"Дон Пендлтон. Caribbean Kill ("Палач" #10) " - читать интересную книгу автора Lavagni was perspiring heavily from a combination of over-exertion in
the tropical heat and strained emotions. "I don't know, Charlie," he replied disgustedly. "He's a hard case, that guy. If I was him, I'd have been halfway out of this place by now." "Maybe he didn't get away clean. From the plane, I mean. Maybe he ain't able to travel too well." "It's something to think about," Lavagni admitted. "Anyway it don't matter. Look, I know what I'm doing, Charlie. Don't worry, the guy will run out of bullets before we run out of bodies." "Don't let the boys hear you talking like that," Dragone cautioned in a hushed voice. "They're worried enough as it is." Lavagni was about to make a heated comment to that when the chatter of the Thompson again erupted, this time from far along the line. "Contact," Lavagni growled. Let's go." * * * Before the two Mafia leaders could close on the new trouble spot, however, that third fire mission had been completed and the Executioner was moving swiftly through the jungle toward number four. Bolan's battle plan was a basic guerilla maneuver. It was meant to draw the enemy line forward along a course of Bolan's choosing, to widen the spaces between the teeth of the grinder, and to slip through them. This objective was neatly accomplished during the confused aftermath of the next brief firefight. Bolan stood quietly in the branches of a giant on northward. He noted that they had carefully collected the weapons of their fallen dead - and he smiled at this, accurately reading Lavagni's game of numbers. Quick Tony was willing to give the prey a few dead bodies, so long as he continued spending his precious ammo for them. But that game was ending now. Bolan was no longer concerned with the acquisition of friendly dead, and he had all the breathing space he'd wanted. He gave the meat-grinder time to chew up a bit more jungle on the sweep northward, then he slipped to the ground and set off for the next objective. It was time for a closer look at Glass Bay Resort Chapter Four Game plan The easiest and most direct route of retreat from Glass Bay would be through the jungle pocket, across the coastal plain, and into the mountains of the interior. From there, a guy on the run could probably commandeer a vehicle and make it into San Juan, a modern city of maybe half a million people. He could lay low for awhile in San Juan, then slip back to the states via ship or plane when the situation had cooled off. There were two principal reasons, though, why Mack Bolan did not choose this avenue of escape. First, the enemy would be expecting just such a move - and he did not |