"Blackmailed Into Swapping" - читать интересную книгу автора (Swanson Dana)Chapter 16During the night, in the still darkness of the motel, Mavis heard her husband working on the passionate Terry. The sodden sound of big cock thudding into female flesh was loud in the room. The earthy odor of male and female sex pervaded the close air. "Where have the men hidden the money, Terry?" she heard Phil pant as he slammed his prick into the whimpering Terry's cunt. "In-in-in their homes. I don't know-oh, fuck me! God, you fuck a girl good!" "Where in their houses, Terry?" Phil persisted and Mavis thought she could actually hear the head of her husband's cock banging against the bottom of Terry's sex well. "Where did Mickey hide his share of the money?" Squish-squish! Squish-squish! Mavis could visualize Phil's long post sliding in and out of Terry's elastic hole in prodigious strokes. Plop-plop; plop-plop. He was really banging her tail, Mavis thought. That is the sound of his balls slap-slapping against her upturned bottom end. "…in the attic of the garage…" Terry groaned. "Oh, please! Don't talk! Just fuck me! Give me lots and lots of your wonderful prick! I'm cumming!" she screamed suddenly. And the quickening complaint of the bed told Mavis that Phil was plunging the prick to the small young woman. "The others?" Phil grunted as Terry sobbed with erotic fulfillment. Mavis drifted into sleep and was only vaguely aware of her husband joining her in bed. Then it was morning and Phil awakened her with a long kiss and his fingers pinching a nipple. "Let's get on the road," Phil urged, slapping the women's bare bottoms as he urged them from the beds. Mavis noted that Terry's eyes were red, there was an almost petulant pout on her puffy lips. Phil must have kept her awake and fucked her most of the night, she thought as she and Terry dressed in silence. As they drove into Salt Lake City, Mavis wondered idly whether little Becky had gotten her Wednesday screw from Willie Quentin yet. Phil parked downtown and fished a nearly full bottle of scotch from a suitcase. Then he steered the two women into a club that he and Mavis frequented on nights out. While Terry was in the women's lounge, he told Mavis, "You two drink setups while I'm gone. I want to see the county prosecutor, talk to the SLCPD brass and get my boss down here. I'll be back as soon as I can." He returned in a couple of hours, had a couple of drinks with Mavis and Terry. "Let's go home," he said and Mavis nodded. Although he was silent, Mavis knew him well enough to sense he was pleased and excited. As he parked the car in the garage, Phil said, "The prosecutor obtained arrest and search warrants. Let's get inside, have a drink and wait for developments." As he sloshed scotch into three glasses, he winked at Mavis and grinned. "My boss-right on the spot-said that if this pans out, I have the agency's managerial job in Seattle. If we want it." Mavis' heart jumped and drummed rapidly in her breast. "That would be wonderful, honey." Then she frowned. "Gad! You mix a strong drink." "Gotta be strong!" Phil exclaimed. "This may be a banner day for the Morans!" About thirty minutes later, he returned from answering the telephone in the den, a smug expression on his face. He sat on the arm of Mavis' chair, leaned over and whispered, "They found some of the loot at the Lewis home; Mick is in custody. Damn! I would like to see the expression on Ben Glover's face when they hit him!" Terry had been silent so long that when she did speak, Mavis felt she had just walked into the house. "Whatever is going to happen?" Mavis glanced at her husband's satisfied smile. "The damned suspicion that has been aimed my way will be erased! There's going to be hell to pay in some houses around this neighborhood." A few minutes later, as Mavis was replenishing drinks, Miriam Carr rushed through the back door. "God! Phil what's going on? Hank and I were having a drink in the den and a whole flock of cops from downtown showed up! They have a search warrant and they're ransacking the house! They arrested Hank!" Mavis could tell from Miriam's furtive eyes that the raid held no mystery. "Want a drink, hon!" she mixed one anyway. "I guess I need one. What the hell is going to happen?" Mavis glanced at her husband, loved the noncommittal way he shrugged. "Hank has been on this fuckin' force for fourteen years! Where do these lousy Salt Lake cops get off, arresting him?" The chimes were sounded from the back door and Phil hurried to answer the beckon. When he returned, he motioned Mavis aside. "Hank is on his way downtown to jail; police and insurance investigators found more than one-hundred thousand bucks in a floor trap under his and Miriam's bar in the den. They found about the same amount of money at Willie's house, spread under bat insulation in the ceiling! They arrested Willie in his office at the store. One of the officers said he heard they hauled him, cock and all, right out of the saddle of that little Becky Samon!" "They should have let him finish his ride!" Mavis smirked. The back door slammed and Connie Quentin dashed into the living room. "Willie's been arrested!" "We know," Mavis soothed, mixing her a drink without asking if she wanted one; it was obvious she needed one. A short time later, as Mavis was studying Miriam and Terry and Connie huddled together on a sofa, the front door chimes echoed through the house. Phil opened the door and admitted two men from his agency and a plainclothes policeman, a detective captain. "Glover is a riot," the captain said. "We had no trouble with him. He was trying to wear out his part of the take by counting it over and over. He had more than a hundred thou spread out on the kitchen table in neat little piles!" Mavis thought the captain seemed embarrassed, apologetic and pleased. He took a straight shot of scotch and offered Phil his hand. "Phil," he said huskily, "I never wanted to suspect you; you're a damned good investigator. I understand from these fellows of your agency we're going to lose you to Seattle. Are you going to take it?" "Yes," Mavis responded as Phil started to nod slowly. "Well, good luck," the captain said, "I better get downtown. I have a lot of paperwork to put in order. God! What a haul today has been!" Mavis let him out and closed the door slowly, silently. She turned as Phil slowly unwound. "Fellows," he said softly, "what would you like?" "Jim here," one of the insurance agency representatives said, "is transferring in from our Topeka, Kansas, office. He's going to need a house. The boss thought maybe he could look over yours and buy it-if you take the Seattle promotion." "Sure, sure," Phil said. And Mavis peered at him intently as her husband's eyes brightened. "How long has it been since you saw your wife-what's your name?" "Jim Svenson," he said. "About two months." "Just a minute, before you look around. I think it would be a good idea if you took along a guide and chaperone. Mavis and I wouldn't want you to be lonely." Mavis scowled at her husband. Whom did he have in mind to escort a potential house buyer? His implication was plain-and she was the only one who really knew the house. "Okay, ladies," Phil commanded, pointing at Connie and Miriam and Terry, "on your feet! And get your clothes off! Jim, the bedrooms are at the top of the stairs-make yourself at home." When the three women hesitated, Phil crossed the room and quickly undressed them. They were too stunned to protest. "Take your pickgentlemen-you too, Mark-we have the finest hostesses in town." "You dirty, rotten bastard!" Connie exploded. "We won't…" "Oh, shut up, Con!" Miriam snarled. "We may be going someplace where we won't get any decent male twanging for a long time; so let's have a good fuck and enjoy it! The Swede looks like he could take on two girls-judging from the bulge in his pants! Well, studs, make a choice; the odd girl can go with the big galoot from Topeka!" Mavis had no idea how they would pair off as the men trudged up the stairs, the three women prancing ahead of them. She didn't care. Suddenly, she felt she no longer was a sex captive. "Now, Phil," she teased, "what happens now?" "Well, we get ten percent of the recovered loot as reward-something over forty thousand dollars; we'll go to Seattle…" "Come on!" she demanded. "I mean right now!" "Well," he taunted her, exploring her boobies with one hand and squeezing her butt with the other, "I think I'll strip my wife, lay her out on the floor and have a good, choice piece of ass for a change." "Ooooohhhhhh," Mavis sighed as he slid his long cock into her tight cranny. She liked being this kind of sex captive. "Ooooohhhhhh! Fuck me, darling…" |