"Terry Pratchett: bibliography (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

%A Terry Pratchett
%T Mort
%I Victor Gollancz (h/cvr) "in association with Colin Smythe"
%D 11/87 [this edition now out of print]
ISBN 0-575-04171-4
%I Corgi (p/b)
%D 11/88
ISBN 0-552-13106-7
%I Signet (mmp/b)
%D 4/89 [this edition now out of print]
ISBN 0-451-15923-3
%I Corgi (two-cassette audio/b; abr.)
%D 1994
ISBN 0-552-14015-5
%I Roc mmp/b
%D (not yet known) [this edition now out of print]
ISBN 0-451-45113-9
%I Isis (six-cassette audio/b)
%D 1995
ISBN 1-85695-845-0
%I Victor Gollancz (miniature h/cvr)
%D 1995
ISBN 0-575-06167-7
%I Victor Gollancz (h/cvr) [larger format; letterbox d.j.]
%D 11/96
ISBN 0-575-06408-0
%I Roc mmp/b
%D 8/98 [scheduled]
ISBN 0-451-.....-. (n.y.k.)
%I Isis [large-print h/cvr edn]
%D (not yet known)
ISBN 1-85089-044-7

h/cvr blurb:

In _Mort_, Terry Pratchett returns to `Discworld', the setting
for his popular series of comic fantasy novels, _The Colour of
Magic_, _The Light Fantastic_, and _Equal Rites_.

Mort is an unpromising, gangling teenager who becomes as apprent-
ice to Death, but proves less than gifted at his new task of ush-
ering souls out of the world. In fact, when it comes to the rath-
er attractive Princess Keli (due to be assassinated) Mort fluffs
it completely. He kills the assassin instead, thus interfering
with the implacable workings of Fate. But reality isn't changed
so easily; history as it should have been begins to take shape
around Keli's city-state of Sto Lat. Can Mort save Keli before
she is squeezed out of existence?