"Night Star" - читать интересную книгу автора (Noël Alyson)fourIt isn’t until lunch that we see her. Everyone sees her. She’s impossible to miss. Like an unexpected swirl of icy blue frost—like an intricate icicle edged in sharp curves—she’s as enticing, exotic, and startling as a surprise wintry chill on a hot summer day. A large group of students swarm all around her—the very same people who looked past her before. But there’s no missing her now. No missing her unearthly beauty, her irresistible lure. She’s not the same Haven she used to be. She’s entirely different. Transformed. Where she used to fade, she now glistens. Where once she repelled, she attracts. And what I used to think of as her standard black leather and lace, rock ’n’ roll gypsy look, has been swapped for a sort of languorous, mesmerizing, slightly morbid glamour. Like an arctic version of a dark, mournful bride, she’s dressed in a long body-skimming gown with a deep V in front, long floaty sleeves, and layer upon layer of soft, silky blue fabric that drags behind her, sweeping the ground, while her neck practically sags with the weight of jewels she’s layered upon it—a combination of glossy Tahitian pearls, glittery cabochon sapphires, large roughly cut chunks of turquoise, and highly polished clusters of aquamarine, with long, jet black hair that hangs in glossy, loose waves trailing all the way down to her waist. The platinum streak that once marked her bangs now dyed the same deep shade of cobalt that graces her nails, lines her eyes, and glistens in the jewel that marks the space just above and between her finely arched brows. A look the old Haven could’ve never pulled off; she would’ve been laughed out of school before the first bell could ring—but not anymore. I mumble under my breath, as Damen reaches for me. His fingers grasping mine in what’s meant to be a reassuring squeeze, but we’re just as entranced as everyone else in this school. Unable to tear our eyes away from the sheen of her ultra pale skin, the way it gleams in a sea of black and blue. Resulting in an oddly fragile, ethereal look—like a freshly made bruise—completely belying the determination within. “The amulet,” Damen whispers, gaze briefly meeting mine, before returning to her. “She’s not wearing it, it’s… My eyes instantly locate her neck, searching through the complicated tangle of dark, shining jewelry, only to see that he’s right. The amulet we gave her, the one that was meant to keep her safe from harm, safe from Having risen to a pinnacle of power of her very own making, she’s now in a place where she no longer fears me. Despite the fact that her aura is no longer visible, hasn’t been since the night I had her drink from the elixir that turned her immortal like me, it’s not like she needs one for me to To Her grief over Roman, combined with her rage toward me, is what spawned this whole thing. She’s completely guided, completely Beginning with me. Damen stops in his tracks and pulls me close to his side, allowing me one last chance to cry uncle and bail on this scene, but I won’t. Damen shoots me a worried glance, aware of the pierce of her gaze, little arrows of hate aimed straight at me. But I just shrug and keep moving, leading him toward our usual table, the one she surely thinks is beneath her, knowing that the hateful looks are just the beginning, something we’d better get used to if we’ve any hope of surviving the year. “You okay?” He leans toward me, concern in his eyes, hand on my knee. I nod, gaze never once leaving hers, knowing that if she’s anything like Roman, she’ll drag this thing out like a cat with a mouse, take her sweet time before she moves in for the kill. “Because I want you to know that I’m “ “Listen,” I say, twisting the top from my elixir and taking a sip. “We’ve been over this, and I’m fine. I can handle it. I can handle her. He glances between us, his face a mask of apprehension, obviously struggling between his own nagging doubt and his desire to believe. Despite my continued assurances, his fears for my safety, his belief that he alone is to blame for setting this whole thing in motion the day he decided to “Okay, but one last thing—” He tilts my chin until I’m eye level with him. “Just remember that she’s angry, powerful, I nod, not missing a beat when I reply, “Well, that may be true, but don’t He looks at me, eyes narrowed, not anticipating this sudden change in the script we’ve rehearsed so many times. “ These things can wait. Haven cannot. I’ve barely had a chance to cool down and pull myself together again, when Miles steps out of the crowd, away from her table, and heads in our direction. Stopping just a few feet away, taking a moment for a quick spin around, allowing for the full, three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view of himself, before nailing the stop in a modelesque pose, complete with steely gaze, pouty mouth, and a hand perched on each hip. “Notice anything different?” His eyes dart between us. “Because excuse me for saying so, but Haven’s And when I look at him—when “So, come on, tell me…whaddya think?” Miles sings, doing another quick spin before landing yet another pose he’s determined to hold ’til one of us speaks. “Holt didn’t even recognize me.” The brown hair he’s worn cropped for as long as I’ve known him is now longer, wavier, almost like Damen’s. And the baby fat that once padded his cheeks, making him look a good two years younger, has now vanished completely, paving the way for things like cheekbones, a square jawline, and a more defined nose. Even his clothes, which pretty much consist of the usual jeans, shoes, and shirt he always wore, somehow look entirely altered—different—nothing like before. Like a caterpillar that decided to ditch his ratty old cocoon so he could show off his new and improved butterfly wings. And just as I’m thinking the worst—sure that Haven got to him long before I could—I see it. Still taking a moment to process it all, unsure of even where to begin, I’m relieved when Damen says, “Looks like Miles laughs, his face lifting in a way that softens all those new edges. But then, just as quickly, it’s gone, his aura wavering and flaring as he focuses on Damen, and that’s all it takes for me to I guess I’ve been so caught up in my drama with Haven and Sabine I’d forgotten all about Damen and the portraits Miles uncovered of Drina and him. Portraits that were painted centuries ago. Portraits that bear no easy answers—no logical explanations of any kind. And even though I vowed never to do it unless absolutely necessary, I think this is definitely one of those moments that constitutes an emergency. So while Damen’s engaging him in small talk about “I’m disappointed,” he says, interrupting Damen in favor of addressing me. I cock my head to the side, having slipped out of his mind seconds before I had a chance to grasp just what he’s truly trying to get at. “I came home new and improved, as you can see.” He runs his hand down the length of his body like a game-show model displaying the grand prize. “And I was pretty much planning for this to be my best year yet. But now I learn that my friends are “Is that what she said?” I cut in, sensing that this particular monologue could go on ’til the final bell rings if I let it. “She said you had to “No, but then again, she didn’t have to. I mean, I think it’s pretty clear that if you’re not talking to “Or “ “We’ll see what we can do,” Damen says, wanting just to move past it, past all of this. “No promises,” I add, eager to tone it down, keep it realistic, and not play into any sense of false hope he might have. Assuming we’re in the clear the moment the bell rings, Damen grabs my hand and starts to lead me toward class. Stopping when Miles taps his shoulder and says, “And |