"Marina Tsvetaeva. The Best (translated by Ilya Shambat) (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

A bit are her bluish shoes.

There's fanciful pattern of golden edge,
A turquoise thread in the curls.
"We'll play on the road, together us two:
You - little boy, me - a girl

Put on (you're the knight) my scarf of lace!"
I silently gave the bouquet...
And with a milky and even cold wave
The moon washed the parquet.


I have brought you a bouquet,
Scarlet-red roses, poppies.
I'm not same in anything,
I'm the happy boy-madness.

I'll blow out a yellow candle -
It will be a flashlight pink.
And a golden diadem
I will wear like a king.

I'm a conqueror sleepy
Kingdoms, a mage. Is't full, King?
I'm a doctor that is healing
Without pills or medicines.

Why the medicines? Why pills too?
We will dance together, kid!
Now flies mounted on a chair
A completely empty bed.

Where he's from - it is my secret:
Serpent, red, will weave and hiss.
I am laughing, all are laughing.
I'm the happy boy-madness.

On a New Year

Let's meet the stranger with a lamp,