"Дон Пендлтон. Chicago Wipe-Out ("Палач" #8) " - читать интересную книгу автора

Don Pendleton

Chicago Wipe-Out

The Executioner - 08

OCR Highroller

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Mack Bolan faces the battle of his life as he invades the nerve-center
of the Mafias powerful U.S. Operations.

Don Pendleton
Chicago Wipe-Out

Man's character is his fate.


Mack Bolan knew what he was walking into at Chicago. There were no
illusions of his own invincibility, and certainly no misjudgement of enemy
power in this stronghold of organized crime. This was the city that the mob
owned, the self-professed crime capital of the Western World, the locale of
the mob's deepest entrenchment anywhere. And Bolan's challenge was knowingly
hurled into the teeth of that vast empire which was characterized by The
Chicago Tribune as:
A world in which wrong is right - in which all incentive for honor,
justice, suppression of crime, and even fundamental discipline has
disappeared from broad divisions of the police department, the courts, and
the all-pervading political party machine that has a strangle-hold on
Chicago proper.
What sort of man would single-handedly invade such a province of power
with the intention of subduing it, of "shaking their house down," of
breaking the chains which had held this city captive for decades? What
motivates a man like Mack Bolan - how does an ordinary young man become
transformed into a methodical death-machine pledged to wholesale slaughter
and unending warfare?
The truth of this particular case seems that, simply, there was no
"transformation" - Bolan appears to be the same man in Chicago that he was
in Pittsfield, scene of his original confrontation with the Mafia. The same
skills which had carried him safely through two years of combat in Southeast
Asia were moving him through this new jungle of violence and terror. The
same scorn of death that had accompanied him into deep penetrations of enemy
territory in Vietnam had walked with him into the enclaves of syndicated
corruption and criminal power.