"Blackmailed Into Swapping" - читать интересную книгу автора (Swanson Dana)

Dana Swanson
Blackmailed Into Swapping

Chapter 1

After all that had happened, Mavis Moran mused. Willie Quentin still wanted her to continue working part-time at the supermarket he managed.

After everything-Mavis was somewhat bewildered as she pushed her long, slender legs into pale blue panties, adjusted the double-ply crotch over her ample love place and arranged the cups of the matching bra around her firm breasts-she was still willing to work for him.

As she brushed her hair, she smiled at her expression in the mirror. At least, she knew Willie for what he was-or she thought she did. He was a charlatan-and he knew that she knew it. As she finished dressing, she wondered whether Becky Samon had kept her appointment the previous Wednesday to let Willie screw her.

Mavis smiled more broadly. "Theft, my itching butt!" she muttered.

Well, Willie had tried that with her-it had almost worked-but she had caught him up. Well, she had after he had coerced her and seduced her in his office. She was slightly puzzled. There had been no hint of resentment that she had slugged Willie in the balls and thumped his hard-on with a knotted fist when he called her earlier, asked her to work. Well, that had happened Monday; this was Saturday. He had had ample time to get rid of any soreness in that time. And it probably hadn't made him too sore to shag little Becky, Wednesday. He really had the hots for her.

She probably wouldn't have accepted Willie's urgings to work if her husband, Phil, hadn't called the night before to say he couldn't possibly be home before nine Saturday night. It was only noon and Mavis poured herself a cup of coffee, thought of calling Miriam Carr and Connie Quentin to join her-she wasn't due to report to the store until almost four.

But she decided against it. She hadn't seen either of her two closest acquaintances for several days. She shrugged. "I suppose I should think of them as friends," she mused, sipping the coffee and lighting a cigarette. An awful lot of "things" had happened among them in the past several days to regard them merely as acquaintances.

Connie's husband, Willie, had gotten to her, as had Henry Carr, Miriam's husband. And Mavis still didn't know for sure whether Phil had screwed Miriam that night last week. Maybe he had taken on Connie and Miriam both-in the same bed at the same time! He hadn't made it clear!

Mavis almost wished he had humped them both-good-because Hank had screwed her! She shuddered as she remembered that repulsive Ben Glover ramming his obscene cock into that dainty Terry Lewis. "Ugh!" she muttered. Mavis wished she could have avoided everything that had happened in the past couple of weeks-but Miriam and Henry knew things about her that she just didn't think she could stand for Phil to find out! Another thing that made her almost ill was that no matter how repelled she had been by what she had been compelled to do, she had enjoyed it with an almost animalistic pleasure. She may have started out in the sex act filled with revulsion-but she loved to fuck and be fucked!

The thought tormented her that maybe she wasn't as much a sex captive as she had pictured herself. She fed on sex-and Phil hadn't touched her in a couple of weeks.

Her mind was distressed and she contemplated having another drink. But resisted. If Willie made a demand on her today, would she resist his bed and his lecherous cock? A warmth fluttered through her and she frowned. Right now, rationally, she was adamant that Willie Quentin wouldn't screw her-but her female chemistry was responding to her mental gymnastics!

Becoming more and more disturbed, Mavis decided to go to work early and get away from her thoughts and memories…


At eight-thirty that evening, Willie Quentin left his office and strode straight to the checkout stand where Mavis was working. He was brusque and businesslike. "I want you to stay over until all of the local chain proceeds are in the armored van. You'll have to take care of the lockup procedure and receiving the two van guards. My cashier was just called away because of a death in the family and the assistant manager was given the day off because I thought it would be a light weekendright after a holiday."

Mavis nodded her consent and watched the tall, red-haired manager stalk toward the elevator in the back of the store to return to his office.

It had been a light evening. The other two checkout girls had gone just a few minutes before; the three stock boys, including Dell Emerson, Becky Samon's boyfriend, had gone at seven-thirty.

Earlier, Mavis had seen Mickey Lewis saunter through, buy a case of beer. He had avoided her, had checked out through one of the other stands. Maybe he was still embarrassed, knowing that she had seen his wife plundered by Ben Glover last Saturday night. Where had he been?

Fucking Connie Quentin? Mavis knew that Phil had been occupied, somewhere, by Miriam Carr!

At eight, Henry Carr had roamed through the store in plainclothes while a uniformed officer bought a pack of cigarettes.

Mavis knew that Hank was with the officer as she had seen them both get out of the marked patrol car. It made her even more nervous when Henry Carr ignored her and the uniformed officer had checked out a few stands away. Things she had heard gave her reason for uneasiness.

Shortly after nine, she heard men coming and going in the vast stockroom. Mavis knew they were officials of other stores in the Salt Lake City area, bringing their store receipts for Willie to tabulate and lump all money together for the armored van fellows.

Mavis left her stand and tripped a series of switches with a special key that locked all customer doors electronically. Any tampering with the doors set off an automatic alarm at the Sugar House police station.

All she had to do was check the doors to see that the locks had engaged properly. That left only two doors for entry and exit the side door for employees and the huge door to receive merchandise. The side door could be opened from the inside or outside, but only by using special keys carried by Willie Quentin and the assistant manager. The loading dock door couldn't be opened at all from the outside, but had to be unlocked by throwing a series of three switches in the proper sequence, inside.

Only a few lights were on in the store proper. A single light burned in the stockroom it lit the passage from the loading dock to the stairway to Willie's office. With her uneasiness mounting, Mavis lurked near the entry to the stockroom, waiting for the armored van to arrive. She wished that Dell had remained behind-but he hadn't spoke five words to her since what Connie and Miriam had forced him to do! Mavis shrugged.

She couldn't blame him. And she doubted that he even suspected that Becky was fucking Willie!

She wished the van guys would arrive. As soon as they rang the bell for entry at the loading dock, she would go in back, trip the switches and admit them. Then all she had to do was stand by until they took all that money, loaded it in the armored vehicle, and she could go home.

She wondered whether Phil was already there. She had left him a note on the breakfast nook table, explaining where she was.

As she thought about her husband, warm anticipation pulsed through her.

When he had called the night before, she detected a sexy promise in his voice. He had said they would have a couple of drinks and hinted at a long night of romping between the sheets.

She was startled when a faint bell sounded and she looked up to see a red light flashing beside it. The armored van had arrived. It would only be a few minutes before she could leave, get in her old car and hurry home to her husband's arms.

Mavis pushed through one of the swinging doors and half-ran to the back of the stockroom. She turned on a small light over a complicated switch panel and carefully manipulated the three switches in sequence. She stepped back, ready to greet the van guards with a smile-because she would be leaving soon.

But the three men who slipped inside the store weren't armored car guards. They were dressed in black coveralls with black hoods over their heads. In their black-gloved hands were ugly, menacing guns.

Her vague nightmares were about to become stark reality…The store was about to be robbed and there was no way to warn Willie Quentin in his office alone with all that money!

The three men seemed huge to her and she was aware only of slight differences in height. Her mind raced and there was a dull ache in her breast. From things she had heard in the past, Mavis wondered if her husband, Phil Moran, was one of the hoodlums!

She had not time for further, rational thoughts as one of the men slapped her lightly and pushed her along the passageway toward the stairs to Willie's office.

Maybe the van guys will show up and stop them, Mavis thought as she felt a hand up under her skirt, fingers pushing against her crack, urging her up the steps. She had no way of knowing that the three men had pushed ether bombs into the armored car to overcome the two guards, then had looted it of about two hundred thousand dollars.

"Open the door," one of the men-the one who was squeezing one of her nervous fanny buns-ordered in a guttural mumble. Terrified, Mavis pressed a button. A buzzer indicated that Willie had disengaged the lock.

Mavis was given a brutal shove forward and she crashed through the door and sprawled on the floor against Willie Quentin's desk. The three men stormed inside and one of them lashed Willie across the side of the head with a gun barrel, sending him sprawling back in his chair.

There were five dark blue sacks on the floor at one end of Willie's desk. He had tabulated the receipts and all of that money was ready to go.

Mavis rose unsteadily and peered at Willie who was rubbing a swollen welt on the right side of his head. "Get naked, you two!" the taller of the three bandits ordered harshly, stepping around the desk to slug Willie on the left cheek bone with his fist. "Naked!"

"Nooooo!" Mavis started to protest. The man slapped her again, hooked a gloved hand in the bodice of her dress and ripped it open to the waist.

"Getcher goddamned clothes off!"

She watched Willie get awkwardly to his feet and start stripping out of his clothes, his eyes darting from pistol to pistol. Mavis, in her terror, was only vaguely aware that she was shedding her clothes. After kicking off her flat-heeled shoes, she stopped, standing there in nothing but skimpy panties and low-cupped bra. A gun barrel was pressed into her navel and she quickly slithered out of her skivvies and tossed aside the bra.

Willie was already naked, standing up, both hands braced on the top of his desk. The situation was blocked from her mind for a moment; she had never seen his penis soft, but it was still quite long. His testicles were large; the robbery hadn't caused them to shrivel. She felt sorry for him. His eyes were going to be black and he would have a tremendous lump on the side of his head.

The only man who had spoken moved around her and pushed her toward the desk. She almost fainted as the cold steel of a gun barrel was thrust against her anus.

Harsh, mocking laughter turned her sick. "Get that red-haired bastard hard-hurry it up-or you'll have a helluva time getting this lead out of your ass!"

"Please!" Mavis implored as she was pushed around one end of the desk.

She noticed that one of the men grabbed two sacks of the money and hurried from the office. The other shoved Willie into his chair and tied his arms behind the back. Then he unrolled a band of wide adhesive tape and wrapped it all the way around Willie's head, across the clamped mouth.

Mavis was shoved onto her knees beside Willie as Willie's legs were tied to the swivel mechanism and underpinning of the chair.

"Make the bastard a monstrous hard-on, baby!" the man snarled.

With disgust mingling with fright, Mavis reached timidly for Willie's genitals. His bag of balls was a handful. She began jacking him off, running the thick skin of his penis up and down the limberness. Up over the head and back down toward his hairy crotch. The glans jerked and perked and she flogged his meat more quickly. How could his peter respond like this, under the circumstances, she wondered as starch flowed into his bone and the penile shaft thickened and stiffened. In a couple of minutes, Willie had a full hard-on and Mavis prayed that her tormentor wouldn't make her give Willie a blow-job!

But that wasn't his intention. She was yanked backward roughly, landing on her naked ass, legs sprawled wide, feet in the air, She stared in disbelief as the other man unrolled a lot of his tape. He hesitated when the third man returned and left with the other three sacks of money. Then he squatted beside Willie and slowly taped his hard prick with the adhesive tape. Round and round and round and round that massive pecker until it resembled an obscene mummy. Then he wrapped Willie's balls with tape and secured them to his left thigh with several winds.

Just the thought of taking off that cocoon of sticky tape almost made Mavis ill. It might come off his cock okay, but she would bet that it would yank out every hair on his scrotum!

Mavis had little time to contemplate Willie Quentin's miserable predicament. Everything was swept from Willie's desk and she was yanked to her feet. "You bastard!" she managed to swear as she was slammed down on her back on the oak surface. She was slugged in the pit of the stomach and wind was slammed out of her. She was helpless, fighting for breath, as her wrists were taped to legs on opposite sides of the desk.

The roll of tape passed over her body, Just at the navel, and around the desk several times. Three or four winds of the tape secured her ankles that were pushed high toward her face. It was secured there as the tape was wound around her arms above the elbows.

It was almost a relief to have her legs drawn up high as the edge of the desk had cut into her buttocks. Mavis started to scream, but her mouth was crushed shut and tape cemented her lips together.

"I think we got time for me to fuck her!" the only man who had spoken said. Through terror-filled eyes, Mavis saw the other two men nod.

The man shoved a gloved finger into her upturned groove, then wormed it brutally into her vagina. "Go ahead and fuck her-and let's get out of here," one of the men finally broke his silence.

Mavis watched the man step up to her and drop his clothes and shorts.

She stared at his tools, fearing he might remove the tape and stuff the pear-headed shaft into her mouth and down her throat as he brought it to full rigidity by jacking off with gloved hands. But he was only interested in shoving his ten-inch cock into her cunt and dropping his rocks deep in her fearful body.

She wretched and squirmed as his gloved thumbs pried the lips of her pussy wide and he socked his cock deep into her channel that was shrunken by fear. This was one session of sexual intercourse Mavis knew she wouldn't enjoy. While her assailant warped the prick to her snatch, one of the other men taped up her breasts. The gum of the tape drew on her flesh and skin and the pain was almost unbearable. She was only vaguely aware of her rapist's quickening thrusts-long and ruthless and fast. Then he shot a full load of boiling semen far up in her stretched swat.

"Tape!" he yelled triumphantly Mavis raised her head as he withdrew his saber-cock and quickly taped up her crotch, running the binding from her asshole to her belly button. Then back and forth, sealing his cum in her snatch.

Her first thought was that with his cum plugged in her twat she would get PG, but she had taken The Pill regularly. All that could happenthe very worst-was having this foul rapist's jizz soaking in her pussy …


Hysteria mounted, subsiding only after the three robbers had gone. Her discomfort, having her feet drawn high in the air and arms tied down the sides of Willie's desk, became dominant. She had the frightening sensation that she would be left like this, obscenely naked, her breasts and crotch painfully taped, until she died.

Willie was helpless. No matter how he struggled, the adhesive tape kept him harnessed to his chair. Mavis twisted her head to the right and stared at the grotesque mummy of his genitals. It must be very painful for him, she thought, having his hard cock bound up like that with wide strips of tape.

Time passed slowly. And Mavis drifted into a semiconscious state.

Later, she was only vaguely aware of other people in Willie's office.

She learned the next day that Connie had called the police when Willie didn't come home.

Police Lieutenant Henry Carr was there-he helped cut the tape bonds from her arms and legs and the strip that encompassed her body. There were other policemen, too. And Phil came as Hank wrapped a blanket around her nudity. He rode in the ambulance with her to the hospital where she was given a sedative before the tape was cut from her body.

She was washed down with rubbing alcohol and put to bed. She was more asleep than awake when Phil told her that nurses had had to shave her pussy hair to remove the adhesive from her abused snatch.

She hadn't been aware of that, but had known when someone flushed out all of that cruel man's filthy semen. They had sprayed and perfumed her and that had felt good and cool and she wanted to sleep.

Her sleep was deep, but her mind played back, vividly like a fullcolor, three-dimensional movie, the past couple of weeks. Her mind focused immediately on that day when she came home from the store, the day Dell Emerson had accompanied her to help bring the groceries into the house.

Yes, that was when all of this horrible business started happening to her…