"Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Roadside Picnic (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

could hear Dick's voice as though he were in another room.
"Heart attack. They found him in the shower, naked. Nobody knows what's
happened. They asked about you. I told them you were in perfect shape."
"What's to understand? It's the Zone."
"Sit down. Sit down and have a drink."
"The Zone," I repeated. I couldn't stop saying it. "The Zone, the Zone.
. . ."
I couldn't see anything around me except for the silver web. The whole
bar was caught in the web and as people moved around, the web crackled
softly as they touched it. The Maltese boy was standing in the middle. His
childlike face was surprised--he didn't understand a thing.
"Little boy," I said gently. "How much do you need? Will a thousand be
enough? Here, take it. Take it!" I shoved the money at him and started
shouting: "Go to Ernest and tell him that he's a bastard and scum. Don't be
afraid! Tell him! He's a coward, too. Tell him and then go straight to the
station and buy a ticket for Malta! Don't stop anywhere." I don't remember
what else I shouted. I do remember ending up in front of the bar and Ernest
giving me a glass of soda.
"You're in the money today?" he asked.
"Yes, I've got some."
"How about a little loan? I have to pay my taxes tomorrow."
I realized that I had a bundle of money in my hand. I looked at the wad
and muttered:
"That means he didn't take it. Creon of Malta is a proud young man, it
seems. Well, it's out of my hands. Whatever happens now is fate."
"What's the matter with you?" my pal Ernie asked. "Had a little too
"Nope, I'm fine," I said. "Perfect shape. Ready for the showers."
"Why don't you head on home? You've had a little too much."
"Kirill died." I said to him.
"Which Kirill? The one-armed one?"
"You're one-armed yourself, you bastard. You couldn't make one man like
Kirill from a thousand like you. You rat, you son of a bitch, you lousy scum
bastard. You're dealing in death, you know that? You bought us all with your
dough. You want to see me tear your little shop apart?"
And just when I reared back to lay a good one on him I was grabbed and
hauled off somewhere. I couldn't understand anything then and I didn't want
to. I was shouting and fighting and kicking and when I came to I was in the
john, all wet, and my face was in lousy shape. I didn't even recognize
myself in the mirror. My cheek was twitching, I'd never had that before.
Outside I could hear a racket, dishes breaking, the girls squealing, and
Gutalin roaring louder than a grizzly:
"Repent, you good-for-nothings! Where's Red? What have you done with
him, you seeds of the devil?" And the wail of the police siren.
As soon as I heard it, everything became crystal clear in my brain. I
remembered everything, knew everything, and understood every- thing. And
there was nothing left in my soul but icy hatred. So, I thought, I'll give
you a party! I'll show you what a stalker is, you lousy bloodsucker! I
pulled out an itcher from my watch pocket. It was brand new, never used. I
squeezed it a couple of times to get it going, opened the door into the bar