"Из отчета Магнуса Редькина "2000-й: воспоминания о будущем"" - читать интересную книгу автора (1937- ) UK writer, economist and former diplomat who served as the UK
Ambassador to the USA 1977-9. His future HISTORY, Apocalypse 2000: Economic Breakdown and the Suicide of Democracy (1987) with Michael STEWART, was inefficient as fiction but acute about the pleasures and miseries of late capitalism. [JC] MAINE, CHARLES ERIC Pseudonym used by UK writer David McIlwain (1921-1981) for his sf [...] Crisis 2000 (1955) [...] SINCLAIR, UPTON (BEALL) (1878-1968) US writer known primarily for his work outside the sf field, particularly for his novels of social criticism, including The Jungle (1905). His most notable sf work is the comedy The Millennium: A Comedy of the Year 2000 (1914 Appeal to Reason; in 3 vols 1924), based on a play, in which the survivors of a DISASTER recapitulate the economic stages described by the Marxist theory of history. "СИHКЛЕР (SINCLAIR), Эптон [...] Среди редких экскурсов С. в утопию и HФ - сатирический роман (по одноим. пьесе) "Тысячелетие: комедия 2000 года" [The Millenium: A Comedy of the Year 2000] (1914 - "Взывая к рассудку"; 1924; рус. 1925 - "...И воцарились на тысячу лет"), представляющий собой лит. комментарий к основам марксистской экономики (см. Коммунизм, Социализм), развернутый на фоне мира после катастрофы". (?1876-1954) US journalist and newspaper editor who was active with sf stories in magazines like The Argosy, where several novels appeared. [...] Of more interest are "On the Brink of 2000" (1910 Argosy) [...] TIME TRAVEL Even the pulp writers remained relatively modest in their time-jaunting until the 1920s, although William Wallace COOK's A Round Trip to the Year 2000 (1903 Argosy; 1925) deals sarcastically with the accumulation of time-travellers to be expected in the magical millennial year. VIERECK, GEORGE S(YLVESTER) (1884-1962) German-born US writer, well known between the Wars as an apologist for defeated Germany, as in The Kaiser on Trial (1937), though his views on Hitler were considerably more guarded. [...] VOGEL, [Sir] JULIUS (1835-1899) UK politician who spent much of his professional life in NEW ZEALAND and whose sf novel, Anno Domini 2000, or Woman's Destiny (1889), set partly in New Zealand and Australia, treats the dawning 21st century as both benignly prosperous and much obsessed with matters of royalty. The current British Emperor causes much fuss in the USA when he refuses to approve any change in the succession laws which would permit a female to succeed to the throne. But after a war all ends well, with various women achieving their destiny in a series of marriages. [JC] |