"Perl Programmers Reference Guide (англ.) (программ.) /19.12.1998/ " - читать интересную книгу автора

produce error messages such as "Insecure dependency". See
the _p_e_r_l_s_e_c manpage.

Did we mention that you should definitely consider using
the ----wwww switch?

The ----wwww switch is not mandatory.

Perl is at the mercy of your machine's definitions of
various operations such as type casting, _a_t_o_f_(_), and
floating-point output with _s_p_r_i_n_t_f_(_).

If your stdio requires a seek or eof between reads and
writes on a particular stream, so does Perl. (This
doesn't apply to _s_y_s_r_e_a_d_(_) and _s_y_s_w_r_i_t_e_(_).)

While none of the built-in data types have any arbitrary
size limits (apart from memory size), there are still a
few arbitrary limits: a given variable name may not be
longer than 255 characters, and no component of your PATH
may be longer than 255 if you use ----SSSS. A regular
expression may not compile to more than 32767 bytes

You may mail your bug reports (be sure to include full
configuration information as output by the myconfig
program in the perl source tree, or by perl -V) to
<_p_e_r_l_b_u_g_@_p_e_r_l_._c_o_m>. If you've succeeded in compiling
perl, the perlbug script in the utils/ subdirectory can be
used to help mail in a bug report.

Perl actually stands for Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish
Lister, but don't tell anyone I said that.

The Perl motto is "There's more than one way to do it."
Divining how many more is left as an exercise to the

6 perl 5.005, patch 02 22/Jul/98

PERL(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERL(1)