"The Way Of A Man With A Maid" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)
Anonymous The Way Of A Man With A Maid
Part One: The Tragedy
I, the man, will not take up the time of my readers by detailing the circumstances under which Alice, the maid, roused in me the desire for vengeance which resulted in the way I adopted and which I am about to relate. Suffice it then to say that Alice cruelly and unjustifiably jilted me! In my bitterness of spirit, I swore that if I ever had an opportunity of getting hold of her, I would make her voluptuous person recompense me for my disappointment and that I would snatch from her by force the bridegroom’s privileges that I so ardently coveted. But I had to dissemble! Alice and I had many mutual friends to whom this rupture was unknown; we were therefore constantly meeting each other, and if I gave her the slightest hint of my intentions towards her, it would be fatal to the very doubtful chances of success that I had! And so successfully did I conceal my real feelings under a cloak of generous acceptance of her action that she had not the faintest idea (as she afterwards admitted to me) that I was playing a part.
But, as the proverb says, everything comes to the man who can wait. For some considerable time, it seemed as if it would be wise on my part to abandon my desire for vengeance, as the circumstances of our daily lives were such as did not promise the remotest chance of my getting possession of Alice under conditions of either place or time suitable for the accomplishment of my purpose. Nevertheless, I controlled my patience and hoped for the best, enduring as well as I could the torture of unsatisfied desire and increasing lust.
It then happened that I had occasion to change my residence, and in my search for fresh quarters, I came across a modest suite of a sitting-room and two bedrooms which would by themselves have suited me excellently; but with them, the landlord desired to let what he termed a box or lumber-room. I demurred to this addition, but as he remained firm, I asked to see the room. It was most peculiar both as regards access and appearance. The former was by a short passage from the landing, furnished with remarkably well-fitting doors at each end. The room was nearly square, of a good size and lofty, but the walls were unbroken, save by the one entrance, light and air being derived from a skylight, or rather lantern, which occupied the greater part of the roof and was supported by four strong and stout wooden pillars. Further, the walls were thickly padded, while iron rings were let into them at regular distances all round in two rows, one close to the floor and the other about a height of eight feet; from the roof beams dangled rope pulleys in pairs between the pillars, while the two recesses on the entrance side, caused by the projection of the passage into the room, looked as if they had at one time been separated from the rest of the room by bars, almost as if they were cells. So strange indeed was the appearance of the whole room that I asked its history, and was informed that the house had been built as a private lunatic asylum at the time when the now unfashionable square in which it stood was one of the centres of fashion, and that this was the old ‘mad-room’ in which violent patients were confined, the bolts, rings and pulleys being used to restrain them when very violent, while the padding and the double doors made the room absolutely soundproof and prevented the ravings of the inmates from annoying the neighbours. The landlord added that the soundproof quality was no fiction as the room had frequently been tested by incredulous visitors.
Like lightning the thought flashed through my brain. Was not this room the very place for the consummation of my scheme of revenge? If I succeeded in luring Alice into it, she would be completely at my mercy, for her screams for help would not be heard and would only increase my pleasure, while the bolts, rings, pulleys, etc., supplemented with a little suitable furniture, would enable me to secure her in any way I wished and to hold her fixed while I amused myself with her. Delighted with the idea, I agreed to include the room in my suite. Quietly, but with deep forethought and planning, I got certain furniture made which, while in outward appearance most innocent, as well as most comfortable, was in truth full of hidden mechanisms planned for the special discomfiture of any woman or girl that I might wish to hold in physical control. I had the floor covered with thick Persian carpets and rugs, and the two alcoves converted into nominal photographic laboratories, but in a way that made them suitable for lavatories and dressing-rooms. When completed, the ‘Snuggery’ (as I christened it) was in appearance a distinctly pretty and comfortable room, while in reality it was nothing more or less than a disguised torture chamber!
And now came the difficult part of my scheme.
How to entrap Alice? Unfortunately she was not residing in London but a little way out. She lived with a married sister, and never seemed to come to town except in her sister’s company. My difficulty was therefore how to get Alice by herself for a sufficiently long time to accomplish my designs, and sorely I cudgelled my brains over this problem!
The sisters frequently visited town at irregular intervals as dictated by the contingencies of social duties or shopping. True to my policy of l’entente cordiale, I had welcomed them to my rooms for rest and refreshment and had encouraged them to use my quarters; and partly because of the propinquity of the rooms to Regent Street, partly because of the very dainty meals I invariably placed before them, but mainly because of the soothing restfulness induced by the absolute quiet of the Snuggery after the roar and turmoil of the streets, it soon became their regular practice to honour me with their company for luncheon or tea whenever they came to town and had no special engagement. I need hardly add that secretly I hoped these visits might bring me an opportunity of executing my revenge, but for some months I seemed doomed to disappointment. I used to suffer the tortures of Tantalus when I saw Alice unsuspectingly braving me in the very room I had prepared for her violation, within actual reach of me and of hidden machinery that would place her at my disposal, did I set it working, were it not for her sister’s presence! In fact, so keenly did I feel the position that I began to plan the capture of both sisters together, to include Marion in the punishment designed for Alice, and the idea in itself was not unpleasing, as Marion was a fine specimen of female flesh and blood of a larger and more stately type than Alice (who was ‘petite’), and one could do much worse than have her at one’s disposal for an hour or two to feel and fuck! So seriously did I entertain this project, that I got an armchair made in such a way that the releasing of a secret catch would set free mechanisms that would be actuated by the weight of the occupant and would cause the anus to fold inwards and firmly imprison the sitter. Furnished with luxurious upholstery and the catch fixed, it made the most inviting of chairs, and from its first appearance, Alice took possession of it, in happy ignorance that it was intended to hold her firmly imprisoned while I tackled and secured Marion!
Before, however, I resorted to this desperate measure, my patience was rewarded! And this is how it happened.
One evening, the familiar note came to say the sisters were coming to town on the next day and would come for lunch. A little before the appointed hour Alice, to my surprise, appeared alone! She said that, after the note had been posted, Marion became ill and had been very poorly all night and so could not come to town, though better. The shopping engagement was one of considerable importance to Alice, and therefore she had come up alone; she had called to explain matters to me, but would not stop to lunch, she would get a cup of tea and a bun somewhere.
Against this desertion of me, I vigorously protested, but I doubt if I would have induced her to stay had not a smart shower of rain come on. This made her hesitate about going out into it with the dress she was wearing, as it would be ruined, and finally she consented to have lunch and leave immediately afterwards.
While she was away in the spare bedroom used by the sisters on their visits, I was in a veritable turmoil of excitement! Alice in my rooms by herself! It seemed too good to be true! But I remembered I yet had to get her into the Snuggery; she was absolutely safe from my designs everywhere but there! But it was imperative that she should be in no way alarmed, and so, with a strong effort, I controlled my panting excitement, and by the time Alice rejoined me in the dining-room I was my usual self.
Lunch was quickly served. At first, Alice seemed a little nervous and constrained, but by tactful conversation, I soon set her at ease and she then chatted away naturally and merrily. I had craftily placed her with her back to the window so that she should not note signs that a bad storm was brewing: and soon, with satisfaction, I saw that the weather was getting worse and worse! But it might at any moment begin to clear away, and so the sooner I could get her into my Snuggery, the better for me-and the worse for her! So, by every means in my power, I hurried on the procedure of lunch.
Alice was leisurely finishing her coffee when a rattle of rain against the window panes, followed by an ominous growl of thunder, made her start from her chair and go to the casement. ‘Oh! Just look at the rain!’ she exclaimed in dismay, ‘how very unfortunate!’
I joined her at the window: ‘By Jove, it is bad!’ I replied, then added, ‘and it looks like lasting. I hope that you have no important engagement for the afternoon that will keep you much in the open?’ As I spoke, there came a vivid flash of lightning closely followed by a peal of thunder, which sent Alice staggering backwards with a scared face.
‘Oh!’ she exclaimed, evidently frightened; then, after a pause, ‘I am a horrid little coward about thunderstorms: they just terrify me!’
‘Won’t you then take refuge in the Snuggery?’ I asked with a host’s look of concern. ‘I don’t think you will see the lightning there and you certainly won’t hear the thunder, as the room is soundproof. Shall we go there?’ and I opened the door invitingly.
Alice hesitated. Was her guardian angel trying to give her a premonitory hint of what her fate would be if she accepted my seemingly innocent suggestion? But at that moment came another flash of lightning, blinding in its intensity, and almost simultaneously a roar of thunder. This settled the question in my favour! ‘Yes, yes!’ she exclaimed, then ran out. I closely following her, my heart beating exultingly! Quickly she passed through the double doors into the Snuggery, the trap I had so carefully set for her! Noiselessly I bolted the outer door, then closed the inner one. Alice was now mine! mine!! At last I had entrapped her! Now my vengeance was about to be consummated! Now her chaste virgin self was to be submitted to my lust and compelled to satisfy my erotic desires! She was utterly at my mercy, and promptly I proceeded to work my cruel will on her!
The soothing stillness of the room after the roar of the storm seemed most agreeable to Alice. She drew a deep breath of relief and turning to me she exclaimed: ‘What a wonderful room it really is, Jack! Just look how the rain is pelting down on the skylight, and yet we do not hear a sound!’
‘Yes! there is no doubt about it,’ I replied, ‘it is absolutely soundproof. I do not suppose that there is a better room in London for my special purpose!’
‘What might that be, Jack?’ she asked interestedly.
‘Your violation, my dear!’ I replied quietly, looking her straight in the face, ‘the surrender to me of your maidenhead!’
She started as if she had been struck. She coloured hotly. She stared at me as if she doubted her hearing. I stood still and calmly watched her. Then indignation and the sense of outraged modesty seized her.
‘You must be mad to speak like that!’ she said in a voice that trembled with concentrated anger. ‘You forget yourself. Be good enough to consider our friendship as suspended till you have recovered your senses and have suitably apologised for this intolerable insult. Meanwhile I will trouble you only to call a cab so that I may remove myself from your hateful presence!’ And her eyes flashed in her wrathful indignation.
I quietly laughed aloud: ‘Do you really think I should have taken this step without calculating the consequences, Alice?’ I rejoined coolly. ‘Do you really think I have lost my senses? Is there not a little account to be settled between us for what you did to me not very long ago? The day of reckoning has come, my dear; you have had your innings at my cost, now I am going to have mine at yours! You amused yourself with my heart, I am going to amuse myself with your body.’
Alice stared at me, silent with surprise and horror! My quiet determined manner staggered her. She paled when I referred to the past, and she flushed painfully as I indicated what her immediate future would be. After a slight pause I spoke again.
‘I have deliberately planned this revenge! I took these rooms solely because they would lend themselves so admirably to this end. I have prepared them for every contingency, even to having to subjugate you by force! Look!’ And I proceeded to reveal to her astonished eyes the mechanism concealed in the furniture, etc. ‘You know you cannot get out of this room till I choose to let you go; you know that your screams and cries for help will not be heard. You now must decide what you will do. I give you two alternatives, and two only, and you must choose one of them. Will you submit yourself quietly to me, or do you prefer to be forced?’
Alice stamped her little foot in her rage: ‘How dare you speak to me in this way?’ she demanded furiously. ‘Do you think I am a child? Let me go at once!’ and she moved in her most stately manner to the door.
‘You are no child,’ I replied with a cruel smile, ‘you are a lusciously lovely girl possessing everything that I desire and able to satisfy my desires. But I am not going to let you waste time. The whole afternoon will hardly be long enough for the satisfaction of my whims, caprices and lust. Once more, will you submit or will you be forced? Understand that if by the time the clock strikes the half-hour, you do not consent to submit, I shall without further delay proceed to take by force what I want from you! Now make the most of the three minutes you have left.’ And turning my back on her, I proceeded to get the room ready, as if I anticipated that I would have to use force.
Overcome by her feelings and emotions, Alice sank into an armchair burying her face in her trembling hands. She evidently recognised her dreadful position! How could she yield herself up to me? And yet if she did not, she knew she would have to undergo violation! And possibly horrible indignities as well!! I left her absolutely alone, and when I had finished my preparations, I quietly seated myself and watched her. Presently the clock chimed the half-hour. Immediately I rose. Alice quickly sprang to her feet and rushed to the far side of the large divan-couch on which I hoped before long to see her extended naked! It was evident that she was going to resist and fight me, and I welcomed her decision, as now she would give me ample justification for the fullest exercising of my lascivious desires!
‘Well, Alice, what is it to be? Will you submit quietly?’
A sudden passion seemed to possess her. She looked me squarely in the eyes for the first time, hers blazing with rage and indignation: ‘No! no!’ she exclaimed vehemently, ‘I defy you! Do your worst. Do you think you will frighten me into satisfying your lust? Once and for all I give you my answer: No! No!! No!!! Oh! you cowardly brute and beast!!’ And she laughed shrilly as she turned herself away contemptuously.
‘As you please,’ I replied quietly and calmly, ‘let those laugh that win! I venture to say that within half an hour, you will not only be offering yourself to me absolutely and unconditionally, but will also be begging me to accept your surrender! Let us see!’
Alice laughed incredulously and defiantly: ‘Yes, let us see!! Let us see!!’ she retorted contemptuously.
Forthwith I sprang towards her to seize her, but quick as thought she darted away, I in hot pursuit. For a short time she succeeded in eluding me, dodging in and out of the furniture, like a butterfly, but soon I manoeuvred her into a corner and pouncing on her gripped her firmly, then half dragged and half carried her to where a pair of electrically worked rope-pulleys hung between two of the pillars, she struggling desperately and screaming for help. In spite of her determined resistance, I soon made the ropes fast to her wrists, then touched the button; the ropes tightened, and slowly but irresistibly, Alice’s arms were drawn upwards till her hands were well above her head and she was forced to stand erect by the tension on her arms. She was now utterly helpless and unable to defend her person from the hands that were itching to invade and explore the sweet mysteries of her garments; but what with her exertions and the violence of her emotions she was in such a state of agitation that I deemed it wise to leave her to herself for a brief space, till she became more mistress of herself, then she would be better able to appreciate the indignities which she would now be compelled to suffer!
Here, I think, I had better explain the mechanical means I had at my disposal for the discomfiture and subjugation of Alice.
Between each two of the pillars that supported the lantern-skylight hung a pair of strong rope-pulleys working on a roller mechanism concealed in the beams and actuated by electricity. Should I want Alice upright, I had simply to attach the ropes to her wrists, and her arms would be pulled straight up and well over her head, thus forcing her to stand erect, and at the same time rendering her body defenceless and at my mercy. The pillars themselves could be utilised as whipping posts, being provided with rings to which Alice could be fastened in such a way that she could not move!
Close by the pillars was a huge divan-couch upholstered in dark green satin admirably to enhance the pearly loveliness of a naked girl. It stood on eight massive legs (four on each long side), behind each of which lay, coiled for use, a stout leather strap worked by rollers hidden in the upholstery and actuated by electricity. On it were piled a lot of cushions of various sorts and consistencies, with which Alice and Marion used to make nests for themselves, little dreaming that the real object of the ‘Turkish Divan’ (as they had christened it) was to be the altar on which Alice’s virginity would be sacrificed to the Goddess of Love, the mission of the straps being to hold her in position while being violated, should she not surrender herself quietly to her fate!
By the keyboard of the grand piano stood a duet-stool upholstered in leather and with the usual mechanical power of adjustment for height, only to a much greater extent than usual. But the feature of the stool was its unusual length, a full six feet, and I one day had to satisfy Alice’s curiosity by telling her that this was for the purpose of providing a comfortable seat to anyone who might be turning over for the pianist! The real reason was that the stool was, for all practical purposes, a rack actuated by hidden machinery and fitted with a most ingenious arrangement of straps, the efficacy of which I looked forward to testing on Alice’s tender self.
The treacherous armchair I have already explained. My readers can now perhaps understand that I could fix Alice in practically any position or attitude and keep her so fixed while I worked my sweet will on her helpless self.
All the ropes and straps were fitted with swivel snap-hooks. To attach them to Alice’s limbs, I used an endless band of the strongest and softest silk rope that I could get made. It was an easy matter to slip the band (doubled) round her wrist or ankle, pass one end through the other and draw tight, then snap the free end into the swivel hook. No amount of plunging or struggling would loosen this attachment, and the softness of the silk prevented Alice’s delicate flesh from being rubbed or even marked.
During the ten minutes grace that I mentally allowed Alice in which to recover from the violence of her struggles, I quietly studied her as she stood helpless, almost supporting herself by resting her weight on her wrists. She was to me an exhilarating spectacle, her bosom fluttering, rising and falling as she caught her breath, her cheeks still flushing, her large hat somewhat disarranged, while her dainty well-fitting dress displayed her neat comely figure to its fullest advantage.
She regained command of herself wonderfully quickly, and then it was evident that she was stealthily watching me in horrible apprehension. I did not leave her long in suspense, but after going slowly round her and inspecting her, I placed a chair right in front of her, so close to her its edge almost touched her knees, then slipped myself into it, keeping my legs apart, so that she stood between them, the front of her dress pressing against the fly of my trousers. Her head was now above mine, so that I could peer directly into her downcast face.
As I took up this position, Alice trembled nervously and tried to draw herself away from me, but found herself compelled to stand as I had placed her. Noticing the action, I drew my legs closer to each other so as loosely to hold her between them, smiling cruelly at the uncontrollable shudder that passed through her when she felt the pressure of my knees against hers! Then I extended my arms, clasped her gently round the waist, and drew her against me, at the same time tightening the clutch of my legs, till soon she was fairly in my embrace, my face pressing against her throbbing bosom. For a moment she struggled wildly, then resigned herself to the unavoidable as she recognised her helplessness.
Except when dancing with her, I had never held Alice in my arms, and the embrace permitted by the waltz was nothing to the comprehensive clasping between arms and legs in which she now found herself. She trembled fearfully, her tremors giving me exquisite pleasure as I felt them shoot through her, and murmured beseechingly: ‘Please don’t, Jack!’
I looked up into her flushed face, as I amorously pressed my cheek against the swell of her bosom: ‘Don’t you like it, Alice?’ I said maliciously, as I squeezed her still more closely against me. ‘I think you’re just delicious, dear, and I am trying to imagine what it will feel like, when your clothes have been taken off you!’
‘No! No! Jack!’ she moaned agonisedly, twisting herself in her distress, ‘let me go, Jack; don’t… don’t…’ and her voice failed her.
For answer, I maintained her against me with my left arm round her waist, then with my right hand, I began to stroke and press her hips and bottom.
‘Oh!… don’t Jack! don’t!’ Alice shrieked, squirming in distress and futilely endeavouring to avoid my marauding hand. I paid no attention to her pleadings and cries, but continued my strokings and caressings over her full posteriors and thighs down to her knees, then back to her buttocks and haunches, she, all the while, quivering in a delicious way. Then I freed my left hand, and holding her tightly imprisoned between my legs, I proceeded with both hands to study over her clothes the configuration of her backside and hips and thighs, handling her buttocks with a freedom that seemed to stagger her, as she pressed the front of her person against me, in her efforts to escape from the liberties that my hands were takings with her posterior charms.
After toying delightfully with her in this way for some little time, I ceased and withdrew my hands from her hips, but only to pass them up and down over her incurving sides; thence I passed to her bosom which I began lovingly to stroke and caress to her dismay. Her colour rose as she swayed uneasily on her legs. But her stays prevented any direct attack on her bosom, so I decided to open her clothes sufficiently to obtain a peep at her virgin breasts, and set to work to unbutton her blouse.
‘Jack, no! no!!’ shrieked Alice, struggling vainly to get loose. But I only smiled and continued to undo her blouse till I got it completely open and threw it back on to her shoulders, only to be baulked as a fairly high bodice covered her bosom. I set to work to open this, my fingers revelling in the touch of Alice’s dainty linen. Soon it also was open and thrown back-and then, right before my eager eyes, lay the snowy expanse of Alice’s bosom, her breasts being visible nearly as far as their nipples!
‘Oh!… oh!…’ she moaned in her distress, flushing painfully at this cruel exposure. But I was too excited to take any notice; my eyes were riveted on the provokingly lovely swell of her breasts, exhibiting the valley between the twin globes, now heaving and fluttering under her agitated emotions. Unable to restrain myself, I threw my arms round Alice’s waist drew her closely to me and pressed my lips on her palpitating flesh which I kissed furiously.
‘Don’t, Jack!’ cried Alice, as she tugged frantically at her fastenings in her wild endeavours to escape from my passionate lips; but instead of stopping, my mouth wandered all over her heaving bosom and to her delicious breasts, punctuating its progress with hot kisses which seemed to drive her mad to such a pitch that I through it best to desist.
‘Oh! my God!’ she moaned as I relaxed my clasp and leant back in my chair to enjoy the sight of her shamefaced distress. There was not the least doubt that she felt most keenly my indecent assault, and so I determined to worry her with lascivious liberties a little longer.
When she had become calmer, I passed my arms round her waist and again began to play with her posteriors, then, stooping down, I got my hands under her clothes and commenced to pull them up. Flushing violently, Alice shrieked to me to desist, but in vain; in a trice, I turned her petticoats up, held them thus with my left hand and with my right I proceeded to attack her bottom now protected only by her dainty thin drawers!
The sensation was delirious! My hand delightedly roved over the fat plump cheeks of her arse, stroking, caressing and pinching them, revelling in the firmness and elasticity of her flesh under its thin covering, Alice all the time, wriggling and squirming in horrible shame, imploring me almost incoherently to desist and finally getting so semi-hysterical, that I was compelled to suspend my exquisite game. To her relief, I dropped her skirts, pushed my chair back and rose.
I had in the room a large plate-glass mirror nearly eight feet high which reflected one at full length. While Alice was recovering from her last ordeal, I pushed this mirror close in front of her, placing it so that she could see herself in its centre. She started uneasily as she caught sight of herself, for I had left her bosom uncovered, and the reflection of herself in such shameful dishabille in conjunction with her large hat (which she still retained) seemed vividly to impress on her the horror of her position!
Having arranged the mirror to my satisfaction, I picked up the chair and placed it just behind Alice, sat down on it, and worked myself forward on it till Alice again stood between my legs, but this time with her back to me. The mirror faithfully reflected my movements and her feminine intuition warned her that the front of her person was now about to become the object of my indecent assault.
But I did not give her time to think. Quickly I encircled her waist again with my arms, drew her to me till her bottom pressed against my chest, then, while my left arm held her firmly, my right hand began to wander over the junction of her stomach and legs, pressing inquisitively her groin and thighs, and intently watching her in the mirror.
Her colour rose, her breath came unevenly, she quivered and trembled on her legs as she pressed her thighs closely together. She was horribly perturbed, but I do not think she anticipated what then happened.
Quietly dropping my hands, I slipped them under her clothes, caught hold of her ankles, then proceeded to climb up her legs over her stockings.
‘No! no! for God’s sake, don’t Jack!’ Alice yelled, now scarlet with shame and wild with alarm at this invasion of her most secret parts. Frantically she dragged at her fastenings, her hands clenched, her head thrown back, her eyes dilated with horror. Throwing the whole of her weight on her wrists, she strove to free her legs from my attacking hands by kicking out desperately, but to no avail. The sight in the mirror of her struggles only stimulated me into a refinement of cruelty, for with one hand, I raised her clothes waist high, exposing her in her dainty drawers and black silk stockings, while with the other, I vigorously attacked her thighs over her drawers, forcing a way between them and finally working up so close to her mount of Venus that Alice practically collapsed in an agony of apprehension and would have fallen had it not been for the sustaining ropes which alone supported her as she hung in a semi-hysterical faint.
Quickly rising and dropping her clothes, I placed an armchair behind her, and loosened the pulleys, till she rested comfortably in it, then left her to recover herself, feeling pretty confident that she was now not far from surrendering herself to me, rather than continue a resistance which she could not but see was utterly useless. This was what I wanted to effect. I did not propose to let her off any single one of the indignities I had in store for her, but I wanted to make her suffering the more keen through the feeling that she was, to some extent, a consenting party to actions that inexpressibly shocked and revolted her. The first of these I intended to be the removal of her clothes, and, as soon as Alice became more mistress of herself, I set the pulleys working and soon had her again standing erect with up-stretched arms.
She glanced fearfully at me as if trying to learn what was now going to happen to her. I deemed it as well to tell her, and to afford her an opportunity of yielding herself to me, if she should be willing to do so. I also wanted to save her clothes from being damaged, as she was really beautifully dressed, and I was not at all confident that I could get her garments off her without using scissors to some of them.
‘I see you want to know what is now going to happen to you, Alice,’ I said. ‘I’ll tell you. You are to be stripped naked, utterly and absolutely naked: not a stitch of any sort is to be left on you!’
A flood of crimson swept over her face, invading both neck and bosom (which remained bare); her head fell forward as she moaned: ‘No!… No!… oh! Jack… Jack… how can you…’ and she swayed uneasily on her feet.
‘That is to be the next item in the programme, my dear!’ I said, enjoying her distress. ‘There is only one detail that remains to be settled first, and that is, will you undress yourself quietly if I set you loose, or must I drag your clothes off you? I don’t wish to influence your decision, and I know what queer ideas girls have about taking off their clothes in the presence of a man; I will leave the decision to you, only to say that I do not see what you gain by further resistance, and some of your garments may be ruined-which would be a pity! Now, which is it to be?’
She looked at me imploringly for a moment, trembling in every limb, then averted her eyes, but remained silent, evidently torn by conflicting emotions.
‘Come, Alice,’ I said presently, ‘I must have your decision, or I shall proceed to take your clothes off you as best as I can.’
Alice was now in a terrible state of distress! Her eyes wandered all over the room without seeming to see anything, incoherent murmurs escaped from her lips, as if she was trying to speak but could not, her breath went and came, her bosom rose and fell agitatedly. She was endeavouring to form some decision evidently, but unable to do so.
I remained still for a brief space as if awaiting her answer; then, as she did not speak, I quietly went to a drawer, took out a pair of scissors and went back to her. At the sight of the scissors, she shivered, then with an effort, said, in a voice broken with emotion: ‘Don’t… undress me Jack!… if you must… have me, let it be as I am… I will… submit quietly… oh! my God!!’ she wailed.
‘That won’t do, dear,’ I replied, not unkindly, but still firmly, ‘you must be naked, Alice; now, will you or will you not undress yourself?’
Alice shuddered, cast another imploring glance at me, but seeing no answering gleam of pity in my eyes but stern determination instead, she stammered out: ‘Oh! Jack! I can’t!! have some pity on me, Jack, and… have me as I am! I promise I’ll be… quiet!’
I shook my head. I saw there was only one thing for me to do, namely, to undress her without any further delay; and I set to work to do so, Alice crying piteously: ‘Don’t Jack, don’t!… don’t!’
I had left behind her the armchair in which I had allowed her to rest, and her blouse and bodice were still hanging open and thrown back on her shoulders. So I got on the chair and worked them along her arms and over her clenched hands on to the ropes; then gripping her wrists in turn one at a time, I released the noose, slipped the garments down and off and refastened the noose. And as I had been quick to notice that Alice’s chemise and vest had shoulder-strap fastenings and had merely to be unhooked, the anticipated difficulty of undressing her forcibly was now at an end! The rest of her garments would drop off her, as each became released, and therefore it was in my power to reduce her to absolute nudity! My heart thrilled with fierce exultation, and without further pause, I went on with the delicious work of undressing her.
Alice quickly divined her helplessness and in an agony of apprehension and shame cried to me for mercy! But I was deaf to her pitiful pleadings! I was wild to see her naked!
Quickly I unhooked her dress and petticoats and pulled them down to her feet, thus exhibiting her in stays, drawers and stockings, a bewitching sight! Her cheeks were suffused with shamefaced blushes, she huddled herself together as much as she could, seemingly supported entirely by her arms; her eyes were downcast and she seemed dazed both by the rapidity of my motions and their horrible success!
Alice now had on only a dainty Parisian corset which allowed the laces of her chemise to be visible, just hiding the nipples of her maiden breasts, and a pair of exquisitely provoking drawers, cut wide especially at her knees and trimmed with a sea of frilly lace, from below which emerged her shapely legs encased in black silk stockings and terminating in neat little shoes. She was the daintiest sight a man could well imagine, and, to me, the daintiness was enhanced by her shamefaced consciousness, for she could see herself reflected in the mirror in all her dreadful dishabille!
After a minute of gloating admiration, I proceeded to untie the tapes of her drawers so as to take them off her. At this she seemed to wake to the full sense of the humiliation in store for her; wild at the idea of being deprived of this most intimate of garments to a girl, she screamed in her distress, tugging frantically at her fastenings in her desperation! But the knot gave way, and her drawers, being now unsupported, slipped down to below her knees, where they hung for a brief moment, maintained only by the despairing pressure of her legs against each other. A tug or two from me, and they lay in snowy loads round her ankles and rested on her shoes!
O that I had the pen of a ready writer with which to describe Alice at this stage of the terrible ordeal of being forcibly undressed, her mental and physical anguish, her frantic cries and impassioned pleadings, her frenzied struggles, the agony in her face as garment after garment was removed from her and she was being hurried nearer and nearer to the appalling goal of absolute nudity! The accidental but unavoidable contact of my hands with her person, as I undressed her, seemed to upset her so terribly that I wondered how she would endure my handling and playing with the most secret and sensitive parts of herself when she was naked! But acute as was her distress while being deprived of her upper garments, it was nothing to her shame and anguish when she felt her drawers forced down her legs and the last defence to her cunt thus removed! Straining wildly at the ropes with cheeks aflame, eyes dilated with terror, and convulsively heaving bosom, she uttered inarticulate cries, half choked by her emotions and panting under her exertions.
I gloated over her sufferings and would have liked to have watched them-but I was now mad with desire for her naked charms and also feared that a prolongation of her agony might result in a faint, when I would lose the anticipated pleasure of witnessing Alice’s misery when her last garment was removed and she was forced to stand naked in front of me. So unheeding her imploring cries, I undid her corset and took it off her, dragged off her shoes and stockings and with them her fallen drawers (during which process I intently watched her struggles in the hope of getting a glimpse of her holy of holies, but vainly), then slipped behind her; unbuttoning the shoulder-fastenings of her chemise and vest, I held these up for a moment, then watching Alice closely in the mirror, I let go! Down they slid with a rush, right to her feet! I saw Alice flash one rapid stolen half-reluctant glance at the mirror, as she felt the cold air on her now naked skin. I saw her reflection stark naked, a lovely gleaming pearly vision; then instinctively she squeezed her legs together, as closely as she could, huddled herself coweringly as much as the ropes permitted-her head fell back in the first intensity of her shame, then fell forward suffused with blushes that extended right down to her breasts, her eyes closed as she moaned in heartbroken accents: ‘Oh! oh!! oh!!!’ She was naked!
Half delirious with excitement and the joy of conquest, I watched Alice’s naked reflection in the mirror. Rapidly and tumultuously, my eager eyes roved over her shrinking trembling form, gleaming white, save for her blushing face and the dark triangular mossy-looking patch at the junction of her belly and thighs. But I felt that, in this moment of triumph, I was not sufficiently master of myself fully to enjoy the spectacle of her naked maiden charms now so fully exposed, besides which, her chemise and vest still lay on her feet. So I knelt down behind her, forced her feet up one at a time and removed these garments, noting as I did so the glorious curves of her bottom and hips. Throwing these garments on to the rest of her clothes, I pushed the armchair in front of her, and then settled myself down to a systematic and critical inspection of Alice’s naked self!
As I did so, Alice coloured deeply over face and bosom and moved herself uneasily. The bitterness of death (so to speak) was past, her clothes had been forced off her and she was naked; but she was evidently conscious that much indignity and humiliation was yet in store for her, and she was horribly aware that my eyes were now taking in every detail of her naked self! Forced to stand erect by the tension of the ropes on her arms, she could do nothing to conceal any part of herself, and, in an agony of shame, she endured the awful ordeal of having her naked person closely inspected and examined!
I had always greatly admired her trim little figure, and in the happy days before our rupture, I used to note with proud satisfaction how Alice held her own, whether at garden parties, at afternoon teas or in the theatre or ballroom. And after she had jilted me and I was sore in spirit, the sight of her invariably added fuel to the flames of my desire, and I often caught myself wondering how she looked in her bath! One evening, she wore at dinner a low-cut evening dress and she nearly upset my self-control by leaning forward over the card table by which I was standing, and unconsciously revealing to me the greater portion of her breasts! But my imagination never pictured anything as glorious as the reality now being so reluctantly exhibited to me!
Alice was simply a beautiful girl and her lines deliciously voluptuous! No statue, no model, but glorious flesh and blood allied to superb femininity! Her well-shaped head was set on a beautifully modelled neck and bosom, from which sprang a pair of exquisitely lovely breasts (if anything too full), firm, upstanding, saucy and inviting. She had fine rounded arms with small well-shaped hands, a dainty but not too small waist, swelling grandly downwards and outwards and melting into magnificent curves over her hips and haunches. Her thighs were plump and round, and tapered to the neatest of calves and ankles and tiny feet, her legs being the least trifle too short for her, but adding by this very defect to the indescribable fascination of her figure. She had a graciously swelling belly with a deep navel, and, framed by the lines of her groin, was her mount of Venus, full, fat, fleshy, prominent, covered by a wealth of fine silky dark curly hairs, through which I could just make out the lips of her cunt. Such was Alice as she stood naked before me, horribly conscious of my devouring eyes, quivering and trembling with suppressed emotion, tingling with shame, flushing red and white, knowing full well her own loveliness and what its effect on me must be; and in dumb silence I gazed and gazed again at her glorious naked self, till my lust began to run riot and insist on the gratification of senses other than that of sight!
I did not however consider that Alice was ready properly to appreciate the mortification of being felt. She seemed to be still absorbed in the horrible consciousness of one all-pervading fact, viz. that she was utterly naked, that her chaste body was the prey of my lascivious eyes, that she could do nothing to hide or even screen any part of herself, even her cunt, from me! Every now and then, her downcast eyes would glance at the reflection of herself in the faithful mirror, only to be hastily withdrawn with an access of colour to her already shame-suffused cheeks at these fresh reminders of the spectacle she was offering to me!
Therefore, with a strong effort, I succeeded in overcoming the temptation to feel and handle Alice’s luscious body there and then, and being desirous of first studying her naked self from all points of view, I rose and took her in strict profile, noting with delight the arch of her bosom, the proudly projecting breasts, the glorious curve of her belly, the conspicuous way in which the hairs on the mount of Venus stood out, indicating that her cunt would be found both fat and fleshy, the magnificent swell of her bottom! Then I went behind her, and for a minute or two revelled in silent admiration of the swelling lines of her hips and haunches, her quivering buttocks, her well-shaped legs! Without moving, I could command the most perfect exhibition of her naked loveliness, for I had her back view in full sight while her front was reflected in the mirror!
Presently I completed my circuit, then standing close to her, I had a good look at her palpitating breasts, noting their delicious fullness and ripeness, their ivory skin, and the tiny virgin nipples pointing outwards so prettily, Alice colouring and flushing and swaying herself uneasily under my close inspection. Then I peered into the round cleft of her navel while she became more uneasy than ever, seeing the downward trend of my inspection. Then I dropped on my knees in front of her, and from this point of vantage, I commenced to investigate with eager eyes the mysterious region of her cunt, so deliciously covered with a wealth of close curling hairs, clustering so thickly round and over the coral lips as almost to render them invisible! As I did so, Alice desperately squeezed her thighs together as closely as she could, at the same time drawing in her stomach in the vain hope of defeating my purpose and of preventing me from inspecting the citadel wherein reposed her virginity!
As a matter of fact, she did to a certain extent thwart me, but as I intended before long to put her on her back and tie her down with her legs wide apart, I did not grudge her partial success, but brought my face close to her belly. ‘Don’t! oh don’t!’ she cried, as if she could feel my eyes as they searched this most secret part of herself; but disregarding her pleadings, I closely scanned the seat of my approaching pleasure, noting delightedly that her mount of Venus was exquisitely plump and fleshy and would afford my itching fingers the most delicious pleasure when I allowed them to wander over its delicate contours and hide themselves in the forest of hairs that so sweetly covered it!
At last I rose. Without a word, I slipped behind the mirror and quickly divested myself of my clothes, retaining only my shoes and socks. Then, suddenly, I emerged and stood right in front of Alice. ‘Oh!’ she ejaculated, horribly shocked by the unexpected apparition of my naked self, turning rosy red and hastily averting her eyes-but not before they had caught sight of my prick in glorious erection! I watched her closely. The sight seemed to fascinate her in spite of her alarmed modesty, she flashed rapid glances at me through half-closed eyes, her colour coming and going. She seemed forced, in spite of herself, to regard the instrument of her approaching violation, as if to assess its size and her capacity!
‘Won’t you have a good look at me, Alice?’ I presently remarked maliciously, ‘I believe I can claim to possess a good specimen of what is so dear to the heart of a girl!’ (She quivered painfully.) After a moment I continued: ‘Must I then assume by your apparent indifference that you have in your time seen so many naked men that the sight no longer appeals to you?’ She coloured deeply, but kept her eyes averted.
‘Are you not even curious to estimate whether my prick will fit your cunt?’ I added, determined, if I possibly could, to break down the barrier of silence she was endeavouring to protect herself with.
I succeeded! Alice tugged frantically at the ropes which kept her upright, then broke into a piteous cry: ‘No, no… my God, no!’ she supplicated, throwing her head back but still keeping her eyes shut as if to exclude the sight she dreaded, ‘Oh!… you don’t really mean to… to…’ she broke down, utterly unable to clothe in words the overwhelming fear that she was now to be violated!
I stepped up to her, passed my left arm round her waist and drew her trembling figure to me, thrilling at the exquisite sensation caused by the touch of our naked bodies against each other. We were now both facing the mirror, both reflected in it.
‘Don’t, oh! don’t touch me!’ she shrieked as she felt my arm encircle her, but holding her closely against me with my left arm, I gently placed my right forefinger on her navel, to force her to open her eyes and watch my movements in the mirror, which meant that she would also have to look at my naked self, and gently I tickled her.
She screamed in terror, opening her eyes, squirming deliciously: ‘Don’t! oh don’t!’ she cried agitatedly.
‘Then use your chaste eyes properly and have a good look at the reflection of the pair of us in the mirror,’ I said somewhat sternly; ‘look me over slowly and thoroughly from head to foot, then answer the questions I shall presently put to you. May I call your attention to that whip hanging on that wall and to the inviting defencelessness of your bottom? Understand that I shall not hesitate to apply one to the other if you don’t do as you are told! Now have a good look at me!’
Alice shuddered, then reluctantly raised her eyes and shamefacedly regarded my reflection in the mirror, her colour coming and going. I watched her intently (she being also reflected, my arm was still round her waist holding her against me) and I noted with cruel satisfaction how she trembled with shame and fright when her eyes dwelt on my prick, now stiff and erect!
‘We make a fine pair, Alice, eh?’ I whispered maliciously. She coloured furiously, but remained silent.
‘Now answer my questions: I want to know something about you before going further. How old are you?’
‘Twenty-five,’ she whispered.
‘In your prime then! Good! Now, are you a virgin?’
Alice flushed hotly and painfully, then whispered again: ‘Yes!’
Oh! my exultation! I was not too late! The prize of her maidenhead was to be mine! My prick showed my joy! I continued my catechism.
‘Absolutely virgin?’ I asked, ‘a pure virgin? Has no hand ever wandered over those lovely charms, has no eye but mine seen them?’
Alice shook her head, blushing rosy red at the idea suggested by my words. I looked rather doubtingly at her.
‘I include female eyes and hands as well in my query, Alice,’ I continued; ‘you know that you have a most attractive lot of girl and woman friends and that you are constantly with them. Am I to understand that you and they have never compared your charms, have never, when occupying the same bed…’ but she broke in with a cry of distress. ‘No, no, not I, not I, oh! how can you talk to me like this, Jack!’
‘My dear, I only wanted to find out how much you already knew so that I might know what to teach you now! Well, shall we begin your lessons?’
And I drew her against me, more closely than ever, and again began to tickle her navel.
‘Jack, don’t!’ she screamed, ‘oh don’t touch me! I can’t stand it! really I can’t!’
‘Let me see if that is really so!’ I replied, as I removed my arm from her waist and slipped behind her, taking up a position from which I could command the reflection of our naked figures in the mirror, and thus watch her carefully and note the effect on her of my tender mercy.
I commenced to feel Alice by placing my hands one on each side of her waist, noting with cruel satisfaction the shiver that ran through her at their contact with her naked skin. After a few caresses, I passed them gently but inquisitively over her full hips, which I stroked, pressed and patted lovingly, then bringing my hands downwards behind her I roved over her plump bottom, the fleshy cheeks of which I gripped and squeezed to my heart’s content, Alice the while arching herself outwards in a vain attempt to escape my hands. Then I descended to the underneath portion of her soft round thighs, and finally worked my way back to her waist, running my hands up and down over loins and finally arriving at her armpits.
Here I paused, and to try the effect on Alice, I gently tickled these sensitive spots of herself. ‘Don’t!’ she exclaimed wriggling and twisting herself uneasily, ‘don’t, I am dreadfully ticklish, I can’t stand it at all!’ At once I ceased, but my blood went on fire, as through my brain flashed the idea of the licentiously lovely spectacle Alice would afford if she was tied down with her legs fastened widely apart, and a pointed feather-tip cleverly applied to the most sensitive part of herself-her cunt-sufficient slack being allowed in her fastenings to permit of her wriggling and writhing freely while being thus tickled, and I promised to give myself presently this treat together with the pleasure of trying on her this interesting experiment.
After a short pause, I again placed my hands on her waist, played for a moment over her swelling hips, then slipped them on to her stomach, my right hand taking the region below her waist, while my left devoted itself to her bosom, carefully avoiding for the moment her breasts.
Oh! what pleasure I tasted in thus touching her pure sweet flesh, so smooth, so warm, so essentially female! My delighted hands wandered all over her body, while the poor girl stood quivering and trembling, unable to guess whether her breasts or cunt were next to be attacked.
I did not keep her long in suspense. After a few circlings over her rounded belly, my right hand paused on her navel again, and while my forefinger gently tickled her, my left hand slid quietly on to her right breast which it then gently seized.
She gave a great cry of dismay! Meanwhile my right hand had in turn slipped up to her left breast, and another involuntary shriek from Alice announced that both of her virgin bubbies had become the prey of my cruel hands!
Oh! how she begged me to release them, the while tossing herself from side to side in almost uncontrollable agitation as my fingers played with her delicious breasts, now squeezing, now stroking, now pressing them against each other, now rolling them upwards and downwards, now gently irritating and exciting their tiny nipples! Such delicious morsels of flesh I had never handled, so firm and yet so springing, so ripe and yet so maidenly, palpitating under the hitherto unknown sensations communicated by the touch of masculine hands on their virgin surfaces. Meanwhile Alice’s tell-tale face reflected in the mirror clearly indicated to me the mental shame and anguish she was feeling at this terrible outrage; her flushed cheeks, dilated nostrils, half-closed eyes, her panting heaving bosom all revealing her agony under this desecration of her maiden self! In rapture, I continued toying with her virgin globes, all the while gloating on Alice’s image in the mirror, twisting and contorting itself in the most lasciviously ravishing way under her varying emotions.
At last I tore my hands away from Alice’s breasts. I slipped my left arm round her waist, drew her tightly against me, then while I held her firmly, my right hand passed gently over her stomach and slowly approached her cunt! Alice instantly guessed my intention! She threw her weight on one leg, then quickly placed the other across her groin to foil my attack, crying: ‘No no, Jack!… not there… not there!’ at the same time endeavouring frantically to turn herself away from my hand. But the close grip of my left arm defeated her, and disregarding her cries, my hand crept on and on till it reached her hairs! These I gently pulled, twining them round my fingers as I revelled in their curling silkiness. Then amorously, I began to feel and press her gloriously swelling mount of Venus, a finger on each side of its slit. Alice now simply shrieked in her shame and distress, jerking herself convulsively backwards and twisting herself frenziedly. As she was forced to stand on both legs in order to maintain her balance, her cunt was absolutely defenceless, and my eager fingers roved all over it, touching, pressing, tickling, pulling her hairs at their sweet will. Then I began to attack her virgin orifice and tickle her slit, passing my forefinger lightly up and down it, all the time watching her intently in the mirror. Alice quivered violently, her head fell backwards in her agony as she shrieked: ‘Jack, don’t!… for God’s sake don’t!!… stop!… stop!’ But I could feel her cunt opening under my lascivious attentions, and so could she! Her distress became almost uncontrollable. ‘Oh, my God!’ she screamed in her desperation as my finger found its way to her clitoris and lovingly titillated it; spasmodically she squeezed her thighs together in her vain attempts to defend herself. Unheeding her agonised pleadings, I continued to tickle her clitoris for a few delicious moments, then I gently passed my finger along her cunt and between its now half-opened lips till I arrived at her maiden orifice, up which it tenderly forced its way, burying itself in Alice’s cunt till it could penetrate no further into her! Alice’s agitation now became uncontrollable; she struggled so violently that I could hardly hold her still, especially when she felt the interior of her cunt invaded and my finger investigate the mysteries of its virgin recesses.
Oh! my voluptuous sensations at that moment! Alice’s naked quivering body clutched tightly against mine! My finger, half buried in her maiden cunt, enveloped in her soft warm throbbing flesh and gently exploring its luscious interior!! In my excitement I must have pushed my inquisitiveness too far, for Alice suddenly screamed: ‘Oh!… oh! you’re hurting me!… stop! stop!’ her head falling forward on her bosom as she did so! Delighted at this unexpected proof of her virginity and fearful of exciting her sexual passions beyond her powers of control, I gently withdrew my finger and soothed her by passing it lovingly and caressingly over her cunt; then releasing her from my encircling arm, I left her to recover herself. But, though visibly relieved at being at last left alone, Alice, trembled so violently that I hastily pushed her favourite armchair (the treacherous one) behind her, deftly released the pulley-ropes and let her drop into the chair to rest and recover herself, for I knew that her distress was only temporary and would soon pass away and leave her in a fit condition to be again fastened and subjected to some other torture, for so it undoubtedly was to her.
On this occasion, I did not set free the catch which permitted the arms of the chair to imprison the occupant. Alice was so upset by her experiences that I felt sure she would not give me any trouble worth mentioning when it became time for her torturing to recommence, provided of course that I did not allow her too long a respite, and this, from my own point of view, I did not propose to do as I was wildly longing to play again with her naked charms!
I therefore let her coil herself up in the chair with her face buried in her hands, and greedily gloated over the voluptuous curves of her haunches and bottom which she was unconsciously exhibiting, the while trying to make up my mind as to what I should next do to her. This I soon decided. My hands were itching to handle again her virgin flesh, and so I determined to tie Alice upright to one of the pillars and while comfortably seated close in front of her, to amuse myself by playing with her breasts and cunt again.
She was now lying quietly and breathing normally and regularly, the tremblings and quiverings that had been running intermittently through her having by now ceased. I did not feel quite sure if she had recovered herself yet, but as I watched her, I noticed an attempt on her part to try and slip her wrists out of the silken nooses that attached the ropes to them. This settled the point, and, before she could effect her object and free her hands, I set the ropes working, remarking as I did so: ‘Well Alice, shall we resume?’
She glanced at me affrightedly, then averted her eyes as she exclaimed hurriedly: ‘Oh no, Jack! not again, not again!’ and shuddered at the recollection of her recent ordeal.
‘Yes, my dear!’ I replied, ‘the same thing, though not quite in the same way; you’ll be more comfy this time! Now Alice, come along, stand up again!’
‘No!’ she cried, fighting vainly the now fast tightening ropes which were inexorably raising her to her feet! ‘Oh, Jack! no!… no!!’ she pitifully pleaded while opposing the upward pull with all her might but to no avail! I simply smiled cruelly at her as I picked up a leather strap and awaited the favourable moment to force her against the nearest pillar. Presently she was dragged off the chair and now was my time. I pounced on her and rushed her backwards to the pillar, quickly slipping the strap round it and her waist and buckling it, and thus securing her. Then I loosened the pulleys and lowering her arms, I forced them behind her and round the pillar, till I got her wrists together and made them fast to a ring set in the pillar. Alice was now helpless; the whole of the front of her person was at my disposal! She was securely fastened, but, with a refinement of cruelty, I lashed her ankles together and bound them to the pillar! Then I unbuckled the strap round her waist and threw it away, it being no longer needed, placed the armchair in front of her, and sitting down in it, I drew it so close to her that she stood between my parted legs and within easy touch, just as she did when she was being indecently assaulted before she was undressed, only then we both were fully clothed, while now we both were stark naked! She could not throw her head back because of the pillar, and if she let it droop, as she naturally wanted to do, the first thing that her innocent eyes would rest upon would be my excited prick in glorious erection, its blushing head pointing directly towards her cunt as if striving to make the acquaintance of its destined bride.
Confused, shamefaced and in horrible dread, Alice stood trembling in front of me, her eyes tightly closed as if to avoid the sight of my naked self, her bosom agitatedly palpitating till her breasts seemed almost to be dancing! I leant back in my chair luxuriously as I gloated over the voluptuously charming spectacle, allowing her a little time in which to recover herself somewhat before I set to work to feel her again.
Before long, the agitations of her bosom died away; Alice’s breathing became quieter. She was evidently now ready for another turn, and I did not keep her waiting, but gently placed my hands on her breasts.
‘No, Jack, don’t!’ she pleaded piteously, moving herself uneasily. My only response was to stroke lovingly her delicious twin globes. As her shoulders were of necessity drawn well back by the pull of her arms, her bust was thrown well forward, thus causing her breasts to stand out saucily and provokingly; and I took the fullest advantage of this. Her flesh was delicious to the touch, so smooth and soft and warm, so springy and elastic. My fingers simply revelled in their contact with her skin! Taking her tempting bubbies between my fingers and thumbs, I amorously pressed and squeezed them, pulled them this way and that way, rubbed them against each other, finally taking each delicate nipple in turn in my mouth and sucking it while my hands made as if they were trying to milk her! Alice, all the while, involuntarily shifted herself nervously, as if endeavouring to escape from my audaciously inquisitive fingers, her face scarlet with shame.
After a delicious five minutes of lascivious toying with her maiden breasts, I reluctantly quitted them, first imprinting on each of her little nipples a passionate kiss which seemed to thrill through her. As I sank back into my chair she took a long breath of relief, at which I smiled, for I had only deserted her breasts for her cunt.
Alice’s legs were a trifle short, and her cunt therefore lay a little too low for effective attack from me in a sitting position. I therefore pushed the chair back and knelt in front of her. My intentions were now too obviously plain to her, and she shrieked in her dismay, squirming deliciously.
For some little time, I did not touch her, but indulged in a good look at close quarters at the sweet citadel of her chastity.
My readers will remember that, immediately after I had stripped Alice naked, I had closely inspected her cunt from a similar point of view. But then it was unsullied, untouched; now it had experienced the adoring touch of a male finger, and her sensitive body was still all of a quiver from the lustful handling her dainty breasts had just endured! Did her cunt share in the sexual excitement that my fingers had undoubtedly aroused in her?
It seemed to me that it did! The hair seemed to stand out as if ruffled, the mount of Venus certainly looked fuller, while the coral lips of the cunt itself were distinctly more apart! I could not see her clitoris, but I concluded that it participated in the undoubted excitement that was prevailing in this sweet portion of Alice’s body, and of which she evidently was painfully aware by her shrinking quivering movements!
I soon settled the point by gently placing my right forefinger on her slit and lovingly stroking it! An electric shock seemed to thrill through Alice, her limbs contracted, her head fell forward as she screamed: ‘Don’t Jack!… oh my God! how can you treat me so?’ while she struggled frantically to break the ropes which lashed her legs to the pillar to which she was fastened.
‘Don’t you like it, dear?’ I asked softly with a cruel smile, as I continued gently to play with her cunt.
‘No, no,’ she shrieked, ‘oh stop!… I can’t stand it!’ And she squirmed horribly. The crack of her cunt now began to open visibly.
I slipped my finger in between the parted lips: another despairing shriek from Alice, whose face now was scarlet! Again I found my progress barred by the membrane that proved her virgin condition! Revelling in the warm moistness of her throbbing flesh, I slowly agitated my finger in its delicious envelope, as if frigging her: ‘Jack! don’t!!’ Alice yelled, now mad with distress and shame, but I could not for the life of me stop, and with my left forefinger, I gently attacked her virgin clitoris.
Alice went off into a paroxysm of hysterical shrieks, straining at her fastenings, squirming, wriggling, writhing like one possessed. She was a lovely sight in herself, and the knowledge that the struggling shrieking girl I was torturing was Alice herself and none but Alice added zest to my occupation.
Disregarding her cries, I went on slowly frigging her but carefully refrained from carrying her sexual excitement to the spending point; till I had pushed her powers of self-control to their utmost I did not want her to spend, this crowning humiliation I intended to effect with my tongue. Presently, what I wished was to make Alice endure the most outrageously indecent indignities I could inflict on her virgin person, to play on her sexual sensitiveness, to provoke her nearly into spending, and then deny her the blessed relief; so, exercising every care, and utilising to the utmost the peculiarly subtle power of touch I possessed, I continued to play with her cunt with both my hands, till I drove her nearly frantic with the sexual cravings and excitement I was provoking.
Just then I noticed certain spasmodic contortions of her hips and buttocks, certain involuntary thrusting out of her belly, as if she were begging for closer contact with my busy fingers; I knew this meant that her control over her sexual organs was giving out and that she would be driven into spending if I did not take care; so, most reluctantly, I stopped torturing her for the moment, and leaning back in my chair, I gloatingly watched Alice as little by little she regained her composure, my eyes dwelling delightedly on her trembling and quivering naked body so gloriously displayed.
She breathed a long sigh of heartfelt relief as she presently saw me rise and leave her. She did not however know that my object in doing so was to prepare another and perhaps more terrible ordeal for her virgin cunt!
From a drawer, I took out a long glove-box, then returned and resumed my seat in front of her with the box in my hand. She watched me with painful intensity, her feminine intuition telling her that something horrible was in store for her, and she was not wrong!
Holding the box in such a way that she could see the contents, I opened it. Inside were about a dozen long and finely pointed feathers. Alice at once guessed her fate, viz, that her cunt was to be tickled; her head jerked in her terror as she shrieked: ‘Oh, my God! not that, Jack!… not that!!… you’ll kill me! I can’t stand it!!’ I laughed cruelly at her and proceeded to pick out a feather, whereupon she frantically tugged at her fastenings, screaming frenziedly for mercy!
‘Steady, dear! steady now, Alice!’ I said soothingly, as if addressing a restive mare, then touched her palpitating breasts with the feather’s point. ‘Jack, don’t!’ she yelled, pressing herself wildly back against the pillar in a impotent effort to escape from the torture caused by the maddeningly gentle titillation, her face crimson. For response, I proceeded to pass the tip of the feather along the lower portion of her glorious bubbies, touching the skin ever so lightly here and there, then tickling her maiden nipples! With redoubled cries, Alice began to squirm convulsively as much as her fastenings would permit, while the effect of the fiendishly subtle torture on her became manifest by the sudden stiffening of her breasts, which now began to stand out tense and full! Noting this, I thought it as well to allow her a little respite, so dropped my hand, but at the same time leant forward till my face touched her breasts, which I then proceeded to kiss lovingly in turn, finally sucking them amorously till they again became soft and yielding. I then made as if I would repeat the torture, but after a touch or two (which produced piteous cries and contortions) I pretended to be moved by her distress, and again dropping my hand, leant back in the chair till she became less agitated.
But as soon as the regular rise and fall of her lovely bosom indicated the regaining of composure, I proceeded to try the ardently longed for experiment, viz. the effect of a feather when applied to a girl’s cunt! And no one could have desired a more lovely subject on which to test this much debated question than was being offered by the naked helpless girl now standing terrified between my legs!
Pushing my chair back as much as was desirable, I leant forward, then slowly extended my right arm in the direction of Alice’s cunt. A great cry of despair broke from her as she noted the movement, and she flattened her bottom against the pillar in a vain attempt to draw herself back out of reach. But the only effect of her desperate movement was to force forward her mount of Venus, and thereby render her cunt more open to the attack of the feather than it previously was!
Carefully regulating my motions, I gently brought the tip of the feather against the lowest point of Alice’s cunt hole, then very softly and gently began to play up and down on and between its delicate coral lips! Alice’s head had dropped on to her breast the better, I fancy, to watch my movements; but as soon as the feather touched her cunt, she threw her head backwards, as if in agony, shrieking at the top of her voice, her whole body twisting and contorting wildly. Not heeding her agonised appeals, I proceeded to work along her slit towards her clitoris, putting into play the most subtle titillation I was capable of, sometimes passing the feather all along the slit from one end to the other, sometimes tickling the orifice itself, not only outside but inside; then, ascending towards her clitoris, I would pass the tip of the feather all round it, irritating it without so much as touching it. The effect of my manipulation soon became evident. First the lips of Alice’s cunt began to pout, then to gape a little, then a little more as if inviting the feather to pass into it-which it did! Then Alice’s clitoris commenced to assert itself and to become stiff and rigid, throbbing excitedly; then her whole cunt seemed as if possessed by an irresistible flood of sexual lust and almost to demand mutely the immediate satisfaction of its cravings! Meanwhile Alice, firmly attached to the pillar, went into a paroxysm of contortions and convulsions, wriggling, squirming, writhing, tugging frantically at her fastenings, shrieking, praying, uttering incoherent exclamations and ejaculations, her eyes starting out of her head, her quivering lips, her heaving bosom with its wildly palpitating breasts all revealing the agony of body and mind that she was enduring! Fascinated by the spectacle, I continued to torture her by tickling her cunt more and more scientifically and cruelly, noting carefully the spots at which the tickling seemed most felt and returning to those ultra-sensitive parts of her cunt, avoiding only her clitoris-as I felt sure that were this touched, Alice would spend-till her strength became exhausted under the double strain. With a strangled shriek Alice collapsed just as I had forced the feather up her cunt and was beginning to tickle the sensitive interior. Her head fell forward on her bosom, her figure lost its self-supporting rigidity, she hung flaccidly, prevented from falling only by her wrists being shackled together round the pillar! There was nothing to be gained by prolonging the torture, so quickly I unfastened her, loosed her wrists and ankles from their shackles, and carried her to the large divan-couch, where I gently laid her, knowing that she would soon recover herself and guessing that she now would not need to be kept tied and that she had realised the futility of resistance.
The couch on which I had placed Alice was one of the cunning pieces of furniture that I had designed for use, should I succeed in capturing her. It was unusually long, nearly eight feet by about three and a half feet wide, upholstered in dark green satin and stuffed in such a way as to be delightfully soft and springy and yet not to allow one’s person to sink into it. In appearance it resembled a divan, but in stern reality it was a rack, for at each end there was a concealed mechanism that worked stout leather straps, its object in life being to extend Alice at full length, either on her back or her front (as I might wish), and to maintain her fixed thus while I amused myself with her or worked my cruel will on her! From about halfway down the sides, there issued a pair of supplementary straps also worked by a mechanism, by means of which Alice’s legs could be pulled widely apart and held so, should I want to devote myself to her cunt or fuck her against her will.
I did not wish to fatigue her with another useless struggle, so before she recovered the use of her faculties, I attached the corner straps to her wrists and ankles, leaving them quite loose and slack, so that she could move herself freely. Hardly had I effected this when Alice began to come to herself; immediately I quitted her and went to a part of the room where my back would be turned to her, but from which I could nevertheless watch her by means of a mirror.
I saw her draw a deep breath, then slowly open her eyes and look about her as if puzzled. Then, almost mechanically, one of her hands stole to her breasts and the other to her cunt, and she gently soothed these tortured parts by stroking them softly, as if to relieve them of the terrible tickling they had been subjected to! Presently she raised herself to a sitting position, then tried to free herself from the straps on her wrists and ankles.
I now considered that she must have fully recovered, so I returned to her and without a word, I touched the spring and set the mechanism working noiselessly. Immediately the straps began to tighten. As soon as she observed this, Alice started up in fright, at once detecting that she would be spread-eagled on her back if she did not break loose! ‘No, no, no!’ she cried, terrified at the prospect; then she desperately endeavoured to slip out of her fastenings, but the straps were tightening quickly and in the struggle she lost her balance and fell backwards on the couch, and before she could recover herself, she was drawn into a position in which resistance was impossible! With cruel satisfaction, I watched her, disregarding her frenzied appeals for mercy! Inch by inch, she was pulled flatter and flatter, till she rested on her back; then, inch by inch, her dainty legs were drawn asunder, till her heels rested on the edges of the couch! Then I stopped the machinery. Alice was now utterly helpless! In speechless delight, I stood gazing at her lovely body as she lay on her back, panting after her exertions, her bosom heaving and fluttering with her emotions, her face rosy red with shame, her lovely breasts and virgin cunt conspicuously exposed, stark naked, a living Maltese cross!
When I had sufficiently gratified my senses of sight and she had become a little calmer, I quietly seated myself by her waist, facing her feet, then bending over her, I began delightedly to inspect the delicious abode of Alice’s maidenhead, her virgin cunt, now so fully exhibited! With sparkling eyes, I noted her full, fleshy mount of Venus, the delicately tinted coral lips quivering under sensations hitherto alien to them, the wealth of close clustering curly hair; with intense delight, I saw that, for a girl of her height and build, Alice had a large cunt, and that her clitoris was well developed and prominent, that the lips were full and her slit easy to open! Intently I scanned its every feature-the sweet junction of her belly and thighs, her smooth plump thighs themselves, the lines of her groin-while Alice lay trembling in an agony of shame and fright, horribly conscious of the close investigation her cunt was undergoing and in terrible dread of the sequel!
Shakespeare sings (in Venus and Adonis):
Who sees his true-love in her naked bed,
Teaching the sheets a whiter hue than white,
But, when his glutton eye so full hath fed,
His other agents aim at like delight?
So it was with me! My hands were tingling to explore the mysteries of Alice’s cunt, to wander unchecked over her luscious belly and thighs. My prick was in a horrible state of erection. I could hardly restrain myself from falling on her and ravishing her as she lay there so temptingly helpless. But with a strong effort, I did suppress my rioting lustful desires and tore myself away from Alice’s secret charms for a brief spell.
I turned round so as to face her, still seated by her waist, and placed my hands on her lovely breasts. As I lovingly squeezed them, I lowered my face till I almost touched hers, then whispered: ‘You delicious beauty, kiss me!’ at the same time placing my lips on hers. Alice flushed hotly, but did not comply. I had never yet either kissed her or received a kiss from her and was mad for one! ‘Alice kiss me!’ I repeated somewhat sternly, looking threateningly at her and replacing my lips on her mouth. Reluctantly she complied, I felt her lips open as she softly kissed me! It was delicious! ‘Give me another!’ I demanded, putting my right cheek in position to receive it. She complied. ‘Yet another!’ I commanded, tendering my left cheek. Again she complied. ‘Now give me two more, nice ones, mouth to mouth!’ Again came the sweet salute, so maddeningly exciting that, hastily quitting her breasts, I threw my arms round her neck, drew her face to mine, then showered burning kisses on her mouth, eyes and cheeks till she gasped for breath, blushing rosy red. Reluctantly I let her go; then to her dismay, I again turned round and bent over her cunt, and after a long look at it, expressive of the deepest admiration, I gently placed my hands on her belly and, after softly stroking it, began to follow the converging lines of her groin. Alice shrieked in sudden alarm, ‘No, no-Oh! my God, no, no… don’t touch me there!… Oh! no! not there!’ and struggled desperately to break loose. But I disregarded her cries and continued my invasion; soon my itching fingers reached the forest of hairs that covered her mount, she squirming deliciously, then rested on her cunt itself. An agonised shriek of ‘Oh!… Oh!!!’ from Alice, as she writhed helplessly with quivering hips, proclaimed my victory and her shame!
Shall I ever forget the sensations of that moment? At last, after weary longings and waitings, Alice’s cunt was at my mercy. I not only had it in the fullest possible view, but was actually touching it! My fingers, ranged on either side of the delicate pinky slit, were busy amorously pressing and feeling it, now playing with its silky curly hairs and gently pulling them, now tenderly stroking its sweet lips, now gently opening them so as to expose its coral orifice and its throbbingly agitated clitoris. Resting as I was on Alice’s belly, I could feel every quiver and tremor as it passed through her, every involuntary contortion induced by the play of my fingers on this most delicate and susceptible part of her anatomy, the fluttering of her palpitating and heaving bosom. I could hear the involuntary ejaculations, the ‘ohs!’ and the ‘ahs!’ that broke from her in her shame and mental anguish at thus having to endure this handling and fingering of her maiden cunt and the strange half-terrifying sensations thereby provoked!
Half mad with delight, I continued to toy sweetly with Alice’s cunt, till sudden unmistakeable wriggles of her bottom and hips and her incoherent exclamations warned me that I was trying her too much, if not goading her into spending, and as I had determined that Alice’s first sacrifice to Venus should be induced by the action of my tongue on her cunt, I reluctantly desisted from my delightful occupation, to her intense relief.
Turning round, I again clasped her in my arms, rained hot kisses on her unresisting lips and cheeks, murmuring brokenly: ‘O Alice!… O Alice!…’ Then pressing my cheek against hers, I rested with her clasped in my arms, her breasts quivering against my chest, till we both grew calmer and her tremblings ceased.
For about five minutes there was dead silence, broken only by Alice’s agitated breathing. Soon this ceased, and she seemed to have recovered command of herself again. Then softly I whispered to her ‘Will you not surrender yourself to me now, Alice dear! surely it is plain to you that you cannot help yourself?’
She drew her face away from me, and murmured: ‘No, no, I can’t, I can’t… let you… have me! O let me go!… let me go!!!’
‘No,’ I replied sternly, releasing my clasp of her and resuming my sitting attitude by her waist, ‘no, my dear! you shan’t go till you’ve been well punished and well fucked! But as I said before, I think you will change you mind presently!’
She looked questioningly at me, fear in her eyes. I rose. Her eyes followed me, and when she saw me select another fine-pointed feather and turn back to her, she instantly divined my intentions and frantically endeavoured to break the ropes that kept her thighs apart, shrieking: ‘Oh no, no, my God no, I can’t stand it!… you’ll kill me!’
‘Oh no, I won’t!’ I replied quietly, seating myself by her knees, so as to command both her cunt and a view of her struggles which I knew would prove most excitingly delicious! Then without another word, I gently directed the point of the feather against the lowest part of her cunt’s virgin orifice, and commenced to tickle her.
A fearful scream broke from Alice, a violent quivering spasm shook her from head to foot. Her muscles contracted, as she vainly strove to break free. Arching her back she endeavoured to turn herself first on one side and then on the other, tugging frantically at the straps, anything as long as she could dodge the feather. But she could do nothing. The more she shrieked and wriggled, the greater was the pleasure she was affording me; so, deaf to her cries and incoherent pleadings, I continued to tickle her cunt, sometimes up and down the slit, sometimes just inside, noting with cruel delight how its lips began to gape open under the sexual excitement now being aroused and how her throbbing clitoris began to erect itself. Alice presented a most voluptuous spectacle: clenched hands, half-closed eyes, heaving breasts, palpitating bosom, plunging hips, tossing bottom, jerking thighs-wriggling and squirming frantically, uttering broken and incoherent ejaculations, she shrieked and prayed.
I thought it wise to give her a pause for rest and partial recovery. I withdrew the feather from between the lips of her cunt, then gently stroked them caressingly. ‘Ah!… Ah!…’ she murmured half unconsciously, closing her eyes. I let her lie still, but closely watched her.
Presently, her eyes opened half dreamily, she heaved a deep breath. I made as if to resume the tickling. ‘No, no,’ she murmured faintly, ‘it’s no use!… I can’t stand it!… don’t tickle me any more!’
‘Well, will you yield yourself to me?’ I asked. Alice lay silent for a moment, then with an evident effort said, ‘Yes’!
Letting the feather fall between her parted legs, I leant forward and took her in my arms: ‘There must not be any mistake, Alice,’ I said softly. ‘Are you willing to let me do to you anything and everything that I may wish?’
Half opening her eyes she nodded her head in assent. ‘And do you promise to do everything and anything that I may wish you to do?’
She hesitated: ‘What will you want me to do?’ she murmured.
‘I don’t know,’ I replied, ‘but whatever it may be you must do it. Do you promise?’
‘Yes!’ she murmured, reluctantly.
‘Then kiss me, kiss me properly in token of peace!’ I whispered in her ear, placing my lips on hers; and deliciously she kissed me, receiving at the same time my ardent reciprocations. Then I unclasped her and began to play with her breasts.
‘Mayn’t I get up now?’ she murmured, moving herself uneasily as she felt her breasts being squeezed.
‘Not just yet, dear,’ I replied. ‘I’ve excited you so terribly that it is only fair to you that I should give you relief, and as I know that in spite of your promise you will not behave as you should do, simply from inexperience, I will keep you as you are till I have solaced you!’
‘Oh, what are you going to do to me?’ she asked in alarm, in evident fear that she was about to be violated.
‘Restore you to ease, dear, by kissing you all over; now lie still and you will enjoy the greatest pleasure a girl can taste and yet remain virgin!’
With heightened colour she resigned herself to her fate. I took her again in my arms, and sweetly kissed her on her eyes, her cheeks, her hair. Then releasing her, I applied my lips to her delicious breasts, and showered burning kisses all over them, revelling in their sweet softness and their exquisite elasticity. Taking each breast in turn, I held it between finger and thumb, then enveloping the dainty little nipple between my lips, I alternately played on it with my tongue and sucked it, all the while squeezing and toying with the breast, causing Alice to experience the most lascivious sensations she had yet known, except perhaps when her cunt was being felt. ‘Stop! Oh, for God’s sake stop!’ she ejaculated in her confusion and half fright as to what might happen. ‘For heaven’s sake, stop!’ she screamed as I abandoned one breast only to attack the other. But the game was too delightful: to feel her glorious throbbing ripe bubbies in my mouth and quivering under my tongue, while Alice squirmed in her distress, was a treat for a god; so, disregarding her impassioned pleadings, I continued to suck and tongue-tickle them till their sudden stiffening warned me that Alice’s sexual instincts were being roused and the result might be a premature explosion when she felt the grand assault on her cunt.
So I desisted reluctantly. Again I encircled her neck with my arms, kissed her pleading mouth and imploring eyes as she lay helpless; then with my tongue I touched her navel. She cried, ‘No, no, oh! don’t,’ struggling desperately to get free, for it began to dawn on her innocent mind what her real torture was to be. I did not keep her in suspense. Thrusting my hands under her and gripping the cheeks of her bottom so as to steady her plungings, I ran my tongue down lightly over the lines of her abdomen and began tenderly to kiss her cunt. She shrieked in her terror as she felt my lips on those of her cunt, and with frantic wrigglings endeavoured to escape my pursuing mouth. At this critical moment, I lightly ran my tongue along Alice’s slit. The effect was astounding! For a moment she seemed to swoon under the subtle titillation, but on my tongue again caressing her cunt, only this time darting deeper between its lips, she went off into a paroxysm of shrieks and cries, wriggling and squirming in a most wonderful way considering how strongly I had fastened her down; her eyes seemed to start out of her head under the awful tickling that she was experiencing; she plunged so frantically that although I was tightly gripping her buttocks she almost dislodged my mouth, the rigid muscles of her lovely thighs testifying to the desperate effort she was making to get loose. But the subtle titillation had aroused her sexual desires, without her recognising the fact in her distress. Her cunt began to open of its own accord, soon the clitoris was revealed turgid and stiff, quivering in sexual excitement, then her orifice began to yawn and show the way to paradise; deeper and deeper plunged my tongue into its satiny recess, Alice mechanically and unconsciously thrusting herself upwards as if to meet my tongue’s downward dartings and strokes. Her head rolled from side to side, as, with half-closed eyes, she struggled with a fast increasing feeling that she must surrender herself to the imperious call of her sexual nature, yet endeavouring desperately not to do so under so long established notions of chastity. Her breath came in snatches, her breasts heaved and panted, half-broken ejaculations escaped from her quivering lips. The time had arrived for the sacrifice and the victim was ready. Thrusting my tongue as deeply into her cunt as I could force it, I gave her one final and supreme tickling, then taking her clitoris between my lips, I sucked hard at it, the while tickling it with my tongue… It was too much for Alice ‘Stop… stop… it’s coming!… it’s coming!’ she gasped. An irresistible wave of lust swept away the last barriers of chastity, and with a despairing wail: ‘Oh… Oh… I… can’t… help… it… Oh… Oh… Oh!!!’ she spent frantically!
Feeling her go, I sprang to my feet to watch Alice as she spent. It was a wonderful sight! There she lay on her back, completely naked, forced to expose her most secret charm, utterly absorbed in the sensations of the moment, her body pulsating and thrilling with each sexual spasm, her closed eyes, half-open lips and stiff breasts indicating the intensity of the emotions that possessed her. And so she remained for a minute or two, as if in a semi-swoon.
Presently I noticed a relaxing of her muscles; then she drew a long breath and dreamily opened her eyes. For a moment she seemed dazed and almost puzzled to know where she was; then her eyes fell on me, and in flash she remembered everything. A wave of colour surged furiously over her face and bosom at the thought that I had witnessed her unconscious transports and raptures as she yielded herself to her sexual passions in spite of herself; stirring uneasily, she averted her eyes, flushing hotly again. I stooped down and kissed her passionately; then, without a word, I unfastened her, raised her from the settee and supported her to the large armchair, where she promptly curled herself up, burying her blushing face in her hands.
I thought it wisest to leave her undisturbed for a brief space, so busied myself quietly in pouring out two glasses of wine, and knowing what severe calls were going to be made on Alice’s innate sexual powers I took the opportunity to fortify these by dropping into her glass the least possible dose of cantharides.
My readers will naturally wonder what my condition of mind and body was after both had been subjected to such intense inflammation as was inevitable from my close association with Alice dressed and Alice naked.
Naturally I had been in a state of considerable erotic excitation from the moment that Alice’s naked charms were revealed, especially when my hands were playing with her breasts and toying with her cunt. But I had managed to control myself. The events recorded in the last chapter however proved too much for me. The contact of my lips and tongue with Alice’s maiden lips, breasts and cunt and the sight of her as she spent were more than I could stand, and I was nearly mad with lust and an overwhelming desire that she should somehow provide me with relief.
But how could it be arranged? I wanted to keep her virgin as long as I possibly could, for I had not nearly completed my carefully prepared programme of fondlings and quasi torturings that impart double spice and salaciousness when perpetrated on a virgin. To fuck her therefore was out of the question. Of course there was her mouth, and my blood boiled at the idea of being sucked by Alice; but it was patent that she was too innocent and inexperienced to give me this pleasure. There were her breasts: one could have a delicious time no doubt by using them to form a tunnel and to work my prick between them, but this was a game better played later on. There were her hands, and sweetly could Alice frig me, if she devoted one dainty hand to my prick, while the other played with my testicles, but nothing would be easier than for her to score off me heavily, by giving the latter an innocent wrench which would throw me out of action entirely. The only possible remaining method was her bottom, and while I was feverishly debating its advisability, an innocent movement of hers and the consequent change of attitude suddenly displayed the superb curves and general lusciousness of her posteriors. In spite of my impatience, I involuntarily paused to admire their glorious opulence! Yes! I would bottom-fuck Alice, I would deprive her of one of her maidenheads!
But would she let me do so? True, she had just sworn to submit herself to my caprices whatever they might be, but such a caprice would no doubt never have entered into her innocent mind, and unless she did submit herself quietly, I might be baffled and in the excitement of the struggle and the contact with her warm naked flesh, might spend and ‘waste my sweetness on the desert air!’ Suddenly a cruelly brilliant idea struck me, and at once I proceeded to act on it.
She was still lying curled up in the armchair. I touched her on her shoulder; she looked up hurriedly.
‘I think you have rested long enough, Alice,’ I said. ‘Now get up, I want you to put me right!’ And I pointed to my prick now in a state of terrible erection! ‘See!’ I continued, ‘you must do something to put it out of its torment, just as I have already so sweetly allayed your lustful cravings!’ She flushed painfully! ‘You can do it either with your mouth or by means of your bottom-now say quick-for I am just bursting with lust for you!’
She hid her face in her hands! ‘No, no,’ she ejaculated. ‘No, oh no! I couldn’t, really I couldn’t!’
‘You must!’ I replied somewhat sternly, for I was getting mad with unsatisfied lust. ‘Remember the promises you have just made! Come now, no nonsense! Say which you’ll do!’
She threw herself at my feet. ‘No, no,’ she cried, ‘I can’t!’
Bending over her, I gripped her shoulders: ‘You have just sworn that you would let me do to you anything I pleased, and that you would do anything I might tell you to do; in other words, that you would both actively and passively minister to my pleasures. I have given you your choice! If you prefer to be active, I will lie on my back and you can suck and excite me into spending; if you would rather be passive, you can lie on your face and I will bottom-fuck you! Now which shall it be?’
‘No, no, no!’ she moaned in her distress, ‘I can’t do either! really I can’t!’
Exasperated by her non-compliance, I determined to get by force what I wanted, and before she could guess my intentions, I had gripped her firmly round her body, then half carried and half dragged her to the piano duet stool which also contained a hidden mechanism. On to it I forced her, face downwards, and in spite of her resistance, I soon fixed the straps to her wrists and ankles; then I set the mechanism working, sitting on her to keep her in the proper position, as she desperately fought to get loose. Cleverly managing the straps, I soon got Alice into the desired position, flat on her face and astride the stool, her wrists and ankles being secured to the longitudinal wooden bars that maintained the rigidity of the couch.
Alice was now fixed in such a way that she could not raise her shoulders or bosom, but by straightening her legs, she could heave her bottom upwards a little. Her position was perfect for my purpose, and lustfully I gloated over the spectacle of her magnificent buttocks, her widely parted thighs affording me a view of both of her virgin orifices, both now at my disposal!
I passed my hands amorously over the glorious backside now at my mercy, pinching, patting caressing and stroking the luscious flesh; my hands wandered along her plump thighs, revelling in their smoothness and softness, Alice squirming and wriggling deliciously! Needless to say her cunt was not neglected, my fingers tenderly and lovingly playing with it and causing her the most exquisitely irritating titillation.
After enjoying myself in this way for a few minutes and having thoroughly felt her bottom, I left her to herself for a moment while I went to a cupboard, Alice watching my movements intently. After rummaging about, I found what I sought, a riding whip of some curious soft substance, very springy and elastic, calculated to sting but not to mark the flesh. I was getting tired of having to use force on Alice to get what I wanted and considered it would be useful policy to make her learn the result of not fulfilling her promises; and there is no better way of bringing a girl to her senses than by whipping her soundly, naked if possible! And here was Alice, naked, fixed in the best possible position for a whipping!
As I turned towards her, whip in hand, she instantly guessed her fate and shrieked for mercy, struggling frantically to get loose. Deaf to her pitiful pleadings, I placed myself in position to command her backside, raised the whip, and gave her a cut right across the fleshiest part.
A fearful shriek broke from her! Without losing time, I administered another, and another, and another, Alice simply now yelling with the pain, and wriggling in a marvellous way considering how tightly she was tied down. I had never before whipped a girl, although I had often read and been told of the delights of the operation to the operator, but the reality far surpassed my most vivid expectations! And the naked girl I was whipping was Alice, the object of my lust, the girl who had jilted me, the girl I was about to ravish! Mad with exultation, I disregarded her agonised shrieks and cries. With cruel deliberation, I selected the tenderest parts of her bottom for my cuts, aiming sometimes at one luscious cheek, then the other, then across both, visiting the tender inside of her widely parted thighs! Her cries were music to my ears in my lustful frenzy, while her wriggles and squirms and the agitated plungings of her hips and buttocks enthralled my eyes. But soon, too soon, her strength began to fail her, her shrieks degenerated into inarticulate ejaculations. There was now little pleasure in continuing her punishment, so most reluctantly I ceased.
Soothingly I passed my right hand over Alice’s quivering bottom and stroked it caressingly, alleviating in a wonderfully short time the pain. In spite of the severity of the whipping she had received, she was not marked at all! Her flesh was like that of a baby, slightly pinker perhaps, but clean and fresh. As I tenderly restored her to ease, her tremblings died away, her breath began to come more freely and normally, and soon she was herself again.
‘Well, has the nonsense been whipped out of you, Alice?’ I asked mockingly. She quivered, but did not answer.
‘What, not yet?’ I exclaimed, pretending to misunderstand her. ‘Must I give you another turn?’ and I raised the whip as if to commence again.
‘No, no!’ she cried in genuine terror, ‘I’ll be good!’
‘Then lie still and behave yourself,’ I replied, throwing the whip away into a corner of the room.
From a drawer I took a pot of cold cream. Alice who was fearsomely watching every movement of mine, cried in alarm: ‘Jack, what are you going to do to me?… oh tell me!’ My only response was to commence to lubricate her arsehole, during which operation she squirmed delightfully; then placing myself full in her sight, I set to work to anoint my rampant prick. ‘Guess, dear!’ I said.
She guessed accurately. For a moment she was struck absolutely dumb with horror, then struggling desperately to get free, she cried: ‘Oh! my God!… no Jack!… no!… you’ll kill me!’
‘Don’t be alarmed,’ I said quietly, as I caressed her quivering buttocks; ‘think a moment-larger things have come out than what is now going in! Lie still, Alice, or I shall have to whip you.’ Then placing myself in position behind her, I leant forward till the head of my prick rested against her arsehole.
‘My God!-no! no!’ she shrieked, frantically wriggling her buttocks in an attempt to thwart me. But the contact of my prick with Alice’s flesh maddened me; thrusting fiercely forward, I, with very little difficulty, shoved my prick halfway up Alice’s bottom with apparently little or no pain to her; then falling on her, I clasped her in my arms and rammed myself well into her, till I felt my balls against her and the cheeks of her bottom against my stomach.
My God! it was like heaven to me! Alice’s naked quivering body was closely pressed to mine!-my prick was buried to its hairs in her bottom, revelling in the warmth of her interior! I shall never forget it! Prolonging my rapturous ecstasy, I rested motionless on her, my hands gripping and squeezing her palpitating breasts so conveniently placed for my delectation, my cheek against her averted face, listening to the inarticulate murmurs wrung unconsciously from her by the violence of her emotions and the unaccountably strange pleasure she was experiencing, and which she confessed to by meeting my suppressed shoves with spasmodic upward heavings of her bottom-oh! it was paradise!
Inspired by a sudden thought, I slipped my right hand down to Alice’s cunt and gently tickled it with it with my forefinger, but without penetrating. The effect was marvellous! Alice plunged wildly under me with tumultuous quiverings, her bosom palpitating and fluttering: ‘Ah!… Ah!…’ she ejaculated, evidently a prey to uncontrollable sexual cravings! Provoked beyond endurance I let myself go! For a few moments there was a perfect cyclone of frenzied upheavings from her, mixed with fierce down-thrustings from me, then blissful ecstasy as I spent madly into Alice, flooding her interior with my boiling tribute! ‘Ah!… ah!…’ she gasped, as she felt herself inundated by my hot discharge! Her cunt distractedly sought my finger, a violent spasm shook her, and with a scarcely articulate cry indicative of the intensest rapture, Alice spent on my finger with quivering vibrations, her head falling forward as she half swooned in her ecstasy!! She had lost the maidenhead of her bottom!!!
For some seconds we both lay silent and motionless, save for an occasional tremor, I utterly absorbed in the indescribable pleasure of spending into Alice as she lay tightly clasped in my arms! She was the first to stir (possibly incommoded by my superincumbent weight), gently turning her face towards me, colouring furiously as our eyes met! I pressed my cheek against hers, she did not flinch but seemed to respond. Tenderly I kissed her, she turned her face fully towards me and of her own accord she returned my kiss! Was it that I had tamed her? Or had she secretly tasted certain pleasure during the violation of her bottom? Clasping her closely to me I whispered: ‘You have been a good girl this time, Alice! a very good girl!!’ She softly rubbed her cheek against mine!’ Did I hurt you?’ I asked.
She whispered back: ‘Very little at first, but not afterwards!’
‘Did you like it?’ I enquired maliciously. For answer she hid her face in the leather seat, blushing hotly. But I could feel her thrill!!
A moment’s silence, then she raised her head again, moved uneasily, then murmured: ‘Oh! let me get up now!’
‘Very well,’ I replied and unclasping my arms from round her, I slowly drew my prick out of her bottom, untied her-then taking her into one of the alcoves I showed her a bidet all ready for her use and left her. Passing into the other, I performed the needful ablutions to myself, then radiant with my victory and with having relieved my overcharged desires, I awaited Alice’s reappearance.
Presently Alice emerged from her screen, looking much freshened up by her ablutions. She further had taken the opportunity to put her hair in order, it having become considerably disarranged and rumpled by her recent strugglings.
Her face had lost the woebegone look, and there was a certain air of almost satisfaction about her which I could not understand, for she smiled as our eyes met, at the same time faintly colouring, and concealing her cunt with her left hand as she approached me.
I offered her a glass of wine, which she drank, then I passed my left arm round her waist and drew her to the armchair, into which I placed myself, making her seat herself on my thighs and pass her right arm round my neck. Then drawing her closely to me, I proceeded to kiss her ripe lips, to which she made no resistance but gave no response.
We sat in silence for a minute or two, I gently stroking her luscious breasts while trying to read in her eyes what her present frame of mind really was, but unsuccessfully. Undoubtedly, during the ravishment of her bottom, she had tasted some pleasure sufficiently delicious to make her condone for its sake her ‘violation а la derriиre’ and practically to pardon her violator!-what could it be?
I thought I would try a long shot, so presently whispered in her ear, ‘Wouldn’t you like that last all over again?’
I felt her quiver. She was silent for a moment, then asked softly, ‘Do you mean as a further punishment?’ steadily keeping her eyes averted from me and flushing slightly.
‘Oh! no,’ I replied, ‘it was so very evident that it was not “punishment” to you,’ and I tried to catch her eyes as I pressed her amorously to me. ‘I meant as a little entr’acte.’
Alice blushed furiously! I felt her arm round my neck tighten its embrace, and she nestled herself closer to me! ‘Not all!’ she murmured gently.
‘How much then?… or which part?’ I whispered again.
‘Oh! how can I possibly tell you!’ she whispered back, dropping her face on to my shoulder and snuggling up to me, then throwing her left arm also round me, thereby uncovering her cunt.
I took the hint! ‘May I guess?’ I whispered.
Without waiting for a reply. I slipped my right hand down from her breasts and over her rounded belly, then began gently to toy with her hairs and caress her slit! Alice instantly kissed me twice passionately! She was evidently hot with lust, inflamed possibly by the dose of cantharides she had unknowingly swallowed!
‘Am I right?’ I whispered. She kissed me again!
‘Then let me arrange you properly,’ I said. ‘Come, we’ll sit in front of the mirror and look at ourselves!’ Alice blushed, not quite approving of the idea, but willing to please me.
So I moved the armchair in front of the mirror and seated myself in it. I then made Alice place herself on my thighs, her bottom being right over my prick, which promptly began to return to life, raising its drooping head until it rested against her posteriors. Passing my left arm round her waist, I held her firmly to me. Then I made her part her legs, placing her left leg between mine while her right leg rested against the arm of the chair, my right thigh in fact separating her thighs.
Alice was now reflected in the mirror in three-quarters profile, but her parted legs allowed the whole of her cunt with its glorious wealth of hair to be fully seen! Her arms hung idly at her sides-I had made her promise not to use them.
We gazed at our reflection for a moment, our eyes meeting in the glass! Alice looked just lovely in her nakedness!
‘Are you ready?’ I asked with a significant smile. Alice wriggled a little as if to settle herself down more comfortably, then turning her face (now all aflame and rosy red) to me she almost shame-facedly nodded, then kissed me!
‘Keep your cheek against mine, and watch yourself in the glass, Alice,’ I whispered, then I gently placed my right hand on her sweet belly and slowly approached her cunt!
A thrill, evidently of pleasure, quivered through her as she felt my fingers pass through her hairs and settle on her cunt! ‘Ah!’ she murmured, moving deliciously over my prick as I commenced to tenderly frig her, now fingering her slit, now penetrating her still virgin orifice, now tickling her clitoris-causing her all the time the most deliciously lascivious transports, to which she surrendered herself by licentiously oscillating and jogging herself backwards and forwards as if to meet and stimulate my finger!
Presently Alice became still more excited; her breasts stiffened, her nostrils dilated! Noting this, I accelerated the movements of my finger, at the same time clasping her more firmly to me, my eyes riveted on her image in the glass and gloating over the spectacle she presented in her voluptuous raptures! Suddenly she caught her breath! Quickly I tickled her on her clitoris! ‘Oh!… Oh!… oh!!!’ she ejaculated-then spent in ecstasy, maddening me by the quiverings of her warm buttocks, between which my now rampant prick raged, held down!
I did not remove my finger from Alice’s cunt, but kept it in her while she spent, slightly agitating it from time to time, to accentuate her ecstasy. But, as soon as I considered her sexual orgasm had exhausted itself, I began again to frig her. Then an idea flashed through my brain: why should I not share her raptures? Carefully I watched for an opportunity! Soon I worked her again into an awful state of desire; panting with unsatisfied lust and furiously excited (the result of the cantharides!), Alice jerked herself about madly and spasmodically on my thighs! Presently an unusually violent movement of hers released my prick from its sweet confinement under her bottom; promptly it sprang up stark and stiff! Quick as thought, I gripped Alice tightly and rammed myself fiercely into her bottom!! ‘No!… no!… no!…’ she cried and strove to rise and so dislodge me, but I pressed her firmly down on my thighs and compelled her to remain impaled on my prick, creating a diversion by frigging her harder than ever!!
‘Kiss me,’ I gasped, frantic with lust under my sensations in Alice’s bottom and the sight of her naked self in the glass, quivering, palpitating, wriggling!! Quickly Alice pressed her lips on mine, our breaths mingled, our tongues met, my left hand caught hold of one of her breasts and squeezed it as her eyes closed. An electric shock ran through her!… then Alice spent frantically, plentifully bedewing my finger with her virgin distillation!-at the same moment receiving inside her my boiling essence, as I shot it madly into her, my prick throbbing convulsively under the contractions of her rear sphincter muscles, agitated and activated by her ecstatic transports.
Oh! the sensations of the moment! How Alice spent! How I discharged into her!!
It must have been a full minute before either of us moved, save for the involuntary tremors that, from time to time, ran through us as our sexual excitement died away! Alice, now limp and nerveless, but still impaled on my prick, reposed on me, my finger dwelt motionless in her cunt, luxuriating in its envelope of warm throbbing flesh! And so we rested, exhausted after our lascivious orgy, both half unconscious!
I was the first to come to myself, and as I caught sight of our reflection in the mirror, the licentious tableau we presented sent an involuntary quiver through me which my prick communicated to Alice, thus rousing her! As she dreamily opened her eyes, her glance also fell on the mirror! She started, became suddenly wide-awake, flushed rosy red, then hid her face in her hands, murmuring brokenly: ‘Oh!… how horrible!… how horrible!… what… have you… made me do?…’ half sobbing in her shame now that her sexual delirium had subsided, and horribly conscious that my prick was still lodged in her bottom and impaling her. Foreseeing her action, I brought my right arm to the assistance of my left and held her forcibly down, so preventing her from rising and slipping off me.
‘What’s the matter, Alice?’ I asked soothingly, as she struggled to rid herself of my prick.
‘Oh! let me go! let me go!’ she begged, still with her face in her hands and in such evident distress that I deemed it best to comply and let her hurry off to her bidet, as she clearly desired.
So I released Alice; she slowly drew her bottom off my prick and rushed behind her screen. Following her example, I repaired to my corner and after the necessary ablutions, I awaited Alice’s return.
Pending Alice’s reappearance, I debated with myself the important question, what next should I do to her? There was no doubt that I had succeeded in taming her, that I had now only to state my wishes and she would comply with them! But this very knowledge seemed to destroy the pleasure I had anticipated in having her in such utter subjection; the spice of the proceeding up to now had undoubtedly lain in my forcing her to endure my salacious and licentious caprices, in spite of the most determined and desperate resistance she could make! And once she became a dull and passive surrogate of a proud and voluptuous girl, I should practically be flogging a dead horse were I to continue my programme!
But there was one experience which on no account was to be omitted, forming as it did the culmination of my revenge as well as of my lust, one indignity which she could not and would not passively submit to, one crowning triumph over her which she could never question or deny-and this was… her violation!-the ravishing of her maidenhead!!
Alice was now fully educated to appreciate the significance of every detail of the process of transforming a girl into a woman; my fingers and lips had thoroughly taught her maiden cunt its duty, while my prick, when lodged in the throbbing recesses of her bottom, had acquainted her with the phenomenon of the masculine discharge at the crisis of pleasure, of the feminine ecstasy in receiving it, while her transports in my arms, although somewhat restricted by the circumstances, had revealed to her the exquisitely blissful sensations mutually communicated by such close clinging contact of male and female flesh! Yes! I would now devote the rest of the afternoon to fucking her!
Hardly had I arrived at this momentous decision than Alice came out of her alcove after an unusually prolonged absence. She had evidently thoroughly refreshed and revived herself, and she looked simply fetching as she halted hesitatingly on passing through the curtains, shielding her breasts with one hand and her cunt with the other, in charming shame-faced confusion. Obedient to my gesture, she came timidly towards me; she allowed me to pass my arm round her waist and kiss her, and then to lead her to the table where I made her drink a small tumbler of champagne that I had previously poured out for her, and which seemed to be most welcome to her. Then I gently whispered to her that we would lie down together on the couch for a little rest, and soon we were cosily lying at our ease, she pressed and held amorously against me by my encircling arms.
For a minute or two we rested in silence, then the close conjunction of our naked bodies began to have the inevitable result on me-and I think also on her! Clasping her closely against me, I murmured: ‘Now, Alice darling, I think the time has come for you to surrender to me your maidenhead… for you to be my bride!’ And I kissed her passionately.
She quivered, moved herself uneasily as if trying to slip out of my encircling arms, trembled exceedingly, but remained silent.
I made as if to place her on her back, whispering: ‘Open your legs, dear!’
‘No! no! Jack!’ Alice ejaculated, struggling to defend herself, and successfully resisting my attempt to roll her over on to her back, ‘let me go, dear Jack!… surely you have revenged yourself on me sufficiently!’ And she endeavoured to rise.
I held her down firmly and, in spite of her determined resistance, I got her on her back and myself on her. But she kept her legs so obstinately closed that in the position in which I was, I could not get mine between them. I began to get angry. Gripping her to me till her breasts flattened themselves against my chest, I raised my head and looked her sternly in the eyes.
‘Now, Alice, no more nonsense,’ I said brusquely. ‘I’m going to fuck you! Yield yourself at once to me and do as I tell you or I shall tie you down on this couch and violate you by force in a way you won’t like! Now once and for all, are you going to submit or are you not?’
She closed her eyes in an agony of distress.
‘Jack!… Jack!…’ she murmured brokenly then stopped as if unable to speak in her emotion.
‘I can only take it that you prefer to be ravished by force rather than be treated as a bride! Very well!’ I rejoined. And I slipped off her as if to rise and tie her down. But she caught my hand; looked at me so pleadingly and with so piteous an expression in her lovely eyes that I sat down by her side on the couch.
‘Upon my word I don’t understand you, Alice!’ I said, not unkindly. ‘You have known all along that you were to lose your maidenhead and you have solemnly promised to yield it to me and to conform to all my desires, whatever they might be. Now, when the time has arrived for you to he fucked you seem to forget all your promises!’
‘But… but…’ she stammered, ‘I didn’t know… then!… I thought… there… was… only one way!… so… I promised!… but you… have… had me twice… another way!… oh! let me off!… do let me off!… I can’t submit!… truly I can’t… have me again… the… other way… if… you must!… but not… this way!… oh!… not this way!!…’
With my right hand, I stroked her cunt gently, noting how she flinched when it was touched! ‘I want this virginity, Alice! this virginity of your cunt!-your real maidenhead!-and you must let me have it! Now am I to whip you again into submission? Don’t be foolish! you can guess how this whip will hurt when properly applied, as it will be. You know you’ll then have to give in! why not do so at once, and spare yourself the pain and indignity of a severe whipping?’
Alice moaned pitifully: ‘Oh, my God!’-then was silent for a few seconds, her face working painfully in her distress! Then she turned to me: ‘I must give in!’ she murmured brokenly, ‘I couldn’t endure… to be whipped… naked… as I am!… so… take me… and do… what you desire!… only… treat… me as kindly… as you can!… Now… I don’t know… why… I ask it… but… kiss me… kiss me… let me think… I’m… your wife… and on… my wedding night!… not…’-she stopped, struggling with her emotions, then bravely put up her mouth with a pitiful smile to be kissed.
Promptly I took her lovely naked form lovingly in my arms, and pressing her to me till her breasts flattened against me, I passionately kissed her trembling lips again and again until she gasped for breath. Then stooping, I repeated the caress on each heaving breast and then on her palpitating cunt, kissing the latter over and over again and interspersing my kisses with delicate lingual caresses! Then I succeeded in soothing her natural agitation at thus reaching the critical point of her maiden existence.
Thus at last Alice and I found ourselves together naked on the Couch of Love!-she, ill at ease and downcast at having thus to yield up her virginity and dreading horribly the process of being initiated by me into the mysteries of sexual love!-I overjoyed at the prospect of soon ravishing Alice and conquering her maidenhead! Side by side on our backs, we lay in silence, my left hand clasping her right, till she had regained her composure a little.
As soon as I saw she had become calmer, I slipped my arms round her, and turning on my side towards her, I drew her tenderly to me, but still keeping her flat on her back; then I kissed her lips again and again ardently, murmuring lovingly between my kisses, ‘My little wifie!… my wee wifie!’-noting delightedly how her downcast face brightened at my adoption of her fantasy, and feeling her respond almost fondly to my kisses.
‘May I learn something about my wifie?’ I whispered as I placed my right hand on Alice’s maiden breasts and began feeling them as if she was indeed my bride! Alice smiled tenderly, yielding herself to my caprice, and quivering anew under the voluptuous sensations communicated to her by my inquisitive fingers. ‘Oh! what little beauties! oh! what darling bubbies!’ I murmured amidst fresh kisses!-Alice now beginning to look quite pleased at my using her own pet name for her treasures and commencing to enter almost heartily into my game. I continued to fondle and squeeze her luscious breasts for a little longer, then carried my hand lower down her, but suddenly arrested it, whispering: ‘May I?’
At this absurd travesty of a bridegroom’s chivalrous respect for his bride Alice fairly laughed (poor girl! her first laugh in that room that day!) then gaily nodded, putting up her lips for more kisses! Overjoyed to see her thus forgetting her woes, I pressed my lips on hers and kept them there, punctuating with kisses the feigningly timid advance of my hand over her belly, till it invaded the precincts of her cunt! ‘Oh! my darling!… oh! my sweetheart!… oh! my wifie!…’ I murmured passionately as my fingers roved wantonly all over Alice’s virgin cunt, playing with her hairs, feeling and pressing insidiously but irritatingly its fleshiness, and toying with her slit but not penetrating it! Alice all the while abandoned herself freely to the lascivious sensations induced by my fingerings, jogging her buttocks upwards, waggling her hips, ejaculating ‘Ah!’ and ‘Oh!’ in spite of my lips being glued to hers and nearly suffocating her with kisses!
After a few minutes of this delicious exploitation of the most private part of Alice’s body, I stopped my finger on her virgin orifice. ‘Pardon me, sweet!’ I whispered; then gently inserted it into Alice’s cunt as far as I could, as whispered; to assure myself as to her virgin condition, all the time smothering her with kisses. Keenly appreciating the comicality of my proceedings, in spite of the serious lover-like air I was assuming, Alice laughed out heartily, unconsciously heaving herself up so as to meet my finger and slightly opening her thighs to allow it freer access to her cunt, my tongue taking advantage of her laughter to dart through her parted lips in search of her tongue, which she then sweetly resigned to my ardent homage! ‘Oh! wifie!… my wifie!… my sweet wifie!… my virgin wifie!…’ I murmured, as if enchanted to find her a maid! ‘Oh! what a delicious cunny you have!-so fat! so soft! so juicy!-wifie!!… oh wifie!!…’ I breathed passionately into her ear, as I agitated my finger inside her cunt, half frigging her and stopping her protests with my kisses, till I saw how I was exciting her! ‘Little wifie!’ I whispered with a grin I could not for the life of me control, ‘Little wifie! shall I… make you come?’ In spite of her almost uncontrollable and self-absorbing sexual irritation, Alice laughed out, then nodded, closing her eyes as if in anticipation of her now fast approaching ecstasy! A little more subtle titillation and Alice spent blissfully on my ministering finger, jerking herself about lasciviously and evidently experiencing the most voluptuous raptures and transports!!
I waited till her sexual spasm has ceased: ‘Wifie!’ I whispered, rousing her with my kisses, ‘little wifie! oh you naughty girl! how you seemed to enjoy it!… tell me, wifie! was it then so good?’ As she opened her eyes, Alice met mine, brimming with merriment; she blushed rosy red, then clasped me in her soft arms and kissed me passionately, murmuring: ‘Darling! oh! darling!!’ then burst out laughing at our ridiculousness! And so we lay for a few delicious moments, clasped in each other arms.
Presently I murmured: ‘Now, wifie! you’ll like to learn something about me, eh?’ Alice laughed merrily at the quaint conceit, then coloured furiously as she remembered that it would mean the introduction of her virgin hands to my virile organs! ‘Sit up, wifie! dear, and give me your pretty hands,’ I said.
Alice, now rosy red with suppressed excitement and lust, quickly raised herself to a sitting position at my side. I took her dainty hands in mine, she yielding them rather coyly, turned on my back, opened my legs, and then guided her right hand on to my prick and her left to my testicles, then left her to indulge and satisfy in any manner she saw fit her senses of sight and touch, wondering whether it would occur to her that the fires she was about to excite in me would have to be extinguished in her virgin self when she was being ravished, as before long she would be!
For certainly half a minute, Alice intently inspected my organs of generation, leaning over me and supporting herself by placing her right hand on my stomach and her left on my thigh. I wondered what thoughts passed through her mind as she gazed curiously on what very soon would be the instruments of her violation and the conquerors of her virginity. But she made no sign.
Presently she steadied herself on her left hand, then timidly, with her right hand, she took hold of my prick gently, glancing curiously at me as if to note the effect of the touch of her soft hand on so excitable a part of my person, then smiling wickedly and almost triumphantly as she saw me quiver with pleasure! Oh! the exquisite sensations that accompanied her touch! Growing bolder, she held my prick erect and gently touched my balls with her slender forefinger, as if to test their substance, then took them in her hand, watching me eagerly out of the corner of her eye to note the effect on me! I was simply thrilling with the pleasure! For a few minutes she lovingly played with my organs, generally devoting a hand to each, but sometimes she would hold my prick between one finger and thumb, while with her other hand, she would amuse herself by working the loose folds of skin off and on the knob! At another time, she would place my prick between her soft warm palms and pretend to roll it. Another time she seized a testicle in each hand, oh! so gently! and sweetly caressed them! Had I not taken the edge off my sexual ardour by the two spendings in Alice’s bottom, I must have discharged under the tenderly provocative ministration of her fingers! As it was, I had to exercise every ounce of my self-control to prevent an outburst!
Presently I said quietly but significantly: ‘Little wifie! may I tell you that between husband and wife kissing not only is sanctioned but is considered even laudable!’ Alice laughed nervously, glanced quickly at me, then with heightening colour, looked intently at my prick, which she happened at that moment to be grasping tightly in her right hand, its head protruding above her thumb and fingers, while with her left forefinger she was delicately stroking and tickling my balls! After a moment’s hesitation, she bent down, squeezed my prick tightly (as if to prevent anything from issuing out of it), then softly kissed its head! Oh! my delicious sensations as her lips touched my prick! Emboldened by the success of her experiment, Alice set to work to kiss my balls sweetly, then passed her lips over the whole of my organs of generation, showering kisses on them, but favouring especially my balls, which had for her a wonderful attraction, burying her lips in my scrotum, and (I really believe!) tonguing them! Such attentions could only end in one way! Inflamed almost beyond endurance by the play of her sweetly irritating lips, my prick became so stiff and stark that Alice in alarm thought she had better cease her ministrations, and with blushing cheeks and a certain amount of trepidation, she lay herself down alongside of me.
By this time I was so mad with lust that I could hardly control myself, and as soon as Alice lay down I seized her in my arms, drew her to me, showered kisses on her lips, then with an abrupt movement, I rolled her over on to her back, slipping on top of her. In an effort to counteract my attack she separated her legs the better to push me back! Quick as thought, I forced myself between them.
Now is she in the very lists of love,
Her champion mounted for the hot encounter.
– Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis
Alice was at my mercy! I could not have her at better advantage! She struggled desperately to dislodge, me, but to no avail!
Gripping her tightly, I got my stiff and excited prick against the lips of her cunt, then pushing steadily, I drove it into Alice, burying its head in her. Despite her fearful struggles and rapid movements of her buttocks and hips, I made another thrust, entering still further into her cunt, then felt myself blocked! Alice screamed agonisedly, ‘Oh!… oh! stop!… you’re hurting me!’ throwing herself wildly about in her pain and despair, for she recognised that she was being violated! Knowing that it was her maiden membrane that was stopping my advance into her, and that this now was the last defence of her virginity, I rammed into her vigorously! Suddenly I felt something give way inside her and my prick glided well up her cunt, and it did not require the despairing shriek that came from Alice to tell me that I had broken through the last barriers and had conquered her virginity!
Oh! my exultation! At last I had ravished Alice, I had captured her maidenhead, and was now actually fucking her in spite of herself! She, poor girl, lay beneath me, tightly clasped in my arms, a prey to the keenest shame, deprived of her maidenhead, transfixed with my prick, her cunt suffering martyrdom from its sudden distension and smarting with the pain of her violation! Pitying her, I lay still for some seconds so as to allow the interior of her cunt to stretch a bit, but I was too wrought up and mad with lust to remain inactive long in such surroundings.
With a final thrust, I sent my prick well home, Alice’s hairs and mine interweaving. She shrieked again! Then agitating myself gently on her, I began to fuck her, first with steady strokes of my buttocks, then with more rapid and uneven shoves and thrusts, she quivering under me, overwhelmed by her emotions at thus finding her pure body compelled to become the recipient of my lust and by the strangely delicious pleasure that the movements of my prick inside her cunt were arousing in her! Alice no longer struggled, but lay passive in my arms, unconsciously accommodating herself to my movements on her, and involuntarily working her hips and bottom, instinctively yielding to the promptings of her now fast-increasing sexual cravings by jogging herself up as if to meet my down-thrusts!
Shall I ever forget my sensations at that moment? Alice, the long desired Alice, the girl of all girls, the unconscious object of my concupiscence-Alice lay underneath me, tightly clasped in my arms, naked, quivering, her warm flesh throbbing against mine, my prick lodged in her cunt, her tearful face in full sight, her breasts palpitating and her bosom heaving in her agitation!-gasping, panting in the acutest shame and distress at being violated, yet unconsciously longing to have her sexual desires satisfied while dreading the consummation of her devirginisation! I could no longer control myself. Clasping her yielding figure still more closely against me, I let myself go-thrusting, ramming, shoving and agitating my prick spasmodically in her, I frenziedly set to work to fuck her! A storm of rapid tumultuous jogs, a half strangled ‘oh!… oh!!… oh!!!…’ from Alice and I spent deliriously into her, deluging her with my hot discharge, at the same moment feeling the head of my prick christened by the warm gush that burst from Alice as she also frantically spent, punctuating the pulsations of her discharge by voluptuous upheavings of her wildly agitated bottom.
I remained master of myself notwithstanding my ecstatic delirium, but Alice fainted under the violence of the sexual eruption for the first time legitimately induced within her! My warm kisses on her upturned face however soon revived her. When she came to herself and found herself still lying naked in my arms and harbouring my prick in the freshly opened asylum of her cunt, she begged me to set her free! But she had not yet extinguished the flames of lust and desire which her provocative personality and appetising nakedness had kindled and which she had stimulated to white heat by the tender manipulations and kisses she had bestowed on my testicles and prick! The latter still remained rampant and stiff and burned to riot again within the deliciously warm and moist recesses of Alice’s cunt-while I longed to make her expire again in the sweet agonies of satisfied sexual desire, and to witness and share her involuntary transports and wondrous ecstasies as she passed from sexual spasm to spasm while being sweetly fucked!
So I whispered amidst my kisses: ‘Not yet, Alice! not yet! once more, Alice! you’ll enjoy it this time!’-then began gently to fuck her again.
‘No! no!…’ she cried, plunging wildly beneath me in her vain endeavours to dislodge me, ‘not again!… oh! not again! Let me go!… stop!… oh! please, do stop!’ she implored, almost in tears, and in terrible distress at the horrible prospect of being ravished a second time.
I only shook my head negatively, and endeavoured to stifle her cries with my kisses. Seeing that I was determined to enjoy her again, Alice, now in tears, ceased her pleadings and resigned herself to her fate.
In order to control more easily her struggles, I had thrown my arms over hers, thus pinioning them in my grip of herself. Seeing now that she did not intend to resist me, except perhaps passively, I relaxed my embrace, set her arms free, passed mine round her body, then whispered: ‘Hug me tightly, you’ll be more comfy now, Alice!’ She did so. ‘That’s much better, isn’t it?’ I murmured. She tearfully smiled, then nodded affirmatively, putting up her lips to be kissed.
‘Now just lie quietly and enjoy yourself,’ I whispered, then began to fuck her with slow and steady piston-like thrusts of my prick up and down her cunt. At once Alice’s bosom and breasts commenced to palpitate under me, fluttering deliciously against my chest. Exercising the fullest control I possibly could bring to bear on my seminal reserves, so as to prolong to the utmost extent my voluptuous occupation, and that Alice should have every opportunity of indulging and satisfying her sexual appetites and cravings and of fully tasting the delights of copulation, I continued to fuck her steadily, watching her blushing upturned face and learning from her tell-tale eyes how she was getting on. Presently she began to agitate her hips and jog herself upwards, then her breath came and went quickly, her eyes turned upwards and half closed, a spasm convulsed her… she spent! I stopped for a moment. After a few seconds, Alice opened her eyes, blushing rosy red as she met mine. I kissed her lips tenderly, whispering ‘Good?’ She nodded and smiled. I resumed. Soon she was again quivering and wriggling under me, as a fresh wave of lust seized her; again her eyes closed and again Alice spent blissfully! I saw that I had now thoroughly roused her sexual desires and that she had surrendered herself to their domination and that they were imperiously demanding satisfaction! I clasped her closely to me, whispered quickly: ‘Now, Alice, let yourself go!’ And set to work in real earnest, thrusting rapidly and ramming myself well into her! Alice simply abandoned herself to her sensations of the moment! Hugging me to her, she agitated herself wildly under me, plunging madly, heaving herself furiously upwards, tossing her head from side to side-she seemed as if overcome and carried away by a torrent of lust and madly endeavouring to satisfy it. I could hardy hold her still. How many times she spent I do not know, but her eyes were constantly half closing and opening again as spasm after spasm convulsed her. Suddenly she ejaculated frenziedly: ‘Now!… Now! let me have it!… let me have it all!…’ Immediately I responded-a few furious shoves, and I poured my boiling essence into Alice, spending frantically in blissful ecstasy! ‘Ah!… Ah!…’ she cried, quivering in rapturous transports as she felt herself inundated by my warm discharge!-then a paroxysm swept through her, her head fell back, her eyes closed, her lips opened as she spent convulsively in her turn!
She fainted right away! it had been too much for her! I tried to bring her to herself by kisses and endearments, but did not succeed. So I drew my prick cautiously out of Alice’s cunt, all bloodstained, staunched with a handkerchief the blood, etc., that oozed out of Alice and bore unimpeachable evidence of the rape that had been committed on her virginity, and sprinkled her face with water. When at length she came to, I assisted her to rise, as she seemed half dazed, and supported her as she tottered to her alcove, where she half fell into a low chair. I brought her a glass of wine which she drank gratefully, and which somewhat revived her. Then I saw that she had everything she could want-water, soap, syringe, towels, etc. She asked me to leave her, adding she was now all right. Before doing so, I stooped down to receive the first kiss she would give as a woman, having had her last as a girl. Alice threw her arms round my neck, drew my face to hers, then kissed me passionately over again, quite unable to speak because of her emotion! I returned her kisses with interest, wondering whether she was wishing to make me comprehend that she pardoned me for violating her!
Presently Alice whispered: ‘May I dress now?’ I had intended to have fucked her again, but I saw how overwrought she was; beside that, the afternoon was late and there was just comfortable time left for her to catch her train home. So I replied, ‘Yes, dear, if you like; shall I bring your clothes here?’ She nodded gratefully. I carefully collected her garments and took them to her, then left her to herself to dress; pouring out a bumper of champagne, I celebrated silently but exultingly the successful completion of my vengeance and my victory over Alice’s virginity, then retired to my alcove and resumed my garments.
In about a quarter of an hour Alice appeared, fully dressed, hatted and gloved. I threw open the doors and she passed out without a word but cast a long comprehensive glance round the room in which she had passed so memorable an afternoon. I called a hansom, placed her in it and took her to her station in plenty of time for her train; she was very silent during the drive but made no opposition when I took her hand in mine and gently stroked it. As the train started, I raised my hat with the customary salute, to which she responded in quite her usual pleasant way; no one who witnessed our parting would have dreamt that the pretty ladylike girl had just been forcibly ravished by the quiet gentlemanly man, after having first been stripped naked and subjected to shocking indignities! And as I drove home, I wondered what the outcome of that afternoon’s work would be.