"Нейл Стефенсон. The Big U (Большое "U", англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

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Neal Stephenson. The Big U

Scanned and OCR'd by a loyal fan with a loose sense of ethics.
Death to the big-bucks "The Big U" auctions on Ebay!
Please submit all changes/fixes to [email protected]
Buy Neal's other (reasonably priced) books.

From a recent (4/29/99) interview:

Lomax: Above, you said that you were "no damn good at writing short stories"
What about these days? Do you think you will write exclusively in the long
form? Oh, and what's the deal with the Big U. Will that ever see print

Stephenson: I still find short stories very difficult to write, and I admire
people who can do that. At the moment, novels are working for me and so I
think I'll stick with them. Concerning the Big U... It is an okay novel,
but I'm in no hurry to put it back into the world. There is a lot of other
good stuff that people could be reading.

v0.9 - First public release. Missing introduction quotes/author info.
[[email protected]]
v0.9.5 - Bugfix. Recreated proper paragraph breaks, formatted to 78 columns,
corrected OCR errors, replace 8-bit characters with 7-bit equivalents,
properly centered what should be, undid hyphenation.
[[email protected]]
v0.9.7 - Update. Added introduction, author info and back cover. The newest
version should be found at http://www.geocities.com/thebigubook
[[email protected]]
v0.9.8 - Bugfix. Further OCR and formatting errors corrected, run thru
a spellchecker. [[email protected]]


The Big U

Neal Stephenson
