"Two horny cousins" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brown Frank)

Frank Brown
Two horny cousins


"Get down!" Fern said. "They'll see you!" Penny giggled and eased herself back down onto the beach blanket.

"So what? So they see me! What do you think they'd rather get – an eyeful of saltwater or an eyeful of tits and ass?"

"You have a dirty mind," Fern said, parting the tall sea grasses and looking down on the beach below. From up here on top of the dunes, she could see up and down the beach for miles. To the north, she could see the pier at Flagler Beach, and to the south, the Ormond Beach Pier. And beyond both piers, far beyond both piers, she could see to where the Atlantic coastline dissolved in curtains of sea mist.

"Are they looking?" Penny asked.

"No, they're not looking, thank God! If they were, I'd be putting on my bikini faster than one of them falls off his board."

"Oh, sure you would!" Penny said, and she reached over and pinched Fern's hanging left tit – right on the nipple.

"Ouch!" Fern fell forward. She reached underneath her chest and rubbed her injured nipple. It stung terribly, as if some vicious sea crab had nabbed it with pincers. She kicked at Penny, trying to claw her sadistic cousin with her toenails, but Penny rolled off the blanket laughing.

"Sorry," Penny said, "but I just couldn't resist. It was hanging there so pretty and pink just dying for a love-pinch."

"Love-pinch, my ass!"

"If you insist," Penny said, and before Fern knew what was happening, Penny darted her hand at Fern's exposed ass and pinched it even harder than she had pinched her nipple.

"Damn you!" Fern said, and she kicked out viciously.

Penny escaped again, rolling in the sand and holding her gut from laughter.

"Shh! Not so loud," she said. "They might hear us." And she laughed even harder.

Fern lay on her side, rubbing her pinched asscheek. She couldn't quite see where Penny had pinched her, but she was positive that the spot had already turned black and blue.

"I wish they'd hear us," Fern said. "I'd love to see them come up here and take care of you."

Penny smiled wickedly. "They'd take care of you, too."

"I'd run away," Fern said. "Then I'd sneak back and hide in the sea grass, and I'd watch them take care of you."

"Mmm! Heaven!" Penny said. "I'd love it."

"That's what you say now," Fern said.

"That's what I'd say then, too."

"They're mean. Daytona boys are tough. And the surfers are the toughest." Fern wasn't sure about her statements, but they sounded good.

Penny rolled her eyes and sighed. "Mmm! Just how I like 'em – mean and tough. I can handle it honey."

Fern wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue at her cousin. Penny was a hopeless case. Whatever Fern said, Penny knew better. Typical Chicago girl, Fern thought, and she thanked God she'd gotten out of that city before she'd turned into a smart-mouthed Chicago girl herself.

Penny smiled triumphantly and slipped back onto the blanket. Before Fern could resist, Penny threw her arm over her cousin's shoulder and pulled her close.

"Sorry," Penny said. "Forgive me?" And she kissed Fern on the nose.

"I suppose," Fern said, resting her chin on her hands and pretending to relax.

But she wasn't relaxing. She was tense, coiled up inside, ready to spring on Penny if she should try anything funny again. She was half hoping Penny would make a move. She'd be ready for her this time.

"Good," Penny said, parting the sea grasses and looking out over the scene below.

Warily, Fern looked out with her. The Atlantic was green today, and glittering with sun. A half-dozen young surfers bobbed up and down in the surf, each waiting for his own personal wave. The boys looked like shiny bronze birds way out there perched on their boards of yellow, blue, white, green, red.

Surfers had always fascinated Fern, the way they sat out thereon the ocean all day long and played with the waves. She guessed that the surfers fascinated her as much as the waves fascinated the surfers.

"Hunky," Penny said, as one of the surfers got up on his board and weaved his way along the curl, of a wave. "Look at all those muscles. Mm! Love to get my teeth into him!"

I bet you would, Fern thought. You'd chew him up like a lioness.

"Think he's got a big one?" Penny asked.

"How would I know?" Fern said.

"Just thought you might have seen it, honey."

"I might have," Fern said. "But then, they all look about the same to me."

"Not if you look at them close," Penny said, glancing at Fern smugly.

It was as if Penny knew, as if she knew that Fern had never seen a cock up close. Lord, if Fern told the truth, she'd never hear the end of it.

She could just hear Penny back in Chicago: "You wouldn't believe my cousin down there in Florida. Listen to this girls – my cousin is a teenager and she's never been fucked! Can you believe it? A virgin! And, get this – she's never even seen a cock up close. She spies on the surfers from up on top of her sand dune, watches them change clothes down below. Occasionally she sees a cock, but from that distance she can't tell whether the cockhead's skin-headed or cut."

"Close up, they all have big ones," Fern said.

"You don't say?" Penny said. "Oooh, I just can't wait to see those hunks get down here and slide out of those wet shorts. Are they about ready to hang up the surfing, honey?"

"How would I know?" Fern said. "Some o' them surf until dark. They don't all parade out of the water at once. And a lot of them don't even change clothes down there in the bushes."

"Maybe none of them do," Penny said. "Maybe you've made the whole thing up. Maybe I'll have to stand up again and jiggle my tits to attract their attention."

"Don't you dare!" Fern said, and she regretted that she'd ever brought Penny here to her secret sunbathing spot. If the surfers ever found out about her spying on them she'd never feel safe up here again.

Penny smiled wickedly, then looked back at the ocean.

Fern turned her eyes back toward the glittering green, toward the bronze gull-like boys bouncing on the water. She gazed out at them, thinking. The sunny ocean, the salt breeze, the cries of seagulls and boys – these always lulled her into thoughts and daydreams. She thought now, especially about Penny.

Penny reminded her a lot of a witch. Not of a haggard old witch on a broomstick, but of a ruby-lipped, ruby-clawed witch who could make a Playboy centerfold.

Penny had those glittering raisin eyes, those gleaming white teeth, that black hair as silky as a black widow's web – that hair that hung nearly to her ass. And what an ass! And what tits! Penny was built as well as any seductress Fern had ever seen in her father's Playboys, but unlike those Playboy girls, Fern was only a year older than herself.

Fern wondered whether in another six months or so she would develop a figure as super as Penny's.

Her own figure wasn't bad. Her tits were as big as any tits in her gym class, and bigger than most. She had a skinny waist and a nicely rounded ass. Her tan was good, her smooth skin coated with a fuzzy golden down that glittered in the sunlight. And she was pretty, with green eyes and fine blond hair. Her hair wasn't as long as Penny's, reaching to a few inches above her waist, but if she let it grow for a few months it would be just as long.

Maybe Penny kept picking on her because Penny was jealous of her blond hair. The first thing Penny had said when Fern and her parents had picked Penny up at the Daytona Beach Airport three days ago was, "Love your hair, Fern." Then later, when she and Penny had been alone, Penny had said: "Do blonds really have more fun, honey? We'll have to see about that."

Well, Penny seemed not only to be seeing about it, but seeing to it, seeing to it that Fern did not have more fun. After three days of Penny's smart mouth and her sadistic little shenanigans, Fern was having less fun than she'd had in a long time, and she couldn't wait to ship Penny back to Chicago.

Another whole week, Fern thought, another whole week to wait before Penny leaves. Would she survive the wait?

Penny squealed. "Oh, look! He's coming this way. You think he'll give us a look at his thing, honey?"

"If you'll keep quiet and not give us away," Fern said.

"Or if I get up and wiggle my ass at him," Penny said.

"Don't you dare!" Fern whined.

Penny chuckled. "Better not dare me, honey. I ain't no chicken."

"Only kidding," Fern said.

"Sure you are honey." She smirked. "This hunky little blond better have a nice piece to drool over or I might just jump up and start flagging in the rest of them."

Oh, Lord, have a nice piece! Fern caught herself thinking. At least take your pants off. Do something to satisfy her.

"Hey, he's only a teen," Penny whispered.

The blond surfer had dropped his red board at the top of the beach and was stepping into the scrub vegetation at the foot of the sand dunes. Once inside the clearing in which he'd hidden his towel and clothes, he unfurled his towel and began vigorously drying his tousled hair.

"He's at least in his teens," Fern said.

"A teen. I thought you said there were hunky guys surfing out here."

"He is a guy. What did you expect – the Hulk?"

Penny sighed. "Ho-hum! You mean they're all little kids out there, then?"

"They're teenagers. What do you want?"

"He looked like such a hunk out there. Now look at him. I'm taller than he is."

"Why don't we just go home?" Fern said.

Penny grabbed Fern's arm.

"Wait! He's taking off his shorts." She giggled. "Let's see what he's got."

The young surfer was bent forward, tugging his stiff wet shorts off over his feet. His asscheeks looked like cream-white melons in contrast to his deep-brown legs and back.

"Cute ass," Penny said. "OK, puppy, turn around and show us your pecker."

The teen straightened up. He stretched. As he turned to the side, Fern could see his cock dangling over his brown nuts. The snakelike cock gave a small jump. Suddenly the teen was pissing. A silvery stream of piss arced out four or five feet and pooled in the sand.

Penny giggled. "Hey, this is fun. So that's the way guys piss. They really squirt it, don't they?"

"You mean you never saw a guy piss before?" Fern whispered.

She felt like laughing, and she would have, too, had she not been more concerned with safeguarding her hiding place. She couldn't affold to get Penny riled. No telling what Penny might do.

"No," Penny said. "I suppose you have, though, Peeping Tom!"

"A few times," Fern said, not wanting to rub it in too much. She'd actually watched boys piss countless times.

The teen stopped pissing and squeezed and shook his cock.

"He's jerking off," Penny whispered excitedly.

"He's just squeezing the piss out of his cock," Fern said, feeling superior to her cousin for the first time. "All the guys do it – squeeze it and shake it."

The teen continued to shake his cock. In seconds, the boyish cock stood straight up in the air. He let his prick go and stood looking down at it, hands on his hips.

"Looks like he squeezed it and shook it a little bit too much," Penny said. "Look at that pecker twitch. Oh, Fern, I want it!"

"Not so loud!" Fern said. And Fern was sure Penny was going to crawl right out of their hiding place and slide like a seal down the dune until she landed at the boy's feet.

At that moment, however, the boy's cock flexed. He began to wag his cock like a dog wagging its tail.

"Wow!" Penny whispered. "Never saw a guy do that before."

"Just keep quiet and watch, and you'll see him do a lot more," Fern said.

"How do you know?"

"Because I've had experience," Fern said. "Because I know how to keep quiet and watch. I've seen guys do things you wouldn't believe."

"Like what?"

"Just watch. You might learn something." Penny stared at Fern for a moment, then went back to watching the boy. Fern felt more at ease. Penny had a wide-eyed childish look; she was curious now. Maybe she'd behave herself. Fern smiled, feeling motherly.

The teen wrapped his right hand around his cock and began to beat it. His cockhead swelled and glowed purple. Down below, the boy's fat nuts flopped up and down. The teen had turned toward them now, and Fern could see his tongue between his lips, could see his half closed eyes.

"Shoot it, honey," Penny whispered.

"He just started," Fern said. "Give him time."

The naked teen worked his fist up and down the length of his cock, stretching and tugging at the cockskin, caressing it. The muscles of his brown arm bulged. The muscles of his abdomen danced. He wiggled his toes and nodded his head.

"He's feeling good," Penny said. "I can always tell when a guy's feeling good. Look at the way he's licking his lips." She licked her own lips. "Oh, honey, let me suck it!"

"Calm down," Fern said. She was feeling hot herself, especially when she heard Penny say she'd like to suck the boy's cock. Fern herself had always had the crazy desire to suck on a boy's cock, but she'd never known that anybody else shared such a desire. Often, Fern sucked on her thumb while she rubbed herself off, pretending that her thumb was a boy's cock. She couldn't believe that girls actually did such a thing.

When Fern heard guys say things like "Suck me," she always thought it was just a smart mouthed figure of speech.

The teen jerked on his cock faster and faster. His balls bounced wildly up and down. All at once, he shoved the middle finger of his left hand into his mouth, then yanked it out. He turned once more so the girls could see him in profile, squatted slightly, arching his willowy back and turning up his ass. Then he shoved his moistened middle finger between his asscheeks and wiggled it up his asshole. His skinny brown body shivered.

"What's he doing?" Penny asked.

"Shoving his finger up his ass," Fern said. "I know that, silly. But why's he doing it?"

"Maybe it feels good," Fern said. "Didn't you ever do it?"

"Of course, but I ain't a guy. I never saw a guy do it."

"A lot of them do it," Fern said. "I've seen a lot of them do it?"

Fern felt like laughing. Maybe she knew more about boys than Penny – Miss Playboy Centerfold, Miss Chicago Whore.

The young surfer wiggled his ass in circles, working his finger in and out of it. He pumped his cock as if he wanted to pull it out of his loins. His wheat shock of hair danced. All at once, white gobs of jism shot out of his cock.

"He's coming," Penny squealed. "Oh, he's coming, he's coming! Look at him shoot! Oh, I can almost taste it! Mmm."

The boy's cum pelted the green leaves of sea grapes. Some of it pelted the sand. A half dozen times, the explosions of thick white cum hung in the air of the clearing. A half-dozen times, the boy's skinny body shuddered, his loins bucking. Finally, he straightened up, pulling his finger out of his asshole, releasing his cock.

The spent cock wagged up and down. The teen milked it, caught the cum on his hand, and licked the cum from his fingers. He shoved the middle finger of his left hand into his mouth.

Boys are worse than dogs sometimes, Fern thought, watching the teen suck on the finger that had been up his shithole.