"Balling Hot Daughter" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eastwood Nick)CHAPTER ONEChrissy O'Brien might have been considered the luckiest teenager in the world that summer after her birthday. She definitely would have been the envy of millions of other young women if they'd heard about her life. Chrissy was petite, blonde and beautiful, and she was spending the summer on a tropical island. Not only that, but her father was rich. Bennett O'Brien, as he preferred to be called, was the producer of a very popular TV series, and he made enough money to give his daughter just about anything she wanted. This summer he was taking her along on location for the show, to a remote private island in the South Pacific. It was going to be a nice change for Chrissy, who spent the school year in boarding school. Her mother had died when she was little, and Ben was just too busy to take care of her fulltime. But she always looked forward to summer vacation when she could live with her dad, and this summer looked like it could be the most exciting time of all. So why was Chrissy miserable? "Daddy," she wailed one morning as they were finishing breakfast, "you didn't tell me I'd be the only kid on the whole island." "I'm sorry, babe, I didn't even think about that," Ben answered. "1 just thought you'd get a kick out of being here and us being together." "Of course, Daddy," Chrissy sighed, "you know I love being with you. But you're busy on the set all day, and I don't have anybody to hang out with. It's really a drag." Ben glanced at his watch and exclaimed, "speaking of the set, I'm almost late~ I better get going." He stopped to give Chrissy a peck on the cheek and said, "I'll talk to some of the cast and crew and see if their kids can fly out for a week or so. How's that?" "Thanks, Daddy," Chrissy smiled. She didn't really think he'd come up with anything. In fact she'd be surprised if he remembered his promise by the time he got to the set. Ben was a well-meaning father, but he was just too damned busy. His career came first, and even though "he loved his daughter very much, he didn't have much time for her. Chrissy accepted all this with a sigh and went to clean up the breakfast dishes. All of the cast and crew were living in trailers, and Chrissy shared one with her father. As she washed dishes, she fantasized about being Ben's wife,a daydream she often had. She'd spend her day making the trailer pleasant to live in, and then when Ben got home from work they'd make love. The idea really got her aroused. Not that she had much idea what love-making was all about. She knew there was hugging and kissing and taking off clothes, but she wasn't too suTe about the rest. Her sex education had been skimpy, and her life at various boarding schools had been very sheltered. She'd heard some of the older girls whispering and giggling and had tried to snoop on their conversations but all she'd learned so far was that boys are built differently from girls. Big deal. Anyhow, she was sure that no boy her own age could ever turn her on like daddy did. Ben was an outrageously handsome six-footer,with dark brown hair and warm brown eyes, the kind of guy women throw themselves at. Chrissy thought her father was the sexiest man in the world, and she couldn't imagine being attracted to anyone else that strongly. She just wished daddy was with her right now. But he'd be on the set all day, maybe twelve hours or more, and she'd better find some way to amuse herself. She put on her bathing suit, a tiny red bikini that showed off her developing curves, grabbed a big beach towel, and went out to catch some sun. Even if she died of boredom before the summer was over, Chrissy figured, she'd have a fantastic tan when they buried her. Between the trailer and the beach there was a small forest of tropical plants. Chrissy was just entering the area when she heard voices. Two people were whispering urgently at each other, like they were trying to find each other in the dense vegetation. Chrissy stood still and listened. "Mark?" came a girl's voice. "Are you there?" "Tara, over here," came a male voice in reply. "Over where?" Tara called. "I can't see a thing." "Just stand still and keep talking," Mark called back. "1'11 fmd you." Chrissy recognized the names and voices. Mark and Tara were young actors in the series, playing important but minor parts. They weren't needed on the set today, and it sounded as if they were trying to find each other for some fun. That might be very interesting to watch. Chrissy dropped down in the bushes and waited to see what would happen. There was a lot of crashing and thrashing as Mark fought his way to Tara. "Oh, there you are," he laughed. "Hold my hand and I'll lead you to a clearing." "You mean there's actually a clearing in this jungle?" Tara moaned. "Hey, don't knock it," Mark chuckled. "We can't exactly make out on the beach." Make out? Chrissy's interest picked up fast. She followed the noises and tracked Mark and Tara to a small clearing. Because of the dense undergrowth she was able to get to within twenty feet of them and not be seen. She settled down on her beach towel to watch them. She hoped they were going to do something really outrageous. They started out by kissing, and it wasn't just pecks on the lips. Chrissy watched wideeyed as the young actors kissed hotly, darting their tongues into each other's mouth. It was the first time she'd heard about tonguekissing, and the idea turned her on like crazy. She decided it was the first thing she was going to try, if daddy ever allowed her to date. "Mmmmmm," Tara sighed as she came up for air, "that was nice. Let's do it again." She was a slim leggy redhead in her midtwenties, and Mark was a handsome sandyhaired guy of about the same age. Chrissy admired them both and always enjoyed watching them on the show. But on the show they played sister and brother, so she'd never seen them kiss and make out. This was definitely better than anything she'd seen on TV. She could feel her virgin pussy getting all hot and moist as she watched Mark and Tara exchanging wet hungry kisses. That happened to her a lot lately, especially when she had those daydreams about being daddy's wife. Sometimes her pussy got so hot and achy that she had to play with herself. After years in all-girl boarding schools, she'd become an expert at masturbating. All the girls did it, and she was no exception. And now here was that feeling again. Her slit began to puff and swell, and hot sticky juice leaked from her tiny cunt mouth. She felt like squirming, writhing, or rubbing herself down there. If she'd been alone, she would have, too. She'd have rubbed her clit till she came like crazy. But she couldn't do that now. She might lose control of herself and squeal with pleasure, and then Tara and Mark would catch her spying on them. No, she couldn't get caught. It would be terribly embarrassing for her and for daddy. She stayed still as a mouse, even though some of the things she saw made her want to squeal with excitement. Now Mark was untying Tara's halter and removing it, exposing her pretty little high riding tits. He cup~ her bare breasts and began to squeeze them, and Tara lolled back against a tree trunk, her eyes glassy with lust. "Mmmmmm, nice," she sighed, "but I bet you'd rather be doing that to Marlene." She was referring to the star of the show, Marlene Vickers, who had world-famous big tits. "Wrong," Mark grinned, "1 don't like jugs like watermefons. Yours are just right." Chrissy was glad to hear that, because her own developing tits weren't much bigger than Tara's. She tried to imagine a boy's hands massaging and molding her naked tits, and she shivered with longing. If only daddy weren't so strict! But he insisted that she couldn't date till she was eighteen. Kids were growing up too fast these days, he said, but his daughter was going to be an exception. However Chrissy didn't think she could wait another two years to find out about boys and sex. She'd die of curiosity long before that, she was sure of it. Now her pussy got even hotter and wetter as she watched Mark play with Tara's luscious little tits. He used his hands to cover all but the little red nipples that looked like ripe strawberries. He bent low, stuck out his tongue, and started lashing her nipples with the wet meat. Tara gave a squeal of excitement, and her nipples responded fast to the young man's tonguing, growing stiff and erect. "0ooooo, Mark, you're getting me so hot," Tara moaned. "That's the whole idea," he chuckled. Chrissy caught herself squirming, rubbing her thighs together and trying to get some relief for the hot ache in her pussy. She reminded herself that that would have to wait. She had to be absolutely still and quiet. Later, when she'd finished her spying, she could go back to the trailer and beat off like crazy. She was going to need it, that was for sure. Her pussy felt like it was on fire. She bet Tara felt that way, too. The redhead's pretty face was flushed, her teeth flashing as she panted, and she was wriggling and writhing as if her pussy ached with need. She moved her legs apart a little, and Chrissy saw that the crotch of her shorts had a little puddle of pussy cream. Mark was making the young woman unbearably horny as he licked and sucked her tits. Finally Tara couldn't remain passive any longer. She reached out and tugged off Mark's t-shirt, exposing his smooth tan chest. As an insider on the set, Chrissy happened to know that Mark actually had a very hairy chest, but he had to shave it for his role. The only "good guy" allowed to have a hairy chest was the male lead, Gene Jepson. So Tara was running her hands over taut bare flesh. "Do you ever get to grow this back?" she giggled. "Yeah, after we finish this season's shooting," Mark grinned. "I hope you'll be around to examine the difference. " "I hope so, too," Tara smiled. Then she reached for the zipper of his shorts. Chrissy sat rigid with attention, hardly daring to breathe as the redhead unzipped Mark's pants. Chrissy had heard a lot of rumors about cocks, about how boys were different from girls, but now she was going to get the truth. Tara was tugging Mark's shorts off, and he wasn't wearing underwear. Chrissy's blue eyes got huge, and she barely stifled a gasp of excitement. So that was what a cock looked like. "Mmmmmm, for me?" Tara grinned as she petted Mark's stiff cock. "All yours," he leered. His cock was about six inches long, Chrissy guessed, and very thick. It was feathered with blue veins and was drooling thick streams of juice. Most impressive of all, it stood up absolutely rigid, not even quivering as Tara petted it. Chrissy seethed with frustration. She wanted so much to pet a cock herself, to see how it felt, to get a closer look. No way could she wait till she was eighteen to find out all about boys! She ached with envy as she watched Tara curl her fingers around the stiff slab of meat and pump it. Mark shivered with pleasure as his girlfriend's firm fingers zipped up and down his shaft. He lay back: for a moment and just let her arouse his already engorged prick. But he couldn't stay passive for long. He, reached for the elastic waistband of Tara's shorts and tugged the garment down. She assisted him by wriggling her hips and was left in just a skimpy pair of bikini panties. Mark made short work of those. Chrissy eyed the older girl's luxuriant copper-furred bush and hoped that her own little muff of curls would get to be that impressive. She shivered with excitement as Mark and Tara, both naked now, kissed and rolled around in the leaves and grass, pawing each other hungrily. Mark slipped a hand between Tara's thighs and rubbed her slick pink gash, and she murmured and writhed obviously excited by his touch. That was something Chrissy could really identify with. She knew how great it felt to be touched there because she did it all the time to herself. But she was sure it would be a lot more exciting if a boy did it to her, like Mark was doing to Tara. He found her clit, a swollen slick lump the size of a pea, and began to rub it with his fingertip, using a circular motion. "0ooooo, yessss," Tara squealed, "play f with me, Mark, you know I love that." "Okay," Mark said, suddenly looking quite serious, "but remember, this is as far as we can go." "What?" Tara squawked. "What are you talking about?" "Well, we are brother and sister," he said solemnly. "Oh, you nut," Tara laughed. Chrissy almost laughed, too. Mark was referring to their roles in the series, where he played a young detective and Tara played his sister, who was always trying to help him but usually fucking things up.lt made for a lot of laughs. But the TV audience thought of them as brother and sister in real life, too, and they would have been plenty shocked to see them right now. "So you really wanta go all the way, Sis?" Mark teased. "Sure, Brother," Tara laughed, "I think a little incest might be fun." Incest? Chrissy didn't know the word, but she made a mental note to check it out sometime. Like when she got back to civilization and dictionaries. But right now books were the farthest thing from her mind. Tara was rolling onto her elbows and knees, wantonly poking her nice little ass at Mark. He was licking his lips and eying her exposed slit. Then he knelt behind her and teasingly rubbed the fat purple head of his cock over the slick flesh of her gash. "Yessss, stick it in me," Tara hissed urgentIy. Grinning like a maniac, Mark started to glide his rigid cock into Tara's cunt. Chrissy watched breathlessly, finally understanding what it meant to "go all the way." She tried to imagine taking something the size of Mark's cock into her virgin pussy hole, and she felt both fright and excitement. Tara had an expression of total bliss on her face as Mark stuffed her with his meat, so obviously it didn't hurt her. "Unnnnhhhhhh, yes, give it to me," Tara moaned, "give me every inch of that big thing." "You got it, baby," Mark leered as his coarse-haired balls came to rest against her slit. "You got all of it. You like it?" "1 love it," she gurgled, clawing the grass. "Now fuck the living shit out of me." "My gosh, lady, you aren't horny or anything, are you?" Mark chuckled. "Oh, no!" Tara exclaimed, "why should I be horny? Just because we haven't had a chance to fuck since we left L.A.? Me, horny?" So Mark and Tara had been having an affair? Chrissy was excited to discover that. But she was even more excited by what she was seeing right now. Mark began to saw his stiff cock in and out of Tara's slippery juicing cunt, fucking her in finn deep ~trokes, and she let out a hoarse moan of delight. Hot cream overflowed her box, gushing out around Mark's prick and running down her thighs. His cock looked so huge as it stretched her delicate cunt lips, but obviously she loved it. "Ahhhhhh, yeah, honey, give it to me, ruck my pussy good," she moaned. Mark still had that insane leer on his face as he pistoned his taut boner in and out of her cunt. Chrissy watched with rapidly mounting arousal and could hardly resist the urge to play with herself. Her pussy was boiling with need, and she was dying to know how it would feel to take something stiff and long up her cunt. As soon as she was by herself, she was going to fmd out. But right now she had to stay quiet. "Fuck it to me, fuck it to meeeee," Tara was squealing. Her eager cries made Mark more aroused, and he fucked into her faster and harder, his belly slapping loudly against her ass.}-~js cock was making an obscene sucking noise as it reamed the thick cream from her squeezing box. Chrissy rubbed her thighs together in another vain attempt to douse the fire in her slit. She knew now that she just wouldn't rest till she'd fucked a guy. She had to know what it was like. "Ohhhhhht shit, I'm almost there," Tara groaned. "Fuck it to me real hard, baby, as hard as you can." "You got it, honey," Mark leered. Clutching her slim hips, he hammered his dick into her with lightning speed. Her body shook with the impact, her pretty tits wobbling like crazy. She had to claw the grass to keep from being knocked over. Mark's frantic fucking looked savage to Chrissy, but Tara seemed to love every second of it. Her eyes closed tightly, and she moaned steadily thick cunt juices running down her legs. "0ooooo, fuck, shit, 0ooooo," she wailed. "You better get off, lady," Mark cried hoarsely, "cause I can't hold out much longer." "Just a little more!" Tara begged. Mark gritted his teeth and kept fucking her in that jackhammer style, but his eyes were rolling wildly, and even the inexperienced Chrissy knew he was about to come. Then Tara went rigid for a few seconds, her pretty features twisting into a grimace of ecstasy. After that her slender body began to buck hard, and she let out a hoarse shout. A second later her shout was drowned out by Mark's lusty bellowing. "Ohhhhhh, fuck, I'm coming, ohhhhhh!" she cried. "Ahhhhhhh, shit, me, too," Mark roared, "take it, baby, aaaggghhhhh!" Chrissy sensed that this would be a good time to sneak away, while her noises were covered by the couple's horny shouts. Besides, it was urgent for her to get back to the trailer and beat off. She was going to stick a stiff finger up her cunt and see how it felt. It would be fun pretending it was a guy's cock. She could hardly wait to try it. Quickly she crawled back to the trail and hurried toward the trailer |