"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

"For that I won't forgive you but perhaps"-she smiled up at him-"I will make
some allowance for good behavior."


Wedge Antilles felt decidedly uncomfortable out of uniform. Actually, I feel
uncomfortable out of the service. During the covert mission to Coruscant, he'd
not been in hailing distance of an Alliance uniform, and he'd even worn Imperial
uni-forms a couple of times, but that had not bothered him. He'd spent most of
his adult life as part of the Rebel Alliance and now he had chosen to leave it.
There was no doubt in his mind that the decision to leave was the right one to
make. He fully understood why the New Republic couldn't attack Thyferra and
bring Ysanne Isard to justice. Since she was installed as the Chief of State
through an internal revolution-as opposed to an invasion-her hold-ing office was
not a case of Imperial aggression, but of self-determination. If the New
Republic rejected that idea in this one case, plenty of other nation-states
would think long and hard before joining the New Republic or would consider
Wedge forced himself to smile and looked up at the light-brown-haired man with
bright blue eyes sitting across the table from him. "Have we bitten off more
than we can chew?"
Tycho Celchu shrugged. "It's a mouthful, but with some more teeth, we might be
able to choke it down. There is some good news on this whole front you know. We
have the ten million credits that Ysanne Isard placed in accounts to frame me.
That money is mine, which means it's ours. We have the five Z-95 Headhunters
that were used to help liberate Corus-cant."
"But they're not hyperspace capable."
"True, but that's not going to be their value for us." Tycho began to smile.
"The Z-95s are part of history. They're collectable. I've already had offers
from museums and amuse-ment parks to buy them. We can probably get one point
five million for each of them-the Bothan Military Academy wants the one Asyr
flew so badly they're not even trying to hide their desire for it."
Wedge's jaw dropped. "That would give us quite a war chest."
"It should take care of many of our needs."
"Provided we can find places where we can buy weapons that are restricted or
illegal on most civilized planets."
Tycho nodded. "Winter and Mirax are working on that problem. Winter, from her
work locating Imperial supply de-pots for us to raid, knows where there are bits
and pieces of things that we can buy, borrow, or steal. Mirax is fairly cer-tain
she can locate sources for pretty much anything else we need. And we are getting
donations of material."
Wedge smiled and looked around the small office in which he and Tycho sat. After
their resignation, they had been forced out of Rogue Squadron's headquarters
facility. Various citizens had turned around and offered the ex-Rogues
apartments and offices. They'd been feted and celebrated and praised as if they
were the only people in the galaxy who still had in them the rebel spirit that
defeated the Empire.
"Do you think the Provisional Council ordered the grounding of all skyhooks just
to spite us?"
Tycho shook his head. "That's a popular rumor after we were offered the SoroSuub