"Angie makes friends" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wilkinson Grace)


"All the students whose names I called will leave now and report to the auditorium for the sex education film for freshmen," Mrs. Hildebrande announced.

A banging of seats and books ensued and twenty-five of the thirty students in the room rose or prepared to rise.

On his way out, Brad Harker stopped to leer at Doug Fleming and Angie Marlowe. "You little kiddies be good while we're gone."

"We don't have to take courses in sex to find out what it's all about," Angie retorted tartly.

Doug looked up from his biology book and whispered composedly. "Don't fuck all the girls while the lights are out."

Brad laughed confidently. "If I fucked one, that would be more than you ever have."

Doug's face flushed with anger.

"You might be surprised," Angie said, taking Doug's side.

"Are you kidding? This retard is a dull grind," Brad said positively. "The local genius! Studying and research projects. That's all he's ever done. He's never seen a single sex education film in his life and never taken out a girl."

"You don't know all the things I study or the projects I work on," Doug said coolly.

"Who're you trying to put on!" Brad said unimpressed.

"Well, you don't know," Angie said staunchly. "Doug learns a lot about sex from his father and I learn about it from my father. We don't need to go to those sex classes."

A loud rapping interrupted the conversation.

"Everyone out, please," Mrs. Hildebrande said crisply.

"Get your ass in gear," Doug said in a superior tone to Brad.

Brad looked first at Angie then at Doug, doubt flickering in his eyes. "If you two know so much about sex, why have you held out on the rest of us?"

Doug and Angie stared at him with poker faces.

Brad looked at them sardonically. "I'll be asking you soon. You better know something worth knowing." He turned and walked away.

The two watched Brad disappear out the door, then Doug turned to Angie. "I didn't know you knew so much about sex."

She flared back defensively, "I didn't know you knew so much either."

As soon as all the students were gone, Mrs. Hildebrande tapped for attention again. "Because there are only a few of you left in the study hall, you may study, read, or talk, if you keep your voices low." She smiled at them graciously and then turned her attention to grading papers.

Doug felt that same old sinking feeling in his stomach that he'd felt so often lately. The harder he tried to live a peaceful, logical existence, the quicker he found himself entangled in an impossible situation. Why had he taken offense to Brad's childish words? He knew what a silly ass Brad was. He thought he had inured himself to the stigma of being left out of the sex education classes long ago, but here he was – upset again. He guessed he wasn't missing much anyway. Probably the same old anatomical diagrams his father had showed him on the sly. And the School Board members didn't allow the teachers to talk about anything really interesting or exciting anyway. So why was he annoyed? Mainly because he wanted to know, he admitted to himself. Really know what sex was all about. For the past year he had been merely curious, but lately he had gotten obsessed with the idea of knowing about it. Probably had something to do with all those wet dreams he'd had lately. He knew he shouldn't care what the other kids thought of him. But he did. He couldn't stand the thought of Brad's face smiling triumphantly when he found out Doug didn't know anything about sex. Telling all the other kids.

Angie's mind was working overtime. It wasn't her fault she didn't know about sex, it was her mother's fault. Any time the subject came up her mother reacted violently against it. Angie could never find out why. Her mother wouldn't tell her anything about sex. It was always, 'Nice girls don't sit with their legs apart. Nice girls don't say those words. Nice girls don't ask those questions until they're old enough.' Hell, if sex was such a bad thing, why were adults always wanting to do it? Why did they think it was such a big thing? Could it really hurt children to know about it? Her father didn't think so. He'd wanted to tell her about sex several times but her mother always butted in. Then there'd be a big scene. Her mother would scream about getting a divorce, making a big scandal. Her father would end up shaking her out of her hysteria and her mother would shout, 'Don't touch me with your filthy obscene hands! Not after you've touched all your nurses.' Angie wondered what she meant by those words. Did her father have sex with his nurses? He probably didn't with her mother – she wouldn't even let him touch her.

A poke in her back roused Angie from her thoughts. She turned to face Doug.

"Tell me all you know about sex," Doug commanded.

"Look," she retorted, "I was only trying to help you out. Brad was so obnoxious."

"I didn't need your help before, I need it now."

"Don't you know anything about sex?" Angie asked pityingly.

Doug blushed. "Of course I do. But Brad doesn't want to know ordinary facts."

"What makes you think I'd know anything different?"

"Your father is a medical doctor, isn't he?"

"He doesn't consult me about his work," Angie said, deliberately aggravating.

"Haven't you kept your eyes and ears open and picked up a thing or two?"

"Mmmm," Angie said mysteriously, fluttering her eyelashes at him provocatively.

I wonder if she's been laid yet, Doug asked himself. She has a wide mouth. If the grandmother tales are right, she should have a large vagina.

Angie nervously drummed her fingers on the desk. "My father does have a lot of medical books in his office." But I haven't read any of them, she finished in her mind.

"You've read them?"

"Well-l. Just glanced at a few," she lied. I am going to read them. Soon, she thought. No matter what Mom says. I've waited long enough.

"What did they say?" Maybe he could get her into a petting session, if she wouldn't go all the way.

"There were a lot of diagrams, like in the biology book." That was safe to say.

"Anything new?" Doug asked hopefully. "About how it's done?" Would she go to bed with me? I'm not very good-looking. Would any girl?

"Mmmm." Angie looked down at her fingernails. She wasn't going to tell him she didn't know anything.

"I can tell. You didn't understand them." Girls were so dumb. On the other hand, that might be an asset. Would she or wouldn't she?

"Well, at least I know where it's at," Angie said daringly. She laughed. I wonder if he's tried it yet? Maybe Brad's right – he's not interested. If he'd come over, we might try it!

"Maybe if you could borrow one of your father's books, we could study it together."

"Yes? Where would we study it?"

"In the library?"

Angie shook her head. "Too public."

"At my house?"

"I can't go out with boys. My mother won't let me until I'm sixteen." Her tone was martyred.

Why in the hell is she encouraging me to ask then? Doug was outraged. "You could tell her you were visiting a girlfriend," he said mildly.

A knot of sorrow caught in Angie's throat. How she wished she could! She'd wanted to have a close friend for so long. But the girls never seemed to notice her. She'd even thought of going up to one – Mary Jane Watson especially, she was so popular – and starting a conversation. But she'd never had the nerve. At the last moment, she felt cowed. Out loud she said, "My mother knows I don't have any girlfriends."

"Oh." Doug felt defeated.

Angie saw the disappointment on his face. Maybe he is ready, she thought. What we couldn't do together. She leaned closer to him. "But you could come to my house."

Doug looked at her and blinked his eyes. She was such an illogical girl. Jumping from negative to positive.

"Unless you're afraid to," she jibed.

At last! A proposition. Loud and clear. Why not? Her parents probably went out a lot anyway. He smiled. "When?"


He could re-arrange his schedule. Put off starting that new research project. "What time?"

"7:30?" Will he have enough nerve to come? she asked herself.

"Okay," Will she let me do it to her? he asked himself.


That night it seemed as if everyone was watching him as he walked the two blocks to her house. He stood uneasily on the doorstep and rang the bell. As soon as she opened the door, he escaped inside.

"Come," she said.

She had on some fancy lounging pajamas in a slinky material that moved sensuously with every step she took. Her smooth undulating buttocks fascinated him. What law of engineering did they operate under?

The room was way in the back of the house, isolated from the other rooms. He felt a little shocked as he stepped into it and saw the bed. This was her bedroom!

"Drinking?" She held up a bottle of wine.

Doug nodded casually. He thought, anything you can do, I can do.

A stereo on the wall was blaring rock-n-roll music. 'Let me, baby, baby, won't you let me?' the young voice sang sensually to the pounding beat. Doug felt his heart begin pounding.

Angie smiled slyly as she handed him the large wine glass filled to the brim. She held up her glass in a toast. "To your health," she said and drank.

Nervously, Doug gulped the wine down, hardly tasting its sourness. Angie refilled his glass. Her liquid brown eyes were excited. They kept looking at him expectantly.

What did she want of him? "Did you get a book?"

"Oh, I meant to tell you," she said casually. "My mother doesn't allow me in the office. We'll have to break in."

"Break in?"

"You're supposed to be a genius," she cooed. "It isn't that hard to pick locks, is it?"

"Depends on the lock. I don't have any tools with me."

They went to the front of the house and Doug inspected the office door. He shook his head. "The spring is too heavy. It would take me two or three hours to open it."

"Damn!" Angie said impatiently.

"Any other openings to the office? Doors? Windows?"

"No other doors. There are windows in two walls, the front of the house and the side."

"Let's go out and look them over."

Outside, Doug decided it would be easier and less conspicuous to climb the tree on the side of the house and try to open the side window. He climbed up the tree and walked along the branch toward the window. The limb was weak and every time he neared the window, he would dangle just out of reach of the window sill. He bounced several times before he finally caught the sill; then he laboriously pulled himself up until he had both elbows on it. Gently, he pushed at the window, hoping it was unlocked. It was. He pushed it open and scrambled inside.

Angie ran inside the house and Doug let her in the office. Together they read the titles of the books on the shelves. Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior looked promising but turned out to be a book of definitions. Sterility and Its Treatment contained nothing of interest at all, at least, what they could understand of it. The Principles and Practice of Gynecology had some large diagrams of female genitalia drawn from about every angle. However, the pictures were so detailed that both Doug and Angie got lost trying to understand them.

"Doesn't your father have any easy books?" Doug asked despairingly. "Something for beginners?"

"He might at the hospital. I don't know." Books, she thought contemptuously. How much do you learn from books? Damned little!

"There's only one other way," Doug said, eyeing her tentatively. Will she or won't she? he kept asking himself.

"What?" she asked innocently. Does he mean what I think he does? She didn't know him well enough to guess.

"Try it," he said firmly. He was shaking inside, waiting for her explosion. Suppose she laughed at him?

Angie stared boldly back into his eyes. "How much do you know about it?"

He might as well take the chance. "Nothing. How much do you?"

"Nothing." I might as well admit it, she thought.

"Well?" he said matter-of-factly, "are you game?"

Her eyes recognized the challenge in his. "If you are." Can I go through with it? She wasn't sure.

"Let's go back to your room."

They carefully arranged the office as they had found it and went out the door, setting the handle, so it would lock behind them.

Back in her bedroom, Angie opened a dresser drawer. "I'll put a nightie on."

"You don't need one. It's better naked, they say."

"I'd rather." She dropped her eyes and rushed past him to the bathroom and closed the door.

Doug felt curiously abandoned. He undressed slowly, piece by piece, and waited, sitting on the bed. Time passed and he shivered. Was it anticipation or was it cold? His mind was racing. Was he really going to find out what sex was like? He hadn't thought his chance would come so soon. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 8:30. Angie had better start moving, he couldn't stay much longer. And he was getting cold.

An idea came to him. He went over to the dresser, rummaged through a drawer, picked out a frilly short nightgown and put it on. He knocked on the bathroom. "Angie? Angie?"

No answer.

He tried the door knob gently. It turned. He opened the door slowly and peeked in. Angie was sitting on the toilet, staring at the floor in front of her.

Doug stepped into the bathroom, walked into her line of vision and stopped.

Angie's eyes slowly took in the long bony feet; they followed up the hairy skinny legs and on up to the bony knees just below the edge of the ruffle. Then her eyes jumped to his face.

Doug simpered. "When is the slumber party going to start?"

He looked so grotesque pretending to be a girl that Angie had to laugh, "Now. I'll be right out," she said when she could stop laughing.

"Hurreee," Doug said in a forced feminine falsetto. "I've got so much to tell you. And we've got so much to do!"

Angie started laughing again and motioned him out.

Doug fluttered his fingers goodbye to her and clowned like a showgirl before he closed the door. He grinned to himself as he slipped out of the nightie and climbed into bed. He laid his glasses on the nightstand. The price one had to pay for a woman! He felt old and experienced.

Angie bustled into the room, avoiding his eyes. She turned down the stereo. "It's too light in here." She turned off the lamp; the room became black. Shyly, she climbed into bed beside him.

His angular firm body felt strange and exciting to her. Each time she felt a part of his body touch hers – a shoulder or a leg or a hip – electric sparks flashed through her body and she would edge away nervously. She'd never felt like this before.

The excitement of feeling Angie's softly rounded body near his erected his penis. He put out a hand to touch her, but she pulled away.

"You said you would, Angie," he reminded her in a low voice.

"It feels funny and I'm a little afraid," she whimpered in her low little girl voice.

I can force her, he thought. It would be so easy. His desire demanded to be sated. He imagined forcing himself on her. But after the fantasy faded he knew he could not. I can't take it unless she gives it to me. Strange. As sick as he was of her virginity, he couldn't just take her. Damn! Why should he have to be this way? There were always catches to everything.

"Of course it does," he said soothingly. "It feels strange to me too. The first time always does."

Doug lay there, silently cursing himself for being the way he was. Damn, he was burning. His penis wanted in. He sighed deeply.

Angie heard his sigh and thought, he's thinking of Brad and all those kids at school. Facing them would be awful if they didn't do it. She slid over against him and whispered. "Go ahead, do it to me."

Awkwardly Doug climbed onto her and gently spread her slightly resisting legs apart. He had to kneel to examine her pussy. Where was her vaginal opening? She was so nervous it made him feel nervous. She tensed and jumped when he touched the soft curls of her sparse young pubic hair. He gently parted it with his thumbs and separated her outer cuntal lips and felt for the inner labia. His finger explored downward for the vaginal opening. When he found the tiny pink mouth it was throbbing gently. He pressed the moist fleshy lips open and she jumped and tensed her body even more.

Embarrassment swept over him. He had never imagined sex would feel as bad as this! But he couldn't stop now, not with her lying here with her legs spread so far apart for him. He lowered his body down on top of her and pressed his hard penis against her tight vaginal opening and Angie tried to wiggle away. So many strange emotions and sensations flowed through her body. This was too real, her mind screamed. Too obscene. Not beautiful and romantic as she had dreamed. Fright clutched her.

Doug kept trying hard to push his hardened cock into her and she kept wiggling away from him until she had retreated all the way to the foot of the bed. Nervous and preoccupied with the mechanics of the act, Doug suddenly felt his penis go limp in his fingers. Humiliated, he stopped trying and lay breathing heavily beside her.

Both lay there wondering what would happen next. Should they say something?

After a moment or two, Doug's nervous tension lessened and his penis erected again. It was burning to enter her. Blindly he again fumbled between her legs. He tried two or three times, but each time his desire was destroyed by the frustration of his failure to enter her.

Was this the sex extolled in rhyme throughout the ages? That drove men on to greater glories? He couldn't believe that even his father would put up with this with his mother every night.

His penis erected again. Plucky Pierre! One more try, he promised himself. This is as bad as some of those chemical experiments that wouldn't turn out, he thought. This time he wormed the smooth rubbery head a little way in, only to slip out. His spirits rose and his desire with them.

Angie was moaning with pain; tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Oblivious to her, Doug poised his now desperately throbbing cock outside her vagina and gave a strong pelvic thrust.

Angie tensed, cried out in pain, then blacked out. Losing consciousness caused her to relax momentarily and her vagina opened involuntarily and slipped like a warm, tight glove over his penis. Blood gushed out and felt hot on his legs.

Doug thrashed frantically over her a few times; then he felt the cum bursting deep down inside her quivering little belly. A sudden intense feeling and then it was gone. Angie didn't react at all, as far as he could tell. Her legs lay limp and wide-spread out on either side of his body.

He felt spent. His penis relaxed and slipped out when he moved, so he rolled off of her and laid alongside her. He tried to analyze what had happened. He'd been awfully hot outside her but as soon as he'd got in, he'd become instantaneously hotter. And then he couldn't recall what had happened. Exactly. Was that all there was to it? He was disappointed. He had expected more than a transient intense feeling and then whammo, nothing! He really hadn't felt much. Most of the excitement came from the knowledge that he, Douglas Fleming, had finally and actually had intercourse with a live girl.

Angie felt battered physically and mentally. Pain ached between her legs. Her thoughts spun in a senseless whirl. Every nerve end tingled. Emotions flickered lightning-like throughout her body. She felt dirtied – raped. How animal! Repulsive! How could men like it? Did they?

"Did you like it, Doug?" she finally managed to stammer out.

"Well, not a lot," Doug hedged. "It happened too fast. Sudden like. Did you feel it?"

"No. It hurt. I don't see how anyone enjoys it. My mother must be right. It's only for men to enjoy."

"This is just the first time," Doug argue. "In science you don't build your theories on the first experiment. Or on negative evidence."

"But what if that's all there is to it?"

Doug snorted. "Highly unlikely. Why are adults always so crazy about it?"

"I'm sure I don't know. And I don't care to," she added petulantly.

Doug tried to reason it out. "If adults like it so much, there must be a pleasurable feeling to it or they wouldn't do it. If we didn't feel pleasure, we mustn't have done it right. Therefore, the sex act has to be learned, I guess."

"Animals don't have to learn it," Angie said.

"Most of them live by instinct. Humans are animals too, but specialized animals. They differ from the lower animals in several ways. They have to learn lots of things – why not the sex act?"

Angie felt cheated. She had expected so much and all she'd gotten was a pain between her legs! She would have loved to enjoy it to get even with her mother. Damnation! And here the old turd turned out to be right. That hurt even worse than the screwing! Now all she could do was go up to the old bitch and say, "Mom, you're right. Screwing is a pain in the ass." Wow! That'd make the old witch drop her choppers. She'd love to see the expression on her face!

Doug was lost in thought. Were virgins always that hard to get into? That girl had a natural chastity belt! He thought he'd never make it. Sometimes that old try, try again routine really pays off. He chuckled mentally. He wouldn't mind trying it again. Right now. But he didn't think Angie'd go for it. He stole a sidelong glance at her. She was frowning. No. Better not push his luck. But there was that one moment there. A mind blowing feeling barely started. If he only could have held it longer. And longer and longer. He tried to imagine it again, but he couldn't. He wondered if Brad had ever felt it. He bet not. Not if he accused them of holding out on information. He just had to do it again. To see if he could recapture that feeling.

"Let's try it again, Angie," he said enthusiastically.

"No. No." She rolled away from him. "I don't want to!"

"Not tonight," he reassured her. "Another night. After we've had time to learn how to do it right."

"It wasn't any fun for me," she pouted.

"But it could be," he said optimistically. "Think of all the married people that go to bed every night…"

Angie interrupted. "My parents don't."

"They don't?"

"No, they don't," Angie said strongly. "My mother won't even let my father touch her. She has her own bedroom."

"Well, where did you come from?" Doug asked. "Are you adopted?"

"No, I'm not," she said indignantly. "My mother had a hard time when I was born. She told me. She doesn't really like kids – or husbands. We make her nervous."

Doug looked into Angie's eyes. "She just got scared off. Before it got to be fun. Are you going to be like her? Quit too soon?"

Angie looked deep into his eyes. What was his game? Did he like her at all? Just a little bit? He didn't just want to hurt her again? She hesitated.

Doug put his arm around her and hugged her to him. "I'm sorry I hurt you this time, Angie. Really. I know it was rough on you. It was partly the way you're made. I had to break your hymen. Before we try it next time, we'll learn something about it. We'll make a special project of it. We'll get some books. I'll study about the physiology and anatomy of sex and you'll study about the techniques of doing it. What do you say?"

Angie snuggled against his bare chest. She did like the feel of his naked male body and the smell of it, too. It felt comforting to be in his arms. And he was so eager and happy. She liked to see him smile. He looked different with his glasses off. A suspicion entered her mind.

"Did you feel something I didn't?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," she said impatiently.

He stopped to consider whether he should tell her or not before he replied. Hell, why not? Maybe he could give her a false hope. He looked in to her eyes. "Well, just for a minute there, I had this intense feeling. But it went away before I could analyze it."

Angie's curiosity was aroused. "An intense feeling? Do you suppose a girl is supposed to feel it, too?"

"They must," Doug said positively. "All these mistresses the French kings had in the history books. I bet they didn't fuck just for jewels!"

Angie considered the lewd word for a moment. "Does your mother f-fuck with your father?"

"Of course. And they're always feeling each other up. When they think I'm not looking," he added.

They stared into each other's eyes, each weighing the idea and the other's reaction.

"If it didn't hurt so much," she whined.

"You're going to be like your mother," Doug warned.

"No!" Angie said angrily.

"Give yourself a chance to get used to it," Doug pleaded. "It probably doesn't hurt when it's done right. I'll try to help you. Come on, let me fuck you once more. Please?"

Angie couldn't resist his begging eyes. "Okay. Once more. Only."

"It'll be better next time, you'll see," he said confidently. "We'll be able to tell Brad lots of things."

"Not that we did it," Angie objected.

"Not that," he agreed.

"Are you sure we can find some good books?" she worried.

"Lots of them. The library must be full of them."

"I've never run across any," she said pensively.

"If I don't find any book, I'll spy on my parents," he said grandly.

Angie gasped in shock, "You wouldn't!"

"Wouldn't I?" Doug said boldly. "They're always encouraging me in my research work."

A picture of Doug peeking out from a closet at his parents humping in bed filled Angie's mind. She started to giggle uncontrollably. Doug caught her hysteria. They wrapped their arms around each other and rolled on the bed, laughing wildly.