"Дон Пендлтон. Blood Sport ("Палач" #46) " - читать интересную книгу автора

Don Pendleton

Blood Sport

The Executioner - 46

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"Bloodsport (Don Pendleton)": Gold Eagle; 1982

ISBN 0373610467

Ђ­­®в жЁп

Mack was back in an undercover role. Posing as a U.S. Army sergeant
selling guns to terrorists, Bolan struck deep into the ranks of Europes most
brutal group of Kidnappers.
A team of world-class athletes had been taken hostage. The captors -
the Zwilling Horde. The aim- pirating of a deadly chemical weapon. The
answer - Mack Bolan!
The Executioner was up against fearsome adversaries - the vicious
Tania, who liked to scorch the flesh of friends, and the hideous Rudi, a
giant hulk whose battle with Bolan added a new dimension to savagery.
But they didnt have a chance in hell. When Bolan is reduced to bare
fists, only the dead are safe!

Don Pendleton
Blood Sport

Weep not that the world changes-did it keep a
stable, chankeless state, it were cause indeed to
William Cullen Bryant

Look abroad through Nature's range, Nature's
mighty law is change. I Robert Burns Take from me the
hope that I can change the future, and you will send
me mad.
Israel Zangwill

For sure, the world is changing. Whether it's for
good or for bad is up to you and me. You and me, pal.
Let us try for good.
Mack Bolan, The Executioner

This book is dedicated to the eleven Olympic athletes killed at Munich