"The orgiastic cult" - читать интересную книгу автора (Townsend Mark)CHAPTER TEN"Oh, my God! Marion, listen to this!" Ed said the next morning as he opened the morning paper at the breakfast table. "Demon cult headquarters burns to ground! It's about the Vallus group! The place burnt down last night! Holy Christ!" "What!" Marion exclaimed, nearly dropping her coffee cup. "Yep, listen to this: The fire last night, evidently caused when candles set drapes afire in a back room, took the lives of three people, Alida Elgon, her son Raoul, and Lorraine Holzman." "How horrible," Marion said, "it must have happened right after we left. My God, we must have just missed it! What an awful thing to happen." "Yeah… much as I disliked all of them I sure wouldn't have wished something like this on them. But… I don't know… maybe they got what they deserved somehow… you know what I mean?" Marion thought for a moment over the strange, and terrifying events of the past forty-eight hours. Visions of Raoul and Alida, and the perverse orgies in the worship chamber, and Vallus… most of all the powerful and bizarre image of Vallus towering over all… half-man, half-cat… demon God of the Night Creatures… a shiver ran through Marion's body as she remembered what had happened. "I know exactly what you mean," she said, "and I think I've really learned an important lesson." "Yes?" "Yes," she said, a sly smile crossing playfully along her lips. She gazed with loving warmth at her husband's muscular, massive build, his boyishly handsome face with his irresistible sandy hair and brown eyes. Ever since last night's extraordinary love-making session she hadn't been able to take her eyes from him once. "I think I can find all the satisfaction I need right here with you." "I was hoping you'd say that," he said, smiling warmly at her. He, too, had found renewed appreciation for his wife's ripe, curvaceous body and her glowing, beautiful face. Taking her hand, he pulled her around from her chair so that she sat on his lap. "You're beautiful," he said, nibbling playfully at her ear. Marion giggled delightedly and kissed him hard on the lips, pressing against his mouth. They embraced and a warm erotic feeling gushed through both of them. They held each other tighter and Ed thrust his tongue deep between his wife's lips. "Mmmmmnnnn…" Marion moaned in pleasure. The doorbell rang. Marion pulled away slightly. "That's the mailman," she said, "Maybe there's a letter." "Hurry back," Ed said with a wink, feeling his huge cock throb achingly to life, already hard as a rock and straining against his dungarees. Marion picked up a letter that was slipped under the living room door. "A letter from Mother!" she called to Ed down the hall. "What does she want now?" he asked wincing when he heard who it was from. "Oh, she says she heard about a new group that just formed in the San Fernando Valley that's strictly for women… something about ancient Etruscan ceremonies… it's called Daughters of Kalita." "Oh no," Ed groaned, feeling a slight edge of anger creep into his brain. "What are you going to do about it?" "Do about it?" Marion asked, smiling, "just this!" And she deftly dropped the letter into the wastebasket near the kitchen door. Ed and Marion looked at each other and suddenly broke into gales of laughter. Marion ran happily to her husband and sat on his lap, snuggling warmly against his chest, fingering the buttons of his work-shirt teasingly. "Why don't you take the morning off?" she said softly, "tell them something important's come up." "Maybe I will," Ed said, letting his hand slide slowly up her smooth, silky leg and slipping under the gauzy material of her nightgown, "maybe I will." |