back now if his life depended on it! "I'm… I'm blowing my fucking load, baby!" he winced, flexing every muscle in his body.

"Yesss!" Bernice screamed, feeling his prod stiffen, squeeze her guts even further apart. Then, as it exploded, sending a shower of warmth into her canal, she experienced one, long storm of raw, ultimate release. "Ohhhh!" she shrieked, biting her lips until she tasted blood.

"Unh! Take it, cock sucker!" Brian panted, chewing hungrily over her tits, emptying more of his climax into her churning pussy. "Take every fucking drop, bitch!"

Bernice couldn't believe the intensity of his climax. He seemed not only to be fucking with his cock, but every particle of his body. And each delicious load of cum made her more aware of how pleasure was infecting them both. She had another flashing climax, constricting her insides.

"Ohhhh!" she cried out, jerking upward. "Give me all of you," she said, her voice barely audible, a rasp. "Dick me good, you bastard!"

Brian punched in the last of his boiling juices, then fell over her body, moving his face back against hers. With his mouth slack, he pressed down on her, lips, letting his tongue slide between her teeth.

"You feel bad about that?" he said, feeling her heart pound against his. "When it feels this fucking good?"

"Oh… I don't know," Bernice said. "When I'm alone, I know what we're doing is wrong, but when I'm like this I don't care! All I can think of is cock! Mmmmmmm, big cock like this!"

They lay molded together for several long moments, waiting for their pleasures to subside. Finally, Brian pulled away and looked at her, his eyes laughing.

"Any regrets?" he asked, stroking her tits. "I know I don't have any."

"None," Bernice lied.

"Then let's make this an all-day party," he said, again lowering his face down on her tits. "We'll fuck and fuck and fuck!"

"I wish I could be so carefree about it, like you," Bernice said wistfully. "Like all of the kids today."

"Why don't you try?" Brian murmured. "Earlier you said you wanted it so bad you could taste it. You meant that, didn't you?"


"Then taste it," he said, taking her hand and placing it over his rock-hard cock. "Taste your son, cock sucker. Taste him real, real good."