"Dad plus Daughter = Ecstasy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Carlson Linda)
Linda Carlson Dad plus Daughter = Ecstasy
Chapter 1
Buffy shook with fear of being caught listening at the door, but her curiosity held her to the spot. Mom and Dad were going at it hot and heavy again.
"I spend twelve fucking hours a day in that office!" she heard her father yell. "Just how often do you think I'd get a chance to fuck around?"
"Keep your voice down, Ed," her mother said. "You'll wake the kid. Or the neighbors."
"Fuck the neighbors!" her father yelled again. A slamming sound told her he must have gone into the bathroom. Her parents had their own. Buffy used the one in the hall.
The twelve-year-old pulled her bathrobe more tightly around her small body. The hallway was chilly and the girl had forgotten to put on her slippers. She brushed her red hair away from her face and tried to peek through the tiny crack where they'd forgotten to shut the door all the way. She saw her mother turning down the twin beds, a sad expression on her face in the light from the table lamp.
Her father came out of the bathroom and Buffy's eyes grew large. He was dressed in underwear. Just shorts and nothing lese! Buffy had never seen him like this. She'd seen him in bathing suits, when they went to the beach, but this was something else, more private, somehow. Despite the fact that she was peeking and she knew it was wrong, the sight of her father made her heart beat a little faster.
He crossed the bedroom and picked up a glass on the dresser. It was almost full. Whiskey, Buffy knew. Daddy drank a lot of it lately. He put the glass to his lips and drained half the contents. Then he turned and glared at his wife accusingly.
"Furthermore, I haven't had a piece of tail in two weeks, which you'd know is true if you weren't such a cold bitch!"
Her mother walked over to where he stood and clenched her fists.
"I've heard enough! Do you hear, you cheap, drunken, whoring son of a bitch?"
Buffy's mother slapped her husband across the face, hard enough to be heard all over the house. The glass sailed from his hand and smashed to the floor.
Buffy was really frightened. Not of being caught spying, but scared that the fight would get bad enough for one of her parents to get hurt. She had seen her mother wear a black eye for three days once before.
Her father was a powerful man. His muscles glistened now in the bedroom light, rippling across his hairy bare chest, up through his shoulders, down his thick arms. He caught his wife's hair, long and red like Buffy's, and dragged her, screaming, to her bed. He shoved her roughly down on the mattress with one hand. With the other he yanked the front of her dressing gown open. The thin material tore away as he pulled the garment from her shoulders and arms.
Buffy's mother was still screaming. Her husband smashed his fist into her mouth. Buffy felt sick to her stomach, but something made her continue to watch.
Her mother's body was beautiful even though she was thirty-five. Her breasts were high and full, her skin was as smooth as satin. Her mother was lying and sobbing quietly in the light from the lamp, her skin a golden color, alive and vibrant.
"Yeah, you're a beautiful bitch, all right," Buffy's father said, looking down at his wife. "A man could get right down between your legs and start eating. You have that kind of power over men, don't you?"
"I don't know!" the girl's mother snarled back at him. "I don't think about filthy things like you do!"
"Bullshit, baby, bullshit!"
Buffy's eyes grew wider. Her father was taking off his shorts! He put his thumbs through the elastic waistband of the briefs and yanked them down over his hips. His cock sprang into view, and it was the first time the child had seen it. It was long and thick, and seemed to poke straight out from his belly. Buffy knew about boys, and she had seen a few of them her own age in the shower at school, by accident. But she had never dreamed boys' "things" grew to be this size!
"Suck it," her father said, holding the large shaft in his hand and pushing it out, almost touching his wife's face.
She socked him in the stomach with her fist.
"Get away from me, you filthy animal!"
He caught his wife's hands and pinned her arms behind her back. Then he crawled over her and straddled her thighs. They were both naked, and Buffy was seeing her father and mother about to copulate.
Her father forced her mother's thighs apart with his own and, continuing to pin her arms down with one hand, he used his other hand to guide himself into her.
"Ayyhhh! No! Stop it, goddamn you! You're drunk!"
"Shut your fucking mouth, you bitch! I'm getting my rocks off with you if I have to fucking rape you!"
The little girl watched as her father fucked her mother then. Buffy had heard about these things, and lots of girls at school made jokes about this adult practice, but she never dreamed that it would ever happen right in front of her eyes!
Her father's ass was hairy, and she was fascinated by the sight of his twin cheeks, pumping up and down. The crack was deep, with dark hairs running up inside, Buffy felt between the vee of her crotch. She wondered if she would ever be able to let a man put something that big inside her. She was sure she'd die if anybody ever tried. Her fingers pressed the material of her robe against her hairless pussy and rubbed back and forth.
"Gaagh!" her mother moaned. "Stop it! You're hurting me!"
"I should hurt you, you goddamn prima donna. You think your precious cunt is too good for me to fuck, don't you?"
He began to slam into her harder. The more she protested, the more brutally he used her pussy. The whiskey and passion had him in an insane grip now, and he couldn't be reasoned with.
"No! I don't think I'm too good for you! But not like this!"
"Bullshit, lady! I've heard that one before!"
The mattress of the bed was beginning to creak and Buffy wondered why her father was so mad. Her mother must have done and said some pretty hateful things. Daddy seemed to be angry most of the time now, and he stayed away from home more and more often.
Buffy's mother made another attempt to free herself from her husband's grasp. She began to twist her body wildly, and once threw him all the way out of her. He slapped his wife again and forced her back into position. The he shoved his cock into her with such force, she seemed to faint. Her legs lay open, splayed obscenely, and he began to pump his penis harder than ever in and out of her gash.
Buffy couldn't explain why the fuck scene in front of her made her crotch feel so warm. Her breathing was coming hard and the vee of her crotch seemed to tighten against her fingers. She slipped her hand inside her robe and felt her own naked cunt. It felt slightly moist, but she knew she didn't have to pee. It was a different feeling, one she had only felt in her sleep when she dreamed about the boys in the showers at school. She began to rub her index finger up and down between the small lips now, and the sensation got warmer and warmer. When she squeezed her legs together, the feeling was almost more than she could bear.
Her father was driving his cock in and out of her mother's cunt with such made a blur in was sobbing without stop, but she had stopped struggling. He let her arms go. Her breasts were heaving up and down. Her face was turned in the opposite direction from where the child watched.
Then her father stopped. He held his hard penis inside his wife's pussy for a moment without moving.
"I don't wanna come yet," he said. "You're gonna know you've been fucked, you hitch! You're gonna be so sore tomorrow you'll have to pee out your ass!"
The woman only sobbed. She couldn't words. Then he began to fuck in and out again in slow, steady thrusts.
Despite the way her father talked, Buffy thought she saw her mother's hips move. As young as she was, she understood this movement. She knew her own hips would be moving if her father was doing the same thing to her. She knew how her fingers were beginning to make her feel. It was the most delightful sensation she'd ever felt. Mother must be to hate it so much? Because father is forcing her to do it?
Buffy slipped her finger inside her cunt as far as if would go. Watching her father's body, she tried to match his movements. He was still going in and out slowly, and she was able to move her finger in time to his thrusts. She was pretending that the finger in her cunt was her father's cock, and each time he pushed his prick into his wife, Buffy pushed her finger all the way to her pussy barrier, making it hurt her the way her mother said fucking hurt. Her legs were getting weak and Buffy leaned against the doorframe, not caring now if her parents saw her with her finger in her twat.
Her father grabbed one of his wife's thighs and held it up. Her knee pressed into one of her large tits. He straddled her crotch and began to hammer hard again, sinking deeper and deeper into her hole, touching places he hadn't yet reached. She was forced onto her side, and Buffy could see the expression on her mother's face more clearly. There was an expression in the eyes that was no longer hatred. Her stare was glassy, almost happy. Her mouth was hanging open a little bit, and Buffy realized her own face must look a little bit this way too. She wished she could have stretched out on a bed to watch. She wanted to be in the same position her mother was in, while she worked another finger inside herself.
"Eeeaayyyhhh!" the man moaned. "I'm fucking gonna shoot!"
Suddenly, Buffy's mother's face was alarmed.
"Not inside me, you bastard!"
She began to beat her husband's chest with her fists. She was like a wild woman in her attempt to get away from him. He held her thighs firmly in place and paid no attention to her fists.
"I'll shoot it any fucking place I want!"
"No! No! Stop it! Pull it out! You promised me,!"
"Okay, lady, you asked for it!"
As the child watched, her father yanked his big cock out of his wife. Buffy almost fainted when she saw it. It seemed to have grown to twice the size it was before he started fucking. It was red now, and glistening wet in the light from the table lamp. It throbbed in the air, and the big head was almost purple. The skin looked stretched tight enough to break.
Buffy began to work her fingers in her cunt with lightning speed. She felt something happening in her crotch and she knew she had to let it run its course. It was.a feeling she had never experienced before, but at the moment it seemed to be the most important thing in the world to her. Her thighs were clamping her hand so tightly they almost cut off the circulation.
Climbing over his wife, Buffy's father grabbed her long red hair roughly and forced her head back. She cried out in pain and her mouth shot open. He shoved the throbbing cock into her open mouth and rammed it deeply into her throat.
"Swallow it then, bitch! Drink it!"
Buffy's mother began to choke and gag. The chilled watched the expression on her father’s face. She saw his eyes close and his mouth open as though he were in pain.
"Gaaagh! Aaeeeyyhh! Yeah! Yeah! Ahhhhhhhh-!"
An explosion hit the child's crotch then, and she felt herself grow dizzy with the excitement. Her fingers were tearing at her crotch, but she didn't notice the pain. All she was conscious of was the exquisite thrill of her first orgasm, and she'd have torn herself open gladly if it would have increased her pleasure. She sank back, out of sight, and continued to work her fingers until the sensations subsided. Finally, she pulled her hand away. It was sticky. Her crotch was still on fire and her heart beat so fast that it was difficult to breathe.
Buffy recovered her breath after a moment, and was aware that sounds still came from her parents' bedroom.
"Bastard! Son of a bitch! Lousy, dirty animal!
"Go fuck yourself."
"I’m leaving here tomorrow. I’m going to my sister’s. I might not ever come back!"
"Good riddance."
Buffy heard her mother sobbing again. She peeked back inside the room. Her mother was picking up her torn dressing gown from the floor. The sight of the mutilated material sent her into a fresh wave of tears. She threw the robe back onto the floor and rushed into the bathroom.
Buffy's father crossed to the dresser where a half-empty bottle of bourbon still sat. He took a long drink, and then started toward the door.
Buffy's heart almost stopped beating. She didn't have time to run to her bedroom before she was found out. But her father stopped and turned around. He hollered back toward the bathroom while she fled down the hallway and out of sight.
"From now on you'll have reasons to suspect me! From now on, you better hire a detective if you want to know what I'm up to!"
He was answered by loud sobs.
"Ah, fuck off!"
His voice was slurred and he staggered when he walked. He carried the bottle out of the room, down the stairway, and into the living room where he fell, naked, across the sofa. In less than a minute he was snoring, the bottle lying on the carpet next to him.
Buffy waited for fifteen minutes. Then she tiptoed out of her room again. Her parents' room was dark. The door was closed. She went silently down the stairs and found her father asleep. The sight of his naked body made the warmth come back to her crotch, but she turned off the lamp by the sofa and went back upstairs. When she got into bed, she pulled the covers over her head and slept.