"Arcady And Boris Strugatsky. Prisoners of Power" - читать интересную книгу автора

some time and only an occasional remark of Zogu's was audible. "The
Propaganda Department... Send him with an escort. It's not that much of a
secret! I guarantee you... Order him to forget the whole thing. Damn it -
the kid won't understand a thing anyway!"
"Good," the captain finally agreed. "Corporal Varibobu! Write up escort
The corporal rose slightly.
"Are Private Gaal's travel orders ready?"
"Yes, sir."
"Insert Mac Sim's name in the orders as being under escort. Private
Guy clicked his heels and snapped to attention.
"Yes, sir."
"I want you to deliver the prisoner to the address on this paper before
you proceed to your new post. After you have carried out these orders, you
must present this paper to the duty officer at your new station. Forget the
address. This is your last assignment, Gaal, and I know you will execute it
as befits a good legionnaire."
"It will be done, sir," shouted Guy, flattered by the captain's
Suddenly a hot wave of indescribable ecstasy swept over him and bore
him aloft. "Oh, the sweet moments of joy, those unforgettable moments when
one is on wings, those moments of sweet contempt for everything crude,
material, and physical. Moments when you long to hear the command that will
join you to fire, fling you into its flames against thousands of enemies,
into the very thick of wild hordes, to face a hail of bullets. Fire! Flame!
Fury! And now he is rising, this strapping, handsome fellow, the pride of
the brigade, our own Corporal Varibobu. Like a fiery torch, like a statue of
glory and fidelity. And he leads the singing, and we all join in as one!

Forward, legionnaires, men of iron!
Forward, sweeping away fortresses with fire in our eyes!
We shall smash the foe with an iron boot!
Let drops of fresh blood sparkle on our swords...

"And everyone is singing with me, including the brilliant Captain
Tolot, model legionnaire, cream of the Legion, for whom I would gladly give
my life, my soul, my everything, this very instant. And Dr. Zogu is singing,
too - a model brother of mercy, rough and tough as a real soldier, but
tender as a mother, too. And our Corporal Varibobu, ours to the core, an old
warrior, a veteran grown gray in skirmishes with the enemy. Oh, how his
buttons sparkle and his stripes shine on his worn, well-earned uniform. For
him there is nothing but to serve, to serve!

Our iron fist sweeps away all obstacles.
The All-Powerful Creators are pleased!
How the enemy weeps! Show him no mercy!
Onward, legionnaires, brave warriors!

"But what's this? He'sHe's not singing. He's leaning on the counter and