"Dad plus Daughter = Ecstasy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Carlson Linda)

Chapter 2

Buffy was up early the next morning. It was Saturday. She heard her father moving around in the hallway and she rushed across her room to the door. When she peeked out, she saw him leaving his bedroom, fully dressed. Her dresser clock said seven o'clock. Without knowing why, she dressed herself in less than a minute and by the time he was downstairs in the kitchen, she was at the top of the stairs, waiting for him to leave the house.

She heard him opening a bottle and pouring a drink. She knew it was whiskey again. He must have decided to skip breakfast. Buffy felt a little hungry, but she knew she didn't have time to eat. Unless her father drove off in the car, she intended to follow him. After all, he'd told her mother that only a detective would know what he was up to. The thought of playing detective excited the little girl.

When he left the front door her hopes were dashed. The girl saw his green car back out of the driveway and pull off down the street.

Buffy shrugged her shoulders. Since she was up and dressed, she decided to take a walk. The sun was shining, and it was a warm morning. She was only wearing a sweater and jeans, but it was enough. She left the house and started in the direction of the park several blocks away from her house.

She saw nobody as she walked. One or two cars passed, that was all. She walked fast, enjoying the exercise, and wished she had called Sharon, her best friend. The two of them could have played around together in the park. There were lots of things to do there. Buffy hesitated and considered going back home and using the telephone. Then she stopped dead in her tracks.

Daddy's green car was parked on the street, a block away from the park entrance! She walked over to it and made doubly sure. Yes, it was his car all right.

Buffy's heart began to beat fast. This must surely be where her father meets his girlfriend! Or, as she had heard her mother say, his mistress! Her curiosity began to burn. She wanted a look at the other woman in her father's life, to see what she looked like, how old she was, what she walked and talked like. Buffy hurried into the park and began her search.

Buffy spotted her father first, and then she saw the woman. Her father was leaning against a big rock smoking. He was about fifteen feet away from the path, and partly hidden by trees. The woman came from the opposite direction, where the path went downhill, on the way to the lake. Buffy knew the park well, and she stationed herself on a little hill across a small meadow. She was hidden from their view by bushes.

The woman looked younger than Mom. About twenty-five. And not as tall. She was wearing a red coat, and her hair was dark. Buffy watched as the woman got nearer and nearer to her father. Then she saw her father look up. He had seen her coming. He quickly put out his cigarette and positioned himself farther back, almost behind the rock.

He’s going to surprise her! Buffy thought. They play games just like kids.

The woman turned the little corner in the path at the bottom of the hill. She started to walk past the rock. Then Buffy’s father ran out, grabbed her by the arm, and began to drag her off the path. Buffy heard the woman scream. Her heart gave a leap. She looked around, but nobody else seemed to be in the park this morning. Buffy was glad, because a stranger might have thought that her father was actually hurting the woman, that they weren’t friends after all, and this wasn’t a game.

Buffy ran down the hill and across the meadow. Her father and the woman were out of sight now. They must have gone behind the big rock. She advanced cautiously, not wanting to be heard or found out. She felt like a detective for sure, now.

The first voice that she heard was the woman’s.

"Please don’t kill me!"

Her father’s answer was a low growl.

"Just keep your mouth shut and I won’t hurt you. If you yell or make any noise, I’ll slit your throat. I have a knife.

"Oh-oh God! Please don’t hurt me!"

Buffy heard the woman begin to cry.

"Shut up!" Buffy’s father said angrily.

Then there was a scuffling sound. The child crouched low and edged herself around the side of the rock. It was too tall to look over the top.

"Are you-are you going to rape me?" the woman asked.

Rape! It was the second time the child had heard that word since last night. Her father had told her mother: "I’ll get my rocks off if I have to rape you!" Or something like that. Buffy was pretty sure what the word meant. It meant making a woman fuck whether she wanted to or not. Buffy still didn’t understand what the big objection was.

When Buffy peeked around the corner of the rock there were only a few feet away from her. The woman was on the ground and her coat was laying by her side. She wore a pale brown dress, and the skirt was yanked up around her waist. She had no stockings on, and her white panties had been pulled down around her knees. Her father was kneeling in front of her, his hand buried between her thighs, working his fingers into the thick, dark bush of pubic hair. She was the hairiest woman Buffy had ever seen. Even her father hadn't had this much fur on his belly. And she was beautiful, too, the child thought. Her frightened eyes were large and dark, and her skin was very white and smooth.

"Ugghh!" the woman moaned when her father began to slide several fingers up inside her cunt. He yanked the panties over her feet. She wore high-heeled shoes with straps across the ankles, and he didn't bother taking them off. Buffy thought the woman looked even more naked with her shoes on.

Her father got between the woman's legs then, facing away from the child, and unzipped his pants. Buffy saw the woman's eyes grow wide when he pulled his cock out and showed it to her.

"No!" she whispered pitifully.

"Don't worry about the size, lady. I never saw a cunt yet that couldn't take it. Suck it and get it wet."

"Oh, no! Please!"

"Then it goes in dry."

The woman had second thoughts. She quickly scooted down while Buffy's father moved up and straddled her face. She took the cock in her hands. Buffy could see it now, because her father turned a little bit sideways. It was as big as she had seen it the night before, when he pulled it out of her mother.

The woman on the ground opened her mouth and the man pushed his cock between her lips. Her cheeks began to form hollows as she sucked on his enormous piece of meat, trying to take as much into her mouth as possible. Her sucking sounds were loud, and Buffy was glad there was nobody else in the park.

Buffy's crotch began to have the old feeling again. Hidden where she was, peeking through a crack in the rock, she couldn't be seen unless the two people on the ground made a special point of looking in her direction. She reached for the zipper on the front of her jeans and lowered it slowly. Then she reached inside her jeans. She wasn't wearing panties, and her fingers instantly touched her little bald pussy. Her cunny lips seemed to tense at her touch and her young vagina began to throb. She knew the feelings would be just as good as last night, maybe even better. Without wasting time on preliminaries, Buffy forced two fingers inside her pussy, and then tried to work in a third.

"That's right, suck it!" her father growled at the woman. He was holding her head by her long hair, shoving his pelvis back and forth, and forcing more of his meat into her open mouth. "Get it wet, baby!"

The woman reached out and started to unbuckle his pants. He slapped her hands away.

"Leave my clothes alone. What the fuck are you trying to do, fix it so I can't get out of here in a hurry?"

He yanked his cock out of her mouth and slapped her face. She stifled a cry, and put her hands up to protect herself.

Buffy watched as her father grabbed the woman around the waist and flipped her over like a sack of potatoes. Then he pulled her by the hips until her ass was poking into the air.

He aimed the head of his cock, dripping with spit now, at the woman's softly rounded buttocks. With a shove forward, he buried the head between her ass cheeks, deeply inside the crack. His cock stopped abruptly, and he began to probe harder. Then the woman screamed.

"No! Not that way! Agggghhhh! You'll kill me!"

He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back.

"I'm lookin’ for something tighter than pussy that, he rammed brutally forward and shattered her fuck barrier. She screamed louder than ever, and he pushed her face into the ground to stifle the noise.

Buffy suddenly realized what her father was doing. He was fucking the woman in her ass! The girl couldn't imagine how this would feel, but she guessed it must hurt an awful lot. Especially with a cock as big as Daddy's. She ran her hand deeper into the fly of her jeans, under the lips of her vagina, and probed her little puckered asshole. The tip of her finger seemed too large, even, to be inserted with any comfort. She decided her father must like killing the woman for sure. But there was something awfully exciting about it! Her young pussy seemed to catch on fire, and she returned to fingering it.

"Uuuugghhh!!" the woman moaned. The man slapped her roughly on one buttock. Then he grabbed her hips tightly and started to fuck in and out of her ass with renewed force. He was pushing her breasts and shoulders roughly into the ground, and her knees were being scraped against twigs and rocks.

Finally, he pulled out and flipped her onto her back again. Without a word, he lined up his cock and sank it deeply into her pussy.

Buffy wished her father had taken off his trousers. His suit coat lay on the ground, but he was still too covered up for her to get a clear picture of the fucking he was giving the woman. She wanted to see his cock clearly, going in and out of the cunt, the way she had been able to do last night when he fucked Mom.

Just then the woman did a surprising thing. She stared straight up into his eyes, and a smile crept across her face.

"What's the matter with you, you fucking sissy?" she said softly, "don't you know how to fuck? You call what you're doing fucking? You're all cock, and you don't even know how to use it!"

"What?" The man was shocked.

"Fuck me! Goddamn it, fuck, you horse-dicked prick! Ram me harder! Let me know I have a cock in there!"

Buffy was just as surprised as her father was. She watched the woman's legs fly up and lock themselves across her father's back. Then her pelvis began to smack up into him on each thrust.

"That's better," she moaned, "now fuck the shit out of me!"

Buffy's father started fucking hard, harder than he had last night. The girl felt another climax rushing into her crotch, and she began to tear at her cunt hysterically, trying to force four fingers up inside herself. She knew that this was going to be even better than before. Her mouth filled with saliva, and she was tempted to rush into the scene and pull her father off the woman. She wanted to suck her daddy's cock the way the woman had. She wanted to beg him to fuck her like he was fucking this stranger. Her breathing came hard and she masturbated herself in a blind frenzy.

The woman grabbed his ass through the material of his trousers, encouraging him to fuck deeper and faster. She was in control of what they were doing now. She had taken the initiative.

"Agggh! Eegghh! Uhhhh! Yeah! Yeah! That's right!"

He was pumping into her like a piston. His breathing came so hard it sounded like little sobs. And then he let out a howl that pierced the empty park air.

"Aaaeeeyyhhh! Oh, fucking shit, here it comes!"

"Now! Oh, yes, now!Let's come together!"

Both their bodies began to thrash around, and it was hard to tell who was actually fucking and who was getting fucked. Their voices grew in pitch and volume until they announced their orgasms simultaneously. Then after an agonizingly long climax, his body fell heavily across hers.

Buffy's fingers continued to work in her cunt. She was almost there, and she wanted to cry out the way her father and the woman had done. It wasn't fair, she thought, that she always had to keep her own delicious passion wrapped in silence. But, except for a small choking sound that neither of the other two heard, she dared not make any noise when the shattering climax ripped up through her young body, tingling like crazy.

She leaned against the rock heavily, working her hand in her crotch until the feeling went away. All that was left was a tingle when she brought her fingers out of her fly and wiped them on the denim material of her jeans. Then she heard the woman speak.

"Get off me now, you fucking pig, or I'll call the police!"

Her father, seeming to realize for the first time what he'd done, jumped to his feet and zipped up his fly. Then he grabbed his jacket and came tearing around the side of the rock. He shot past the little girl so fast he didn't see her. Buffy's heart skipped a beat. She waited until she saw him disappear around the bend in the path, then she fled in another direction. The woman, who was straightening her clothes, saw her.

"Hey, you! What the hell,!"

Buffy ran and ran, up the hill, down the other side, past the entrance to the zoo, deeper and deeper into the woods. She stopped when her lungs felt like they would burst for lack of air. She sat on the ground and recovered her breath, sure now that the woman would not be chasing her.

She sat for a long time, thinking about what she'd just seen. And what she saw last night. She knew it would be impossible for her to get her father to do those things to her. And yet, she thought, nothing would satisfy her newly-aroused curiosity except a long, thick piece of meat forcing itself up inside her. She cursed her wished she could find a way to end it.

Her pussy was still tingling from the masturbation it had received. Tingling and sore.

But hungry.