"The neighborhood pet" - читать интересную книгу автора (Reskind Jon)

Jon Reskind
The neighborhood pet


The sleek German shepherd stretched out his long sinewy body on the cool of the kitchen's rubber-tiled flooring to watch the golden-haired young wife move about her household duties with an air of feminine efficiency. He chose a corner, his favorite vantage point, and a spot he had come to consider as his own since his arrival at this new place. Though at first it had been strange to him and he had sadly longed to be with his real mistress, the warm affection shown him by the young woman and man had soon won his fervent attachment.

What was even more exciting and new to him was the freedom he had here. Before, he had been allowed outside only in the company of his mistress and leashed, but here he could come and go as he felt the urge, freely exploring the alleys and neighboring yards where other friendly young wives gave him bones and sometimes even took him into their houses. Of them all, though, it was this pretty, long golden-haired girl who answered to the sound of Karen that he preferred to be with. She fed him well and petted him often, making soft little cooing sounds that not only pleased him but set his great heart to beating faster. It was the lack of such attention this morning which gave the powerful animal his feeling of slighted uneasiness, and he watched her with unflinching, devoted eyes, instinctively knowing that all was not right with her…

Actually, Karen Smith thought to herself, as she rinsed the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher, she was being a little childish about the whole thing. Steve wasn't wholly at fault this time. After all, they had awakened later than usual and she should know after eight months of marriage to him what a stickler he was for being on time at the office. With only an hour for him to shower, shave, dress and eat breakfast, then drive into L.A. proper, she'd been just a bit unreasonable enticing him into making love to her. But after last night's big let-down on his part, she'd popped her eyes open this morning with the same sensual coals still smoldering inside her. Of course, he'd had too much to drink the night before at the Keller's dinner party… or maybe not enough, she wasn't certain which, they both did so little of it. But for some unusual reason, he'd been like a damned rabbit in bed, just whipping right off and leaving her in the middle of her passionate climb, dropping almost immediately off to sleep, while she'd lain there beside him in excited arousal for over an hour before she'd fitfully dozed off.

It was little wonder to the twenty-two year old, curvaceous blonde wife that she'd awakened in no less an erotic tizzy than the sizzling state which sleep had temporarily banked through the night. But to endure a repeat fiasco within eight hours had been almost more than she could bear! Only the fact that she knew he would be late for work if she made an issue of it, had kept her from breaking right out in flustrated tears! Like a propelled young athlete trying for some sort of an olympic record, he'd raced his lengthy, swollen hardness in and out of the heated, liquid sanctuary between her legs, quickly seeing to his own needs, then hopped from the bed while she lay there panting!

"Sorry, hon… but I really got to make time, now!" he'd weakly apologized, wiping off his deflating penis with his soiled shorts as he moved toward the bathroom. Then, at the doorway, he'd turned and promised: "Look, I'll make it up to you tonight, Karen… for sure. We'll go out for cocktails and dinner, just the two of us… and after, we'll come home and have a real party. Okay…?"

"O-Okay… all right, darling," she'd feebly answered, somehow managing a smile for him before he'd darted into the bath, closing the door behind him.

Well, at least he had understood the whats and whys of her frustration, she'd thought as she lie there, fighting the tremendous urge to finish the task with her finger before he popped out like a jack-in-the-box from the shower. But she hadn't and for personal reasons known only to herself. When she'd married Steve Smith she'd hopefully put the need for self-gratification behind her, and to this point she had not violated that optimism, for once begun it would be too easy a practice to continue.

Karen was quite aware and certainly unashamed of her carnally amorous nature, and so far, her slender, loveable, unhomely young husband had shown his appreciation of it to the best of his limited ability. There… there she went again, privately deriding him with that one word, 'limited'… and after vowing to herself only several days before that she would not let her mind think that way anymore! What was it the book she had read on marriage and sexual love had said…? Allowing this vein of thinking toward one's mate to dwell in the mind will only breed further discontent. It is important especially for the new inexperienced bride to adopt a positive and patient view. Either partner might well detain the event of harmony in the sex act by mentally unloading blame of inadequacy on the other…

Well, inexperienced she'd certainly been and still was, she supposed, if one was to measure by the length of time she'd been at it. Steve had been the first and only man in her young life, the initial and wondrous night going back to four months before their wedding. And what a blissful, bang-up performance that had been on his part right there in the back-seat of his car! God, her climax had been so dynamic that she'd fainted dead away, nearly frightening him to death… poor darling.

Karen smiled to herself now as she remembered, momentarily pausing in her dish rinsing. But such infusing recollections were not doing a damn thing toward soothing the immediate ardor still glowing hotly in her soft belly and simmering young loins, she reasoned, forcefully sealing the memory back inside her mental archives. The main points of importance were that they were totally and rapturously in love with each other, that they were both sound and healthy, and that her twenty-five year husband's position as an insurance agent was secure and progressing beyond their fondest expectations. What young bride of eight months could ask for more than the beautiful new home they were buying in the enviable Oakmont Shadows development? Even their two-year old car was paid for, and in three more months, their furniture, would be entirely their own!

So, their sex life wasn't yet all that it might be, at least it was a hit and miss proposition, and when she wasn't left in one of these fired-up states she felt confident that in time…

A soft whine from the big German shepherd behind her interrupted the pony tailed blonde girl's stream of thoughts. She turned, smiling down at the handsome animal her Aunt Janie had asked her to look after while the vivacious older writer fulfilled a magazine assignment in London. Though she would have done it out of gratitude for this fiftyish, spritely woman who had raised her following the accidental death of her parents when she was twelve, she had truly welcomed the magnificent dog's company. Too many nights, Steve was obligated to meet with clients… the unfortunate plight of a successful insurance agent's life… and as well as the dog's company, Karen appreciated the protection in this new, outlying area the powerful animal afforded her.

"What is it, Satyr darling?" she softly cooed down at him in a tone she somehow had adopted especially for him. "Hungry, baby?" she continued, lovingly stroking the mighty dog's big, glossy-furred head. "You know, I think I'm beginning to understand why Aunt Janie gave you that devilish little name… it's the wicked, loveable gleam you too often get in those big brown eyes. To tell you the truth, young man, it sometimes appears to be bordering on salacity."

The pleasing sound of her soft, crooning voice along with the gentle pressure of her small, stroking hand on his head filled Satyr with warm-hearted relish. Instinctively, he raised his head, licking at her smooth hand to impart his growing attachment to her. Whatever had troubled her was of relative unimportance, his keen animal intuition made him know, as with that hand moving to his neck, she hugged him against her soft, outer thigh.

"I'm not sure but what you might be some reincarnated Lothario from another time," the curvaceous, doting young wife teased, happy that they exercised a six month dog impounding law in England before you could bring them in. Otherwise, she'd never known the tying bond that could grow between a human and their faithful canine friends. She had always loved them but never owned one herself. It hadn't been until after Uncle Bill's passing away and her own marriage to Steve that Aunt Janie had discovered this wonderful animal. Now, he had become one of their own little family after only a week, and already she was dreading the day that Aunt Janie would come home to claim him. "Supposing we look into the fridge to see what we can find for you, handsome? I think there might even be a nice big ham bone there."

The noble animal whined, almost as if he knew what she were saying, Karen thought, embracing him against her leg and stroking his head once more. He whimpered and she lightly laughed. The darling. She hoped she was doing right by letting him traipse out and around the neighborhood. Aunt Janie had been in such a rush that she'd given her little advice concerning him. And inasmuch as the neighbors had all taken to him, she couldn't see any harm in letting him get out and romp a bit. He seemed to know where home was and that was the main thing… along, of course, with his gentle temperament.

Although she very much enjoyed taking him on his leash grocery shopping with her, there'd been several times he'd been off gallivanting when she couldn't. But invariably, when he accompanied her, any number of wives who lived in the Shadows made it a policy to come up and pet him, such as the day before when three of them had approached him, hardly looking at her as they almost blushingly made over him. He had become quite a focal point in the neighborhood, and though proud, she had come up with some misgivings over the attention. There was such a thing, she'd read, as dog-knapping, and God, how could she ever explain that, should it happen, to Aunt Janie?

"I don't want to be strict with you, darling," his new young mistress intoned with a final, loving pat, "But I just might have to curtail some of your wanderlusting habits. Aunt Janie would never forgive me, I know, if anything happened to you… and I couldn't forgive myself."

Satyr was aware only that her melodious, gentle voice bestowed kindness and love. But beyond that, he had sensed in his closeness against her a poignant smell not unfamiliar to him, a heady scent which immediately inspired trained responses inside his big, muscular body. It was the human mating aura he had been skillfully educated to recognize… and he did, but perhaps with more eagerness than usual, for this was his beloved new mistress who made his animal-heart beat rapidly when she petted him…!

Her mind still a conglomeration of mixed-veined thoughts, Karen opened the refrigerator, identified the ham bone on its plate and bent down to retrieve it from its backward place on the tray. She said aloud, more to herself than the waiting dog: "Ham shouldn't really be kept this long, anyway… even under refrigeration…!"

Though it gave her a jolting, if wild start, the astounded young wife didn't move! She was still bent over, but frozen immobile at the feel of the unmistakable cool wetness of Satyr's nose high on the soft inner side of her left thigh! Why she didn't jerk upright in shock, fear, or at least, a smattering of self-decorum, she could only lay to the prurient incitement which had been smoldering inside her since the night before! Instead, she continued to stoop there, waiting, knowing that the big dog's huge head was up in under her short shift from behind, animalishly sniffing… and then, the hot pressured lap of his unmistakable tongue came against the moistened nylon strip of her sheer, snug-fitting panties hugging her seeping vaginal lips!

Good God! He'd sensed her erotic heat!

What else? It had to be that, and his singeing, long thick tongue had felt like a firebrand caressing the protected swollen lips of her still hotly fired pussy! Again, he did it as she hung there in her stooped-over position, drawing the length of his feverish tongue undeniably between her partially spread thighs, along the length of her flushed, wet cuntal crevice!

Karen raised up slowly… straightening, only because she couldn't spend the day in that position! She held the bone in her hand as she turned to gaze down at her animal-paramour who was staring up at her with almost twinkling brown eyes, erect ears, open mouthed and with wagging tail.

"You loveable devil! I was right! That's why your name is Satyr… because you are!" she tremulously whispered, all the sensations she had managed to keep from overwhelming her the past ten hours, suddenly spiraling with passionate intensity over her voluptuous, young feminine curves. "You… you are Don Juan returned… a licentious male lover in a dog's body… but so help me, more handsome than any of them! Wh-What has Aunt Janie been teaching you, anyway, Satyr darling?"

The massive German shepherd whimpered, but the sensually intoxicated bride wasn't sure why… whether for the bone she held, or the now-inflamed secret between her trembling thighs! She shivered outright as she took the first step toward the washroom as if satanically driven. Inside, she held the bone high in a mind-spinning, teasing gesture, so that he would see and follow, lascivious things she had never before even conceived of permeating her brain!

"Come in here, darling… in here with Karen!" she consciously hissed, as if someone might overhear, though she was the only human in the house! "Come on, baby… that's my darling… and after, you can have the bone! Come on, look what Karen has for you…!"

It was too late to stop now, the breathless, wildly infused Karen insanely reasoned, realizing the depravity of her act and knowing she intended to do it anyway! The eager animal whimpered before her as she stood there, door partially closed and spread legged, her short skirt luridly raised, the fingers of her same hand pulling seductively to one side the thin narrow crotchband of her dampened, nylon panties, hotly exposing her lightly hair-fringed, wet cunt before him!

"Come on, Satyr! Do it for Karen! Lick it… baby… lick Karen's hot little pussy for her!" she lewdly whispered, the obscene thought and knowing of what she was doing inspiring almost frantic jolts of raging excitement to charge through her!

Eagerly she watched, the sight in itself as the big dog moved closer, enough to jell her knees! Then, unimaginable sensations of frenetic lust stabbed within her when she realized that he was really going to lick her there up between her thighs! Ooohhhh… this was beyond obscenity, she thrillingly trembled, pulling even further to one side the elastic legband and the sheer strip of her wet panties to better expose her fire-filled pussy to him…! He was, wasn't he? God! He had to…!

And, he did!

The beautiful darling's long and thick animal-tongue wetly snaked out, curling at its tip as it searingly splayed open the fervid, sensitive lips of her pouting pussy! It laved the very seeping, inflamed mouth of her vagina, separating the soft, hair-fringed folds, drawing with a scorching heat upward between them, ending and twisting at the delicate bud of her already hotly quivering little clitoris! And he wasn't about to stop there! Again and again without the slightest urging on Karen's part, the handsome brute repeated his fiery lingual caresses, raising gasps of lurid intoxication from the young blonde wife as she stood there with shapely naked legs spread wide, her exposed loins thrust obscenely forward, her little hand holding the narrow wisp of her nylon panties one side for Satyr's lustfully delicious licking of her erotically steaming cunt!

The bone she held in her small hand had lost its interest for the big German shepherd the moment his new, beautiful blonde mistress had raised her skirt and made naked for him her hot, wet young pussy lips. He knew from vast experience the feeling of racing blood pounding ruttishly through the animal veins of his mighty body. The delicate scent of her roused, fluid heat filled his keen sensitive nostrils as he ardently stroked his long, thick tongue through the moistened, pink flesh between her sensuously spread thighs. His strong animal-heart beat faster at her exciting feminine sexual odor, the intense fever of her desire contagiously charging to his own powerful loins.

"Oh… oh God… yes, darling… like that! Lick it good!" Karen hissed, still holding the bone high in one hand and her tiny panties lewdly pulled away from her burning, blonde-curled pussy with the other. "Oh lover… you sweet… sweet beauty! Lick! Lick! Karen'll cum in a minute, darling! Oooohhhh… faster, baby, faster… then you can have your bone! That's it… lick… lick… lick…!"

At last, the unwelcomed sound penetrated… a knocking at the back door… persistent but not demanding… yet…! For a long moment, the lustfully captivated Karen did not move, couldn't in the throes of her forbidden enchantment… but the knocking continued until the huge dog finally stopped his obscene caresses, growling reflexively in his husky throat. Oh God, just a minute more and she would have! She almost frantically screamed within her wildly excited brain, thrusting her seething wet cunt obscenely forward, trying to tempt the big animal back to finish his lewd tonguing. But instead, he nosed his way through the opening of the door she had not quite closed to move toward the kitchen entrance.

"Damn! Damn!" the fiercely incited Karen cursed under her breath, quickly pulling her panty crotch band back over her saliva-moistened vagina as she shivered maddeningly from the impassioned sensations electrifying her hotly inflamed young loins in their almost reached orgasmic moment! Who the devil could it be? She raged inwardly, then heard Barbara Keller's throaty voice speaking to Satyr through the screened door.

"Well, hello there, handsome! Where's your pretty mistress…? Oh, there you are, honey," their stunning, new neighbor greeted as Karen emerged with forced calm from the washroom. She was a comparatively tall girl, older than Karen by several years, with an extremely attractive face, fluffy mini-bobbed, coal-black hair, enchanting onyx-eyes, and an enviously curved body which she revealingly enhanced by wearing the meagerest and tightest ensembles available. "You washing or something, honey? Hope I didn't interrupt?"

"No… no, I… ah, was getting a bone for Satyr," Karen stammered, helplessly trembling as she sensed the uncontrollable flush to her cheeks. God, that had been stupid, she quickly realized… a bone from the washroom? Her attractive caller's head cocked to one side as if in wonderment, but Karen refused to notice, managing a smile as she concentrated on the other's skin-tight white shorts and matching, low-cut halter. "My, don't you look fresh and cool, though? How about some coffee?"

"Love it, hon, and thanks for the compliment," Barbara replied, watching the big German shepherd take the bone from her curvaceous blonde neighbor's hand and march toward the door.

"Now don't you go away, Mr. Gallivanter," Karen affectedly ordered, pressing open the screened barrier for the proud animal to pass, the thought of the lurid act she'd involved him in only minutes before still discomposing her. "Stay right in the back yard," she added, struggling desperately to hide her mounting feeling of guilt. Then, turning to smile again at her neighbor: "Sit down, Barbara… I'll get some cups…"

The alluring brunette was a warm, outgoing girl and a new acquaintance whom Karen liked very much. Though Barbara and Don had just moved into their home across the street some ten days before, already the two couples had struck up a friendly and close relationship… but somewhat taxed at that moment in the once again flustrated mind of the wrought up young housewife…

"You really like this outfit, or are you kidding me?" the long-legged brunette asked as she slid into the breakfast booth. "Don says if it was any tighter I might as well sew some simulated pubic-hair on the front, the wise guy. Actually, he likes them this way. What do you think, Karen?"

Perhaps at another time it wouldn't, but right then her attractive friend's rather lewd remark only added to Karen's uneasiness. All the same, she laughed, struggling for casualness and angered with herself at the hot twinges she knew continued to redden her cheeks. She quipped: "Well, let's say you're not leaving anything in doubt to the naked eye… but I do like it on you."

"Thanks again. Your sweet, Karen," the stunning girl bubbled. "Now, how would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon? There's several sales going on downtown…"

"Oh, I shouldn't, Barb," Karen replied as she poured their coffee and slipped into the booth across from her neighbor, aware that the fire had lessened in her cheeks, her confidence slowly returning. "Steve's taking me out to dinner tonight and I don't want to be dragging for that. Otherwise, I'd love to join you."

"Ooohhh… and I thought sure you would," Barbara disappointedly moaned, and then as quickly, she was smiling again. "But we can do it another time. I don't blame you for storing up your energy for that sweet husband of yours. He's a doll, Karen." She leaned forward over the table. "Tell me, was he over, under, or soused just to the 'nth' degree last night? God, I thought he was going to rape you right there on the couch, once!"

Karen had already been exposed to her enravishing neighbor's unexpected, sensual probes and revelations, blushingly surprising questions or statements of which her good-looking, athletic husband seemed to eagerly enjoy, and which at first had embarrassed both Steve and herself. But it was the innocence and spontaneity of them that had soon brought down her prudish guard, along with her Steve's. One couldn't know Barbara Keller very long without recognizing and accepting, even becoming infatuated with her unvarnished candor, which usually encompassed sex. Nevertheless, her immediate personal question irked Karen, setting her on the alert. There were, after all, some things…

"God!" the widened, onyx-eyed girl went on before she could answer, "Don was a savage! I thought he was going to tongue me right out of my mind, and he hadn't drunk anything near what Steve had! Then, it was dog-fashion, and believe me, honey, with that cock of his rammed up in you from behind you know you're getting fucked!"

Karen actually lost her breath at her fetching neighbor's casual use of the two four-letter words, the very sound of them tumbling from her pretty, white-glossed lips momentarily spellbinding her! In all of their association to date, the younger wife had never heard her use the ultimate graphics, even when she implied them! At the same time, she couldn't deny the sparks they raised in her soft, smoldering belly and loins… like a poker being stroked into a caked bed of white-hot coals!

Somehow, Karen found her' voice and quivering as it was in her undeniable excitement, she softly managed to convincingly lie: "Steve had to be at the office early… so we went right to sleep…"

"Really? God, I was as hot as a Spanish onion! I must've cum a half-dozen times, but that's that heavy-hung husband of mine," the sparkling brunette randomly informed, then sipped from her cup, her dark-eyes mischievously scintillating as they gleamed across the table. "Anyway, I'm sorry you guys didn't cut it. I know you were right up there with me, hon, the way you were hanging onto Steve." She set down her cup and shook her pretty head. "That's the trouble with insurance, or Don's real estate. Sure, we make wonderful money, but the time involved. It kills me. I can seldom plan a dinner and have it on the hour, or figure on my legal-lover to be on deck when he says. It's always a client who wants to look at property at the most unreasonable hours! Sometimes, I wonder if it's worth it… then I look around, or go out and lounge by the pool and decide it is."

Once more, Karen worked up a smile. "Of course it is," she heard herself say, all that her curvaceous young neighbor had openly unfolded without a grain of conscience tossing wildly inside her own wrought-up brain… Cum a half-dozen times? God! Even once would be heavenly…! Heavy-hung husband…! Steve was as big there as anyone she would ever want to know! It was so long and thick… bigger than most, she'd almost bet, or at least an equal… wasn't it…? Wasn't it…? How could she know? It was the only one she'd ever seen, felt, or loved! How could an inexperienced girl compare…! Even if she wanted to…?

"Honey! You didn't answer me," Barbara said, half-smiling across the table at her with her lovely head cocked to one side in characteristic fashion. "You off in a dream-world on me?"

"I'm sorry, Barb… I guess I got carried away there for a moment… something I ought to do," Karen lied again.

"Well… what I asked you is, when are you guys putting in your pool? Last night, you said you were going to…"

"Oh, not until next summer, probably," Karen quickly replied, ashamed of her momentary lapse. "I really didn't intend to get carried off like that…"

"Oh, for God's sake, think nothing of it, baby. I get that way once in awhile, too. But listen, why don't you and Steve come over Friday night for a pool party. We'll have cocktails, steaks, and…" she leaned forward, covering Karen's hand with her own, "some exciting movies to stimulate the sensual blood-flow. Don just sold this estate to a real big-time operator who handles the distribution of stag movies. God, hon, they're wild… all the way… everything you can imagine with beautiful gals and handsome males! Sound like something…?"

"I ah… well, I'll tell Steve tonight when he comes home," Karen huskily responded, her own blood pounding through her at the thought. "I-I have to go by his schedule, you know…"

"Of course you do, baby," the enravishing brunette smiled, getting to her feet. "Now, I better run and let you do your thing. Sorry you can't go shopping with me…"

"Another time, Barbara… Tonight looks like a big night for the Smiths," Karen said, the urge to imply something sensual to her friend almost overwhelming her.

"Ahhhh… and I can see it in your luscious eyes, you blonde beauty! Okay, I'm off and running. Let me know about Friday, eh hon? And… and you might even give me a run-down on the big go tonight! I love to hear about other people's private sex-lives!"

Karen laughed. She followed her neighbor to the door and saw her out. At the same time, she looked for Satyr, but he wasn't to be seen. The devil had wandered off again. There was his bone, but he was nowhere in sight. Damn him…

"Bye, Karen."

"Bye, Barb… see you later."

The raven-haired girl smiled and waved, then she was gone… like Satyr…!