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KupalaKresen (June) 23

(In the Old Russian tongue, Kupala means "bather"). Today the holiday of
the Summer Solstice and remembrance of the human sacrifices made in olden
times to the Master of things Sub-marine, Jasse (Dragon). All through the
night people are celebrating, singing songs, hiking, doing readings
(fortune-telling). A blot is held near water. In times gone by, fires were
lit in preparation for a sacrifice of a young maiden by rowning in the
river. Later, however, the human sacrifice was replaced by a doll made of
bread (a loaf-doll).

The Day of Remembrance for Knjaz Sviatoslav the GreatCherven (July) 3

Sviatoslav, the Great Pagan Knjaz of Rus fought an extremely devastating
war with Byzantium. Sviatoslav had not the least bit of respect for
Christianity. He enlarged the lands of Rus from Hasar's land on the Volga
River to the Danube in the Balkans. Pechenegs was expelled and stopped the
influx of Christianity. At the time of Tsargrad's siege, Sviatoslav
sufferred some losses, and his persecution by the Christians continued.
"Then he saw that they were intractable, he had hatred for the Christian
priests. People were sent to Kiev and it was ordered, 'Burn and destroy all
the Christian churches and temples in Kiev.' And later he went himself to
Kiev, wanting all Christians to be killed. So let it be." Thus in 980,
Sviatoslav's people destroyed the churches and placed representations of
the pagan Gods on its remains.

Perun's DayCherven (July) 20

This is the holiday on which the Great God of Thunder, Perun, is
celebrated. On this day human sacrifices (the slaying of a man or woman
for God), were made on 12th of Cherven (July). At that time, a bull was
also sacrificed and people feasted on the animal. The King and the Volvhs
organized a spectacular fete with plays and much merry-making. "In the year
6491, the old men would make the decision; 'Cast lots on a boy and a girl.
Destiny will decide who will be sacrificed.' There was a Varagian Christian
who had a son. The lot [for sacrifice] fell on his son." (From Povest
Vremeniih Let [The Tale of Years Past])

Harvest HolidaySerpen (August) 7

This is a holiday of bread, a holiday of the harvest. In the fields
people cease their reaping in honor of Volos's beard. Thanks are brought
to Volos and to Mother Earth in gratitude for a large harvest.

SproshinkiSerpen (August) 15

This is an agricultural holiday celebrating the end of haymaking. People
have a good time, feasting, boxing, and much more.

The Day of Remembrance for the Pagan People of NovgorodRuen (September) 3