How to Develop A Psychological Profile of Your Ideal Mate
Choose the phrase that you feel best completes the sentences below:
The person I wish to have for a mate should be able to afford:
1. Scotland.
2. Occasional dinners out.
3. Underwear.
The person I wish to have for a mate should be sensitive enough to:
1. Instantly be aware of my every mood.
2. Swerve to avoid driving over pedestrians.
3. Not deliberately back up and run over pedestrians a second time.
Personal Appearance
The person I wish to have for a mate should be attractive enough to:
1. Be a movie star.
2. Be a movie star’s accountant.
3. Be a movie star’s accountant’s intestinal parasite.
The person I wish to have for a mate should be smart enough to:
1. Discuss great works of literature.
2. Hold great works of literature right side up.
3. Differentiate between great works of literature and food.
HOW TO SCORE: Add up the numbers corresponding to your answers, then check the chart below.
1 through 8 Married to somebody else.
9 through 15 Engaged to somebody else.
16 in prison.
Okay! Now that you have a good idea of what you’re looking for, it’s time to get out and join ...