"32-bit file access FAQ" - читать интересную книгу автора (McCormick M.) "File is damaged" error messages from Windows.
11. PC hangs during WIN startup, while Windows logo is on screen. 11a. You get an error message during WIN startup: "Microsoft 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) cannot be loaded". 11b. You get an error message when you run a Windows .EXE: "Segment Load Failure". 11c. Why do file copies occasionally fail? 11d. Why is the cache size displayed different from what you configured? 11e. Why did your network drives disappear? 11f. Why does ScanDisk report errors on your compressed drives now? * 11g. What if your CD-ROM becomes inaccessible or slows down? PART FIVE: Incompatibilities 12. You can't restore a deleted file with MWUNDELETE or MS-DOS UNDELETE. 12a. You cannot search for a deleted file with MWUNDELETE. 13. Is it safe to run 32-bit file access with disk compression? 13a. You get "compressed disk ... not currently set up for 32-bit file access." 14. You get errors from Powerpoint when you access ClipArt Gallery. 15. Is there any hard drive you can enable 32-bit file access with, but with which it is incompatible? 16. You have to manually reinitialize Microsoft Scenes each time you start Windows. is caching? 17a. What about Hurricane? 18. DOS command "IF EXIST *\NUL" does not work from within Windows if 32-bit file access is on. 19. Does 32-bit file access work on secondary (slave) hard drives? 20. Does the DOS SUBST command (drive letter substitution) remain in effect in WFWG with 32-bit file access? 21. Is 32-bit file access incompatible with some networks? 21a. No 32-bit file access due to a "real-mode network redirector". 22. Do some TSR programs interfere with 32-bit file access? 22a. How about UnInstaller? 23. Why does running NDOS as my shell disable 32-bit file access? 24. Why does QEMM disable 32-bit file access? 25. Why did WFWG 32-bit file access stop working when I got Windows 95? +Revisions +Needs +How To Get This FAQ ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND Q1: What is 32-bit file access? |