"Modeling Her Pleasures" - читать интересную книгу автора (Zodeclown Bo)

Chapter 3

"Mom, Mom, wake up Mom. Are ya okay Mom?"

Polly's eyes snapped open and for a minute she thought she'd been dreaming. She looked up at the healthy smiling faces of her sons and realized she was still on Peter's bed and that her recent tryst with them had been real.

"You fell asleep Mom." Peter said. "How about fixing us some breakfast now. Geeze, I never knew screwing could make you so hungry."

His casual manner of speaking sent a chill through Polly's heart. He seemed to be so blasй about something that had been so important to Polly. She knew her relationship with her sons had been changed irrevocably that morning. She hoped that she could handle it properly.

"Peter darling, did you and your brother like what we just did?"

Donny said, "Gosh yes Mom. We've been anxious to find out what it was like, but we thought we'd have to find another girl our age to-let us dolt. We never figured you'd do it with us."

Peter said, "What we did is kinda wrong, isn't it Mom. I mean, if we told anyone, you'd get into trouble, wouldn't ya?"

Polly looked at her son intently. "Are you going to tell anyone, Peter? You wouldn't want to get anyone into trouble would you? I did it because I love you two boys. Do you understand?"

"Sure Mom, we understand. We've been talking though, Donny and me, and we figure you got hot watching us play with our cocks and wanted it too. Didn't we Donny?"

Donny Bell nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah Mom, we understand. You've been alone a long time and don't have anyone to take care of you. We know you play with yourself and use that vibrating thing. We seen it a couple times."

Polly blushed when she heard how her sons had reasoned out her conduct. She had indeed spied on them and gotten emotionally carried away. A slight fear began to invade her now.

Sitting up she started to leave the bed. "Well, this is the last time we'll ever do this boys. I'm sorry I allowed myself to get so carried away. We'll simply forget it ever happened and not mention it again."

As she rose from their bed, Peter's voice stopped her from walking out of the room.

"We're looking forward to doing it again, Mom. We've heard about a lot of things that a woman can do for a guy if she wants to. We got a lot of ideas we want to try, don't we Donny?"

Polly looked in surprise at her Sons. Donny's eyes never left her face. He seemed so innocent.

"We sure do, Mom. Pete and I were talking while you slept and we decided we jacked off so many times looking at your pictures in that book; now we'd like to see what you look like dressed in all those sexy things. As long as there's just the three of us here, you can wear that stuff all the time, Mom. It's gonna be great, Mom."

Polly's heart beat faster now.

"Listen you two. I'm not going to stand here another minute and listen to this. What happened here is never going to happen again. It was done in love and I'm sorry you can't understand that. Now forget any other ideas you have."

She turned to pick up her robe and while she slipped into it she kept her back to the boys. When she turned to face them, they were looking at each other. Peter had her panties in his hand. Walking to the bed she held out her hand and waited until he handed them to her.

"Mom. Donny and I love you too. Honest we do Mom. But, I'm afraid we're gonna have to insist on doing this our way. We're kids and you could get into trouble if we told anyone this happened. You got to do it, Mom. We want to fuck you again, and we want you to suck us off some more too."

Donny got off the bed and came up to his mother. He was nearly as tall as she was and his healthy tanned body reminded her so much of Ben's.

Putting his arm around his mother, he said, "Please don't be mad, Mom. We just couldn't go back to playing with our own cocks after this. We talked about this a lot before, and we figure you need what we got too. Why go out with some guy and do it with him when you got us. We love you Mom, and we really can learn something from you, too. It's a great idea for all of us, Mom."

Peter's head was nodding in silent agreement at what his brother was saying.

"Yeah Mom, besides we seen some other pictures once that you and Dad bad in your bedroom, and he used to tie you up and make you do all kinda things that were neat. You never complained about that. How come you don't want to make us happy, too?"

Polly's eyes widened in shocked disbelief. She remembered Ben taking many photos of her during the years they were both lovers and then later after they were married. She had destroyed them after his death. Apparently the boys had seen them while they were quite young but hadn't forgotten them. Her loins spasmed as she remembered the various acts she and Ben had played out. Peter had been only too right when he said that she'd not complained when Ben had done certain things to her. They certainly hadn't been unpleasant to her. A feeling of passion began to sweep over her.

"Peter, Danny, I'll have to think about this. Everything's very confusing to me right now. We'll talk about it later. Now boys, please promise you won't speak of this to anyone outside this house. You don't know what could happen if you did."

"Peter and I already know, Mom. We talked about it once with a friend and we don't want anything like that to happen. Our friend said what we did is done in a lot of families and nobody gets hurt, and everyone has a great time."

"Yeah Mom, you just got to do your part and we'll promise to do ours."

His face had a grinning leer on it, and Polly wasn't exactly sure how to take his remark about her doing her part.

She stroked Donny's cheek "My Lord, my two babies are certainly grown up, aren't they. If I decided to allow you boys to have sex with me, you'll do everything I say. Is that understood? I suppose young boys are bound to need physical love, and you might as well have it at home instead of with strangers."

She looked at Peter. "Who's this friend you spoke to?"

Peter grinned. "We promised not to tell. Mom. Our friend told us some secrete so there's nothing to worry about. Our friend won't talk to anybody."

Donny stroked the full flesh of his mother's breast through the flimsy fabric of her peignoir. "You'll do it then, Mom? Can we count on making love to you whenever we want to? Geeze, I'm getting excited just thinking about it."

"Well right now, it's time to feed you two. Let me wash up and you can both do the same. I'll fix pancakes this morning and you two fix the juice and set the table for me, okay?"

"Yeah Mom, we'll really need a big breakfast today. I'm starving," Peter said as he jumped out of bed and embraced his mother. "Gosh Mom, You're really pretty. I never seen nicer tits, even on women in magazines."

His reference and language caused Polly to blush, but his band on the breast that Donny had not been stroking brought heat to her loins.

My God, she thought, can this really happen to me? A little while ago I was a widow and only mildly aware of my frustrations and only mildly curious about a new neighbor. Here I am now, the lover of two teenagers who are my own sons, and my body's on fire to have them again right now.