"Whipped bitch" - читать интересную книгу автора (Taylor Robert)


If you saw me walking down the street, you'd think I was gorgeous; all hot and sexy, and you'd be right. I mean, I've got this mane of blonde hair that just won't quit, a lovely ass, great long legs, a mouth that looks as if it were shaped solely for sucking, and the kind of tits that drive teenage boys crazy.

And yet, you'd be missing something.

There'd be something about me you wouldn't quite know.

And that's that… well… let me put it in the plainest way that I know.

I want to be dominated. I love it!

I need to be made to… serve other women. They turn me on the best of anybody. If I see a hot woman with that certain look in her eye, there's nothing I like better than to go to her and say, in my hottest, sexiest voice, "Make me submit!"

You'd be surprised how often that works… how quickly I can get a woman who seems to be so sophisticated and suave to make me open my legs, and to go down on me and make me do things that your mama never dreamed of.

It happens a lot. Not quite as often as I'd like it, but often enough.

Like just last week.

Let me tell you all about it.

I hadn't had any sex in a couple of weeks, and I was ready to crawl the walls!

I mean, I can get laid any time I want, but this particular time I needed to have… well, you know, don't you?


I can tell…

Already you're getting all hot just reading about it…

And you want me to give you details… don't you… hot, delicious details…

Well, I will…

I'll give you all the details you want.

Because I love to have everyone know all about what I do.

It turns me on almost as much as having it done to me.

Listen, to each is own, right honey? So…

There I was, in a bar somewhere in the village, one of those hip modern places where all the downtown people hang out… all those people who paint during the day and fuck during the night. All night.

I walked in and could feel the electricity in the air.

Something was up.

There was some kind of sexual charge happening, that much was very clear.

I went to the bar to try and sort it out. Where was it coming from?


I had no idea.

But I was determined to find out. I ordered a kamikaze and waited.

I peered throughout the room, checking out the men and the women, hoping that someone would click with me.

And then I felt the hand on my shoulder! It was filled with juice!

I knew then I'd connected.

I turned slowly, making sure that I didn't tip my… uh… hand too quickly.

And there she was! Gorgeous!

I mean, hot, my friend. This lady was looking at me as if her eyes had fingers and they were busy undoing my clothes.

I nearly creamed in my panties just from that first look.

I swallowed hard and tried to smile.

She put a hand on my shoulder and said, softly, "Well, you're new here, aren't you?"

"I… uh…"

Jesus… did I have to be that clumsy? And did I have to give myself away so easily?

The answer to both those questions was a resounding yes.

Now, as I watched her, she let her hand graze down from my shoulder and lightly, ever so lightly, touch my tits.

I couldn't believe it!

There, right there in the crowded bar! I blushed and she smiled.

She liked that.

"I bet you'd like me to tie you up," she said, quietly.

I couldn't believe this either! Just like that!

No names, no introductions, no small talk, nothing.

All she wanted to do was to tie me up.

And you know, the idea sounded just so good, that I couldn't help but go along with it! That's right.

I was game.

I was up for it.

I was up for anything.

I wanted to see this babe's pussy, so bad, that I'd anything in the world she wanted me to. I swallowed hard, not able to hide my blush, and shook my head slowly yes.

She giggled slightly and finished her drink.

"I knew it. I can always tell. You're all alike, so easy…"

I didn't particularly like the fact I was being compared to others, but there was nothing I could do about that.

I looked down.

"That's right. Humble is in."

She put her fingers under my chin and held it tight while she lifted my face.

"Finish your drink, darling, and follow me outside. I'll be waiting."

"Yes…" I said softly.

I didn't even know her and I was going to go home with her alone!

That's the way I am, I guess.

And I'm so hot, I couldn't stand to wait even another minute!

I finished my drink and straightened my dress, as I walked toward the door.

I felt as if every eye in the place was on me, looking at me, coming with me to watch my submission…

Not a bad idea!

Outside, I saw the long stretch limo, and the beautiful woman waiting outside.

"This way. Hurry."

There was a commanding note in her voice that told me I'd better hurry.

So I did.

I got inside the car and so did she, and as she told the driver, whom I couldn't see because of the tinted glass between the front and back seats, as she told the driver to hurry up, we were now alone, together, for the first time.

She didn't waste words.

"Put your hands behind your back," she said to me. I did as she wanted.

Now, before I knew what was happening, I felt the cold hard steel of the handcuffs clicking on my wrists.

My hands were secured, just like that. She looked at me.

"Good… you listen well… I like that…"

She kissed me softly on my cheek and whispered in my ear.

"I'm going to make you do things… I'm going to make you do things you never dreamed of…" I could tell she meant it… I could tell she was really going to do it…

And my pussy was dripping.

"Lift your knees," she said simply, and I did just as I was told.

She reached underneath and pulled down my panties!

She slid them off my legs, and now held them in her hand.

She put them to her nose and smelled. "Mmmmmm…" she said, easily. "I like the way vour pussy smells. They're wet… did I make you do that?"

I shook my head up and down. She was really getting to me.

Now, before I could protest or anything, she put one of her hot hands behind my head, on my neck and held me straight, while she made me open my mouth.

I was sitting there like a marionette, and then, with one smooth motion, she shoved my panties in there… gagging me with them!


"What's the matter, baby, can't talk?"

She was grinning and obviously enjoying herself very much.

Too bad she didn't really know how much I was loving it too…

But I was… Very much… And couldn't wait for more!

I didn't have to wait that long.

Now, she produced a long silken cord, and with it, proceeded to tie up my ankles, and then my knees.

Neatly. Efficiently. So that I couldn't move.

I don't have to tell you, do I, that my pussy was flowing now.

She'd pulled some kind of cork out of me, because I was running like a wine bottle turned upside down!

My face, even with the panties gag, was a dead giveaway.

She knew she was in total control, and going to have a lot of fun with me.

A lot.

Now, we finally pulled up to our destination – some abandoned loft, it seemed, in Soho.

I wondered how I was going to be able to walk out of the car.

No problem.

She'd thought of that. Everything.

The driver, a bulky kind of guy, came out of the driver's seat and opened my door and literally picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, to carry me inside.

Like I was a bag of potatoes! I couldn't believe it!

Now, we were all inside what looked like a huge… vast… dungeon!

That's the only way I can describe the place, really…

It was like a dungeon.

And as soon as we were there, I knew I was in for it this time.


This woman was an expert, a professional… this was no one night impulse situation. I wondered now just what the hell I'd gotten myself into.

It didn't seem to matter…

Whatever it was, I was there now for the long haul.

That much was obvious.

And there didn't seem to be any way out.

I swallowed as I was led to a very interesting sofa. I was made to sit on it, and my hands were undone by the driver, the cuffs removed.

That done, it was a simple thing for me to lie backwards, my hands tied to the opposite side of the leather seat.

It was obviously specially made, with wooden poles on the corners, so that my hands were spread-eagled.

With the gag still in my mouth, I felt my leg ropes being undone, but only for the purpose of spread-eagling them too.

Now, I was tied to all four corners of this leather bed-sofa, and waiting for the next move. "That'll be all, Charles," she said to him, and he bowed and disappeared.

I was amazed.

He'd tried nothing with me. No secret feels, nothing…

I was in her total control, now, and there was nothing I could do about it, except wait.

She sat down on the little bit of leather next to me and put a hand on my knee.

I jerked, involuntarily.

"You know you're going to get it, don't you," she said softly. I could see the fire in her eyes! I shook my head up and down.

"God," she said, easily, "I'm going to do things to you… things you never dreamed of…"

She giggled.

"I'll teach you to flirt with another woman in a downtown bar. You're going to learn your lessons well…"

With that, she produced, from her pocket, a large pair of shears.

My eyes opened wide. What was she going to do with those?

I wondered, trying not to panic.

She began by taking one long, straight cut, right up my skirt, all the way to my pussy! Grinning from ear to ear, she held the two ends of the material and spread her arms. Rrrriiiippppp!

She ripped it right open, exposing my gorgeous thighs, sheathed delightfully in garter belt and stockings, and my naked, hairy pussy, my thick bush that drove men crazy!

My panties, of course, were still in my mouth… no problem for her there.

"Yes…" she said easily, as she saw me tremble naked.

"I'm going to touch it now…"

Her voice was soothing, and teasing at the same time. She let her fingers, nails touching my skin, slide up my inner thighs, driving me crazy.

I moaned softly, and she touched me again. "Yes… baby… yes…"

She was stroking me and driving me wild… letting her long thick nails just ever so lightly graze my cunny.


"What is it baby? What?" "Mmmmffff…"

"You want me to touch it? Is that it?"

I was really out of my mind now with lust. She'd been teasing me all night and now I wanted her to do something to me!


I just had to have some loving!

She smiled and let her hot pink tongue come out, all across her lips.

She licked deliciously, and then, with a nod to me that was supposed to carry some kind of message, she leaned down and began to lick!

She started up, deep up inside my thighs, letting me feel her hot tongue working on me.

She was making me moan with pleasure.

I loved being tied up like this… tied up and sweetly tortured…

It was incredible… Really…

And driving me to sweet distraction.

More… I wanted more… I wanted her tongue inside of me…

She knew it and teased me mercilessly… making sure that I was good and wet before she went for it. She loved it when my pussy was dripping, there in front of her.

Now, with all the skills of an expert, she began to lick just the lips of the slit, letting her tongue come up close to me, and licking and sucking lightly…

Lightly enough to drive me crazy…

My hips were moving up and down, pulsing… and I was begging through my panties gag for her to do me…

Please… Do me…

Without warning, she suddenly raised one of her pretty hands and used two fingers to open my pussy!

She was looking deep into my private parts, exploring me… taking her measure of what I looked like…

And I loved it!

I loved being forcibly exposed by her!

Now, she had that special look on her face… that look that said she was going to make a complete meal out of me.

She put her head down, took a deep breath to make sure she could smell my special female aroma, and then buried her tongue in me as far as she could get it!

God. I thought I was going to go out of my mind.

I'd never felt anything so incredible in all my life.

Her tongue was like a hot wet spike, and it traveled the sensitive inner walls of my pussy, sucking and licking and biting and nipping, and driving me just out of my mind.

I couldn't get over it! I just couldn't!

And she knew it…

She knew she was working me to the bone… And that only made her increase her actions… She was making me do things… I'd never done before…

Here I was, tied up and being forced to let this babe eat me…


That was a funny way of putting it… Since I was really loving every seconds.

Now, she crawled, still fully dressed, up on the maroon leather sofa-bed and got between my legs, bent over, with her hands on either side of my hips!

She was holding me firmly, and I could feel the impression of her hot fingers on my naked flesh! She held me firmly, as if I were a package, and began to seriously eat me…

She was sucking me, licking me, making me go crazy with it…

And she knew it… She loved it…

She was licking and sucking for all she was worth!

The room was filled with the sounds of her sucking, and she knew it…

She was going wild… Wild…

And making me hump!

She took her mouth off me and looked at my face.

"You have a delicious pussy… I'm going to make a complete meal out of you later…"

With that, she sat up and wiped her wet mouth on the back of her sleeve.

"Now, though, I have to change…" She patted my pussy. "Don't go away."

I would have laughed if I wasn't so agitated. I mean, she licked me and sucked me and drove me crazy, and then left me, just short of coming. That was probably the worst torture of all. And there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing at all…

Except take it.

Take it and hope that she wasn't going to tease me too much like this.

Because I didn't think I'd be able to take it. Now I was alone in the room. Still tied up. I looked around.

It was an eerie kind of place.

Sort of like a real dungeon, with things hanging on the wall… things I couldn't make out in the dim light.

Suddenly a spotlight came on and shone right down on me!

I couldn't believe it!

It was shining right down on me!

I had to blink several times to make sure I didn't go blind.

And of course, I couldn't see the rest of the room anymore.

Suddenly, I heard a door open, and saw a figure coming toward me.

It was the woman, but now she was dressed in leather… with a leather corset, garter belt, high heels, and sheer stockings!


She looked incredible.

This honey meant business… that much was clear.

I heard her heels clack as she came over to me. "Mmmmfffff…"

"Sshhhh…" she said as she stood at my side. And then I saw it.

In her hands. The black whip!

It was a special type. I could tell… it had a pearl handle, and the actual lashes were thin strips of rubber!

God, I bet that thing could hurt.

And then I felt the chill running up my spine. Of course it could hurt. That was the whole purpose, wasn't it?

It was meant to hurt, and I was going to be the one to feel just how much. She was going to whip me!

God, I was so trapped… I tried now with everything I had to get free…

I mean, I didn't mind submitting to her games, but a whip?

That was something I hadn't bargained for.

I pleaded with my eyes, watching her as she watched me, as she smiled and delighted in my torture.

"Get ready, darling, you're going to taste the lash… I'm going to lash you into submission…" I was out of my head now!

She meant it!

She meant what she said…

She was really going to torture me…

And there wasn't a thing I could do about it! God…

So hot…

This was so hot… And frightening…

I was going to be hurt…

I was going to be tortured by this leather queen. And she was going to do it very cruelly… I could tell…

I held my breath and waited, while she slowly around me.

She knew how to make it even better…

Was there no escaping? Was I trapped forever?

Oh, God… ohhhh… sweet God… Help me…