"Night Star" - читать интересную книгу автора (Noël Alyson)eleven“What the hell, Ever? You drop out of school and forget to tell me?” I glance up from the register where I’m busy ringing up a sale, only to find Miles lurking behind my squinty-eyed, not-one-bit-amused customer. Taking a moment to shoot him my very best “Nice one.” I nod, the words competing with the bell clanking hard against the door as she leaves. “I’m sure we won’t be seeing her again anytime soon.” Miles waves it away, dismissing the thought with a shrug as he says, “Whatever. Trust me, I’ve got “Yeah? Like what?” I shove the receipt into the purple box where we store them, aware of Miles’s gaze weighing heavily, waiting for me to acknowledge it so he can get on with the real reason for his visit. “Well, like I shrug, unwilling to confirm or deny—at least not just yet anyway. First I need to see just how strong a case he plans to build against me. “And even though I’m sure you’ll probably try to claim that you have your reasons, that your extended absence—your I shrug. Unsure what to say, but knowing it’s not really time for that anyway. Miles loves nothing more than an extended monologue, and from the signs of it, this one is nowhere near coming to a close. “You know, people like “Miles—” I start, pressing my lips together as I try to think of the best way to continue. “Listen, I get what you’re saying. Really I do. And believe me, I totally get why you might see it that way, but trust me, there’s “And what about Damen? You gonna make it up to him too?” I look at him, not even trying to bury my shock. I mean, I cannot believe he’s seriously choosing to confront me with that. “Please don’t assume you know more than you do,” I say, my voice a little harsher than I intended. “There’s a lot more to it. Stuff you don’t understand. Nothing is anywhere near as simple as it may seem on the surface, and believe me, this goes way beyond that—the roots are pretty dang deep.” He gazes down at the ground, digging the toe of his shoe into the carpeted floor, taking a moment to collect his thoughts, decide just the right way to confront me, before he lifts his head, looks me right in the eye, and says, “And would one of those Our eyes meet, leaving me frozen, unable to breathe. The word speeding toward me, crashing straight into my energy field before it can even leave his lips. And there’s nothing I can do about it, no way to rewind or stop him from saying: “ His gaze locks on mine, and no matter how much I may want to, I can’t look away. My skin is prickled with cold when he adds, “Or is it the fact that you’re “ But the words are drowned out by his voice when he says, “Oh, and let’s not forget about I swallow hard, stunned into silence and unable to think of anything better to do than sit there and stare. And even though I mostly feel horrified to have it all laid out before me like that—the accumulated facts of my very strange life revealed in a way so neutral, so ordinary, it hardly seems real, even to me—there’s also a small part of me that’s relieved. I’ve been carrying this secret for so long, I can’t help but feel lighter, brighter, as though I’ve finally been freed of a burden that was far too heavy to bear on my own. But Miles isn’t finished. He’s only just begun. So I shake my head and refocus on his words, struggling to keep up when he says, “And the ironic thing is, if you really stop and think about it, if you really stop and ponder it in a I squint, not quite following how he arrived at that conclusion but knowing he’s about to explain. “I mean, imagine how it feels to find out that the friends I thought I knew He turns, turns until he’s facing me, and one look at his face is all it takes to know that this is even worse than I thought. And I know I have to say something quick, something to temper all this, but before I can even open my mouth, he’s back for round two, forcing me to sit back and wait for my turn. “And you know what really kills me the most? You know who saw fit to finally fill me in on all this?” He pauses as though waiting for me to respond, but I won’t, the question was obviously rhetorical. This is his show, his script, and I have no intention of stealing his scene. “The one and only person out of your entire super-secret gang of the eternally beautiful—the only one out of all of you who was willing to sit down and level with me, without pulling any punches or trying to pass off any kind of bull—the one and only person who was willing to look me in the eye and reveal all was surprisingly enough—” And before he can finish—before he can utter the word I already know. Remembering the moment Miles e-mailed the portraits he’d uncovered in Florence—the portraits Roman was determined he’d find. The way Damen’s fingers trembled as I passed him the phone, the way his lids narrowed, his jaw tightened, the way he so valiantly accepted the sudden unearthing of his centuries-old secret. The way he vowed to come clean with Miles, to stop hiding, stop lying, to finally tell the truth and get it all out in the open. But never once believing he’d actually go through with it. “Damen.” Miles confirms, nodding emphatically, gaze never once leaving mine. “And when you consider the fact that I’ve known him for— “Miles—” I start, my voice hesitant, unsure what to say, unsure if he’s really ready to listen to me anyway. But when he stops long enough to gaze at me, head cocked to the side, brow raised in a challenge, I know that he is. Yet before I can even begin to go there, before I can start up with the whole laundry list of reasons for why I purposely kept him in the dark—all the very good and valid reasons for why he should be Need to see what Damen told him. The exact words he used. And, even more important, why he decided to divulge everything Closing my eyes for a moment, allowing my mind to merge with his. Knowing I’m reneging on my promise to never spy on my friends’ innermost thoughts or memories unless absolutely imperative, and forging ahead anyway, desperate to see just what went down that day. The words Hoping he can sense the words too, and will soon find a way to pardon what I’m about to do. |