"Ученик создателя сновидений" - читать интересную книгу автора (Минделл Арнольд)


Arye, Lane. 2001. Unintentional Music: Freeing the Creativity Inside You. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing.

Berry, Patricia. 1974. An approach to the dream. Spring (Zurich), 58–79.

— 1978. Defense and teleos in dreams. In Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology, Irvine, TX: University of Dallas.

Bosnak, Robbie. 1997. Tracks in the Wilderness of Dreaming: Exploring Interior Landscape through Practical Dreamwork. New York: Delta Books.

Bulkeley, Kelly. 1996. Among All These Dreamers. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Castaneda, Carlos. 1972. Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan. New York: Simon and Schuster. (Русский перевод «Путешествие в Икстлан», Киев, София, 1992)

Coxhead, David, and Hiller, Susan. 1975. Dream Visions of the Night. London: Thames and Hudson.

Delaney, Gayle.1996. Living Dreams. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.

Freud, Sigmund. 1953. The Interpretation of Dreams. New York: Basic Books, (первое издание вышло в 1900 г. Русский перевод: «Толкование сновидений», М.: Современные проблемы, 1913. Репринт: Ереван: Камар, 1991).

Garfield, Patricia. 1997. The Dream Messenger: How Dreams of the Departed Bring Healing Gifts. New York: Simon and Schuster.

-- 1991. The Healing Power of Dreams. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Gendlin, Eugene. 1986. Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams. La Salle, IL: Chiron/ Open Court.

— 1962. Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning. New York: Free Press.

Hall, Calvin. 1966. The Meaning of Dreams. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Hall, James. 1991. Patterns of Dreaming. Boston: Shambhala.

Hillman, James. 1979. The Dream and the Underworld. New York: Harper amp; Row.

Houston, Jean. 1982. The Possible Human. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher.

James, William. 1976. The Varieties of Religious Experience. London: Collier Macmillan (первое издание вышло в 1902 г. Русский перевод: «Многообразие религиозного опыта», М.: Русская Мысль, 1910. Репринт: СПб: Андреев и Сыновья, 1992).

Jung, Carl. Collected Works of C.G. Jung. Translated by R.F.C. Hull, edited by Gerhard Adler, Michael Fordham, and Herbert Read. Princeton, NJ (Bollingen Series 20): Princeton University Press. (Различные тома имеют разные годы публикации. В русском переводе собрание сочинений К.Г. Юнга практически полностью опубликовано в виде отдельных книг издательствами Рефл Бук-Ваклер и АСТ в сериях «Аналитическая психология» и «Классики зарубежной психологии»)

— Vol. 8. 1969. Structure and dynamics of the psyche. In On the Nature of Dreams.

— Vol. 9, part 1. 1968. Archetypes and the collective unconscious.

— Vol. 12. 1976. Psychology and alchemy.

— Vol. 14. 1968. Mysterium coniuntionis.

— 1961. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. New York: Random House. (русский перевод «Воспоминания, сновидения, размышления», Киев: AirLand, 1994)

Kaplan-Williams, Stephen. 1990. The Elements of Dreamwork. Dorset: Element Books.

Koch-Sheras, Phyllis R.E., and Hollier, Ann. 1983. Dream On: A Dream Interpretation and Exploration Guide for Women. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Koch-Sheras, Phyllis R.E., and Sheras, Peter. 1991. Dreams and the Couple: Natural Partners. Paper presented at the Association for Sleep and Dreams Conference, Charlottesville,VA.

Krippner, Stanley, and Dillard, Joseph. 1988. Dreamworking: How to Use Your Dreams for Creative Problem Solving. New York: Bearly Limited. (русский перевод «Сновидения и творческий подход к решению проблем» М., Изд-во Трансперсонального Института, 1997)

LaBerge, Stephen. 1991. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. New York: Ballantine Books (reprint). (Русский перевод: «Исследование мира осознанных сновидений». М.: Изд-во Трансперсонального Института, 1995)

Mansfield, Victor. 1995. Synchronicity, Science, and Soul-making: Understanding Jungian Synchronicity through Physics, Buddhism, and Philosophy. La Salle, IN: Open Court.

Mbiti, John. 1997. African Religions and Philosophy. Oxford, England: Heinemann Publishers.

Miller, Robbie. 1998. The Two Hands of God: The Marginalization of Psi Phenomena. Master thesis. Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press.

Mindell, Amy. 2000. Metaskills: The Spiritual Art of Therapy. Portland, OR: LaoTse Press. (Русский перевод: «Психотерапия как духовная практика», М.: Класс, 1997).

— 1999. Coma: A Guide for Friends and Helpers. Portland, OR: Process Work Center of Portland. Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press.[46]

Mindell, Arnold. 2000. Dreaming While Awake: Techniques for 24-Hour Lucid Dreaming. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing. (Русский перевод: «Сновидение в бодрствовании», М: Изд-во Трансперсонального Института-АСТ, 2003)

— 2000. Quantum Mind: The Edge Between Psychology and Physics. Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press.

— 1996. The Shaman's Body: A New Shamanism for Health, Relationships, and Community. San Francisco: HarperCollins. (Русский перевод: «Дао шамана», Москва, Изд-во Трансперсонального Института — Киев: София, 1996).

— 1988. City Shadows: Psychological Interventions in Psychiatry. New York, London: Penguin.

— 1987. The Dreambody in Relationships. New York, London: Penguin.

— 1985. River's Way: The Process Science of the Dreambody. London, Boston: Penguin.

— 1998. Dreambody: The Body's Role in Revealing the Self. Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press (первоначально опубликована издательством Sigo Press, Boston, 1982).

Morris, Jill. 1985. The Dream Workbook. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

Moss, Robert. 1996. Conscious Dreaming. New York: Crown Trade Paperback.

Perls, Fritz. 1969. Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. Moab, Utah: Real People Press.

Tart, Charles.1969. Altered States of Consciousness. New York: John Wiley amp; Sons.

Ullman, Montague, and Zimmerman, Nan. 1979.Working with Dreams. London: Hutchinson and Co.

Von Franz, Marie Louise. 1974. Number and Time: Rejections Leading Toward a Unification of Depth Psychology and Physics. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.