"Blackmailed Into Swapping" - читать интересную книгу автора (Swanson Dana)Chapter 10When Mavis awoke, she was surprised she felt no remorse about the night before. As she ran a tub full of pleasurable hot water, she was slightly excited, wondering who had found Terry bound up in such a lewd position, ready for fucking and unable to resist even if she had wanted. Strangely, she wasn't disturbed that she and Hank Carr had fucked down in the kitchen-yet, she was reluctant to go down to make coffee. She just knew that the room and the memory would haunt her at first. Her cunny muscles squirmed. Hank knew how to diddle! She didn't know whether it was the delightful bath or the memory of having her pussy plugged so thoroughly and exotically. She shook her blonde hair and examined her body in the clear, steaming water. There was no sign to indicate she had fornicated with relish! "Aaaaah," she sighed. She wouldn't go out-except to the bank to get that thousand dollars to give to Willie to cover someone else's theft! "Damn bastard-whoever you are!" she swore. Well, she would take care of that first thing, Mavis resolved. She quit the bath, dried hastily and dressed in a tight white sweater and white slacks. Phil had left the percolator plugged in and she drank a cup of coffee quickly. Just as she was about to leave the house, the telephone rang. "Hello?" "Phil here in Provo, honey. How are you?" "Fine," Mavis gulped. "Did you get laid last night?" She grinned, feeling a little devilish as she waited for her husband to answer. "We'll talk about it later. I just wanted you to know I will be down here two or three days-wanted to be sure you're okay." "I'm fine," Mavis said. "I have to go to the bank. Call me again tonight. I have to do some things and I want to get them done. By the way, Phil, I was disturbed by you guys' talk last night-about some-one robbing Willie and the store. Is that really possible?" "It would be easy as pie," Phil said tersely. "If certain people knew what the hell they were doing." That bothered her all the way downtown to the bank, while she was filling out the withdrawal slip and getting the cash in twenty-dollar bills. It really never left her mind until she parked behind the supermarket near the loading dock and started in the backway to Willie's office. Then she was occupied with another thought…would Willie put the make on her again-despite his promise? Mavis hesitated near the dark stairway to Willie Quentin's office. Why was there such a trembling in her legs? And there was such an itching and burning all through her loins. It seemed centered in her rectum and flashed through her vulva and into the very depths of her womb. There seemed to be a grinding and churning in her pussy channel. Quick tears leaped into Mavis' eyes. Did she want Willie to take her and force her and fuck her again? Oh, no! It was cool here in the dark store-room. It was pleasant; Mavis could smell the mingling of odors, detergents, fresh produce, the butcher shop across the huge building. Mavis wanted to regain her composure, shuffle off the squirrely yearning to be sexed. Through a small glass window in one of the swinging doors between the storeroom and the market, Mavis could see shoppers wandering up and down the wide aisles. The window was so high she couldn't see their metal carts-but she had no trouble identifying Becky Samon who pressed a button and stepped into Willie Quentin's private elevator. What was Becky doing here? Vexed, smooth brow now wrinkled, Mavis stole up the stairs. Vaguely, she remembered hearing Willie tell Hank he would make Becky. And a case of Scotch whiskey rode on the bet! Full realization hit Mavis at the top of the stairs. Becky would get Willie's masterful penis, so hard and thick and long-and she would be left wanting! "Goddamn that Willie Quentin!" Mavis swore softly as she tiptoed up the stairs. "He's going to get-somehow-a piece of virgin tail and my thousand dollars! Well-screw him-he isn't getting any more of my ass!" Mavis wished she could get into Willie's office-to listen to the redhaired man operate, watch him plug the virgin's prime pussy. Oh, Lordy! Mavis sighed raggedly. Becky was such a tiny, fragile little thing. If Willie succeeded in seducing her, could she possibly take his huge pole into her unpracticed cunny? Mavis shivered, perplexed that she was imbued with a hot sense of anticipation. She wanted to see the veteran cocksman stab the little blonde and give her the first fucking of her life! Carefully, Mavis pressed an ear against the door to Willie's office, straining to hear what was happening inside. She almost stumbled forward. The door had been left unlocked! Had Willie done it deliberately? Probably not. The door gave inward ever so slightly and Mavis held her breath. She could hear the uneven murmur of voices. For the first time, she acknowledged that, in her subconscious, she would have let Willie have his way with her again. Hadn't her own husband shacked up the night before, had given his hard pecker to Miriam? And she hadn't had any of his cock for going on two weeks! Sure, she would have let Willie screw her again, if he pressed her for it. Jealousy began to blossom vilely in her mind. Willie was going to give it to Becky. What the hell did Becky know about how to use and enjoy a prick? Hell! She would probably scream and the pain would keep her from having even a second of pleasure as Willie fucked her. "But I know what to do with a pecker when I get it dicked into my swat," Mavis whispered to herself. She no longer could hear the voices and pushed the door inward a couple of inches. If she could just get in the coat closet just inside the door. What the hell if Willie did detect her opening the door? After all, she was supposed to be there. Resolutely, Mavis pushed the door open about a foot and peeked inside. There was a sound of running water. And Mavis reckoned that Willie was using the bathroom. She opened the door wider. There sat Becky in a chair before Willie's desk with her back to Mavis. Quickly, Mavis stepped inside and slipped into the closet-just a few seconds before Willie returned from the bathroom. The closet door gaped open a couple of inches-just as it had been when she scurried inside. She could see a fragment of Becky's profile; when Willie leaned forward she could see his bushy red hair and his solemn, slightly florid face. Well, she didn't have to see much, she could hear everything perfectly. "Becky," Willie began in a monotone, "you want to marry Dell, don't you? And I think you are a grand young couple. I think as much of Dell as if he were my son. Yet, Becky…" Mavis could see the stud horse man lean forward. "I am afraid I may have to do something that may send Dell-damn him!-to the penitentiary." "Ooooooh, no!" Becky cried, leaning forward. Mavis got a brief glimpse of her pallid face before she wilted back into the chair. So, that's the bastard's game! Mavis frowned, hating Willie and admiring his technique at the same time. "Do you have a couple of thousand dollars, Becky-to make up a shortage in store funds that I am positive Dell has taken?" "My God, no!" Becky cried. And Mavis could hear jerky sobs wracking her petite body. "Dell wouldn't steal!" "I thought so; I thought so, too," Willie murmured. "But facts are facts, Becky." Mavis thought Willie was thoroughly enjoying the innocent young woman's misery and shaken faith in the young man she loved. His eyes glittered and his tongue flicked at his slightly puffy, full lips. Christ! From his expression, he was already savoring her tender, juicy body, Mavis thought. He doesn't deserve a cherry! Yet, Mavis knew Willie Quentin was going to coerce the sweet virgin into surrendering her body and her naked thighs and her glory place to his sex mace. And Willie-he had proved it to her-would ravage and plunder that sweet, tender pussy with his ruthless, lewd tusk. And she was going to watch him do it! And I am a victim of his game, Mavis' anger boiled. He frightened me into letting him fuck me and I was going to give him a thousand backs for it! Like hell! "You do want to marry Dell, don't you, Becky?" Willie said, feigning weariness. "Ooooohhh, yes!" Becky wept and Mavis could see her shaking with emotion. "We've been planning and saving for more than a year! But all of our money is going for furniture and things for our apartment!" Tell her how you can help her out, Willie, Mavis thought with a mixture of admiration and bitterness. "I think I have a solution," Willie cut into Mavis' thoughts. "A solution?" Becky sobbed softly. He has a hard, driving bargain, Becky, Mavis bit her lower lip. When he gets you on the sheets without any clothes on, you'll find out about his bargain. It's about nine inches long and thick enough to make a heifer twitch her tail and it shoots thick, pearly cream all over the inside of a woman's snatch! It's called a cock-a hard-on-a prick! And he knows how to exact his pound of female flesh while he pours the meat into you! Go ahead, Willie, Mavis conjectured, tell Becky that if she lets you seduce her, you mill dig into your own pocket and bail out Dell. Yet, he won't be giving up a penny! He'll just be screwing you so Dell won't go to jail. Well have fun, getting fucked, Becky! Dell has had his nookey! Me! And Connie and Miriam! So, fuck for fun, sweet, innocent young thing! Mavis crowded close to the slot of the open closet door and watched Willie stand behind his desk. Automatically, Mavis' gaze dropped down his thick body to the pleated trousers. Yep! He was already sporting a monstrous hard-on! "Becky," Willie began slowly, "it will create a problem for me at work and at home. But I am willing to use my monthly bonus and make up the rest to put back a hundred bucks a week for you and Dell. If you agree, I'll have a talk with Dell-he can keep his job. One thing you mustn't do and that is mention the whole messy business to him. Promise?" Mavis swiveled her gaze to squint at the innocent Becky. Her lips curled-a little cruelly-as she watched Becky nod in agreement. She was going to acquiesce to whatever Willie suggested; she was going to consent to lie on her back and let the big, red-haired man fuck her! And for no reason! Dell had done no wrong. But Willie was going to pop the little virgin's cherry through frightening her. "Okay, Becky-baby," Willie said softly, circling slowly around the desk, "to make it worthwhile, for compensation for doing you and Dell a favor, you will come here once a week for twenty weeks. Let's make it every Wednesday after you finish work at your office. Okay?" Mavis held her breath, waiting for Becky to reply, wondering if the young woman realized, yet, what Willie was demanding. "All right," Becky finally answered, sobs ebbing slightly. Mavis realized that-even though Willie was standing within two feet of her-Becky hadn't yet seen that Willie had a hard hunk of male twang bulging the front of his pants. Mavis clenched her thighs together over her own hot, wet crotch, vulva pulpy with erotic desires, as Willie methodically removed his shirt and slipped his belt free. "Get naked, Becky-baby," Willie wheezed, kicking off his shoes and slipping his trousers over his feet. "Whaaaat?" Becky murmured as if hypnotized. "Suuuurrrree," Willie grinned, tongue licking his thick lips. "For twenty weeks, to pay for Dell's crime, I'm going to fuck you!" It was obvious that Becky was so stunned that all she could do was stare and gasp as Willie shuffled out of his shorts and let his massive set of genitals move into her view. The gaping slot in the blunt tip dripped a long string of clear syrup. "I'm going to fuck you, Beckytwenty times to pay for Dell's till-dipping! Get undressed-or I'll tear those fancy rags off that virgin back of yours and tear that juicy rear of yours from asshole to belly button! Getcher fuckin' clothes off!" "Pleeeaaaasssseee, NO!" Becky wept as she stood uncertainly. Her arms remained rigid at her sides, not protesting as the naked Willie stalked around her, lascivious eyes on her, fat lips kissing her hair, nuzzling her dainty ears. Becky still didn't protest as Willie removed her bolero jacket and unbuttoned her blouse down the back. Mavis found herself trembling with passion as she watched Willie swab the head of his massive cock against Becky's quivering left hip. Becky's blouse came away and Willie quickly, adroitly undid the three hooks of her lacy bra. It fluttered to the floor and Willie smothered her firm, proud titties with the delicate dark tips with his meaty hands. Baby, Mavis thought, in a couple of minutes you're really going to get the meat! Big hard, thick man-meat! Right up your snatch funnel! Becky was paralyzed, hypnotized-probably as much from seeing Willie's huge, ready sex banana as from the nightmarish prospect of what was going to happen to her. Doesn't she realize that Willie is going to deflower her? Mavis wondered, a hand rubbing at her own itching crotch, through her clothes. Doesn't she know that Willie is about to rupture her cherry with that massive sex-prod of his and fuck her? Becky was totally naked now and Mavis stared at the sleek thighs, at the full, firm, ripe cheeks of her butt clenched tightly. Her clothes lay in an obscene heap around her dainty ankles. Mavis thought she heard a gurgle of lewd anticipation as Willie traced the tensed crack of Becky's ass with an index finger. Get with it! Mavis thought. Flop her down; bust her cunny skin and fuck her! Mavis was grateful for Becky's quiet sobbing; it disguised her own passionate gasps. She just prayed that her knees didn't weaken any more, letting her crumble to the floor. She pressed her face into the open door slot to watch Willie kiss and nuzzle Becky's tanned shoulders and caress her sleek, slender body. He urged her body forward, bending her so that her well-turned fanny jutted backward. Would he take her there, from the behind? Mavis wondered, fingers digging at her own steaming vulva. Willie urged Becky's slender thighs and knees apart with an urgent, hairy leg. Mavis had a minute's look at the virgin's small pussy pouch between her legs. The labia that had never been stretched by a man's cock were clinging together. But, Mavis knew, in a short time, Willie's massive dong would pry them into an "O" and stretch them around his pulsing shaft as he ripped her hymen and fucked her. Dell should have this privilege and pleasure, Mavis frowned. I should interfere, she thought. But she remained in her closet, secluded from the crude, lascivious act that was taking place. She wanted Willie's plundering prong-but she also wanted to see Becky get a brutal, ruthless screwing. With the fingers of his right hand pursing the firm loaves of Becky's rear apart, Willie used a bare foot to urge her feet far apart. Her gentle weeping was suddenly jerky and Mavis suspected that Willie was nudging the tip of a finger against her delicate anus. "Oooooohhhh, noooo!" Becky whimpered as Willie forced her torso lower, placed her hands on her trim ankles. He is going to take her from the rear, Mavis nodded, unable to control her own erotic trembling. Will he bust her in the asshole or will he just fuck her in the pussy? Mavis wilted silently to her knees. Becky's slender body was pulsating rhythmically and Mavis sensed her loins must be fluttering with fright or instinctive knowledge of penile penetration. Mavis was only vaguely aware that her hand had crept into her own clothes and she was swabbing fingers up and down her hot, slick vulva, masturbating slowly. She wanted to close her eyes, but the sight of Willie pushing strong thumbs into Becky's anal crease and pinching her firm flesh with his fingers was too good to miss. He peeled her cheeks far apart, stretching the rectal entry until Mavis could see the pink inner slickness. Maybe he will cornhole her, she breathed raggedly. But, Becky can't possible take his cock in her rectum! Willie lowered the blunt, searching tips of his thumbs and Becky cried out, "Aaaaaahhhhh!" as they pressed the thick lips of her pussy apart. Mavis could see the glazed inner surfaces-and could hardly wait for Willie to jab his hard penis into the tiny petal folds. Mavis pressed her free hand over her mouth as Becky's flanks heaved and her fingers gripped her ankles more firmly. Her hair fanned down from her head, swept the floor. Her eyes were closed; her mouth was slightly distorted. Mavis suspected shock was wearing off and she now realized she was on the verge of coital violation. Mavis stared as Becky suddenly opened her eyes wide, staring, unseeing, as Willie bored an index finger into her vagina. "Oh, baby! You're still virgin! You got a tiny little basket of fruit for picking in there! Man! you're gain' to have the best fruit-plucker fucking you in this world!" Becky cried something unintelligible and Mavis stared at her body, at the convulsion of smooth muscles in her flanks as Willie wormed his finger around in her tight snatch. Fuck her, Willie! And get it over with! Stop torturing her! Jam your cock into her and end her misery! "I'm goin' to give you a thousand bucks, besides!" Willie muttered. And Mavis stiffened, her hand freezing as she rubbed her stiff clit-thorn, on the rim of a violent orgasm. Not my thousand bucks, Willie! Mavis resumed playing with her passion-greased groove again-wanting Willie's prick in her-as he moved in behind Becky's uptilted rump and rubbed the head of his cock up and down her wide-parted crack. "Aaaaaaaiiiiii-Eeeeeeeiiiii!" Becky muttered, gurgling as Willie's hot, wet knob stroked her crack and nudged into the vulva. Mavis stared at Becky's proud titties that sagged slightly toward the floor. The tips were extended and hard. She may be terrified of the rape she was undergoing, Mavis thought, but her woman's intuition is primed for it. The fleshy curtain to her vagina fluttered and Mavis knew Becky was instinctively ready for penile insertion. She may not even feel the tearing and destruction of her hymen-if she can accommodate Willie's mammoth prick! Well, now you are going to get it, Becky, darling! Mavis thought, as Willie waddled in behind her like a bull in heat in a pasture alone with a young heifer. He placed a hand on her quivering hip and used the other to bend his cockhead into her parted vulva. He pressed forward and shook his hips from side to side-right on target. Mavis suppressed a gasp as she watched the purplish head of his cock sink into Becky's body, disappear slowly into her coital receptacle. "Aaaaeggggthhh!" Becky screamed softly, yet bracing herself and holding her ass steady to take the big man behind her. "Noooo!" she screamed a little more shrilly. And Mavis knew that Willie had lodged his penetrator against the hymen. She could see his dark stick pulsing and vibrating. She wished he would turn his head so she could see whether Becky's tight cunny gave him any pain. He grunted and groaned, grasping the tiny young woman's heaving flanks. Relentlessly, he pulled her body back onto him. "Gggggggaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh!" Becky screamed shrilly and Mavis knew Willie had ripped away her cherry as his cock plunged into her stretched twat a couple of inches-fast. He swiveled his hips, swabbing his knob around just inside her pussy. Becky's mouth was wide open and she was gasping as Willie fucked her in little, short strokes. At last he concentrated on drilling his prick into her. Inch by inch. Becky didn't scream anymore, just braced herself and absorbed that massive, ravaging prick in her body. Mavis thought Willie would never make it all. But he succeeded in burying his rapacious prong in the virginal pussy and his balls slapped against the backs and insides of Becky's trembling thighs. Willie kept his cock deep in her, soaking, as he leaned back and looked down at Becky impaled from the rear. And Mavis could see Becky's fluttering anus. Muscles were rippling sleekly in her thighs-and Mavis sensed the small woman was adjusting to the ruthless violation of her pussy. Maybe she will like being fucked! Even the first time! From the way her body shook and the alto-tone whimperings sifting from her wide open mouth. Mavis knew the virgin was getting something out of her first fuck. Willie was rubbing his big hands all over her, pushing his hairy chest down on her bowed back and playing with her titties, pinching the tiny nipples. He leaned back, hands still locked on her flanks just above the flare of her hips and hauled about eight inches of his cock out of her tight vagina. Then he thrust it back into her, steadily-a masterful fuck-stroke, sinking his he-sausage deep. Becky squalled as he plunged it all the way past her cervix, possibly into the resisting womb. No…maybe he just expanded her sex well to take care of his huge hose. Her cries and sobs and wailings were indecipherable. Was she liking her first fucking? Willie began fucking her in long, penetrating strokes. He bent his knees, held his body rigid, hauling Becky's rear end back on his pussy-skewer-pushed her off of it, towed her body back. He was using her frail body so that she fucked herself! His soft, gloating chuckle was almost obscene in the private office as he pumped her body back and forth on his thick shaft. And something was happening to Becky. Mavis couldn't describe the mutterings that were cascading from her twisted lips. Then! Mavis knew! Becky was in the throes of the first climax of her life-at least while her snatch was pinioned by a male poker. She was orgasming all over the place. The scream was indescribable! Yes! She was begging! Her words became discernable! "Ffffuuuccckkkmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeee!" God! is she cumming, Mavis marveled as Willie began thudding his ass forward, driving his cock into the fragile body as he yanked her quivering ass back on his sex-spindle. His balls were slapping up between her legs, against Becky's tight, cock-filled belly. You wonderful, sexy little birch! Mavis marveled as she soared into her own climax, three fingers buried in her pussy, a thumb compressing her throbbing clit. Christ! how you love cock! Becky's hands were off her ankles and braced flat on the floor as Willie thudded his long meat post into her swat. She was squalling softly, begging for prick, reveling in having her snatch banged by a master's prick "You really love to fuck, don't you, Becky?" Mavis murmured ever-sosoftly to herself, her own body shuddering with erotic sex-thrills. All of Becky's smooth muscles seemed to be rippling like a sleek cat loping freely. And she was begging plaintively for Willie not to stop fucking her. For her first time, Mavis thought, she was voracious and demanding to have prick plugging her pussy. Suddenly, Willie rammed his cock far into her and Mavis knew he was shooting his thick, creamy stuff into the never-to-be-again-virgin. "Aaaaahhhh-oooohhhh-Goooood!" Becky squealed with pleasure as Willie's prick hosed her twat full of male juice. Mavis watched until Willie slowly extracted his cock from Becky's vibrating vagina and dropped onto his haunches so he could tongue out her pussy and worm his folded tongue into her asshole. Mavis enjoyed her own, self-induced climax and listened to Becky have an anal cum as Willie squirreled his tongue around inside the small woman's hot butt hole. |