"Marina Tsvetaeva. The Best (translated by Ilya Shambat) (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

Of your face, wondering for centuries.

How memorable is the asking, attentive
Stare - inviting to sit near -
And the worldy flattery of the dying
And the smile from the great Afar -

My dear friend, gone to sailing eternally -
A fresh hillock among other mounds!
Pray that there will not be other sailors
Ensconced in your heavenly sound.

From Cycle "Girlfriend"

You're happy? You won't say! Barely!
Better let go!
You kissed too many, I do think,
Therefrom, sorrow.

All heroines of Shakespeare's tragedies
In you I see.
Nobody saved you, you the young
Tragic lady.

You are so tired of repeating
Love's charm!
Eloquent, the pig iron bracelet
On bloodless arm.

I love you. - Like a thundercloud
Above you - sin -
Because you're best of all and caustic
And sting,

Because in darkness of the roads differ
Our lives and we,
For your inspired enticement and
Dark destiny,

Because to you, my round-headed demon,
"Forgive" I'll say,
Because you - tear apart above the coffin! -
Cannot be saved!