"The King of the Crags" - читать интересную книгу автора (Deas Stephen)


A Question of Priorities

Vale Tassan, Night Watchman, commander of the Adamantine Men, most feared soldier in the realms, bowed his head and waited.

'What do you mean, he's gone?' For a moment Speaker Zafir went rigid. Vale thought she might be about to throw something at him. Speakers came and went and Queen Zafir was the fourth that Vale Tassan had lived to see. If he'd been permitted an opinion, it might have been that the others had been immeasurably better. Since he wasn't, he did exactly as tradition and the law demanded. He bowed precisely as low as was required, ready for whatever orders would come his way.

'He has left the palace, Your Holiness,' he said calmly and quietly.

'Idiot. Where did he go?'

Vale bowed again. The action was mechanical, a reflex honed over years. He didn't have to think about it any more. 'To the eyrie, Your Holiness. He went with most of his riders to the eyrie, woke up Eyrie-Master Copas, demanded his dragons be roused and they all flew away, Your Holiness. I believe they flew west, towards the Worldspine and Drotan's Top. What's left of it.' Which put him heading towards the Red Riders, but Vale saw no need to mention something so obvious.

If anything, the speaker's anger grew. Vale watched, calmly indifferent. Adamantine Men were chosen almost before they could talk. Usually they were orphans or unwanted children of poor folk who couldn't afford another mouth to feed. Some were bastard by-blows of higher-born men, conveniently pushed away to a place where they wouldn't cause any trouble. In the Guard, blood didn't matter. Everyone was the same. Vale might have been the son of a king or a fool, but in his own mind he was a son of the Guard, nothing more and nothing less. He'd stood in shield walls with his brothers, the ones who managed to stay alive, for more than twenty years. Together they defied the strength and fire of the dragons. He might have been alone before the speaker's throne but he always felt his brothers at their posts and at their work, not far away. Queen Zafir's anger meant nothing to him. He waited, silent and still, for her to send him away.

'In the middle of the night.' Zafir shook her head.

'At dawn, Your Holiness. They flew at dawn. As soon as there was enough light for the dragons to fly.'

'He hasn't gone west, Tassan. He's gone south. Back to his home and his starling…' She hesitated. Vale saw it. Other words had been lining themselves up to come out and she'd bitten them back. Vale stood motionless and thought about Speaker Hyram. Hyram the clever and wise. Hyram, who had presided over a decade of peace and prosperity throughout the realms. Hyram, who for reasons Vale would never know had named Zafir, the least worthy candidate by far, to succeed him. And who'd been pushed off a balcony for his trouble. He should have named the King of the Crags. That would have stirred up these fat soft kings we have nowadays. A proper speaker.

He pursed his lips. That was a thought he should not have had. Zafir wasn't looking at him though, so presumably she hadn't noticed. She was looking at Prince Tyrin instead. Tyrin was the fourth or fifth son of King Narghon and Queen Fyon, which made him a cousin of some sort to Jehal. So much had changed in the last month that Vale found himself alarmingly vague about who was who. Princes and princesses seemed to come and go and he was starting to lose track. He supposed he ought to care but somehow he didn't.

The speaker cocked her head. 'And do you know anything about this, Tyrin?' Tyrin was a decade younger than Jehal and clearly wanted to follow him in every possible way. He was looking at Zafir right now; his eyes were stripping her naked and he was wondering how long it would be, with Jehal gone, before she came looking for another lover.

A muscle twitched in Vale's cheek. Were they always so transparent?

Tyrin licked his lips. 'I went to the eyrie with him. He offered to let me ride with him back to the south but I declined. My place is here, Your Holiness, to serve you in any way I can.' He half-smiled, half-leered. If Zafir couldn't see what was on his mind then she was surely the only one in the room.

'Why, Prince Tyrin, did he go?' Her face changed. An almost imperceptible smile, perhaps. A slight change of posture, a slight widening of the eyes, the raising of an eyebrow. Vale couldn't say exactly what had changed but the effect was electric. Yes, she seemed to say. You might yet have me. Even Vale felt it, though the look wasn't meant for him. Tyrin's jaw hung open. If Tyrin hadn't been sitting down, Vale was sure he would have fallen over. Instantly, Speaker Zafir had made him her slave.

He felt a grudging admiration. That was what a speaker did. A speaker ruled. This is why we don't think, he reminded himself. We are the speaker's swords and spears, her shield and armour. Nothing less and nothing more.

'He may, ah, be gone for some time, I think, Your Holiness.' Which wasn't the question Zafir had asked at all but Tyrin's mind was too firmly set on one thing to be working properly any more.

Zafir's face didn't change. No twitch of anger or impatience, despite her rage of only a few minutes ago. 'Why, Prince Tyrin? What do you think will be keeping him in Furymouth.'

'He said he'd had a premonition, Your Holiness. Someone was going to die, someone very close to him, he said. He needed to go back, he said. To see if they could be saved.'

'And who was this someone, Prince Tyrin? Did he say?' Vale heard the slightest change in Zafir's voice. A brittleness beneath the seductive softness. To Vale the danger seemed obvious. Zafir had set a bear trap right right in front of Tyrin's feet. He wondered if the prince would manage to spot it.

'His father, King Tyan, I assume. They say he's been getting steadily worse ever since he returned home.' Vale kept his face still. Well done, little boy. But was that deftness or blind luck?

Zafir pursed her lips. She sat back into her throne, lounging there with the same affected boredom as Prince Jehal would have done. And Tyrin too, if he hadn't been so on edge. 'Very well. Let us begin then. Away, Night Watchman. Jeiros, dazzle us with news from the Order.'

Acting Grand Master Jeiros, acting head of the Order of the Scales and chief alchemist of the realms, stepped nervously out in front of the throne. He'd taken a long time to adjust to his position, Vale thought, but was just now starting to act the part. His predecessor, Bellepheros, who should have lasted a good few years more, had simply vanished one day nearly six months ago. Coincidentally, on his way back from Furymouth. Vale supposed that Grand Master Jeiros had spent most of the first few months expecting his former master to reappear.

'Your Holiness,' he began. He sounded confident these days. 'We are continuing to audit eyries in an attempt to ascertain whether-'

'Yes, yes, yes. You're still counting dragons, trying to work out whether the one that got away died or survived.' Zafir straightened and stamped her foot. 'When you have an answer, I'll be delighted to hear it. Until then, I do not wish to hear daily complaints about how difficult it is.'

'Your Holiness, if you would order a search of the Worldspine-'

'And give Jaslyn and Almiri an excuse to fly their dragons right up to my doors? They might say they were searching, Grand Master, but that would not be what they were doing. If the white dragon is dead then it has been reborn to an eyrie. If it isn't, it hasn't. As you are so fond of reminding us, the number of dragons in the world never changes, so if the white died of your poisons, you can answer your question by counting them. Counting, Grand Master, is surely not too great a challenge, is it? Even Prince Tyrin can count. So when you can tell me that one of them is still missing then I shall listen with more open ears. Until then, no more excuses, alchemist. Now bring me other news.'

Jeiros paused for a moment. He was angry, Vale saw. That's how far his confidence had grown. A month ago he would have been quivering. The speaker and her master alchemist were at odds. In their own different ways they were the two most powerful figures in the realms. Things like that made Vale uneasy. As Jeiros talked about the rebuilding of the alchemists' redoubt, Vale carefully catalogued all the other things that made him uneasy. The Red Riders.

Queen Shezira locked in the Tower of Dusk. Anything about Prince Jehal. The speaker's council – the council had long ago become a farce, that was worst of all. Three of the dragon-realms didn't even have a voice and Speaker Zafir was plainly bored by them. Now that Jehal was no longer present to entertain them with his wit, who would be first to abandon it? Prince Tichane, who spoke for the King of the Crags? Lord Eisal, who listened for King Sirion? Prince Sakabian, Zafir's own cousin? One of the others? The alchemists, perhaps? Or would the speaker herself be the first to go?

Vale, however, was the commander of the Night Watch, and so he would come as he was called and he would listen, even if it was to the empty walls. Today what he heard was the master alchemist of the realms explain how they were still rebuilding the redoubt where the Order made the potions that kept the dragons in check. He heard Jeiros describe in terse detail the damage that had been done by the smoke that the white dragon had blown into the caves, the current poor quality of the whatever it was that they harvested in there, their shortages of men and resources. In a very roundabout way, what he thought he heard was that the potions that kept the realms alive might soon run short. That a wise man would begin planning now for a cull of dragons. No one else though seemed to quite hear the same thing. When Jeiros was done, Zafir batted him away with some scalding remark. No more men would be forthcoming. The same answer as she'd given him day after day after day for weeks now. Vale, who had ten thousand soldiers sitting idle in their barracks, couldn't help but wonder why.

Other men came and went, most of them with little to say of any interest. Vale listened anyway. A war was coming. It was obvious, and yet no one seemed concerned. The council was split, Vale decided, into two equal halves. Those who were too stupid to see and those who simply didn't care.

And then there was him, who would likely be expected to fight it. Presumably none of the rest of them were that bothered if the odd city full of their own people burned, as long as they kept their precious eyries. A cull. His heart beat faster at the thought. Would that not be for the best? At the very least it would make them pause and think.

At last the one man who might have something interesting to say got to his feet. Zaster, the old palace spymaster. 'Your Holiness, there have been movements among the dragon-knights of the north.' Even Zafir straightened very slightly. Now she was only pretending to be bored.

'Go on.'

'Princess Jaslyn has left Outwatch and returned to Sand. Several dragons have been seen heading for the Desert of Salt. She may remain reluctant, but she is negotiating her marriage with King Sirion's son, Prince Dyalt.'

Zafir glanced at Lord Eisal, who shrugged. 'Shezira promised her to my lord in exchange for his support.'

'And then murdered Hyram, my husband and your lord, when that wasn't enough.' Zafir wrinkled her nose and turned back to Zaster. 'And what about Almiri and Evenspire?'

'My spies have seen several dragons flying from the Spur to Almiri's eyrie. And a war-dragon flying back again, heavily laden.'

'Is that it? You've seen a dragon? I could have told you that myself. My riders have eyes too, Zaster.'

'Yes. The war-dragon your riders saw, Your Holiness.' Zaster bowed low. 'B'thannan. Rider Hyrkallan's mount. It confirms that he is leading the rebellion, Your Holiness.'

'Pshaw!' Vale winced. The speaker had half a goblet of wine dangling from her fingers. She'd been known to throw it at councillors who annoyed her. 'What else? Will you dazzle us with the revelation that the sun rises in the morning and sets at night? Of course Hyrkallan leads this insurrection. And Almiri? How much is she helping them? What about Sirion? Does he send aid to them too? Tell me something useful or be silent. I want proof of these treasons, not hearsay!'

Zaster had always been too quick to take offence. His lips drew t ight together. He started to sit down; as he did, Vale found himself rising. It was such a surprise that he didn't quite understand what was happening at first, and then had to wonder whether some sorcery was at work. But no, his own legs, nothing more. He looked from face to face, suddenly uncertain. He wasn't supposed to have opinions, so what in the realms could he he needing to say?

His lcj›s seemed to know what they were doing though, so he extended the same trust to his mouth.

'Hyrkallan won the Speaker's Tournament a decade ago when Hyram took the Speaker's Ring, Your Holiness. And a decade before that as well, when it was Iyanza.'

Zafir gave him a scornful look. 'Since when do Guardsmen speak in the Speaker's Council?'

He bowed and fell silent, but he'd done enough. The spymaster nodded. 'When the talk is of warriors, Your Holiness,' he murmured. 'Hyrkallan is a clever man, a good rider, strong, brave, with all the best qualities. Most of all he has experience and respect. The other riders of the north will follow him. They are much more dangerous with him than without, Your Holiness. As they have already shown.' A thundercloud passed across Zafir's face. No one spoke about Drotan's Top, but it hung in the air throughout the palace. Hyrkallan had bloodied her nose there and it still stung, even if she'd bloodied him back since.

'Give me dragons!' shouted Prince Sakabian. 'Let me smash them!'

Zafir glared him into silence.

He's right though. Any other speaker would have summoned a hundred dragons, sent out the Guard and crushed this nonsense. Zafir does nothing. Why?

Vale felt he ought to have been sitting down but somehow he wasn't. Instead, there were more words coming out. 'Why is he doing this, Lord Zaster? Why did he not go north all along? He has the whole of the north as his weapon if he chooses to use it, for they would follow him. He could force Jaslyn off her throne and come at you with ten times the dragons that follow him now. Why does he not?'

Zafir glared at him. 'If you'd done what was asked of you, Guardsman, then Hyrkallan and his Red Riders wouldn't even exist, would they?' She spat the words out. The fingers holding her goblet were twitching. 'If you'd taken all of Shezira's riders. If you hadn't let Almiri, of all people, escape. I should have removed you from your post there and then.'

Vale bowed. He sat down.

'They need to be dealt with, Your Holiness,' snapped Zaster.

'You should send Watchman Tassan-' He didn't get any further. Zafir's goblet caught him on the side of his head. Hard. Zaster staggered and put his fingers to his temple. They came away bloody.

'You presume to tell me what I should do?' She waved a hand at Vale. 'Send this idiot to finish cleaning up the mess he should never have allowed in the first place? Now that they have their dragons? And how many of the Adamantine Guard shall I throw away into the Maze?' She snorted. 'Very well, Lord Zaster, if they must be dealt with, and if my dragon patrols are not enough to satisfy you, you deal with them. Hire more sell-swords. Put a bigger reward on Rider Hyrkallan's head. On all of them. My weight in gold for every one of them. And while you're at it, they must be getting their potions from somewhere. Get me proof That Almiri is sending them supplies and I will reduce Evenspire to ash. Let their dragons turn rogue and eat them!'

Jeiros jumped to his feet. 'Your Holiness, Evenspire is a city of thousands! As large as the City of Dragons itself! Your dispute-' He bit his lip. 'Our dispute is with Queen Almiri, not her subjects.'

Zafir snarled: 'Then why don't you find some way to lure her away from her defences, eh, alchemist? But after you have finished learning to count.' She turned back to Zaster. Her face softened a little. 'Spymaster, you have not answered the Watchman's question. Why is Hyrkallan pursuing this foolishness?'

Zaster licked his fingers and shook his head. The look he gave Zafir was venomous. 'Oh I dare say he'll tire of this soon enough. Without him, I'm sure the rest will disperse.' That would have earned him the goblet again, if Zafir hadn't already thrown it at him. The speaker bared her teeth.

'Sell-swords, Zaster. More sell-swords. They are cheap and expendable.'

'Wasn't Rider GarHannas among them?' asked Prince Tyrin suddenly. 'GarHannas of Bloodsalt?' He was looking at Lord Eisal. Eisal pretended he hadn't heard but the damage was done. The council slipped back to doing what it did best, sniping at one another and making sure that nothing useful ever got done. Vale closed his eyes for a moment. Ten thousand men and two hundred riders sat idle at the palace. If he'd been permitted an opinion, it might have been that they should be doing something.