"Лю Гуань Юй. Секреты китайской медитации " - читать интересную книгу автора

Лю Гуань Юй

Секреты китайской медитации.

Charles Luk (Lu K'uan Yu) [1898-1978]

Born in Canton in 1898 and died in 1978. His first Master was Hutuktu
of Sikang - an enlightened Great Lama. His second Master was the Venerable
Ch'an Master Hsu Yun, the best-known modern Ch'an Master. Throughout his
life Lu K'uan Yu contributed to Buddhist publications in India, London,
Paris, and New York, for he passionately devoted his life to presenting
Chinese Buddhist texts to Westerners because he wanted to preserve Buddhism.
From "Ch'an and Zen Teaching"
Ch'an and Zen Teaching contents:
Ch'an and Zen Teaching Volume 1
- Master Hsu Yun's Discourses and Dharma Words (with aditional chapter)
- Stories of Six Ch'an Masters
- The Diamond Cutter of Doubts A commentary on the Diamond Sutra by
Ch'an Master Han Shan
- A Straight Talk on the Heart Sutra by Ch'an Master Han Shan

Ch'an and Zen Teaching Volume 2
- The Forty Transmission Gathas
- The Stories of the Founders of Five Ch'an Sects

Ch'an and Zen Teaching Volume 3
- The Altar Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch The supreme Zen Sutra of Hui
- Yung Chia's Song of Enlightnment by Ch'an Master Yung Chia
- The Sutra of Complete Enlightment by Ch'an Master Han Shan

Complete Bibliography
Ch'an and Zen Teaching, Series I, II, III
Rider, London 1960, 1975
Shambala Publications 1970, 1971
Century-Hutchinson 1987
Samuel Weiser 1993
Practical Buddhism
Rider, London 1971
Secrets of Chinese Meditation
Rider, London 1964, 1971
Weiser, 1969
The Surangama Sutra
Rider, London 1969, 1973
The Transmission of the Mind Outside the Teaching
Rider, London 1974
New York: Grove Press, 1975
The Vilamakirti Sutra
Shambala 1972
Taoist Yoga : Alchemy And Immortality