"Английский язык с Крестным Отцом (Метод чтения)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Франк Илья)who had refused the great man's direction (отказался следовать указаниям
этого великого человека). He did not have the heavy, Cupid-shaped face of the other children, and his jet black hair (черные, как смоль; jet - гагат, черный янтарь) was straight rather than curly (скорее прямые, чем вьющиеся). His skin was a clear olive-brown that would have been called beautiful in a girl. He was handsome in a delicate way (красив тонкой, изящной красотой). Indeed there had been a time when the Don had worried about his youngest son's masculinity (беспокоился о "мужеских качествах" = не слишком ли женственен его сын). A worry that was put to rest (беспокойство это отпало, было снято: "было успокоено") when Michael Corleone became seventeen years old. 3 Now this youngest son sat at a table in the extreme corner (в наиболее удаленном) of the garden to proclaim his chosen alienation (избранную им непричастность; alienation [e?lj?'ne???n] ( отдаление, отчужденность) from father and family. Beside him sat the American girl everyone had heard about but whom no one had seen until this day. He had, of course, shown the proper respect (выказал надлежащее уважение) and introduced her (представил ее) to everyone at the wedding, including (включая) his family. They were not impressed with her (она не произвела на них большого впечатления: "не были впечатлены ею"). She was too thin, she was too fair (светлая), her face was too sharply intelligent ("остро-умные") for a woman, her manner too free for a maiden. Her name, too, was outlandish (было чуждым, иностранным) to their ears; she called herself Kay Adams. If she had told them that her family had settled (поселилась) in America two hundred years ago and her name was a common one 4 Every guest noticed that the Don paid no particular attention (не уделил особого внимания) to this third son. Michael had been his favorite before the war and obviously (очевидно) the chosen heir to run the family business (вести семейное дело, управлять делом) when the proper moment came (когда придет надлежащий момент). He had all the quiet force and intelligence of his great father, the born instinct to act in such a way that men had no recourse but to respect him (что людям не оставалось ничего иного, как уважать его; recourse [r?'ko:s] - прибежище, пристанище). But when World War II broke out, Michael Corleone volunteered for the Marine Corps (пошел добровольцем во флот [vol?n't??]; Marine [m?'ri:n] - государственный морской флот). He defied his father's express command (он пренебрег явным, недвусмысленно выраженным указанием отца; to defy [d?'fa?] - бросать вызов; игнорировать, не обращать внимания) when he did so. 5 Don Corleone had no desire (никакого желания [d?'za??]), no intention (намерения), of letting his youngest son be killed (допустить, чтобы его сын был убит: "быть убитым") in the service of a power foreign to himself (за чужую, чуждую ему власть: "на службе у власти = державы, иностранной по отношению к нему"). Doctors had been bribed (были подкуплены), secret arrangements (договоренности) had been made. A great deal of money (большое количество) had been spent to take the proper precautions (неоходимые меры предосторожности; precaution [pr?'ko:??n] ( предосторожность). But Michael was twenty-one years of age and nothing could be done against his own willfulness (своеволие, упрямство). He |