"The family reunion book I" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wilkinson Grace)CHAPTER ONE"There's a lot of curves left in the old girl yet!" Carrie Livingston murmured to herself in her husky voice. She was examining herself in the new smoked mirrors she'd had installed in her bedroom, and she liked what she saw. Even though she was no longer a young woman, her face and figure continued to belie this fact, giving back the image of a voluptuous woman in the prime of life. Carrie was wearing a long diaphanous dressing gown of a silvery tone that set off her pale ash blonde hair to perfection. It also left little to be guessed at of the curvaceous shapes of her body, exposing the deep cleft of her full, milk-white breasts to view and snugly encompassing the girth of the two firmly raised mounds in shimmering material. As she turned around slowly in front of the floor to ceiling mirror, she noted with some satisfaction that the curves of her buttocks were still just as round and provocative as they had always been. "I'm tall," she said. "And that always helps!" She knew many women exactly her age who were short heavy-set old ladies by now. Carrie was somewhere in her middle forties… the exact number she kept a well-guarded secret, even from herself. It was easy to forget, she found, the older she got. She stood barefoot in the deep snowy white pile rug that she had just had installed. The sensuous feeling beneath her wriggling toes made her feel good all over. She was very pleased with the complete results of the remodeled room. Even though her husband, John did think it was ridiculous, the 30's style decor gave her enough satisfaction to offset any of John's sarcastic remarks! The gigantic circular bed with its satin sheets and fur coverlet was a source of amusement to John who was far more interested in the running of his successful mountain resort than the foolishness of interior design. He had left the job of decorating the cabins and the guest rooms of the big house up to Carrie, and she had confined herself to furnishing them in a comfortable modern atmosphere. But for herself, she much preferred something more exotic… and after talking about it to John for several years, he finally agreed to let her do anything she wanted to the bedroom. It was to be her domain. After all, he had told her, they were making quite enough money with the resort during the summer months to afford it. "Livingstons" had become a big name in the Catskills after only a few years, and John and Carrie were proud of it. In exchange for letting her re-do the bedroom, as well as supply herself with a complete new wardrobe to her own liking, John had asked Carrie to go along with him on something he had wanted to do for a long while. Have a family reunion! Carrie coiled herself up on the middle of the big round bed and sighed. She was glad everyone was coming tomorrow. She looked forward to seeing the children again. Stretching out and looking up at the 6 x 6 foot mirror over the bed, she stared at her prone figure in the same smokey glass and thought it would be particularly nice to see her son Jamie. It was hard to believe that he was a grown man now… with a wife and child. Why she could remember when he was just a little boy… the sweet way he used to sponge her back in the tub… just the way that old lover of hers used to do. Giuliano… she wondered what had become of him! It had been a long time since she'd had a lover, she realized… over 10 years… Her husband, John was hardly the romantic type, even if she did love him… a woman had to have some romance in her life! She had thought that redecorating the bedroom would help her recent depression, but it had only seemed to augment her problem. Now she really missed the excitement of her youth… especially of those days before she had met and married John… but also, she had had some good times since, unbeknown to him! There was none now, though, and with a panicky feeling in her stomach, Carrie wondered if there ever would be anyone else now! Letting her hands run softly over the upstanding points of her thick nippled breasts and down along her waist and hips, she thought what a shame it would be if no other man would ever admire the perfection of her figure, or tell her she had the smoothest skin in the world! She lifted the skirt of her long dress up and traced a line along the length of her nicely rounded thigh. In her mind an imaginary lover approached the sacrosanct area of her waiting pussy, moistened slightly by the thoughts of other men touching her there. Her own fingers touched the thin elastic leg-band of her panties and slipped secretly inside… just as Giuliano had done, time and time again. "Oh, God!" she thought. "What on earth am I doing?" But already the well cared for hand with the carefully buffed fingernails painted a pearly soft white, approached the silken-haired triangle that nested Venus-like down between her slightly spread thighs. One finger flicked out further still and teased at the thin, curl-lined lips that guarded the smooth wet mouth of Carrie's cunt. "Am I interrupting something?" Carrie jumped up to a sitting position on the bed, rapidly removing her fingers from beneath her robe. "John!" she cried momentarily angry and blushing, "Don't you ever knock?" "Knock?" John replied, throwing his leather jacket over one of the new low hassocks on the thick rug. "Why should I knock? This is still my bedroom too, isn't it? Or has something changed just because you've redone the place?" Carrie looked at her husband with exasperation. What was there to do with him? He was incorrigible. A very, very handsome man, she thought watching him now as he began to get undressed for bed. But totally unmanageable… totally… how could she put it, unchic. Well, she had liked it well enough when she married him those many years ago, she realized, falling back on the bed but continuing to observe her husband… but now… well, she just needed something more! "Tricia called," John said, slipping his pajama top on. "Said they'll be arriving as scheduled after all. So everyone will be here in time for dinner tomorrow!" "Of course…" Carrie said, "I knew they'd make it. You got all upset over nothing. Tricia was always making things more complicated than necessary… even when she was a little girl!" Carrie stared up over the bed at her reflection again, smoothing a few loose strands of her stylishly cut hair. Their daughter Tricia had been ten times harder to raise than Jamie, she thought, although she could never say so to John. She knew he felt particularly protective of his daughter, especially since she had married that fellow Ike. Carrie had to admit that he hardly seemed a good enough catch for a girl as good looking as Tricia… but then their son Jamie's wife was no thrill either! She had decided some time ago not to worry herself about it, but she knew that John still brooded about Tricia's life since she had gotten married and left home. "Well, I'm glad they're coming…" John continued, "I just want to see…" "See what?" Carrie suddenly said. John had approached the bed and was standing quite close to her now. She didn't want to talk about that anymore. At her eye level were John's thick and powerful thighs. For a man in his early fifties he was built as strong as an ox. A thrill went through her as she remembered some of the things that had originally attracted her to her husband. A strong-willed man… self made… depended on no one but himself to get things done… much better than any of the Giuliano's when all was said and done. That was why she had married him, after all! She felt suddenly impelled to do something to alleviate her boredom. Knowing that John never wore anything to bed other than his pajama top, she suddenly snaked her arm out, and letting her hand dart swiftly between his thighs, grabbed at the softly flaccid length of his penis. She felt him give a start in surprise as her hand clasped the almost obscenely warm flesh of his penis. He looked down at her and almost pulled away. But before he had even had time to do so, his lewdly grinning wife had begun a slow up and down motion along his cock, pulling the thick foreskin forward and then pushing it back… all the way back so as to expose the smooth, rounded head. Then slowly, his cock began to spring to life in her hand and he felt his thighs tremble ever so slightly as the thrill of what she was doing ran through him. It was true, he thought with some regret… they hadn't made love in some time. He had just been too preoccupied with running the resort, and now that the summer was over and they were closed, he had also had the preoccupation of planning for the family reunion. Not that there was that much actual planning involved, but somehow the whole thing weighed heavily on his mind… there was the question of his daughter Tricia… and that lout of a husband of hers… what was he going to do about them? He didn't know, but something had to be done that was for sure! "Darling… you seem so far away!" Carrie breathed heavily. And in an effort to remedy this, she leaned forward provocatively and opening her full, lipstick rimmed lips to a rounded "O", licked them wet with her tongue, then slowly, teasingly, enclosed the swollen head of her husband's cock within them. Her tongue flicked out gently to wet the smooth rubbery surface, and she let it slide over the entire top, pausing to tease into the tiny opening in the center with each circular motion. "Mmmmmm!" she hummed softly, as she heard her husband gasp with pleasure. "Mmmm!" She moved in closer and drew the long, ever hardening pole still deeper into the warm wetness of her mouth, licking and sucking with obvious enjoyment as the now almost violently quivering prick slid further and further back. She stretched her mouth wide, and allowed the enormous blood-pulsing cock to touch the back of her throat, tickling her tonsils so that she had to cough. "Oooooh!" Her husband groaned heavily, "God, baby that feels good!" His wildly expanded cock throbbed deep inside his wife's throat, and he felt her hot breath floating over its distended surface as she shifted her position on the bed before him so that she could place both her chiffon clad arms around his upper thighs, thereby clasping his buttocks with her hands and pulling his loins closer into her face. He felt the soft protrusions of her breasts pushing down below against his mid-thighs as she ground as much of herself against him as possible, while nibbling at his lust-excited penis as though she wanted to devour it. "Ah!" he cried, throwing his head back as he felt the lewdly inciting sensations rippling all along his cock. He opened his eyes briefly and was surprised to see, there on the ceiling a reflection of himself and Carrie, engrossed in their lewd act! He always forgot about that damned mirror… it had only been installed for a few days now, and every time he thought about it or noticed it, it embarrassed him. It was just plain silly, he thought… and he quickly closed his eyes again instantly putting it out of his mind, and with a sigh released his mental processes to the increasing pleasure in his loins. His mind became almost blissfully blank as all thoughts of clients, bills, maintenance, and his married teenaged daughter Tricia were erased from it. A peaceful smile broke out upon his strong, craggy features, as his ears filled with the lewd wet sucking sounds that echoed throughout the bedroom. Carrie's mouth locked tightly around his straining cock felt sublimely wet, wonderfully warm, and then excitingly slack. His hips pushed forward into her face in stronger and stronger thrusts as the sensuously sucking cavern continued its devastating work. How long had it been since she had sucked him off!?? Normally he was a man who tended to forget about sex, although he enjoyed it when the time came… but how could he have gone so long without feeling this delicious sensation? The wonderful rhythmic slapping of his sperm-bloated testicles down against her finely chiseled chin roused a primitive lust inside him and he clasped her head hard, twisting his fingers through her pale blonde hair feeling the smoothness of her scalp beneath his fingertips as he forced his ramrodding cock still further into his wife's willingly accepting throat! It was almost too much to bear, and he thought that he might cum then and there right into her mouth. But he also wanted to make the pleasure last as long as possible, so he gritted his teeth and mentally forced back the swirling sperm that crowded at his straining testicles. "Oh, honey, yes… yes!!!" he groaned, encouraging Carrie's inspired sucking while he clenched and unclenched his fingers in her soft silken hair. He spread his big muscular legs a little bit wider before her obscenely bobbing head and pumped his desire engorged prick with renewed vigor into her widely ovaled lips. Wave after wave of delicious sensation wafted through his entire body, emanating down from his hotly spearing cock and spreading out to cover the whole of his body. He could hear tiny mewls of illicit pleasure coming from her throat even though the only part of her he was touching was her head! He remembered how much she always used to enjoy sucking him until he would cum right in her mouth, ever since they'd first been married, some 25 years ago! He'd been shocked by it at first, but bit by bit, she'd won him over to what for him had been a revelation. Oh certainly he'd heard about it, but no woman had actually done it to him until then! He didn't find it difficult to enjoy though, and he recalled many separate occasions when Carrie had begged him to let her do it to him in the strangest places… like in the back of a taxi cab, while even though it was night, he was sure the driver knew just what was going on… or on her mother's livingroom sofa while her mother was right in the next room. Whenever they went to a movie he could count on her secretly unzipping his fly and lowering her head to his waiting cock! Carrie was quite something… then and now! John thought. What a woman! Giant tremors of delight began to run through him now and he felt filled with the kind of excitement he had known as a younger man, when his silent strength had met and exploded on contact with Carrie's exotic flamboyance. He tended to forget about just how much he loved her these days, he realized… but Carrie would never let him completely forget! "NnNNNnnnngh!" he groaned. It felt incredible! "Oh, God, baby, I'm going to squirt in your mouth!!!" He wasn't going to be able to stop his orgasm this time… it was too late. That split second during which it might have been possible had passed, and already he could feel the enormous build-up of his semen, hurtling toward him like a thundering freight train in the night. It was going to be exceptionally good… that much he could tell already! His toes curled up and his fingers tensed tightly in the roots of his wife's silken blonde hair as he forced her face closer… every muscle in his body straining toward the incredible eruption that was coming. "Oooooooh! Carrie! Honey! Suck it! Suck !" It struck hard and fast, and suddenly stream after gushing stream of his hotly searing jism exploded from the wildly jerking head of his cock, striking the back of her gullet and ricocheting back… some of the hot slippery liquid sliding down her rapidly swallowing throat, some of it doubling back onto the excitedly pulsing object from whence it came. Carrie gulped back the burning semen, absorbing the pungent male taste of it upon her tongue. Her fingers dug into her husband's desperately tensed buttocks. "Mmmmmmpfhhh!" she mumbled, as she thought delightedly, "Oh John honey… oh my darling John!!!" John didn't know just why, but just as he reached the acute, mushrooming peak of his orgasm, and his head snapped back, he opened his eyes once more. From his mouth came a long wail of pleasure, and once more he saw the image of himself in the smokey mirror above the big round bed. But something struck him as odd. All he could see of Carrie was her blonde, still bobbing head, and her flowing silver gowned figure upon the bed, but in his imagination… and perhaps because of the cloudiness of the mirror, she bore a striking resemblance to their young daughter Tricia. He was stunned momentarily by the thought… but then remembering that the mother and daughter had always looked alike in certain ways, he pushed the thought rapidly from his mind. The last drops of his semen were warmly accepted by Carrie's still hungrily milking lips as he felt his knees weakening. He felt her pulling him forward, and slowly his spent cock slipped from her sperm-flooded mouth as he fell onto the bed beside her. "Did you like it, honey?" she asked, breathlessly, licking her glistening lips eagerly to absorb all of him she could inside her. "You bet," he replied, reaching for her languid body. Before beginning the love-making he knew Carrie would expect from him now, John couldn't resist looking up at the ceiling again. This time he was looking for the resemblance, and found it immediately. As he pulled his wife's voluptuously willing body close to him, John wondered just what his daughter Tricia was doing at that moment that was making him think so much about her! |