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Simon bowled off to Hampstead through deserted streets. He sat back in
the car in a state of pleasant excitement. Presently they
began to climb the steep little hill and emerged into an open space
with a pond and the tops of trees, black and deep as a jungle in the
darkness. The night butler admitted him to the low Georgian house* and led
him to the library, where Sir James Macrae was standing before the fire,
dressed in ginger-coloured plus-fours. A table was laid with supper.
'Evening, Lent. Nice of you to come. Have to fit in business when I
can. Cocoa or whisky? Have some rabbit pie; it's rather good. First chance
of a meal I've had since breakfast. Ring for some more cocoa, there's a good
chap. Now what was it you wanted to see me about?'
'Well, I thought you wanted to see me.'
'Did I? Very likely. Miss Bentham'll know. She arranged the
appointment. You might ring the bell on the desk, will you?'
Simon rang and there instantly appeared the neat night secretary.
'Miss Bentham, what did I want to see Mr Lent about?'
'I'm afraid I couldn't say, Sir James. Miss Harper is responsible for
Mr Lent. When I came on duty this evening I merely found a note from her
asking me to fix an appointment as soon as possible.'
'Pity,' said Sir James. 'We'll have to wait until Miss Harper comes on
'I think it was something about writing for films.'
'Very likely,' said Sir James. 'Sure to be something of the kind. I'll
let you know without delay. Thanks for dropping in.' He put down his cup of
cocoa and held out his hand with unaffected cordiality. 'Good night, my dear
boy.' He rang the bell for the night butler. 'Sanders, I want Benson to run
Mr Lent back.'
'I'm sorry, sir. Benson has just gone down to the studio to fetch Miss
'Pity,' said Sir James. 'Still, I expect you'll be able to pick up a
taxi or something.'


Simon got to bed at half-past four. At ten minutes past eight the
telephone by his bed was ringing.
'Mr Lent? This is Sir James Macrae's secretary speaking. Sir
James's car will call for you at half-past eight to take you to the
'I shan't be ready as soon as that, I'm afraid.'
There was a shocked pause; then the day secretary said: 'Very well, Mr
Lent. I will see if some alternative arrangement is possible and ring you in
a few minutes.'