"Viktor Pelevin. Kroger's Revelation " - читать интересную книгу автора

between the objects and their precise geometric position were calculated
based on the RSHA data on the print runs of the last Tolstoy publication in
Russia. After this, the light was extinguished by the imperial medium Knecht,
and the reconstructor Marta Eichenblum entered the hall dressed up as Stalin.
The globe was spun by her in the left direction. After its halt the spot of
light from the mirror on Tolstoy's head turned out to be in the region of
Afterwards reconstructor Brokmann entered the hall, dressed up as the fuhrer,
and carried out a right spinning of the globe. After its stop the dark spot
in the center of the specular circle ended up on the Apennine peninsula. The
reconstruction ended on that.

Imperial medium I. Knecht Reconstructors M. Eichenblum
P. Brokmann


Conclusions of reconstruction 320/125

1. According to the reconstruction data, at present there is no eminent
danger threatening the Reich.
2. In the nearest time a communistic revolution in Abyssinia should be
expected, however this can be avoided by the involvement of Italian troops in
that area.

Main reconstructor I. Wolf


For the astral heroism shown, the "Annenerbe" management requests to present
T. Krжger with the reward of a knight cross of the first degree with oak

Secret information

Decoding of the tape recording N 462-11 from the archive of the party court,
from NSDAP.
Recording done 14.1.1935 with the spy listening device WS-M/13, located in
Ernst Kaltenbrunner's bedroom.
Emma Kaltenbrunner:
-- What a ridiculous brush you have on your cap, Ernst...
Ernst Kaltenbrunner:
-- Leave me alone...
Emma Kaltenbrunner:
-- What's with you today?