"Night Star" - читать интересную книгу автора (Noël Alyson)sixI stand before the door, eyes closed, taking a moment to engage in one of the fast and simple mini-meditations Ava taught me in order to empower myself. Imagining a radiant white light coursing through my body and seeping through all of my cells, as my fingers anxiously seek the amulet I wear at my neck. The collection of crystals meant to keep me from harm and guard all of my chakras, especially my fifth—the center for the lack of discernment and a misuse of information—my one major weakness that, if targeted, will doom me to the infinite abyss. Stealing a second to tune in to Damen, to let him know there’s a good chance it’s started, while also reminding him of his promise to stay put unless I specifically call out for his help. Then I take a deep breath and push my way in, moving across the ugly pink tiled floor, stopping just shy of the row of white sinks that jut out from the wall. My posture relaxed, arms loose by my sides, watching as Haven kicks open the door of every last stall, making sure we’re alone, before she turns, places her hands on her hips, cocks her head to the side, and shoots me an appraising look that does nothing to mar her newly enhanced face. “And so begins senior year.” She smirks, the sapphire marking the space just above and between her brows, catching the fluorescent light and glinting at me as she smiles in a way that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “How are you finding it so far? Your teachers—your classes—is it everything you dreamed it would be?” I shrug, refusing to give her anything more, refusing to get caught up in her game. This is the kind of useless word-play Roman loved to engage in, and if I didn’t play it with him, I certainly won’t indulge her. She continues to study me, not the least bit daunted by my silence. If anything, it only encourages her. “Well, as for me, it’s turning out even better than planned. I’m sure you’ve already noticed how popular I am. In fact, I can’t decide whether to try out for cheerleader, run for class president, or both. What do you think?” She pauses, allowing plenty of time for me to weigh in, but when I don’t, she just shrugs and continues. “I mean, let’s face it, not to be all full of myself but there’s really no doubt I can do anything I want now. Surely you’ve noticed the way people look at me, the way they follow me around. It’s like—” Her eyes light up, her cheeks flush bright pink, and she wraps her arms around her middle, hugging herself in a burst of conceit. “It’s like I’m a rock star or something—they just can’t get enough of me!” I sigh, loud enough for her to hear. Meeting her overconfident gaze with a look of complete and total boredom when I say, “Trust me, I’ve noticed.” Instantly wiping the triumphant smile from her face when I add, “Too bad it’s not real. I mean, you She laughs, dismissing my words with a wave of her hand, walking in slow, deliberate circles, before she stops just before me and says, “Sounds like someone’s been snacking on the sour grapes.” She curls her lip and shakes her head. “Seriously. I mean, what’s your deal, Ever? Feeling a little I roll my eyes, remembering my old life in Eugene, Oregon, back when I was a walking, talking, popular clich#233;. And even though I used to miss it, missed the seeming simplicity of it—the rules of conformity that seemed so easy to follow at the time—I wouldn’t go back to it for anything. It’s not even the slightest bit tempting these days. “Hardly.” I gaze at her, my eyes narrowed. “Though I am surprised to see how much you’ve embraced it. I mean, considering how much you used to mock them and all. But I guess you only did that to hide the fact that you secretly wanted to be one of them. You pretended not to care when they snubbed you, when, apparently, you really did.” I shake my head, shooting her a look of pity, which, if the look in her eyes is any indication, has only enraged her even more. “But I doubt that’s why you summoned me here,” I add, eager to get back on point. “So why don’t you just go ahead and spill it? What is it that you’re just dying to tell me that can’t wait or can’t take place somewhere other than this gawd-awful bathroom?” I gaze at her patiently, waiting for her to begin, while silently repeating the promises I made to myself: She rolls her eyes and heaves an exasperated sigh, looking at me as though the view pains her when she says, “Oh, and now you’re worried about getting caught loitering in the bathroom on your first day of school?” She clucks her tongue against the inside of her cheek as she lifts her hand to admire the stack of silver and blue rings she wears on each finger. “Why you insist on trying to act so She sticks out her tongue and crosses her eyes in a way that reminds me of the old Haven, the one who used to be my friend, but just as quickly it’s gone when she says, “And even more importantly, why would you even care? Because in case you haven’t noticed, the school rules are pretty much useless for people like us. We can do I shrug, busying myself with my nails, even though they’re clean, smooth, unpolished, and so short there’s not much to see. But I won’t give in to her badgering, and I certainly won’t give her the satisfaction she seeks. But it’s not like she cares, she’d much rather hear the sound of her own voice anyway, so she just forges ahead when she says, “I mean, on the one hand, he really has lost that exciting bad boy edge I loved so much—but on the other, I’m willing to bet he’s still got a good bit of it somewhere buried down deep. Really, Not only do I have no idea what she means, but no way of peeking into her mind to see for myself, since her shield is far too powerful for that. All I can do is just stand there and pretend not to care. Act as though her words aren’t causing the slightest bit of curiosity or interest, even though I’m ashamed to admit that they are. She knows something. That much is clear. This isn’t just posturing on her part. She’s onto something about Damen—about his past—and she’s practically begging me to make her reveal it. Which is exactly why I can’t. “I mean, as you’ve probably already guessed, Roman told me some pretty sordid stuff. Some of which you probably already know so there’s no use going over it again, but then, just the other day, I was going through some of his belongings when I came across this whole stack of diaries.” She pauses, allowing plenty of time for her words to sink in. “I mean, you should’ve seen it—it was like— I narrow my gaze even further, nearing the end of my patience and needing her to know it. “So why didn’t he share it freely with But Haven waves it away. “We’ve been over that, he was just having a little fun. I was never in any danger. He totally would’ve brought me back if he had to.” She rolls her eyes and shakes her head, clearly annoyed by the interruption. “ But it’s not gonna happen. Even though her words instantly remind me of something that both Roman So, instead, I just lift my shoulders and sigh as though I’m bored beyond belief and couldn’t care less if she says another word. Which causes her to frown and say, “Whatever. It’s not like you can fool me with all of your sighing and shoulder shrugging. I “The only thing you should be concerned about right now is But I just swallow hard, making sure to keep my voice firm and steady when I say, “Damen and I have no secrets. And I know full well what Damen’s heart is like—and it’s good. So unless you have something more to say, I’m outta here—” I make for the door, having every intention of leaving, of ending it before it can go any further, but before I can even reach it, she’s there. Arms crossed, face grim, eyes like slits when she says, “You’re not going anywhere, Ever. I’m not even close to being done with you yet.” |