"Джон Варли. Платежное поручение(engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

on its sides. Halfway up a long steel fence twisted, topped with charged
barbed wire. On the other side a guard walked slowly, a tiny figure
patrolling with a rifle and helmet.
At the top of the hill lay an enormous concrete block, a towering
structure without windows or doors. Mounted guns caught the early morning
sunlight, glinting in a row along the roof of the building.
"So that's the Plant," Kelly said softly.
"That's it. It would take an army to get up there, up that hill and
over the fence. Unless they were allowed in." Jennings got to his feet,
helping Kelly up. They walked back along the path, through the trees, to
where Kelly had parked the cruiser.
"Do you really think your green cloth band will get you in?" Kelly
said, sliding behind the wheel.
"According to the people in the town, a truckload of laborers will be
brought in to the Plant sometime this morning. The truck is unloaded at the
entrance and the men examined. If everything's in order they're let inside
the grounds, past the fence. For construction work, manual labor. At the end
of the day they're let out again and driven back to town."
"Will that get you close enough?"
"I'll be on the other side of the fence, at least."
"How will you get to the time scoop? That must be inside the building,
some place."
Jennings brought out a small code key. "This will get me in. I hope. I
assume it will."
Kelly took the key, examining it. "So that's one of your trinkets. We
should have taken a better look inside your little cloth bag."
"The Company. I saw several little bags of trinkets pass out, through
my hands. Rethrick never said anything."
"Probably the Company assumed no one would ever want to get back inside
again." Jennings took the code key from her. "Now, do you know what you're
supposed to do?"
"I'm supposed to stay here with the cruiser until you get back. You're
to give me the material. Then I'm to carry it back to New York and wait for
you to contact me."
"That's right." Jennings studied the distant road, leading through the
trees to the Plant gate. "I better get down there. The truck may be along
any time."
"What if they decide to count the number of workers?"
"I'll have to take the chance. But I'm not worried. I'm sure he foresaw
Kelly smiled. "You and your friend, your helpful friend. I hope he left
you enough things to get you out again, after you have the photographs."
"Do you?"
"Why not?" Kelly said easily. "I always liked you. You know that. You
knew when you came to me."
Jennings stepped out of the cruiser. He had on overalls and workshoes,
and a gray sweatshirt. "I'll see you later. If everything goes all right. I
think it will." He patted his pocket. "With my charms here, my good-luck