"Incognito" - читать интересную книгу автора (Allain Suzanne)

Chapter Eight

Emily checked her appearance in the hallway mirror before proceeding into the drawing room. She was irritated with herself at the gesture, but she could not help herself. She found Lady Cynthia’s cold perfection quite intimidating. Whatever confidence her reflection gave her was dispelled the moment she entered the drawing room. Lady Cynthia was quite the lady of fashion, in a sky-blue morning dress that matched her eyes perfectly. Well, perhaps not perfectly. Her eyes resembled ice more than they did sky.

“Good morning, Lady Abernathy, Lady Cynthia. How kind of you to call. Unfortunately, Lord Wesleigh does not feel well enough to receive visitors.”

“Really. He told you so himself, I presume.” Lady Cynthia replied.

“Yes, of course. He asked me to convey his regrets, but he feared a relapse of his illness were he to entertain visitors.”

“And he told you this while you were visiting him?” Lady Cynthia met Emily’s glance with a limpid stare.

“It was a brief visit, I assure you. There was not enough time for me to compromise him, or for him to propose marriage, if that is what you fear.” Emily realized her remark was rather shocking, but she was beyond caring. What could Lady Cynthia do to her? She had forgotten Lady Abernathy’s presence.

“Well!” that august lady proclaimed in loud accents, looking down her long nose at Emily.

“I apologize, Lady Abernathy. I must have misunderstood Lady Cynthia’s concern. I am sure her interest in Lord Wesleigh’s well-being is the same as it would be for any unfortunate victim of the grippe, and is not reserved for wealthy heirs to a dukedom.”

As the apology was as offensive to Lady Cynthia as Emily’s initial remark, it was not to be expected that Lady Cynthia’s anger was assuaged by this reply. However, as she felt Emily was entirely beneath her notice and not attractive enough to be a serious rival, she merely smiled a superior smile, and replied, “Just so.”

There was a definite chill in the air as Lady Smithfield and Lydia entered the room. They greeted their guests graciously and apologized for their delay in joining them. “But I am sure Emily and Lady Cynthia took advantage of this opportunity to get to know one another better,” Lady Smithfield remarked, oblivious to the tension in the room.

Emily reflected that her mother was right; she had gotten to know Lady Cynthia better. She was a materialistic, scheming snob, determined to entrap Lord Wesleigh into marriage. Emily conveniently forgot that she herself had had such an ambition only a few days previously. Now she had no interest in the marquess beyond that of a guest in her home. However, as much as his dandified ways annoyed her, he did not deserve such a wife as Lady Cynthia.

Lady Smithfield and Lady Abernathy assumed the burden of the conversation, but it was soon clear that they were to get on no better than Emily and Lady Cynthia.

“My dear Lady Abernathy, you have heard, of course, that we have two distinguished guests at the moment.”

Lady Abernathy regally inclined her head. Lady Smithfield was not dissuaded by her visitor’s lack of enthusiasm.

“The duke of Alford, and his son, Lord Wesleigh. The duchess and I were at school together, you know.” Lady Abernathy gave a second nod, an almost imperceptible move of her head. “Lady Abernathy, as we are such good friends, perhaps I can share something with you. In strictest confidence, of course.” Lady Abernathy’s nod was a little more vigorous, and she allowed a slight gleam of interest to appear on her craggy countenance.

Lydia and Emily exchanged horrified glances. “Mama,” Emily ventured, in a voice of warning.

“It is all right, Emily. I was just going to tell Lady Abernathy of the duchess’s wish, and mine, that Lydia and Lord Wesleigh marry. That is no secret, in any case.”

“Hmmph.” In a less refined lady, what Lady Abernathy did might be termed a snort. “I feel I should warn you that you are destined for disappointment.”

Lady Smithfield’s pleasant expression slipped just a little. “I am sure I do not know what you mean, Lady Abernathy. Why do you feel I will experience disappointment?”

“Because Lord Wesleigh has been paying very marked attentions to my niece, Lady Cynthia.” Lady Abernathy turned to Cynthia for confirmation, and it was Lady Cynthia’s turn to give an imperceptible nod of her head.

“Of course, one does not brag of one’s conquests,” Lady Cynthia began with a little trill of laughter.

“Then why is she doing so?” Emily whispered to Lydia.

“But, I must admit,” Lady Cynthia resumed, with a glare at Emily, “that before Lord Wesleigh left London, all of London society was in daily anticipation of a notice in the Morning Post.”

“Really? Had they lost something?” Emily asked, in feigned innocence.

“Of course not. They were in anticipation of a notice of Lord Wesleigh’s betrothal to myself.” Lady Cynthia lowered her eyes in a well-simulated display of maidenly modesty. “I am sure it was immodest of me to admit to such a thing. Pray do not discuss it with anyone.”

“Well, if all of London is speaking of it, I do not see what good it would do for us to hold our tongues.” Emily spoke ostensibly to Lydia, but in a voice loud enough to be overheard by all the inhabitants of the small drawing room.

Before Lady Cynthia could devise some cutting remark, Lady Smithfield had arisen from her seat, and to Lady Cynthia’s dismay, had crossed to her side to sit beside her. “My poor, dear child,” she said, taking one of Lady Cynthia’s hands in her own, “I hope your feelings are not deeply engaged.”

Before Lady Cynthia could respond, Lady Abernathy entered the conversation. “Really, Elizabeth, what a vulgar remark.”

Lady Smithfield turned in surprise to Lady Abernathy. “But, Mildred, surely it is obvious what is happening here. Lord Wesleigh has been trifling with the affections of your poor niece.” She turned back to Lady Cynthia. “I am sorry, my dear, to mention it so abruptly, but that is why I inquired first as to whether your feelings were seriously engaged.”

“Madam,” Lady Cynthia replied, wrestling her hand from Lady Smithfield’s grasp, “I fear you are mistaken.”

“Oh, no,” Lady Smithfield said, still looking at Lady Cynthia with sympathy, “you see, the duke and his son are visiting us with the purpose of making an alliance with our family.”

Emily, who had realized that her mother had reached the limit of her endurance, was not surprised by the announcement. Lydia did not appear surprised, either. As she was wont to walk about in a state of continual despair for the past week, her countenance did not change noticeably.

The same could not be said of Lady Abernathy and Lady Cynthia, who both had similar expressions on their aristocratic faces. It was quite enlightening to Emily, who felt she was getting a glimpse of what Lady Cynthia would look like in forty years. More than ever did she pity the poor man who would tie himself to Lady Cynthia.

“How absurd!” Lady Abernathy stated, the first to regain her composure. “You have misunderstood the situation, I am sure.”

Lady Smithfield drew herself up in affront. “Are you implying that I am a liar, Lady Abernathy?”

“Of course not. Merely confused.”

“I am not confused. I had a letter from the duke, spelling out his intentions in detail. A notice is to appear in the Morning Post at the end of the month.”

Lady Abernathy was stricken speechless for the first time in her life. Lady Smithfield observed the stunned inhabitants of her drawing room and almost began to enjoy the situation.

Emily felt a little of her mother’s vindication as well. Forgetting for the moment that she had no desire for her or her sister to wed the marquess, she gloried in seeing the crack in Lady Cynthia’s haughty veneer. Emily did not believe for a moment that Lady Cynthia had any tender feelings for the marquess, so she did not believe the news could do her any lasting harm.

All were surprised when Lydia spoke. “Perhaps, Mama, if Lady Cynthia has a prior claim to the marquess’s affections . . .” She faltered under her mother’s severe gaze.

“Nonsense. It is obvious he was not serious in his intentions.”

Lady Cynthia’s alabaster complexion turned red. “I do not believe you can speak with such authority on the matter, Lady Smithfield.”

“My dear girl, although I did not witness the marquess’s attentions to you, I can tell you with authority that it is quite common for an idle gentleman to enjoy a flirtation with a pretty girl such as yourself.”

Lady Cynthia did not know whether to be more insulted that her charms, commonly described as beautiful and incomparable, were relegated to a mere “pretty,” or the implication that she had been a momentary diversion for a bored nobleman. She rose in a huff and turned to her aunt. “Aunt Mildred, I refuse to stay in this house a minute longer.”

“Of course, Cynthia. We shall leave at once. Lady Smithfield, Miss Smithfield, Miss Emily Smithfield,” Lady Abernathy addressed her hostess and her daughters, “I can only say that I am very disappointed, and I shall not bid you a good day.”

“Well! That was most unpleasant,” Lady Smithfield stated, a frown on her face. She turned to her daughters to find Emily stifling a giggle. “Emily, child, what is there to smile about?”

“I am sorry, Mama, but the look on Lady Cynthia’s face . . .” She could hold her laughter back no longer, and it was only a few seconds before her mother joined in. Even Lydia could not maintain her tragic mood in the face of her mother and sister’s hilarity, and was soon giggling as well.

When the laughter subsided, Lady Smithfield grew sober once more. “I only hope Lady Abernathy sends us an invitation to her ball after this episode.”

“Oh, Mama, do you think she would not?” Emily grew sober as well. She was looking forward to the ball.

Lady Abernathy considered for a moment. Then a wide smile appeared on her face. “No, I do not. After all, she could hardly invite our guests were she to exclude us.”

She started laughing again, and after a moment or two, so did Emily and Lydia.

Emily still had a smile on her face when she knocked on Lord Wesleigh’s door a few minutes later.


Emily opened the door but stayed in the doorway. “I just wanted to tell you that our guests have left, and they send you their regards.” Emily could not remember if they had done so or not, but figured they probably would have if they were not in such a hurry to get out of the house. The thought made her grin.

Alexander and Marcus looked at her in suspicion. Alexander had been afraid to leave until after Lady Cynthia and her aunt were long gone, as he had not wanted to run the risk of meeting them, so he was still in his friend’s chamber.

“You appear as if you found their visit pleasant,” Alexander ventured.

“Oh, indeed. I enjoyed it tremendously.”

Alexander and Marcus exchanged a look. “Really. I did not realize Lady Cynthia was of such a congenial disposition. Perhaps I was mistaken in her,” Marcus said. This innocent comment had Emily grinning even wider.

“Tsk, tsk. You should not speak so disparagingly of your inamorata. She had much kinder things to say about you.”

“My what!” Marcus exclaimed, before Alexander nudged him in the shoulder. He had forgotten for the moment that he was not himself, but Wesleigh. And there had been rumors of his friend’s involvement with the girl.

Emily felt that such a discussion should not be carried on in the hallway. So she proceeded a few more feet into the room. “I am sorry,” she said, with a look of wide-eyed innocence. “Is that not the appropriate word for it? I did not mean to imply the relationship was not all that it should be.”

Marcus looked at Alexander in irritation. “You and your intrigues,” he muttered, only loud enough for Alexander to hear. Then he tried to think what Alexander would say if in this situation. “My dear girl, you must realize that my involvement with Lady Cynthia was not of a serious nature,” he told Emily. “It was just a lighthearted flirtation. I realize that you are not familiar with the ways of London society, but that sort of thing happens all the time.”

“That is just what Mama told her,” she assured Marcus, still the picture of innocence, but the barely suppressed smile giving her away.

“Your mother told Lady Cynthia what?” Alexander exclaimed, his look of amusement fading.

“Let me see . . .” Emily paused as if struggling to remember. “I believe she said that ‘idle gentleman often amuse themselves by flirting with pretty girls.’ That was, of course, in response to Lady Cynthia’s disclosure that she and Lord Wesleigh were engaged.”

“What!” Both men exclaimed in unison. Emily was enjoying herself immensely.

“Oh, I beg your pardon, she did not come out and say you were engaged,” she assured Marcus. “She just said that the announcement of your betrothal was expected at any moment. Dear me, I suppose I should not have repeated that. She did ask us to keep her confidence. However, I did not suppose there would be any harm in telling you. After all, I assume you would already be aware of the engagement if it were due to be announced at any moment.”

Marcus looked rather helplessly at his friend. Alexander nobly rose to the occasion, though he was reeling at the disclosure. How dared Lady Cynthia tell people they were engaged! He should have known better than to say two words to her, let alone flirt with her. “Miss Smithfield, I am sure you realize that a man in a position like Wesleigh here is liable to receive unwanted attention from females.”

Emily turned her innocent gaze in Alexander’s direction. “Then he did not flirt with her?”

Little minx, Alexander thought. Laughing at us all behind that wide-eyed look. “Well, he may have flirted with her, but I can assure you, he had no intention of marrying her.”

“Quite right,” Marcus agreed, seeing a vision of himself forced to marry Lady Cynthia while masquerading as Lord Wesleigh flash before his eyes. “The girl has a vivid imagination.”

“Well, I can only say that I am sure Mama will be relieved to hear that.” She turned to leave the room, pausing before closing the door to remark, “Because she told Lady Abernathy and Lady Cynthia that you purposed to make an alliance with our family.” She shut the door quickly, but not before the gentlemen heard her giggle at the sight of Marcus’s dismayed expression.

“What a saucy girl it is,” Marcus said, shaking his head in disbelief. “Are you certain you want her? She will be a rare handful.”

“Oh, I am certain. She is exactly what I need. I cannot envision a dull moment with Emily around.” Alexander began to smile. “I must admit I would have liked to have been there when Lady Smithfield told the so-proper Lady Cynthia that she had been no more than a trifling flirtation.”

“I cannot imagine how you struck up a flirtation with the girl in the first place,” Marcus said in disgust. “I would think you would have had better luck coaxing a kiss from a stone.”

“But that was exactly it. It was the challenge of the thing. She was an ice princess, and I had visions of heating her up a bit. I realized my folly pretty soon, let me tell you, and I spent most of our so-called flirtation running away from her as fast as I could. I guess I should thank my father, or I could have ended up married to the girl.

“Enough talk of Lady Cynthia. How is the pursuit of our spy coming?” Alexander asked Marcus.

“I scouted around last night looking for his hideout, and I cannot find a likely spot.”

“Perhaps he lives underground, like a mole,” Alexander suggested, joking.

“That is not as absurd a statement as you might think,” Marcus told him. “You have heard of the Hawkhurst Gang, I presume?”

“Yes, they were quite notorious. I forgot that they were from this part of the country. But they are all long dead. What have they to do with our highwayman?”

“It is said they had underground tunnels from Hawkhurst to Stonehurst and beyond. Perhaps our highwayman is using the tunnels to escape detection.”

“That is an interesting premise. Have you located any of these tunnels?”

“I have heard that one of the tunnels originates from the Tudor Arms. I am to pay a visit to the place this evening and see what I can find.”

“Would you appreciate some company?” Alexander asked.

“I am not sure you have the talent for acting that I have.” Sir Marcus grinned, slipping back into his foppish role. “My grandmother was an actress, don’t you know.”

“I seem to remember you saying as much,” Alexander replied. “Still, you are liable to ruin your jacket in such a seedy place. Or someone could take exception to your golden locks.”

“You may come if you wish. However, I could definitely use some help on Saturday night. There is a courier traveling with a missive from Whitehall. It would be a logical time for our man to strike.”

“I would be happy to help you apprehend the traitor. In fact, I wouldn’t dream of missing it.”