"Romance of Lust Vol.4" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE LETTER WRITTEN BY THE COUNT ALMOST ENTIRELY IN CYPHERHere is the response of my heart, my beloved adored one. Thou shall have it as soon as I shall dare to send it to you. Thou shalt belong to me entirely one day, perhaps in eighteen months, and then here is the existence which you shall have the grief to be compelled to lead. In the apartment which I depicted to you the other day, and with the toilette that I require of my beloved lady, my lady mistress is to render herself every day between eleven o'clock and noon. She will find there her loving husband, all fresh and in every respect desirable [gentil], clothed in a dressing-gown of very light texture. From noon until three o'clock this is the programme. At noon thou wilt stretch thyself on thy easy-chair, thou wilt loosen a little thy girdle and open thy pretty dressing-gown. I on my bent knees at your side shall lick you with my tongue, while my arm shall encircle thy divine waist and thy two naked arms shall encircle my neck; afterwards softly widening thy virgin legs thou will cast aside all that which hides from the eyes, and you will place me between those divine legs. Successively I shall lick with voluptuousness thy neck, thy shoulders, under thy arms, thy breasts. I shall suck with force those chaste little bosoms, which by their swelling would desire to escape from the pretty little rose-coloured stays; then passing to thy intoxicating cunt, I should suck it with such an amount of frenzy that thou wouldst discharge for the first time in my mouth. This done it will have so much excited me that, taking thy place, it will become your turn to mount between my legs, and licking all my chest thou wilt finish by frigging with passion my prick, which will become longer and straighter than ever. As soon as thou shalt feel the enjoyment coming thou wilt cease, in order to lick the parts adjoining. At one o'clock thou wilt want to make water, then my mouth adhering between thy legs, thou wilt allow me to swallow all, then lying down again on thy little belly, I shall lick with fury thy bottom so voluptuous, and thy delicious legs. Afterwards it will be thy turn to continue thy caresses upon me. At two o'clock, both of us elevated in a supreme degree, lifting up thy little chemise in front we shall do the business, that is to say, that surrounding me with vigour with thy legs, thou wilt make efforts in order to fuck thyself [enfiler], but my member will be to such a degree enormous that we shall have all the trouble in the world (the delights corresponding to the efforts). At last, once entered, thou wilt procure, by my movements and my pauses, such enjoyments that I shall hear you uttering the softest murmurs of thy voice, and so that thou wilt wriggle thyself on my ravished prick which will still further augment thy transports. Thou wilt enjoy thyself thus three times. At the third time I shall suck thy breasts with such passion that thy eyes depicting a heavenly languor and a divine abandonment, thou wilt empty out upon me thy delirium-causing seminal fluid. That will last until half-past two o'clock, then we shall sleep together thus until three o'clock and at three o'clock thou wilt go to dress thyself in order to go out or to receive visit. Behold, the following part shall come to you if the commencement pleases you. Mem. The commission herein is returnable in Paris, 24th June, 1866. |