"Secretary in heat" - читать интересную книгу автора (Manning Roy)
Roy Manning Secretary in heat
Janet stood in the bathroom, trembling. She was a woman who loved cock and had had plenty of it from the age of fifteen. She was now a beautifully developed twenty-one.
But tonight she would fuck the only man she had ever truly loved. Ted – the man she had married that afternoon. During the two months she had known him, been mad for him, he had given her no more than innocent good-night kisses. Two months of cold showers. Two months of hot sleepless nights, aching for him, her sticky finger working in and out of her dripping pussy.
Now at last he would be hers. He had graduated with a degree in Business Administration. He had a job all lined up. He was an old-fashioned guy, insisting they wait till their wedding night to fuck.
I haven't even seen his cock, she thought, but tonight I'll have it in me. I'll caress it. Kiss it!
She was naked before the full-length mirror. She pulled her shoulders back. Her big breasts rode high. The long rosy nipples were taut. They're yours tonight, Ted darling. Everything I have is yours.
Her cunt was warm and damp. She slipped a black, see-through negligee over her creamy smooth body. She took a final look at herself in the mirror. Her smile was ecstatic. Her eyes sparkled with love.
She walked into the bedroom. Ted was in bed, sitting up, the covers pulled up to his waist. His torso was bare. Ted – the man she had lusted after for weeks. Ted – tall, muscular, thick wavy dark-blond hair. And so sweet and considerate. The ideal man she'd always dreamed of.
The room was bathed in a soft light from one small lamp. They exchanged smiles. But she thought she detected a hint of fear in his eyes. Or was it something far worse than fear?
She sat on the edge of the bed letting the negligee flow open. She heard him draw in his breath at the sight of her exposed titties. But he did not touch them, even when she arched her back, her heavy breasts lifting higher, making them more delectable-looking.
"Get into bed," he said hoarsely. His tone was flat, neither tender nor harsh.
She stood up. Slowly and carefully she removed the negligee. She let him look at her. Every contour of her creamy flesh was exposed in the soft light to his roving eyes. She trembled, feeling him take in the voluptuous curves of her hips, her high-rising breasts. Her rosy nipples were rigid.
She shivered, arching her back again. She took a step closer to the bed. She felt his hot breath on her cunt. Oh kiss it! She pleaded silently. Kiss my pussy, lick it!
Ted licked his lips with a warm, rough, saliva-covered tongue that would bring her such pleasure.
He will lick it, Janet thought, feeling lewd and elated. She was sure he would… lick the succulent folds of her cunt, dive his tongue into her pussy, spear her blood-gorged clit, warm lips sucking lustily at her pink hot cuntflesh.
She was weak with burning passion. But still she lingered, letting him look at her another moment. He had delayed their pleasure for weeks. She would delay it a few more delicious moments, her naked body trembling before his robing eyes.
She touched her furry mound. Her finger barely poked at the spot where his tongue, his cock, would enter. She took her hand away. She smiled softly.
"I said get into bed."
His tone puzzled her. He tossed aside the covers. Her eyes were on his cock. It was slowly erecting. It was beautifully shaped.
"Big enough for you?" he said. "Or are you used to stallions?"
"C'mon," he said impatiently, patting the space beside him.
She trembled again. She didn't like the expression on his face – it made his handsome features cruel-looking.
But she did as he asked and lay next to him. She could feel the heat from his virile body. But nevertheless he seemed so far away from her. In just a few moments he had become such a stranger to her. Well, what had she known about him, really? Only that she love him. He was the quiet type. Polite, but quiet.
"How many men have you done this with?" he asked in that dry tone of his she had come to dread.
"Ted, surely you must have known that I… We never discussed anything in detail, but…"
"Yeah." He got up off the bed.
"There hasn't been anybody since I met you, that's all that really matters, isn't it?" Her voice sounded choked.
"I know all about you and Harold and Sammy and Duke. I bet you even made it with Sue, that roommate of yours. She used to brag about being bisexual." He dared at her with cool contempt.
It was true, yes, she'd had sex with all those people.
"But I've never loved anyone the way I love you," she said shakily.
The tears still would not come. His voice was so icy cold. If only he would shout at her. "I'm just what you wanted in a husband, eh?"
"Yes," she said warily.
"Good," he said. "Because you're what I wanted in a wife." His lips twisted in a cruel grin. "A slut!"
Janet started to rise.
"Lay down!" Ted snapped.
He slapped her hard. She fell flat onto the bed. "On your stomach."
She rolled over onto her stomach. She was too dazed to resist. And she was deeply hurt – not so much physically as emotionally.
"You'll get what you deserve now," he said. She saw that his cock was bone hard now, twitching from side to side. His hot hand caressed one of her creamy smooth buttocks possessively. She felt the excited tremor in that hand. So his coldness had been only a sheath for some savage fire within.
Despite her confused fear, Janet's pussy juice ran hotter than ever. Such fire and passion from Ted, the cool Ted, overwhelmed her.
He squeezed her ass-cheek roughly. Then he gave her buttocks a sharp open-handed slap. Janet cried out, more surprised than hurt by the sudden if blow. Ted chuckled softly. The odd laugh was both sensual and frightening.
"Yeah, bitch, you'll get what you deserve tonight."
She hardly recognized his voice – so sexily husky. And so cruel and possessive. She knew what was going to happen the moment he got up off the bed. Her head was twisted to one side, facing him. And she watched, removed his leather belt from his trousers.
She was afraid of him. But, God help her, she still loved him. And the cruel-sexy expression on his handsome face made her heart beat faster. Whatever else it was, this was a completely new experience for her.
He folded the belt carefully. The room was very quiet. She saw his muscular arm lift high into the air, the belt grasped tight in his hand. She closed her eyes. Her big titties were crushed against the mattress.
"I'm gonna warm up that beautiful ass of yours," he husked.
She felt the stinging slap of leather against her shapely, silky smooth ass. The sound was sharp and loud to her cars.
She moaned and squirmed. She felt the second stinging blow. And a third and fourth and more. And she moaned and rolled her hips between each measured slap of the belt across her ass. And she sensed the dark fantastic pleasure her writhing, yielding body gave him.
She lost count of the number of times the belt struck her ivory-white flesh. She heard a soft grunt. And he tossed the instrument of punishment aside. She was shocked to discover that the sheet beneath her was warm and sticky from the drippings of her pussy-juice.
He was in back of her and she felt his hot hands at her hips. Her limp body was being lifted up until she was on her knees and leaning forward to rest on her elbows. Was he going to fuck her in the ass? She'd had that done to her plenty. But only when the cock was well greased. She loved it then. Especially when a finger toyed with her pussy, finger-fucking at the same time as the bone-hard dick ass-fucked.
Her ass ached now. And his hand stroked the tender flesh – stroked possessively, not tenderly.
"Yeah, you've really got a nice ass," he said, breathing heavily with passion. "A little red right now, but that'll wear off. What I need is a thinner belt. That'll make stripes. Red stripes for you to wear for me."
Janet began to tremble again. Ted chuckled. He traced one of his fingers down the crack between her asscheeks. He poked the loose folds of skin at her cunt.
"Hot!" he said hoarsely. "Hot and juicy. Bet you liked that, you slut. Anything for a new thrill, eh? You bitch!"
He pushed her roughly until she fell to one side. He rolled her over until she lay on her back. She was putty in his demanding hands.
He grasped her arms tightly, pinning her down. He towered above her. She stared up at his cruel handsome face.
Janet's big creamy tits rose higher with each panting deep breath she took. Her throat was tight, parched. She could not speak.
Ted released his tight hold oh her arms. His sparkling eyes roamed over her body. The fire in those eyes sent shivers up Janet's spine. Her rosy nipples were stiff and pointed, aching to be sucked.
His big hot hands palmed her creamy tits. She gasped as he twisted them and, mashed down on them. He ceased the rough play and moved his now-damp palms across the contours of her high-rising titties. His sweating, hat palms barely touched her breasts as he moved his hands up and down.
Janet arched her back. Her head rolled slowly from side to side. Her moans were pleading sounds.
With thumbs and forefingers he gasped her big hard tits. He pinched, twisted and tugged at them. Janet squealed.
"Yeah… yeah!" Ted groaned.
Just as she felt he would pinch the tits right off her, he ceased abruptly.
"Let me see it," he snapped, staring down at her pussy.
She stared at him dumbly. He grinned as if pleased that her lack of understanding gave him another excuse to assault her. He slapped her face.
"Open up that pussy for me!" he demanded. With trembling fingers Janet pried apart her pussy-lips. His lips twisted in a grin as he leaned down to observe. The blood-gorged clitoris twitched excitedly.
"You've got a good-sized clit," he said flatly. "And I bet your cunt's big too. Bet you could take a Goddamn horse, you slut. You're gonna do a lot of talking before the night's over. You're gonna confess. Yeah!"
His thumb nudged her clit. Just that touch, after all the built-up hunger and anticipation, caused a great shuddery groan to tear from Janet's throat.
"Hot bitch!" Ted chuckled.
He slapped her face, harder than before. And laughed again.
"Pry that cunt open wider!"
Janet obeyed, pleading silently: Oh Ted, Ted… please… put your tongue there… stick your tongue in me… And then… please, please let me feel your cock up there. Fuck me and anything else you want to do will be all right! I can't stop loving you this soon. Anything… anything you want. But eat me, fuck me!
Ted was cruelly aware of her silent plea. He dragged his hard cock against her flat white belly, up, up to her big creamy titties. He moved his hips back and forth, fucking between those two big boobs. Sticky drippings from his prick dripped onto her snow white body.
He moved his cock closer to her face. With a hungry moan she lifted her head and wrapped her hot saliva-rich lips around the slick throbbing piece of his meat. She heard his excited, shivery gasp of pleasure.
"Suck it, you cock-sucking bitch!"
Her head moved excitedly up and down. His cock was so delicious, probing deep into her throat. So hot and pulsating with frenzied life. As she sucked his dick, she plunged her fingers into the sticky folds of her cunt – nudging her twitching clit, digging her fingers into the depths of her pussy.
He became aware of what her fingers were doing. He pulled his cock free of her hungry hot mouth. He pulled her hands away from her pussy. He pinned her arms don, towering over her, grinning.
"Want my hot cock in that snatch?"
"Y-yes," she answered weakly. "Want me to give you a good fuck?"
She couldn't speak. She whimpered and squirmed.
He stared down at her. "Well have a drink first."
More of his cruel vicious teasing, she thought. He left her alone. She felt weak, hollow, stunned.
He was back in the bedroom now. He carried a pitcher and one glass. The sight of his body stirred her desire.
He poured. "It's gin and tonic," he said. "I believe that's your favorite drink." She sat up and received the drink.
"But so much," she laughed nervously. "Such a large glass and… Aren't you having one?"
"I don't drink."
"But I'll never be able to drink all this. I'm not much of a drinker either."
"Stop talking and drink it down. All of it. You'll talk later. You'll talk a lot!"
His voice… so cold and demanding.
She took a long swallow. It was a strong drink she choked. He filled the large glass to the brim again, then set the pitcher on the night table. "Now you're gonna talk," he said. "Sip at that drink and talk. I want to hear it all. About the others."
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he began to toy with her tits.
"Details, bitch!" he said, his voice icy cold. But his fingers felt so hot as they squeezed her big pointed tits. "What about you and Sue – that roommate of yours."
"Yes – we – made love… a few times."
"Made love!" He yanked hard at her tits. "What kind of language is that for a slut to use? What did you bitches do with your tongues?"
Janet leaned against the headboard. She felt suddenly giddy from the drink.
"What the hell do you think we did with our tongues?" she said quietly.
"Tell me, bitch." He yanked roughly at her tits.
Janet moaned, then took a deep breath before the words began to flow. "I love having my pussy eaten. Such a delicious feeling! Can a man ever know such pleasure – having his cock sucked? Some men are artists at eating pussy. But too few of them are! But sometimes another woman – I remember the first time Sue and I did it…"
Ted's blue eyes sparkled with lust. His hot hands cupped her tits and squeezed.
"I was asleep," Janet continued. "Sue had been out – working late at that topless joint. It was a warm night. I felt something delicious at my pussy. The room was dimly lit from one bedside lamp. She and I had twin beds. Sue was on my bed. She was your cunt."
"Yes," Janet said weakly.
"Slut!" The tone was still icy cold and filled with contempt.
He began tugging hard at her titties, twisting them. He did it with deliberate, studied concentration. Only his sparkling blue eyes revealed his profound lust. She went limp.
"Finish that, drink," he said. "And tell me about the cock."
Without hesitation she swallowed down the rest of the drink. She felt dizzy and loaned her head back against the headboard again. She closed her eyes. She suddenly saw herself at age fourteen. She giggled.
"You should have known me when I was fourteen," she said. "I was a virgin then."
"You held out all the way to fourteen? That's a surprise."
"Fourteen years and four months." She kept he eyes shut. She spoke slowly, her tongue becoming a little thick. She wasn't used to so much alcohol. "Never knew my father… left my mother when I was a baby. She was cold… frigid maybe. Worked hard for that cosmetics firm. Told me to be independent… never to depend on a man for anything. But I…"
"You liked cock," Ted skid roughly.
"Yes," Janet giggled, her eyes still closed. "From the time I was fourteen, I'd been playing as naked as I was. Her head was down between my legs. Warm moist lips munched my cunt…"
Ted leaned forward.
"Keep talking," he husked. And his damp, rough tongue began to lick the rounded curves of Janet's breasts – licking slowly, each tittie in turn.
"She pried apart my pussylips… I know I was all damp down there… hot… so hot." Janet was breathing heavily. She arched her back, extending her big boobs out farther as Ted's rough wet tongue lapped slowly. "She dug her tongue in me… Ohhhhhh it went in so deep! She swirled it around. It drove me crazy, her tongue way up my twat. Then she sucked at my pussy like she was trying to draw all the juice out of it. I began squealing. I was shooting off. So fast! So damn fast. But I knew that was just a warm up. I wanted her to keep eating me. But instead she pressed her body against mine. I felt her breasts against mine. She's got big ones too… those titties she'd been exhibiting at that topless joint. Now they were pressed against mine. And I felt the hot juice from her pussy dripping onto my cunt. We kissed long and deep and I tasted my own pussy-juice on her lips. And I loved that taste of pussy juice and I wanted more and I wanted her to eat me again."
Ted lifted his head. He got two big handfuls of tittie and squeezed.
"And you ate her, eh? Ate her pussy while she ate you out again… sucked up all that juice from with myself for more than a year and when I had my finger poked way up there I'd think of some guy at school… some old guy, a senior. One especially… Brad. He became my masturbation fantasy. He was eighteen… handsome, smart… great at athletics. Brad was always surrounded with so many girls and buddies. But let as close to him in the cafeteria as I could get. I dressed as sexy as I could get by with – just for Brad. And he finally began to notice me."
"Yet, I bet. And about a dozen others."
"I don't know." Janet's eyes remained closed. "Brad was my first love and I don't care what you think… when I truly love a person, no one else exists for me."
"Never mind about that, bitch. Just get to the fucking… the cocks… I wonder if you could count up how many cocks have been in you… Brad was the first one, oh?"
"There finally came a night… I was naked on the bed… trembling. He whispered something and he got naked and I saw his cock hard. It scared me just for a moment but he was at me so fast. Most young guys do it so fast sometimes like they haven't a moment to loss or like you'll get away from them if they don't hurry. And I felt his cock go into me and it didn't hurt. I'd prepared for it I guess… all those months of masturbation… I'd broken my hymen. He fucked me fast and I felt something fantastic about to happen to me but he stopped before it could quite happen. He pulled his cock out and I whimpered, wanting it back in. He said, wow, or something like that and said he was glad I wasn't a virgin. Anyway he promised he'd come back next night at midnight. And next night at midnight he was there again… hot… fucking fast and hard and that fantastic something was about to happen again but didn't. He got off me, but this time I begged him to stay. He laughed and said something like, you're really hot… never knew a girl liked it so much. I played with his prick. It felt so slick and warm and it didn't take much to get it stiff as a board again. He slammed it into me again and started fucking… so fast again. I felt it building up… up… up. It was going to happen this time. I was sure of it! But then he rolled away from me and my pussy had never felt so empty."
"He came to see me nearly every night for two weeks and I thought about him all the time. And I masturbated every night when he left me. Then one night he said somebody was waiting out in the car… somebody he wanted to send in."
"I lay hot and eager and also a little scared, wondering who this friend of Brad's would be. Someone at school? But nothing could have surprised me more then seeing the person who walked into my room five minutes later… walked into my room so casually, as if he'd been there dozens of times. It was Brad's father – the high-school coach – Mac Saunders."
Janet took a couple of sips from her drink, remembering that night.
"This Mac Saunders must have been – what – forty years old?"
"Thirty eight."
"A thirty-eight year old man!" Ted said contemptuously. "How big was his cock? Did he have a big cock for – that tender young pussy of yours?"
"Size doesn't mean anything."
"Was it bigger than mine?"
Janet looked at her husband's cock. It was hard and twitching. So beautiful. She reached out for it.
He pushed her hand away.
"Behave yourself," he said. "Or do you want some more of that belt?"
She stared at the wall, her vision blurred. She felt the sharp sting of his slap across her left cheek.
"Look at me!" he snapped.
She sighed wearily and looked at his handsome cold face.
"Go on with the story," he said.
Janet closed her eyes again. "He was so – marvelous… Mac Saunders," she said dreamily.
"Don't get high falutin', bitch," Ted said, brushing his hand teasingly across Janet's snatch.
"I want to know how he made that twat of yours feel."
Just that light touch of Ted's hand on her pussy drove Janet mad. But she kept her eyes closed, and she could not control the tremor in her voice.
"That night was the first time I ever felt lips and a tongue at my pussy. It was a shock at first – when Mac Saunders lowered his head down between my legs. But the touch of his mouth on my cunt sent pleasure all over me. He sucked my cunt. It didn't occur to me then that he was sucking out the cum his son had just shot into me. His lips drove me wild. I felt his tongue way up in me, swirling 'round, and on my clit. It was happening… God, was it ever happening! He kept eating me and eating me and jt happened again. And he wasn't finished yet. He towered over me and I saw my pussy-juice dripping from his chin. He fondled my titties as his cock slid slowly into me. He fucked me slow, then fast… then slow again. And it happened again and again. It just wouldn't stop happening. He was laughing… kissing me… kissing my breasts… and fucking so everlastingly."
Janet breathed heavily at the memory. Suddenly Ted shoved two fingers into her pussy. She gasped and squirmed. She moaned. With a cruel short laugh Ted pulled his fingers from the clinging lips of her cunt.
"[missing text] old man," Ted said, milking Janet's breasts hard again.
"No. I never saw Brad again after that night. He went into the Navy a couple of days later. That was why he had brought over his father – to take his place. Mac Saunders came over nearly every midnight and we screwed for hours and he couldn't pt enough of eating my posy. I was so proud to have such a handsome for a lover. A full grown man… a high-school coach. I wanted to hurry and get older. But in the fall he transferred to another school in another town and I never saw him again either."
"Bet you weren't lonesome for long." Ted twisted one of Janet's tits sharply.
Janet gasped, arching her back, opening her eyes.
"Mac Saunders taught you a lot, eh?" He actually twisted the other tittie.
"Yes… he showed me how to suck cock," Janet gasped as Ted twisted both big boobs at the same time.
"Bet you loved that, bitch," Ted said, squeezing harder.
"I loved pleasing a man that way – pleasing someone I cared for."
"And you cared for so may," Ted sneered.
"I never played around," Janet said softly, surrendering herself to the rough play of Ted's hands on her breasts. "I was true to each one in turn."
"Auggg!" Janet gasped.
Ted waved the two fingers in Janet's face.
"Lick 'em!" he snapped.
Janet licked his fingers clean of her pussy-juice. Ted grabbed her big tits again. He began to manipulate them as if he were milking them.
"His cock felt good in that young pussy of yours, eh," he said huskily. "He really knew how to pump it to you… How many times did he shoot off? Bet that hot cunt of yours really drove him wild."
"He came inside me. I could feel it – so warm. He ate it out of me… sucked it out of my pussy… kept on eating. I didn't want it to ever stop happening… even though I was beginning to feel a little tender down there. He put his cock into me again… Ohhhhh!"
Ted had shoved two fingers into her pussy again and was twirling them around.
"He – ohhh – he must have fucked me for at least half an hour… I don't know how many times I came. Then we dozed off to sleep. He woke me up eating my pussy again. My tits were swollen. My twat wanted to feel his cock in me again. Then it was there – his stiff prick, tilling me wonderfully, and he sucked my tits… fucked til dawn. And it seems to me now that we both shot off just as the room was getting light." She whimpered as Ted pulled his fingers from her twat.
"So then you had two of them – the kid and his anything that might happen." If I please him, maybe he'll love me, her drunken mind told her.
"Ted… Ted… I love you, Ted!" she said, her tongue thick.
"You worship me, eh?"
"Yes!" She sank down on her knees. "Yes!"
As if in a dream, she began kissing his feet.
She heard Ted's laughter… heard the vile words he called her. Then heard the stem command: "Suck my cock, bitch."
The room seemed to be swirling around and around as she lifted her head. Passionately she kissed his balls, his stiff prick.
"Suck it, bitch!"
She felt the sting of the belt across her back. She took his cock into her mouth. She sucked down to the root of it. He bent his legs, bunching down. He grabbed hold of her tits, squeezing and tugging at them as she deftly moved her moist lips up and down on the length of his prick from cockhead to root.
He let go of her titties.
"Go 'round the world like a good whore," he said thickly.
Mac Saunders had used that phrase – around the world. That was something else he had taught her that summer.
Janet licked at the inside of Ted's left thigh. She licked around the muscular leg. His buttocks were smooth and shapely. Her ears were assailed again turn.
"How many," Ted said, grabbing her hair, forcing her to look at him.
"Six others," she said evenly. "Exactly six others."
He slapped her hard across the side of the face.
"Don't get haughty with me, bitch. Six others besides Sue you mean."
"Yes, but with Sue – that wasn't an affair… we only did it a few times together. I thought I was in love so many times. It always had to be with someone older – I was so mature for my age."
Janet's voice was subdued, matter-of-fact, despite the situation – Ted tugging at her hair, glaring at her with such loathing.
Her voice wavered, "But I really did fall in love for the first time."
"Me, eh?" Ted's lips twisted. "Bet it was a new experience for you – a guy not trying to get into your pants. And actually proposing marriage to a…"
He let go her hair and stood up. His cock twitched.
"Better finish that drink," he said. "You may need it. You've had a lot of different experiences… Now you're gonna have another one – one you'll never forget!"
She took the pitcher and drank directly from it. Some of the liquid dripped onto her naked body. Her face was flushed. She felt giddy, resigned to with the vile names he called her. But his voice seemed far away. Only the flesh was near.
She pried apart his ass-cheeks as she ran her tongue up and down the crack. He leaned forward and she dug her tongue into his whole. She bathed it with her tongue. She puckered her lips and blew into it. Ted laughed.
She went around him and licked his balk.
"Suck it, bitch! I'm coming!"
She put her mouth back on his twitching cook. She felt it throb in her mouth as she plunged down on it… felt it throb down her throat. He clutched the back of her head and pushed her face tight against his crotch. His big dick didn't gag her, nor did the huge load of hot cum that shot into her mouth. She drank it down – that essence of the man she loved!
"Bitch!" He pushed her away from him like some nasty, pesky thing.
She lay on the floor, nearly passed out.
"There's more where that came from, bitch." His voice sounded farther away than ever.
She didn't know how long she lay in a heap on the floor like that before she felt herself being backed onto the bed. She lay on her stomach and he beat her with his belt again. Then she was rolled over and he whipped lightly at her breasts with a strap.
He was fucking her then, and she heard strange wild laughter. She was shocked to discover that it was she who laughed through the blessed orgasm. He chewed hard at her tits, bit her neck. He rolled her over onto her stomach again. She felt her asshole being invaded with his greasy cock. She lay inert, her breasts crushing into the mattress while he ass-fucked. Then he lifted her hips and slammed at her hard, his thighs slapping against her silken buttocks, making them quiver.
He leaned forward, his chest resting on her soft back, fucking slow as his fingers toyed with her pussy lips.
"I'll wear your pussy out, bitch," he whispered fiercely.
"Can't," she muttered, her tongue thick. "Can't!"
She laughed hysterically as he plunged three fingers deep into her gushy cunt while his cock fucked slow but deep into her ass.
She squealed. But he kept finger-fucking her and fucking her in the ass. She could hardly stand it. But she climaxed again. She began whimpering, moaning, crying, all at the same time it seemed as his fingers grew more active in her pussy, as they stretched her cunt.
She couldn't – no, she couldn't stand another one. But it happened. Again. She didn't squeal. The sound was more like a strangled sob. Then she whimpered, almost happily. For she felt his hot load of cockjuice shoot into her asshole.
Now he'll stop, she thought. He'll stop, he'll slapped her again.
Nothingness again. Then she was being lifted up. He was carrying her. Her arms dangled. He carried her into the bathroom, into the shower stall, and set her on the tile floor. She leaned back against the wall. She felt something warm splash against her titties. She opened her eyes.
Tad was pining on her! The warm liquid splashed onto her breasts, trickled down her belly and onto the furry mound of her pussy.
She watched him, a tight smile on her face. He moved closer and aimed the piss directly at her cunt. He chuckled, and she found herself giggling. The shower stall seemed to swirl round and round and she couldn't stop giggling.
From some place far off, she heard his voice – cutting the air like a knife: "You loved that didn't you, bitch – all that. Yeah, look at the expression on her face. You loved it, bitch."
He turned the shower water on. It was a shock at first, and she gasped and snapped out of her stupor. But she still sat on the floor while the water soaked her. He grabbed her and carried her back into the bedroom. He dumped her onto the bed. She still felt dizzy and weak.
"Yeah, you loved that," he whispered hotly at her ear. "You love me so you loved that. And there'll be more… there'll be others… don't worry. But I want you to go to sleep stop."
He pulled his cock roughly from the tight grip of her anus. She fell flat onto the bed again. Brief darkness. Or was it brief? She awoke to the feel of something huge in her pussy. She was on her back, her legs resting on his shoulders. His cruel blue eyes glared down at her. He was fucking her with a long thick dildo attached to his dick.
"Oh," she moaned. "Ohhhhhh!"
"Like that?" he panted. "Ever had anything that big in your pussy before?"
The dildo was at least twelve inches long. And he fucked it into her hard, fast, deep. She tried to claw the air with her hands. But she discovered that her arms were tied behind her back, bound at the wrists.
She was too weak to even try to move. The hot palms of his hands pressed down hard on her heaving breasts. Strange sounds escaped from her dry throat. She could not speak, could not cry out. Ted's laughter was deep, lusty.
He fucked the huge dildo into her. She gasped, her throat growing tighter, the blood rushing to her face. And Ted laughed louder, pumping the dildo into her pussy harder.
Darkness swept over her again. For how long? Dimly she was aware that Ted's cock was fucking her in the regular way. She whispered his name – tenderly?
He slapped her across the face, laughed, then now… "Drink this."
And she drank again – this time it was straight gin, right from the bottle.
She opened her eyes. The room was hot, bathed in sunshine. She ached all over. She closed her eyes again. Then she remembered the horrible dream. Slowly the knowledge came to her that it hadn't been a dream. She moaned.
At last she found the strength to sit up in bed. She was alone. She saw the note on the bedside table.
How'd you like the wedding night?
That was all the note said. She shuddered. She moved like a sleepwalker… taking aspirin… drinking three big glasses of water.
When she finished bathing, she examined her body in the full-length mirror.
Her body was net as marked up as she feared it would be. Ted perhaps knew how to avoid inflicting long lasting marks. There was no evidence that a belt had been used on her back and buttocks. There were a couple of hickeys on her throat. And she noticed a thin red stripe on each of her tits. But those would no doubt fade in a day or two.
The ringing of the phone startled her. She answered it. She knew who it would be.
"Hello, sweetheart," Ted said. The tone was teasing, he was laughing at her.
She heard traffic noises in the background. He was phoning from, a booth. It must be noon already and he was on his lunch hour.
"I wake you up?"
"No… Stay away from me."
He laughed. She started to hang up, but she couldn't seem to find the strength.
"I've got a hard-on just thinking about last night," he said. "Be ready for me when I get home. Maybe we won't even bother to stop for dinner."
Fierce anger brought her to life. She trembled. But rage made her bold.
"I won't be here," she said, her voice amazingly controlled. "You can have the furniture – everything. None of it was really mine anyway."
"You'll be there," he said, self-assured.
"Good-bye, Ted!"
She packed quietly. She only had forty dollars. But that was more than enough to buy a ticket to San Francisco.
Sue lived in San Francisco. She had married a guy named David Mason. She'd written Janet several times, inviting her to stay with them, explaining that they had plenty of room. Janet would stay with Sue and David til she found a job.