"Crime Spells" - читать интересную книгу автора (Greenberg Martin H, Coleman Loren L, Weldon Phaedra M., Resnick Mike, Stackpole...)If Vanity Doesn’t Kill Me by For a guy who squeezed into a rubber nun’s habit before hanging himself in a dingy motel room closet, Robert Anderson didn’t look so bad. Sure, his face was still livid, especially that purple ring right above the noose, and his neck had stretched a bit, but with his eyes closed you couldn’t see the burst blood vessels. He looked peaceful. I glanced back over my shoulder at Cate Chase, the Medical Examiner. “I’ve seen worse. Is that a good thing?” “Let’s not start comparing instances.” With her red hair, blue eyes, and cream complexion, Cate should have been a heartbreaker. She would have been, save she was built like a legbreaker. One glance convinced most men that she could hurt them badly, and not in a good way. She jerked a thumb at the room’s vanity table. “What do you think?” I shrugged. Dragging it along had tipped over a can of soda, and a half-eaten sandwich had soaked most of it up. The Twinkie had resisted the soda, being stale enough you could have pounded nails with it. “Looks like he unscrewed it from the wall, shifted it so he could watch himself. Autoerotic asphyxiation?” She nodded. “Suffocating as you climax is supposed to take the orgasm off the charts. You pass out, you can strangle to death.” “Not my idea of fun.” “There go my plans for the rest of our afternoon.” She flicked a finger at Anderson. “Take another I caught her emphasis and breathed in. I closed my eyes for a second, then reopened them. I peered at him through magick. He was a silhouette, all black and drippy. Corpses tend to look like that. I’d seen it before. “Something special I’m supposed to see?” I faced her as I asked the question, and magick rendered her in shades of red gold, much like her hair. It put color into everything, save for that Twinkie. It was neither alive nor dead. Cate shook her head. “Something, I hoped. Anything.” I waited for her to expand on her comment, but she never got a chance. Detective Inspector Winston Prout charged into the room and thrust a finger into my chest. “What the hell are you doing here, Molloy?” “I invited him, Prout,” Cate said. I smiled. “Coffee date.” He glared at the both of us, about a heartbeat from arresting us for indecent urges. He was one of those skinny guys who’d look better as a corpse. He wouldn’t have to keep his parts all puckered and pinched tight. He habitually dressed in white from head to toe, and he had exchanged his skimmer for a fedora after his recent promotion to Inspector. “Civilians aren’t allowed in a crime scene, Molloy.” “My prints, my DNA are on record. I haven’t touched anything.” “If you don’t have a connection to this case, get the hell out of here.” I hesitated just a second too long. He raised an eyebrow. “You connected?” “Maybe.” I shrugged. “A little.” “Spill it.” “Your vic?” I nodded toward the man in the closet. “He’s married to my mother.” That little revelation had Prout’s eyes bugging out the way Anderson ’s must have at the end. I’d have enjoyed poking them back into his face, but he got control of himself pretty quickly. He was torn between wanting to arrest me right that second and fear that I’d already set a trap for him. He’d wanted a piece of me since before his stint in the Internal Affairs division. He saw it as a divine mission, and getting me tossed from the force for bribery hadn’t been enough. He punted the two of us, leaving a tech team to do the crime scene. Cate and I retreated through a hallway where painters were trying to cover years of grime in a jaunty yellow to a nearby coffee joint. We ordered in java-jerkese, then sat on the patio amid lunch-bunnies catching a post-Pilates, pre-spa jolt. “You didn’t know about Anderson, did you?” Cate shook her head. “Should I say I’m sorry for your loss?” “If it will make you feel better.” “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. He was a shit. He and my mother were very Christian, which meant they were usually anti-me.” Cate understood. Prejudice against those who are magically gifted isn’t uncommon, especially with Fun-dies. It’s that “thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” thing. Having a I blew on my coffee. “Why Cate leaned forward, resting her forearms on the table. “ Anderson ’s the fifth Brahmin who’s died like that in the last two months. Very embarrassing circumstances. The deaths have been swept under the carpet.” She fished in her pocket, produced a PDA, and beamed case files into mine. I glanced at the names on each document. I knew them. I dimly recalled that they’d died, but I couldn’t remember any details. I’d met three of them, liked one, but only because she didn’t like my mother. “How did Amanda Preakness die?” “You won’t want to look at the photos. She drowned. In her tub. In chocolate syrup.” “What?” She’d been slender enough to make Nancy Reagan look like a sumo wrestler. Tall and aristocratic, with a shock of white hair and a piercing stare, she could have dropped an enraged rhino with a glance. She always threw lavish parties but never ate more than a crumb. “Not possible.” “Not only did she drown in the syrup, but her belly was stuffed full of chocolate bars. Junk food everywhere at the scene, all washed down with cheap soda.” Cate shook her head. “Nothing to suggest anything but an accidental death. Or suicide.” “Neither of which could be reported, so her society friends wouldn’t snigger at her passing.” I frowned. “No leads?” “Plenty. Problem’s no investigation. I pester Prout. He hears but doesn’t listen.” “Which is odd since you suspect our killer is “Has to be. And strong.” Just being born with talent isn’t enough. Talent needs a trigger, and not many folks find that trigger. Mine’s whiskey-I discovered it when I was four by sucking drops from my old man’s shot glass after he passed out. The better the whiskey, the faster the power comes. Once you find the trigger, you next have to learn your channel. For most folks it’s the elements: earth, air, fire or water. A talented gardener with an earth channel is good; one who works with plants is better. Some channels are a bit more esoteric, like emotions. I even met a guy whose channel was death. Not really a fun guy, that one. If there was a killer, knowing his trigger and channel would be useful. I could guess on the channel being emotional or biological, but that didn’t narrow things down much. More importantly, it really did nothing to figure out I set the PDA down. “What’s in this for me?” Cate rocked back. “Stopping a murderer isn’t enough?” “Not like it’s my hobby. I work mopping up puke in a strip club. I know where I stand in the world. I don’t see this getting me ahead.” “Maybe it won’t, Molloy, maybe it won’t.” Cate’s eyes half lidded, and she gave me a pretty good Preakness-class glance. “Maybe it’ll stop you from sinking any lower.” “Is that possible?” “You’re not there yet.” Her expression hardened. “If you were, I’d ask if you had an alibi for when Anderson died.” I guess being a murderer would be a step down. Not that I minded Anderson being dead. Given the right circumstances I might even have killed him. Or, at least, let him die. A shrink would have said it because he was a surrogate for my mother and that secretly I was wishing her dead. There wasn’t any “secretly” about it. I knew I had to start with her, so I reluctantly left Cate. The part I was resisting was that seeing her would prove she was still alive. I tried to look on the bright side. Maybe she was sick, really, really sick. And not just in the head this time. The Anderson Estate up in Union Heights was hard to miss. Fortune 500 companies had smaller corporate headquarters. The fence surrounding it had just enough juice flowing through it to stun you; then the dogs would gnaw on you for a good long time. The gate was already open, and a squad car was parked there. The officers waved me past, but it wasn’t any blue-brotherhood thing. I’d never known them when I was on the force. I’d just gotten their asses out of trouble at the strip club. Took me two minutes to reach the front door. Would have been longer, but I cut straight across the lawn. Wilkerson, the chief of staff-which is how you now pronounce the word “butler”-opened the door before I’d hit the top step. “It will do no good to say the lady of the house does not wish to see you, correct?” He didn’t even wait for me to reply before he stepped aside. He looked me up and down once. He channeled my mother’s mortification, then led the way up the grand staircase to my mother’s dressing room. He hesitated for a moment and memorized the location of every item in the room, then reluctantly departed, confident the looting would begin once the door clicked shut. The room was my mother: elegant, well appointed, tasteful, and traditional. I’m sure it was all “revival” something, but I couldn’t tell what. Even though she’d made an attempt to “civilize” me in my teens, very little had stuck. I did know that if it looked old, it was Not so my mother. She swept into the room wearing a dark blue dressing gown-clearly Anderson ’s-and dabbed at her eyes with a monogrammed handkerchief. Her eyes were puffy and rimmed with red. For a moment I believed she might have been crying for him, but grief I could have felt radiating out from her. My mother doesn’t radiate emotions. She sucks them in. Like a black hole. I think that’s why her daughter is a nun in Nepal, I’m a waste of flesh, and my half-brother is the Prince of Darkness. “There’s nothing in his will for you, Patrick.” “Good to see you, too, Mother. I hope he spent it all on himself.” Her blue eyes tightened. “It’s in a trust, all of it, save for a few charitable donations.” I chuckled. “That explains the tears. Hurts to still be on an allowance.” “Yours is done, Patrick. I know he used to give you money.” She fingered the diamond-encrusted crucifix at her throat. “He was too softhearted.” “He gave me money Her eyes widened. “You beast! If you breathe a word!” Tears flowed fast. “How much do you want?” “I don’t want anything.” I shook my head. “Five people have died in the last two months, your husband included. All of them nasty. Sean Hogan, Amanda Preakness, Percival Kendall Ford, and Dorothy Kent.” “Dottie? They said it was a botox allergy.” “It doesn’t matter what they said, Mother.” She blinked and quickly made the sign of the cross. “Are you confessing to me, Patrick? Have you done this? Have you come for me?” “Stop!” I balled my fists and began to mutter. Like most folks, she bought into the Vatican version of the Tempting, so tempting. She paled and then sat hard on a daybed. “I’ll do anything you ask, Patrick. You don’t want to hurt me, your mother.” I snorted. If she had enough presence of mind to invoke the maternal bond, she wasn’t really shocked, just scheming. “How was Anderson hooked up with the others?” “Hogan did the trust work, damn him. Everyone else we knew socially. The Club, of course, the Opera Society. Various nonprofit boards.” She paused, her eyes sharpening. “Yes, this is all your fault.” “My fault?” “Absolutely. They were all on the board of The Fellowship. All of them.” Her accusing finger quivered. “I never wanted him to have anything to do with that place, but he did, because of you. And now he’s dead.” “The Fellowship never killed anyone.” “They saved your life, Patrick. I know. He told me.” Her eyes became arctic slits. “If they hadn’t, if you were dead, my husband wouldn’t be. Dear God, I wish it were so.” She burst into a series of sobs that were as piteous as they were fake, so I took my leave. It really hadn’t been her best effort at emotional torture. Anderson ’s death had hurt her. Probably it was more than having a leash on her spending. I wondered how long it would be until she realized that herself. From the Heights I descended back into my realm. People in my mother’s class acknowledge it exists, but only just barely. It’s where they go slumming when cheating at golf has lost its thrill. For the rest of us it’s just a waiting room. Prison or death, those are your choices. Sure, you hear stories of someone making good and escaping. Never seems any of us down here knew them when; and they damned sure don’t know any of us now. Reverend Martha Raines could have made it out, but she stayed by choice. She was kind of the “after” picture of Amanda Preakness doing a chocolate diet for a decade or two; but her brown eyes had never narrowed in anger. Not that she couldn’t be passionate. She could, and she often held forth at City Council meetings or prayer services. She kept her white hair long and wore it in a braid that she tied off with little beaded cords the children in her mission made for her. She smiled broadly as I stepped through the door, and I couldn’t help but mirror it. Even before we could speak, she caught me in a hug and held on tight, even when I was ready to let go. She whispered, “You need this, Patrick.” Maybe I did. Finally she stepped back. “I’m so sorry for your loss.” “No loss.” She gave me a sidelong glance. “I seem to remember things a little bit differently.” “You always think the best of everyone.” “It’s a skill you could acquire.” “I don’t like being disappointed.” She slipped an arm around my waist and guided me into the mission. The Fellowship has built out through several warehouses and manufacturing buildings that, save for Martha’s fiery oratory, would have long since been converted into lofts. The city wanted this end of town gentrified and envisioned galleries and bistros. Martha thought buildings should house people and proved convincing when she addressed the City Council. Things had changed a lot since I’d done my time in the mission. The first hall still served as church and dining facility, but the stacks of mattresses that used to be piled in the corner had moved deeper into the complex. The far wall had been decorated with a huge mural that looked like a detail piece of da Vinci’s Martha smiled. “Our artist is very talented.” I raised an eyebrow. “Talented? Or “She’s a lot like you, Patrick.” Martha just smiled. “You’ll like her.” “I need to ask you some questions.” “About Bob Anderson?” “About all of them.” She studied my face for a moment, then led me over to a table and pulled out two chairs. She sat facing me and took my hands in hers. “They were all lovely people, every one of them. I know many people said bad things about them; but they had seen the work we do here. They wanted to help. They did things for us. Projects. Fundraisers. What they gave wasn’t much for them, but it was everything for us.” I nodded. “When they died, they left the mission money.” Martha drew back. “What are you suggesting?” “There are idiots down here who figure that if you start making money, they want a piece. Criminals aren’t bright; and you’re a soft touch.” “True on both counts.” She smiled. “But your step-father and Sean Hogan were not stupid. Bequests go into a trust with a board of trustees who vote on capital expenses. I can’t really touch that money. More to the point, no one has tried to extort money.” “No rivalries? No animosity on the committee?” Martha smiled. “The meetings were all very pleasant.” That didn’t surprise me. Martha had It was her inclination to think the best of folks that had her believing Anderson ’s death was a loss. She remembered he’d pulled me out of the mission and had given me money. She thought I’d been rescued. My mother, having taken to Christianity like a drunk to vodka, had tried to save me a couple times before, especially after my father went away. Martha thought this was another instance of maternal concern. Truth was, Anderson had been fed up. He just wanted me to stop embarrassing my mother. He wanted me gone from the city. By giving me money he hoped I’d crawl into some motel room and die anonymously, pretty much the way he did. What goes around, comes around. “Who else was on the committee?” “No one, per se. They’d lined up a number of people to make donations. Let me get you a list.” Martha left her chair, then waved a hand at a petite woman with white blonde hair and a pale complexion. She had freckles, but they were barely visible beneath a spattering of paint. “Leah, come here. I want you to meet Patrick Molloy. He used to live here, too.” Leah smiled at me, all the way up into her blue eyes. I started liking her right then, because a lot of beautiful women would have been mortified to be introduced wearing overalls thick with paint. She wiped her hand on a rag, then offered it to me, bespeckled and smeared. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Mr. Molloy.” “Trick.” She had a firm handshake, warm and dry. My flesh tingled as we touched. It was more than attraction. She truly was I nodded toward the mural. “Nice work.” She smiled and reluctantly released my hand as Martha headed toward her office. “You recognize it as da Vinci, yes?” “Not his style.” “True. I interpreted it through “Uh-huh.” Leah laughed delightfully. “Sixteenth- and seventeenth century painters in Flanders and the Netherlands popularized the style. It’s still-life with decay. It’s supposed to remind us that everything is fleeting and that we’ll die some day. But you knew that.” It was my turn to laugh. “That’s maybe the one bit of art knowledge that stuck. I was in my nihilistic teen phase when I was force-fed.” “I’m sorry.” “For?” “Art is something that everyone should experience because it helps them grow. You got it as though you were a veal calf being fattened up. No wonder you didn’t like it.” “I wouldn’t say that.” “But you don’t go to galleries or museums, do you?” She glanced down. “I used to, all the time. I’d sit and sketch. I’d see the work through the artist’s eyes, and then I’d endure watching boorish people troop through, or school kids rushed through with only enough time to look at the back of the kid in front of them. They were walking through beauty and saw none of it. Yet the teachers and the parents all thought the kids were getting culture.” “They were, it was just the McRembrandt version of it.” She snorted out a little laugh but didn’t look up. “I kind of lost it. Nervous breakdown. That’s how I ended up here. Martha’s very good at putting puzzles back together.” I nodded, reached up, and parted my hair. “You can’t even see the joints anymore.” Leah laughed openly, warmly, and looked up again. “She said you could be cold, but I don’t get that. And she said you could be trusted.” “She’s right on both counts.” “I’m right? I guess my work here is done.” Martha handed me a printout of the recent donors to the mission. “The initials after each name indicates the contact.” “Thanks.” I wasn’t sure what the list would get me, but if the Fellowship was the connection, it was a vector in. “I guess I have to go to work.” Martha smiled. “You go, but you’re going to come back later. We’ll be having a big crowd tonight, and I need an extra hand on the soup line.” Leah nodded. “You soup them, I’ll bread them.” I studied her face, then smiled pretty much against my will. “I think I’d like that.” Back in the street, my phone rang. Cate. “ 4721 Black Oak Road. You want to be here now.” “Who?” “E. Theodore Carlson.” I glanced at the printout. “We have a winner.” “I’d hate to see what happened to the loser. Hurry, Trick. It’s not pretty, and it isn’t going to get any better with time.” Cate wasn’t kidding. The corpse was ripe. He’d been dead a couple of days. Carlson had a reputation as a food critic and gourmand who got himself a cooking show and sold a lot of cookbooks and spices. While he liked exotic stuff, his critics claimed he simplified things for the common man. He took folks living hand to mouth and made them think they were mastering All while using hot dogs, ground chuck, catsup, and the secret ingredient. Food lay all around in the kitchen, on presentation platters, but it had curdled or dried, crumbled or gotten covered in flies. He even had packaged cupcakes arranged on a set of stacked trays looking festive. They were the only things that hadn’t gone bad yet, but that didn’t soften the most gruesome aspect of the scene-aside from the corpse, that is. On the granite countertop of the island, in a roasting pan surrounded by potatoes and carrots and chopped onions, lay a leg. A human leg. Carlson’s leg. He’d managed to hack it off at the knee, rub some salt on it, add pepper, before he collapsed and bled out on the floor. The butcher’s knife lay half beneath him, covered in bloody prints. The angle of the cuts and the way the bone was sheared meant he’d taken the leg off with only a couple whacks. I looked around. “What did Prout say? Carlson slipped?” Cate shook her head. “He was gone before I got here. Manny said he covered his mouth with a handkerchief, then got that look on his face like he’d gotten an idea.” Manny, who was taking pictures of the scene, grunted. “I said he looked like he’d just dumped a load in his tighty-whities.” “Same thing when his brain has movement.” My eyes tightened. “Time of death?” “Two days, three.” I glanced at my PDA and the listing of case files. “Killer’s on a tight cycle, and it’s getting faster. Two days between Carlson and Anderson. Someone is going to die in the next twelve hours.” “No, they won’t.” I spun. Prout had returned, with handkerchief in place. “We just arrested the murderer.” “What? Who?” He lowered the handkerchief so I could see his sneer. “Martha Raines.” “Are you out of your mind?” “Only if you are, Molloy.” His beady eyes never wavered. “You followed the money. So did I. The Fellowship’s made millions on these deaths. You didn’t want to see it because you always were a lousy detective.” “Arresting Raines solves nothing.” “You trying to confess to being an accomplice? How much did she pay you?” I glanced at Prout through magick. He looked almost as bad as the corpse, all mushroom gray and speckled with black. He had no Cate grabbed my shoulder. “Don’t.” Prout gave her a hard stare. “I think you better escort your friend from my crime scene.” “He’s going. He’s got a friend in jail who could use a visit.” She poked a finger into Prout’s chest, leaving a single bloody fingerprint on his tie. It looked like a bullet hole, and I wished to God it were. “But this isn’t Prout snorted. “Take your time.” Cate shook her head. “I don’t have any. The killer’s next vic will show up in another six hours, so time is not a luxury I enjoy.” I would have stayed, just to bask in the glory of that sour expression on Prout’s face, but Manny got a shot of it. He gave me a wink. I’d be seeing it again. I wished he had a shot of the sneer too. I wanted it for reference. Next time I saw it I was going to realign the nose and jaw. Cate had been right. Martha was in jail, and it wasn’t for picketing some city office this time. She needed a friend. I owed her. I didn’t think the bulls down in lockup would want to do her any harm, but they’d have to cage her with the hard cases. Still, a visit could get her out of a holding cell at least for a little bit. I got down to the jail pretty quick. I only made one stop, at a drive-through liquor store. I bought a bottle of twelve-year-old Irish whiskey and took a long pull off it. Recorking it, I slid it under my seat. It burned down my throat and out into my veins. It made me feel more alive, and it prepped me to use magick, just in case. I didn’t need it. Hector Sands was working the desk, and he’d always believed I’d been framed for bribery. “You want to see Raines? Do you have to?” “What am I not getting?” Hector took me through into the holding area. Two big cells separated by a tiled corridor. Usually it was awash in profanity, urine, spittle, blood, and any other bodily fluid or solid that could be squirted, hurled or expelled. People didn’t like being caged like animals; so they acted like animals in protest. Not this time, though. Martha Raines sat on a cot, with all the other inmates sitting on the floor and the people across the corridor hanging onto the bars. And hanging onto her every word. She just spoke in low tones, so quiet I could barely hear her. Maybe I couldn’t. Maybe I was just remembering her calm voice and soft words. I heard her telling me that drinking myself to death wasn’t going to solve problems. She told me I had something to live for. It really didn’t matter what. I could change things from day to day. They were out there. I owed it to them and myself to straighten out. “Been like that since we put her in the population. See why I don’t want to take her out?” “Yeah. You’ll call me if there is trouble?” Hector nodded. “I have to call Prout, too.” He glanced up at the security cameras. “I wouldn’t, but he wanted to know when you showed up, and he’ll go through the tapes.” “Got it. Don’t want you jammed up.” “I’ll wait till the end of my shift, about an hour, to call, you know, if that will help.” I nodded, even though I didn’t care. He’d call Prout. Prout would call me. I wouldn’t answer. It didn’t matter. “Thanks.” I left the jail armed with two things. The first was the list. The fact that Martha had given it to me without hesitation spoke against her guilt. If she were killing people, there’s no reason she would hand me a list of her victims. Unless she wanted to be stopped. Serial killers feel compelled to kill, which is why they cycle faster and faster, their need pushing aside anything else. I wanted to dismiss the possibility of Martha’s guilt outright, but I didn’t know if she had alibis. I only had her word about how nicely things had gone. What if Anderson and Hogan set up the trusts for another reason, to deny her funding and to oust her? What if they were scheming to move the mission and profit from the location, using that project as some cornerstone to gentrify a swath of the city? Would that be enough to make her snap? I crossed to a little bistro and ordered coffee. Martha was And if she could do that, could she convince a jury-no matter how overwhelming the evidence-to let her go? If she could, there was no way she could ever be brought to justice. While the Fellowship was a noble undertaking, did its preservation justify murder? Those were bigger questions than I could answer, so I did what I could do with the meager resources at hand. Starting at the top, I called down the donor list. I left messages-mostly with servants, since these sorts of folks like that personal touch-or talked to the donors directly. I told them there was a meeting of donors in the Diamond Room at the Ultra Hotel at nine. I told everyone to be there. I didn’t so much care that it disrupted their evenings as much as I hoped it would disrupt the killer’s pattern. It took me two hours to go through the list. I spent a lot of time on hold or listening to bullshit excuses, so I used it to study those case files. Cate was right; I really didn’t want to look at the Preakness photos. There was something there, though, in all of them, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. At the end of those two hours I was no closer to knowing who the next victim would be. Then it came to me. Prout. He’d never called. I drove to his home as fast as I could. Red lights and a fender bender let me double-check the full case packages Cate had sent me. I finally saw it. As far as a signature for a serial killer goes, this one was pretty subtle. Maybe there was part of me that didn’t want to see it before, but there was no denying it now. I rolled to a stop on the darkened street in front of the little house with the white picket fence. Figured. He probably owned a poodle. A sign in an upstairs window told firefighters there were two children in that room. I didn’t even know he was married. I fished the whiskey from beneath the seat and drank deep. I brought the bottle. Prout wouldn’t have anything there, and if he did, he’d not offer. That’s okay. I don’t like to impose. I crossed the street and vaulted the fence. I could have boosted my leap with magick, but there was no reason to waste it. And it didn’t surprise me that the hand I’d put on the fencepost came away wet with white paint. Had my head not been full of whiskey vapors, I’d have smelled it. White footprints led up the steps and across the porch, hurried and urgent. The screen door had shut behind him, but the solid door remained ajar. Beyond it, darkness and the flickering of candles. That wasn’t right for the house. It should have been brightly lit, all Formica and white vinyl, with plastic couch-condoms covering every stick of furniture. Lace doilies, and white leather-bound editions of the Bible scattered about. I toed the door open. I got the last thing right. Bibles had been scattered, page by page. They littered the darkened living room. Across from the doorway sat a woman in a modest dress, and a little girl in a matching outfit. Both had been duct taped into spindly chairs, with a strip over their mouths to keep them quiet. On the wall, where I guess once hung the slashed portrait of Jesus crumpled in the corner, someone had painted a pentagram in sloppy red strokes. A little boy hung upside down at the heart of it, from a hook to which his feet were bound. He’d been muted with duct tape too, and stared in horror at the center of the floor. His father sat there, naked, in a circle of black candles. Thirteen of them. He’d cut himself on the neck and wrists-nothing life-threatening-and blood had run over his chest and been smeared over his belly. He clutched a long carving knife in two hands. He waved it through the air, closing one eye, measuring his son for strokes that would take him to pieces. I took another drink, and not because I needed the magick. Prout looked up at me. “Yes, Father Satan, I have serve thee well, and I now have this sacrifice for you.” I held a hand out. “Easy, Prout.” He wasn’t listening. “You come to me in the shape of my enemy to mock me. I did harm to your pet. That opened my heart to you, didn’t it?” I had no idea what he was going on about, but talking was better than slashing. “You begin to see things, my son.” He nodded and studied his reflection in the blade. I looked at him through magick. Prout had always been leopard-spotted, just full of weaknesses. That had changed. The spots had become long, oily rivers that ran up and down his body, like circulating currents. I’d never seen its like before, but it wasn’t part of Prout. He had no talent. I closed my fist and opened it again. A blue spark, invisible to Prout and his family, flew from my palm and drilled into his forehead. His stripes went jagged. He tried to rise, then toppled and fell, snuffing two of the candles against his belly. I looked past him toward the kitchen. “Come on out, Leah. This ends here.” The young artist stepped from the darkened kitchen, glowing silver with magick. She’d streaked paint over her face and in her hair. It had to be her trigger-something in it, or the scent-and the glow made her very powerful. She opened her hands innocently and stared into my eyes. “You don’t know what he did, Trick.” “He arrested Martha for your murders.” “Not that.” Her voice came soft and gentle, like a lover’s whisper. “Before that, when he was investigating you. He knew you were set up. He had evidence to clear you. He didn’t. You know why? Your mother is part of his church. You were an embarrassment for her. He wanted to make you go away.” I stared down at the man and suddenly found the knife in my hand. Prout I weighed the knife in my hand. “Right. He’s a hypocrite.” “Just like the others. They all pledged money, but only in trust, only upon death, for capital expenses, not operations.” Leah’s eyes narrowed. “They knew how tight things were for the mission. They helped Martha to expand until she couldn’t keep the place going. They had their own plans. They’d move her out, revoke their gifts. They had to be stopped.” “You made them pay.” “I made them reveal themselves. They wallowed in their own vanity. They died embracing their inner reality.” “Why the staging? The rotten food from the “It was all a warning to others. They should have seen death coming.” “And the Twinkie. I saw one at each site.” Leah smiled coldly. “The promise of life everlasting. They never saw it.” “They never could have understood.” “But you do, Trick.” Her eyes blazed. “You have to kill Prout. He betrayed you. Let him die here. Let everyone see how black his heart really is.” Argent arcane fire poured over me. Every moment of pain I’d felt exploded within. I’d made a good life. I’d had friends. I’d been respected, and Prout conspired with my mother and with criminals to smear me and destroy me. Leah’s magick wrapped me up and bled down into the blade, tracing silver lightning bolts over the metal. One second. A heartbeat. A quick stroke and Prout’s blood would splash hot over me. I could revel in it. Victory, finally. Then it was over. I dropped the knife. She stared at me. “How?” “I’ve been where you’ve been, darlin’. As low as can be.” I let blue energy gather in my palm. “No vanity. No illusion. I know exactly what I am.” The azure bolt caught her in the chest and smashed her back against the wall. Plasterboard cracked. She left a bloody smear as she sank to the floor. In turn I used magick to put Prout’s family out and to let them forget. They’d have nightmares, but there was no reason to make them worse. And it was going to get worse. I’d been worried that Martha could have turned a jury with her I had to deal with it. I picked up the knife. I wrapped Prout’s hand around it. We went to work. Cate found me on the hill overlooking Anderson ’s graveside service. Huge crowd, including Prout. He dressed properly. The only white on him was his shirt and bandages on his face. He stood beside my mother, steadying her, being stoic and heroic. That was his right, after all, since he’d put an end to the Society Murderess. “How can you watch this, Trick?” “Only way I can make sure he’s dead.” I half-smiled. “Think my mother will throw herself on the casket?” “Not her. Prout. Preening.” “Why shouldn’t he? He’s a hero. He killed a sociopath.” I nodded toward him. “She put up a hell of a fight before he stabbed her through the heart. I heard his jaw was broken in two places.” “Three. Cracked orbit, busted nose.” “Whoda thunk she could hit that hard?” “Never met her.” Cate shook her head. “How’s your hand?” “Scrapes and bruises. I’ll be more careful walking to the bathroom in the dark.” “You know, there were some anomalous fingerprints on the knife.” “Ever match ’em?” “No. Was I wrong about you, Trick?” “I don’t think so, Cate.” I met her stare openly. “They need their heroes. They need someone to fend off the things lurking beyond the firelight. Prout battled to save his family. Its best he never knows how much danger he was in. How much danger they were all in. All their fear and they couldn’t even imagine.” “I don’t think they really want to.” “You’re probably right.” Down below, Martha Raines closed the prayer book and made a final comment. I didn’t hear it. I didn’t need to. They did, and they looked peaceful. |