"Marina Tsvetaeva. The Best (translated by Ilya Shambat) (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

Will have their time.

x x x

Passing me by, as you walk
To charms doubtful and not mine -
If you but knew how much fire,
How much life is wasted in vain,

On the rustling, occasional shade
What a heroic flame -
And how enflamed my heart
This gunpowder wasted in vain!

O the trains flying into the night,
Carrying sleep on the station away..
If you recognized - if you but knew -
Then and there, I know, anyway.

Why are my words so sharp
In the smoke of my cigarette -
How much dark and menacing angst
Is there in my light-haired head.

x x x

My voice is dumb and all the words,
In vain. So now, go!
I won't be in the right before
Anyone, I know.

Beautiful coward, in this battle
It's not for me to fall!
But, dear youth, I do not fight
For power in this world.

And this the noble-minded verse
Never yourself denies.
You can - because of someone else -
Not see my very eyes,

Not to grow blind upon my flame,