"Aunt Dorothy book II" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wilkinson Grace)

Grace Wilkinson
Aunt Dorothy book II


"Rosalie, a little to the left!" Nick Rogers shifted his corpulent form disagreeably to the side and Rosalie compliantly began to rub his pale un-tanned back. As she rubbed, her large round breasts swung tantalizingly from side to side and the smooth complexion of her nakedness gleamed dully in the darkened room.

"I'll get that little cunt if it's the last thing I do!" Nick muttered, half to himself.

"Nick… I wish you wouldn't use such… such… language!" Rosalie said the words gently but she felt anything but gentle. Nick had talked of nothing else since his pretty young wife had divorced him in Mexico to marry her widowed brother-in-law… and Rosalie was frankly sick of hearing about it. But she was careful to hide most of her disgust with the old man whose mistress she had been for some months now. Everything she had now… the apartment, her clothes… everything, were because of him. And still she couldn't bring herself to feel grateful to him… he was just not the kind of man one could admire. She'd been secretly glad in fact when she found out that his wife had left him… she knew after all, how much Nick cheated on the woman… and she knew just how unpleasant he could be!

She rubbed him the special way Nick had taught her, a combination of rubbing and scratching that had to be done just so to please the aging realtor.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh…" Nick sighed. "That's good, Rosalie… that's good…"

Rosalie sighed and continued her rubbing, moving her small agile hands all over the large area of Nick's back. Her dark hair fell forward into her eyes and she closed them, blotting out Nick's image in front of her on the big king-sized bed and substituting a young man of her choice… a young man she had known a long time ago. She scarcely heard him as Nick continued to carry on about his plans… her thoughts were miles away.

"… and as for that little snip…" he blustered. "… that little bitch Lee! If I could just get my hands on her… and one day I will!" His mouth still smarted from the sock in the jaw the little teen-age girl's father had given him just when he was about to cum in her hot young mouth. It had cost him a pretty penny at the dentist too, to get all those caps put in. It wasn't as if he had tried to seduce the girl… it was she after all who had come on to him! Or at least he thought it had been that way. The thought occurred to him that she had deliberately trapped him… she had seemed unduly pleased when her father attacked him… and after all the moaning and groaning she'd been doing while he had manipulated her almost hairless little pussy… he wished her father had been there to hear that! But whether she had set it up deliberately or not, his ego was sufficiently crushed for him to want to retaliate. The combination of things was just too much… he'd returned home that night right after the scene with Lee and her father Art and found a note from his wife telling him she was leaving… that she wanted a divorce… that she was going to marry Art… of all people! Probably been carrying on with him for months, too… her own brother-in-law. True, her sister Betty had been dead and buried for years, but he was her brother-in-law none-the-less… and she was a married woman to boot! Married to him! He wasn't going to let them get away with it. At the time, he had to submit to her demand for a divorce… what with Art having caught him with the kid and all… but shit, if they think they're going to live happily ever after, they've got another thought coming!

The last thought Nick spoke out loud and Rosalie who was still kneading the soft flesh of his back said, "Yes, Nick… I'm sure you'll take care of it…" She smiled falsely down at him in the dark, wondering when the worst part of his visit was going to start. She felt a little shiver go up her back at the thought of what he had made her do the last time… but still, she supposed it was better than working in some office… she couldn't even type! But one day she hoped to have enough of Nick's money saved up to leave Philadelphia for good. She planned to take an aptitude test and find out what she was best suited for. She blushed now angrily as she remembered having made the mistake of mentioning her desire to take such a test to Nick one day. His loud obnoxious laughter still rang in her ears… and his words…

"You're only good for one thing, honey… and that's this…" He'd lewdly waved his exposed penis in his hand and then dragged her down on the sofa with him.

"God, I hate you!" she thought, rubbing furiously.

"Take it easy… hey…! I think that's about enough of that!" Nick turned over on his side and Rosalie stiffened slightly, sitting back on her heels on the bed. Nick rolled over and propped his head up on his hand, his elbow digging deeply into the soft mattress, taking in the familiar sight of his beautiful young mistress. He let his eyes feast upon the beauty of her curvaceous body, the perfectly up-tilted breasts with the large deep brown aureoles, centering thick pointed nipples that he loved to suck… the gently tapering line of her thorax toward the nipped in waist. She had an old-fashioned kind of shape… an hourglass figure. Her full blown perfect hips and statuesque thighs were just made for loving… the perfect body for his purpose! He let his gaze roam across her gently quivering breasts, and seeing that she was breathing heavily, he assumed that she was already aroused. He looked downward toward the dark curls of her pubic triangle… he'd gotten a lot of pleasure from that little honey patch… and he was counting on getting a lot more!

Somehow today, he couldn't get his former wife out of his mind… nor the little brat Lee who had gone from being her niece to becoming her stepdaughter! Maybe it was because he had just seen an article in the paper about the local Girl Scout troupe… and little Lee's picture had been among some seven or eight other girls singled out for some special merit badge. The sight of her pretty little blonde face had brought back all his recently created wounds and he had found himself staring at the picture, staring at the neatly pressed uniform she was wearing and recalling just what her little thirteen-year-old body looked like under it!

"Com'ere honey…" he called to Rosalie, reaching out for her. He pulled her down on top of him as he rolled over onto his back, feeling the soft cushiony shapes of her breasts squeeze against his chest, and then her flat belly pressing against his own pot as he hugged her to him. His thick cock, in a semi-erect state all this time, leapt to full hardness, grazing the open slit of her vagina, as it reared upward through her soft curling pubic hair. She lay flat upon him, unmoving for a second and then she began to slowly undulate on top of him.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm… you smell good… baby… real good!" he murmured into her neck. Her dark curls were falling into his face and he sniffed appreciatively of her flowery perfume. He began a little short bucking movement upward against her, savoring the womanly feel of her, enjoying the goods he had bought for himself, as he so often put it to the cronies at the club. Yes, he thought, rubbing his fingers up against her moving breasts… for what Rosalie lacked in brains, she made up in other ways. That was the only kind of woman for him from now on, he thought. They were all good for but one thing, anyway. No use getting them too smart like that ex-wife of his. Dorothy was a real looker, alright, but he should have known better than to marry an ex-school teacher… or to marry anybody for that matter!

Rosalie's brown tipped nipples rolled neatly between the thumb and forefinger of each of his hands and he could hear her sighing above him. She was working her legs in and out a little like she was hot for his cock… well, he'd give her a good taste of it in due time… all in due time! He could feel the blood engorged head of his prick thickening second by second as Rosalie's warm belly rubbed against it. The soft foreskin enveloping his hardened cock was being pulled backward by the force of her movements and the rubbery tip of his penis pushing up from inside. Harshly, he cupped her trembling buttocks, enjoying the soft pliant feel of the sensuous mounds in his hands. He separated them, manipulating her entire lower half by moving each smoothly, round nether cheek just the way he wanted it. He brought her up a little bit so that his swollen prick would slide easily into the wide spread area of her warm, inviting pussy.

"Aaaahhhh…" Rosalie sighed as the smooth, sponge-like head slipped teasingly inside the sensitive outer labia surrounding her clitoris. The worst part of everything was that she couldn't help feeling pleasure with this crude man… it just wasn't in her body to remain emotionless while he did such things to her. Her pink inner folds responded by moistening at his first touch… her vagina began to ache with desire and still within her heart, hatred continued to lurk for this dreadful man!

Nick's mouth sought hers and a thick tongue pressed deep into the soft darkness beyond her lips. She gurgled and twisted above him, trapped by his hands cupped on her squirming buttocks and the growing pleasure between her long beautiful legs. She tried to tell herself that it didn't matter… to summon up from some great depths a particle of affection for the older man, but it didn't work. The blinding desire caused by the working thickness of his penis brushing against the outer periphery of her genitals seemed to feed on her disgust. His tongue was so thick in her mouth that she could hardly breathe and he let it roam lazily about every corner of her oral cavity, exploring her teeth beneath her tongue, reaching far back toward her throat. She felt like a rag doll moving about on top of him, beginning to shake her hips now from side to side, feeling the big cock glancing against the sides of her cunt.

"NNNnnngh!" she groaned, wanting to plead with him to enter her… but she couldn't bring herself to do it… not yet, anyway. She pressed her big full breasts hard down into his chest, fervently returning his kiss, hoping to speed his entry into her seeping depths. Using all the strength she had, she pulled herself upward, feeling his creeping fingers sink into the widespread crevice of her buttocks, slipping about near her rectal passage, moving lewdly up and down. She positioned herself so that the small hot opening of her vagina was centered directly above his erect, thick-veined penis. By pulling herself up and supporting her weight with her arms on either side of him, she was able to suspend herself momentarily over the bloated head. Her knees pulled up along side his thickening body and his hands continued to teasingly search within the softly giving confines of her exposed buttocks. She could feel the deceptively soft touch of his hardened cockhead against the slightly throbbing lips of her cunt and she knew that by pushing just a minute fraction of an inch downward, she would feel its complete hardness entering her. God, she thought, she wanted to feel that hard cock inside her… she wanted it!

"Come on… fuck me, honey… come on!" Nick spoke into her mouth. His hands moved upward and grabbed onto her hips. Then holding on tight, he jerked them mercilessly downward with a fast forceful movement.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!!" Rosalie screamed out with the acute white hot pleasure coursing through her vagina, shooting fire-like through her womb as the giant instrument sped upwards as her hips pressed down upon it, letting it sink with a dizzying delight into the tight warmth of her pussy. All her cuntal muscles contracted around it, massaging its rock-hard girth as it entered, accepting it with full acknowledgement of the rights it had to enter her private world.

God it felt good!

"Ooooohhh… ooohhhh… Ahhhh!" she cried out, as it sank all the way in, striking hard against the highest point of her straining cervix. She could feel herself going to pieces around the thick impaling rod that rose up between her wide spread thighs… she just couldn't control herself anymore. She wanted to feel more of it, to cum again and again around it. She began to move up and down, up and down upon Nick's cock, perspiring from the energy she expended over the man who kept her.

"Oh, Nick… Nick… Nick…" she began to murmur. "Oh, Nick!" The cock rammed up into her and slid back out. Nick started to flick his hips upward at each downthrust as his eyes wide open, he observed his mistress at her frenzied task. He knew that her words were not directed so much at him as at his cock and he didn't really care. If she loved his cock and hated him… so what! This girl really knew how to fuck!

He watched the mask of eroticism that had transformed her beautiful face and he thought that the only time her face had any real character was in bed like this. Her black hair flew around her face and shoulders as she moved, and her splendid breasts jerked and swayed in counter rhythm to her movements. He bent up and grabbed one thick nipple between his teeth, holding on for dear life as the tightness of her pussy continued to pump up and down warmly and wetly on his lust-hardened cock.

"Oh, God… Oh, God!!" Rosalie cried out, her excited feminine secretions surrounding the thick pole that churned drill-like within her tremulous pussy. "Oooohhh."

Nick realized that the young girl was going to cum any minute now and perversely, he didn't want her to… He wasn't ready yet, for one thing… and for another, he didn't want it to be that easy for her. Quickly, he reached forward, once more grabbing her hips. He grunted and held on, holding her suspended teasingly above his cock just as she was at the height of her desire. Rosalie moaned and flailed about above him, tears springing to her eyes as she realized that yet another time he was going to postpone her orgasm to the very last minute. He knew that that way she would do anything to attain it… anything to make the moment come faster.

"Oh God… no Nick… no!" she screamed, trying to slip her hungrily clenching pussy back down onto his rigid cock. Just one more thrust and she knew she would have been there… but now… who knew, it might be hours before she could get to that point again! She sighed heavily and fell forward against his chest, her legs stretching straight out against his, his cock pressing up against her gently curved stomach. Her pussy was throbbing hotly and she moved a little, trying to rub her sensitized clitoris against his groin in a furtive hope of triggering the orgasm that lingered just below her exposed nerve-endings. But the older man began to push her down, rudely and without ceremony, and Rosalie let the tears that had already started, swell and run down her cheeks as she scrambled downward, understanding just what it was that Nick wanted her to do.

"That's right, honey… suck it… suck it good!"

Rosalie's ears burned with the lewd words. She hated doing this… absolutely hated the feel of his hard, heavy cock in her mouth. But she tried to muster up some enthusiasm as she found herself face to face with the large sperm-swollen testicles that were slung below Nick's rampant member. His cock was ugliness personified she thought as she took in the sight of its veiny surface right before her eyes. While she watched, Nick made it jump obscenely and Rosalie felt her stomach turn. She managed to subdue her revulsion however as the still tingling base of her belly reminded her that the sooner she did what was expected of her, the sooner she would find gratification.

The moist tip of his rod brushed her full red lips and she opened her mouth to enclose its bulk. She let the entire bulbous head enter her mouth, feeling it strangely soft against her teeth as it entered. Above her, Nick grunted and muttered something she couldn't hear and moved his hips sharply upward, thrusting the entire shaft inward toward the back of her mouth. Rosalie gulped and then felt Nick's big cock pressing against the entrance to her throat. She thought she was going to gag but she managed to suppress it, gasping for air around the enormous rounded flesh that filled her oral cavity.

She was kneeling on the bed below him and on either side of her nude body, Nick's hairy legs spread out, jerking upward every now and then as she slaved over his wet throbbing cock. Her firm buttocks waved high in the air behind and anyone coming upon the lewd tableau from the rear would have been treated to a beautiful view of Rosalie's well formed derriere as well as the temptingly exposed area of her moist and unsatisfied genitals.

Above her, Nick became more and more excited. He was recalling how he'd stuffed his penis into little Lee's mouth very much like this and how it had felt… if only he'd been able to get into her little thirteen-year-old pussy! He could just imagine what it would feel like! Much like that other girl's had felt so many years ago. About ten years to be exact and she'd been only ten at the time. How he'd managed to get into her he didn't even recall, but he had… and it had been incredible. He'd always intended to treat himself to something like that again… too bad Lee's father had caught him just before…

"Mmmmmmmmmm… that's right… like that, honey!" he called down encouragement to Rosalie as he placed his hands on her head, he forced her mouth all the way down onto his throbbing penis. "Yeah! Yeah!" he urged, beginning to huff and pant heavily.

"That little cunt Lee!" he cried out loud. "I'll fuck her little pussy good!"

Rosalie heard and couldn't believe her ears… and yet as her tongue moved up and down his enormous, and still growing cock, she realized that she wouldn't put anything past him. She knew that Lee was only a little girl… his ex-wife's niece. And as the hardness of Nick's cock thudded against the back of her mouth, she thought that she too had once been a little girl and remembered bitterly the uncle who had "played" with her up in the attic of her parent's home. Nick was very much like him, she thought… very much. But the awful thought made that tingling start up in her pussy again and she squirmed her buttocks a little, feeling the smooth air tickle over the exposed area. Nick's cock pulled completely out of her mouth and then plunged back in again to the hilt. His balls pushed up obscenely against her chin. The full mounds of her breasts nudged hard against the tense tendons of his thighs and she began to derive a measure of pleasure from the scraping of her nipples against the hair growing there.

There was a rhythmic wet sucking sound expanding into the bedroom as she continued her mouthing, letting his large penis slide in and out and sucking hard upon it until she could feel its heated friction against her lips. His hands on her head forced her mouth all the way down on its full length and she began to pretend that it was in her vagina like that… all the way in, sinking to the hilt! The fantasy made her warm to her job and she began to manipulate her tongue agiley around the bloated instrument, sucking softly at the top of it each time she let it slide into her mouth. He would cum soon, she thought… and then maybe he'd make her cum. He'd be able to do it a second time, she hoped and that time…

"Suck it honey suck it!" Nick grunted out, his face purplish with lust. The tendons in his neck stood out and sweat dripped from his forehead. He pinched hard on Rosalie's nipple, so hard that she thought he was going to rip it off. But the harsh pain turned inside her to a violent thrill that ran up and down her body and even the thrusting cock in her mouth felt good. It felt harder and better than it had ever felt before as Nick started to fuck harder between her lips, just as if it were inside her tingling cunt. Wildly, she put one hand down between her legs and let her fingers slip between the soft wet folds of her pussy.

It felt so wonderful!

His cock was so hard, pounding against the back of her throat, pounding… pounding. His hands tangled into her hair, pulling at the roots, and then once more pulled at the soft rubbery tip of her nipples. It was all happening so fast and her fingers slipped upward, hard into the moist slit between her legs, rising to the depths of her vagina, her hand brushing against the taut clitoris, pushing upward, higher and higher. Then suddenly, Nick's hand was slamming against the back of her head, her mouth was slamming down to meet a steady spurting stream of thick white semen. It gushed upward, squirting into her throat in a seemingly unending stream of hot scalding male cream. Simultaneously, Rosalie felt her inner vaginal muscles contracting in a wondrous spasm of release. The wetness in her mouth seemed to echo the wetness of her fingers as they plunged inside her own quivering pussy, her breasts shook and felt overheated and abused as Nick's fingers pulled on her nipples as the last searing drops of his jism seeped from his rapidly deflating penis.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhg…" He groaned, bouncing his loins lewdly upward one last time. "Oh sweet Jesus!"

Rosalie's muffled sounds of orgasm expanded around his now limp cock as her body jiggled in the final convulsions of her overwhelming climax. It felt wildly perverted to her to cum like that… using her own hands while Nick above her didn't even know or care if she was cumming! But as the delightful feeling rushed to satisfy every corner of her voluptuous body, she let herself collapse heavily upon the man whose every whim she knew she would attempt to satisfy. Despite the pungent taste of his cum in her mouth as his cock slipped wetly out, she felt strangely peaceful and let her head rest against his thick thigh for a few moments.

Nick let himself fall into a semi-slumber in which dreams of little Lee and of her Aunt Dorothy, his ex-wife mingled. He'd get them both, he assured himself once more… both of them!